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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 400x350, celebgal_01_fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1502879 No.1502879 [Reply] [Original]

We studied English Literature, why on earth didn't you?

>> No.1502880

Stephen Fry is a bipolar gay snob with deep-seated issues

>> No.1502882

He's fat, too.

>> No.1502883


And you'll never achieve half as much as the sane part of him.

>> No.1502884


I amn't in /fit/, am I?

>> No.1502888

If I can read and lift weights, this fat fuck can, too.

>> No.1502891

don't you know fat people are worthless and literally lesser human beings?

oh god

>> No.1502892

Have you seen him recently? He's not fat anymore.

>> No.1502894


I'm not sure he is actually all that fat, to be honest.

>> No.1502895

Fatties detected.

>> No.1502897

Yeah, lots of fit people have two chins.

>> No.1502898


Idiot detected.

>> No.1502901

I did?

>> No.1502903


Musn't have been a very good university, that question mark is an ugly duckling.

>> No.1502910

Well if I learned one thing it's that the most important aspect of writing isn't being understood or affecting people, it's being grammatically immaculate.

>> No.1502920


>implying they're mutually exclusive

>> No.1502933

Everyone knows Stephen Fry visits this board. He fucks Tao Lin every now and then while Tybrax watches.

>> No.1502937


And that's not great use of a comma, pal.

>> No.1502944

No, I implied that two are important and the other isn't. Especially when you know what the rules are but simply choose not to follow them. In that case, the worst that can come of it is annoying people like you.

As I said, some of them are important. Did you catch what I implied this time?

>> No.1502955

I studied English Literature too. So what?

>> No.1502981

Stephen Fry is a idiot. The whole concept of QI is to be pedantic, wrong and oversimplify everything, just to get a sense of smugness.

Inb4 you disagree cuz you're butthurt

>> No.1502982

who cares

>> No.1502983

He's fat, too.

>> No.1502992


The only issue with QI is the next day after a showing everyone will come up to you saying 'did you know...' when we all watched the same episode!

>> No.1502993

I've read The Idiot by Stephen Fry and the Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie. It is nowhere near a masterpiece, but Fry is a far better writer.

>> No.1502995

>a idiot

I'm not sure who you're trying to kid.

>> No.1503011

Because I didn't want to, ok?

>> No.1503012
File: 106 KB, 283x316, DavidMitchell53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when all you dolts are hating on Stephen.

>> No.1503021

ITT: Very, very stupid people.

>> No.1503032

Too busy studying microbiology.

>> No.1503042

Trolling is a art
Occasionally there's a topic that comes up I know a fair but about, and the answers and questions are such bullshit it's cringeworthy. There was one on "How many poles does the Earth have?"; every single geo research paper that has to will define one of an infinite number of arbitrary possible poles. There are not just 5, or whatever number it was the researchers pulled out of their arses.

Fucking factoids.

>> No.1503047
File: 122 KB, 338x307, DavidMitchell47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trolling is a art

>> No.1503053

That's the exact response that Mark would give

>> No.1503077

Stephen Fry is an interesting character. He's clearly erudite; most quick witted and well read. But, interestingly, he's not completely comfortable with his homosexuality. He makes too much of a scene of it, the lady protesting too much. He really does have some fundamental identity issues.

But then again, don't we all?

>> No.1503085


I have to agree. I saw a debate with him and Hitchens vs some catholics and Hitchens was very outspoken in defending Fry's sexuality against the dogma of the church, where as I don't even remeber Fry mentioning it.
Must be hard to know where where to bring it up and where not to I suppose. Always easier to be an objective observer like Hitchens rather than having to deal with the issue daily like Fry.
But in all fairness I don't think anybody who likes Fry is bothered at all, like you said we all have our issues.