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15029718 No.15029718 [Reply] [Original]

Beside's Marx's work?

>> No.15029735

h*lla epic post, praise kek!

>> No.15029740
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Marx’s work is not fiction

>> No.15029746

Man's Fate
André Malraux

>> No.15029754

Commies BTFO

>> No.15029759

I know, but I knew some shitheel would say that so I got it out of the way.

>> No.15029760
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>> No.15029771
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Under capitalism there are no real "liberties" for the exploited, nor can there be, if for no reason than that the premises, printing plants, paper supplies, etc, indispensable for the enjoyment of "liberties" are the privilege of the exploiters. Under capitalism the exploited masses do not, nor can they ever, really participate in governing the country, if for no other reason than that, even under the most democratic regime, under conditions of capitalism, governments are not set up by the people but by the Rothschilds and Stinneses, the Rockefellers and Morgans. Democracy under capitalism iscapitalist democracy, the democracy of the exploiting minority, based on the restriction of the rights of exploited majority and directed against this majority.

>> No.15029778
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Profit motive must be done away with. Class collaboration is a misnomer.

>> No.15029802

anyone who isn't a communist (definitely not a modern liberal shit) is a cuck

>> No.15029820


answer my question, fucktards.

>> No.15029847

by that measure anyone who isnt an ancom is a cuck. You're still getting cucked by a Lenin or a CCP

>> No.15029859

ancom is kind of a redundant thing to say. lenin and ccp aren't communism. let's be real. even lenin himself said it.

>> No.15029875
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>> No.15029895

Communists are subhumans.

If you want to dissolve the state, you should revoke all entitlements of the state such as citizenship or the very definition of humanity. Communists should be fair game.

>> No.15029896

it's an important distinction to make because I have no problem with ancom types even if I feel it's rather naive. I would even try to join such a group if it were making an attempt. But I fucking despise people who praise the Bolsheviks and Mao and so on. If you're going to go authoritarian just be honest about it, id prefer a king to that slimy shit.

>> No.15031108


>> No.15031289
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>> No.15031318
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My favourite book is To The Lighthouse

>> No.15031389

Of course you would think the material world is fictional. You live inside your head too much

>> No.15031398


John Dos Passos, U.S.A Trilogy

>> No.15031411

One Hundred Days of Solitude is good

>> No.15031436

Jack London - The Iron Heal
Edward Bellamy - Looking Backward
Upton Sinclair - The Jungle
Maxim Gorky - Mother
George Bernard Shaw - An Unsocial Socialist
HG Wells - The Time Machine
William Morris - News from Nowhere
John Dos Passos - USA

>> No.15031522

Robert Tressel - The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists

>> No.15031536

the prisoner Foley's theory of the colloidal unconscious and basically the entire system that McElroy uses to knit together the history and lives of the two main characters in Women and Men (who live in the same building but never actually meet) is heavily indebted to both Marx and Veblen; 1970s Chile figures heavily in the plot, including an Allende-era Chilean economist in hiding in the States

Irmtraud Morgner was a GDR author who wrote a book called The Life and Adventures of Trobadora Beatrice as Chronicled by Her Minstrel Laura. there is an English translation available and worth looking at if you are interested in Dante and Cervantes and the East German socialist experiment.

feminism features quite heavily, too, in both of these, just a trigger warning for the easily angered. altho McElroy is relatively dismissive of 1970s NY new age feminist practices

>> No.15031560

It's a fucking shame the left and communism coopted Marx, he really did have some wonderful insights on capitalism

>> No.15031599

Marx was literally a communist

>> No.15031641


>> No.15031667


>> No.15031684

>The Jungle
Not Fiction

>> No.15031693

No. He was a capitalist and a master of irony just like Plato

>> No.15031703

Like Plato he was clearly a black man.

>> No.15031737

Marx himself like Timon of Athens for it's progressive anti-money theme.

>> No.15031829

there is also a rich vein of writing either emerging from within the Naxal movement or associated with it. some of this has been translated to English - Mahasweta Devi, for example.
in order to try and salvage some kind of thread from this I'm assuming OP means "fiction books with some sort of Marxist theme", as taking it literally is a little ridiculous - Marxists can and do enjoy the same kinds of fiction that others do. Moby Dick, Crime and Punishment, The Magic Mountain...

>> No.15031918

>if you don’t buy into my envious, greedy, resentment-filled egalitarian ideology created by a Jew you’rs a cuck

>> No.15031929

If you're not a big capitalist and you don't support the real movement for the abolition of the present state of things, the state of things involving your slavery to capital, then you're a complete and utter cuck.

>> No.15032242

Classic but good post. Good also to name the central bankers, so these pro-Capitalists see that we know what we are talking about.

>> No.15032570

You're just ignorant and a little deluded because of your ignorance

>> No.15032577

>muh capitalism
>muh communism
Forever stuck in the false dichotomies of Semites

>> No.15032596

Saramago - Levantado do Chão (Raised from the Ground in English)

>> No.15032643

Of course! Anyone who wants to see history as some chain of class conflicts errs from the start, since classes dont really exist. From then on he becomes a parody of the system he's trying to destroy.

>> No.15032680

reminder that marx was a capitalist ironybro

>> No.15032915

Keeping capitalism vs abolishing it is a true dichotomy.

>> No.15032972
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Grapes of Wrath

>> No.15034538

>Oh yes in socialism land everyone is a soma addict and the dockworkers do mathematics in their spare time.

This book is such a bourgeois wet dream. Everyone just drops their entire lives to induldge the whims of the protagonist.

