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15025399 No.15025399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any /lit/ on why the media/govt hates smoking so much when compared to other drugz? i dont deny it's pretty bad for you but so is alcohol/weed/etc and they dont seem nearly as vitriolic about them

>> No.15026179

Its reverse psychology the government makes so much money from taxing ciggies, why do you think they banned vapes most places?

>> No.15026187

>the media/govt hates smoking so much
lmao no they dont

>> No.15026439

Smoking kills, dead people can't work.

>> No.15026775

Established politicians were denying the link between smoking and cancer well into the '90s, but even those who never did are in some kind of accord with the tobacco companies, who get a seat at the table when they devise new ant-smoking propaganda campaigns. The public anti-smoking crusade has been so successful, I think, because "the smoker" is a good surrogate for the undesirable and thus becomes an accessible and risk-free locus for contempt, an intoxicating and fundamental emotion that most people have no right to feel anymore. It's a cliche to say that Americans are crude moralists, but this is probably why antismoking sentiment is so strong here. Read Lasch.

>> No.15026792

most tobacco companies were owned by non-jews.

>> No.15026821

As a smoker I have felt this first hand. It’s like the ideological facade is gone. People get to cough and stare and tell me that it’ll kill me and tell me how bad I smell and generally treat me with the utmost contempt.

Yet when we see the same kind of medical detriments in the form of obesity, unprotected sex, intoxication, etc. the veil goes back up. The contempt is hidden and reflects back upon the person passing judgement so they don’t dare speak a word of it, the courage to harass smokers does not carry over to the drunk obese sycophant slut who’s daily activity and moral compass lead to the most misanthropic and meaningless lives imaginable.

>> No.15026874

I live in a state where smoking is still common and is mostly tolerated, so there is some solidarity that balances out how far people are willing to go. They probably know someone who smokes or understand that their performative disgust will be wasted on passers-by, the person they're trying to fuck, or whatever. It's still bad on college campuses, even though all bets are off for virulent anti-smokers the moment they start drinking. I am an exceptionally considerate smoker -- more than I feel should be expected -- so at this point when I catch shit for it, I bask in it, fake-cough back at them, cover one nostril and shoot snot on the ground, whatever occurs to me. Most people short-circuit when they see you're not ashamed

>> No.15026879

To be fair, smokers do smell profoundly disgusting, and I cannot help but gag when I accidentally get a deep whiff when one is close to me. It's genuinely not moralizing histrionics on my part, I just cannot fucking stomach that rotten, stuffy smell.

>> No.15026880

you can take solace in the fact that only those who voice contempt for you are actually contemptuous, whereas the fat drunk slut is held in contempt by all, regardless of the veil

>> No.15026926

even before i smoked i thought it smelled nice, ive never understood. maybe its because my grandma smoked when i was babby idk

>> No.15026930

i dont buy into the jewish conspiracy but it is weird how more conspiracy theorists dont look into this. if the govt attacked anything else this hard they would be sus af

>> No.15026932

e pig e net i c s

>> No.15027998

Drugs Without the Hot Air I guess. Why do you write like a retard?

>> No.15028364

Thank you for smoking

>> No.15028623
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>smoking thread
Finally, we don't get these anymore since jannies cracked down on them. I stand by the idea that smoking is /lit/ and perfectly compliments reading and writing. What do you guys smoke if you do?

>> No.15028632

All I’m gonna chime in is that it’s really weird that vapes got outlawed so fast