>> No.15034556

Are you starting it? The whims of the author are in the arts. He likes the medieval period, so his period takes that shape. The rest is explained later. Yes, it’s very hopeful for an immediate revolutionary period to be as painless as he would like. It is a utopian after all.

>> No.15035063

The Bible

>> No.15035272

not really. there's a clear difference between anarcho communism and marxist communism. and lenin and the ccp were communists only their governments were socialist and not communist

>> No.15035311

haven't seen this one before, is it the newest /pol/tard meme? explain it to me

>> No.15035338

Realism in general.

>> No.15036167

communists don't want to abolish the state wtf. socialism is a necessary step to communism, so state must stay. the theory is that eventually, the state will become obsolete once socialism reaches its height, and then true communism will finally become a reality. this will take centuries probably.

>> No.15036214

i know that. did you quote the wrong post or somehing?

>> No.15036317

They'll love Demons by Dustyjetski

>> No.15036446


>> No.15036808
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*smirks in approval*

>> No.15036836

What book?

>> No.15037691

do ancoms count as well?

>> No.15039043

Tristram Shandy

>> No.15039117

Marx's favourite authors were Dante, Goethe, Aeschylus and Shakespeare in poetry, and Cervantes and Balzac in prose.

>> No.15039174

"Lenin's government" was a dictatorship of the proletariat, so it was only socialist in the sense that it was also communist. It wasn't socialist in the sense of being in a lower stage of communism as opposed to a higher stage. Later Russian governments were regular national bourgeois governments.

What you're saying is basically "communists don't want to abolish state immediately, therefore they don't want to abolish state". But if that's the case then they also don't want to reach communism immediately, so, following your genius logic, communists don't want to reach communism.

>> No.15039179

>Scorpion and Felix, A Humoristic Novel (German: Skorpion und Felix, Humoristischer Roman) is the only comedic fictional story to have been written by Karl Marx. Written in 1837 when he was 19 years old, it has remained unpublished.[1][2] It was likely written under the influence of The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne.[1]

>> No.15040225

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.15040249

i don't understand what you're trying to say. the soviet union was a socialist state that aimed to eventually achieve communism.
also there's no "genius logic" here. the state will naturally fade away once the material conditions that give it it's power are ended. read marx.

>> No.15040261

Liking both Dante and Aeschylus screams "spineless sycophant" to me on an instinctual level.

>> No.15040313
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>Liking both Dante and Aeschylus screams "spineless sycophant" to me on an instinctual level.

>> No.15040337

Yes, this is exactly who I was thinking of, thank you.

>> No.15040365

>i don't understand what you're trying to say. the soviet union was a socialist state that aimed to eventually achieve communism.
It wasn't socialist economically. It was only socialist in the sense that it aimed at socialism, at first. But understood in that sense it was also communist.
>also there's no "genius logic" here.
The genius logic is in claiming that communists don't want to abolish state at all just because they deny that it's possible to do it immediately. According to the same logic communists don't want communism because they deny it's possible to reach it immediately.

>> No.15040467

it abolished private property and had it's means of production seized. it was a socialist state.
>It was only socialist in the sense that it aimed at socialism, at first. But understood in that sense it was also communist.
i'm seriously having a hard time figuring out what the fuck you meant by this. so you think it was not socialist but it was somehow communist so it actually was socialist?
do you even know what's the meaning and differences of socialism and communism?

>> No.15040560

>The genius logic is in claiming that communists don't want to abolish state at all just because they deny that it's possible to do it immediately.
It's not that we don't want to abolish the state, as you said it is impossible. Immediate abolition of the state is a childish and utopic idea.
>According to the same logic communists don't want communism because they deny it's possible to reach it immediately.
This makes no sense.

>> No.15040985

In today's society, we are not winning. It's more of a permafreeze, and it's not only OUR problem, because no one else is winning either.
There are no mass movements, nor people who are actively organising for change.
Reasons for this are a few:
>internet,mobile phones,tv screens
>no belief than we can become in charge of our own society
>good at running from the public's narrative, bad at standing up for the truth and our own rights
>there is severe poison infesting our society and everyone is pushed into their own corner, so they dont risk escaping, because our society is against every individual person
>we don't have rights as individuals, even though the propaganda on this one stands like old ruins, so we think that our society is about our freedom, but its the opposite
>a businessman is a cowards activist, a few make it, but a bad dictator is better than 20 exceptional businessman
>Poison beurocrats, moderators and etc... What they do when seeing that they're working for this machine is to make it worse. They are generally the first hurdle an individual will meet - they will be the one's handing in a court notice, writing a dismissal, deleting your information, or most likely reporting you. These rats know that they're job is over if the poisonous machine gets destroyed, so silly enough they play the part. And many people have very mistaken faith in these "officials", they seem to think that they are carrying out policies and procedures which are for our benefit, instead of trying to scare of more citizens with the shadow of our goverment.
Our problem seems to lie in our choice to lead ultra-individualistic lifestyles, seeing the state as a ticket machine, instead of our own tool.

>> No.15040988

Human action by mises

>> No.15041376

>it abolished private property
It hasn't.

>and had it's means of production seized
What means of production and by whom?

>it was a socialist state.
Up to a point, and only in one sense. Lenin:
>A society in which the class distinction between workers and peasants still exists is neither a communist society nor a socialist society. True, if the word socialism is interpreted in a certain sense, it might be called a socialist society, but that would be mere sophistry, an argument about words.
But this one, "certain" sense is only the sense that it was ruled by the proletariat and on the path to socialism. In that sense it was also communist.

>It's not that we don't want to abolish the state
Great, so you agree with me. I was only responding to the first sentence in this: >>15036167 i.e. "communists don't want to abolish the state wtf"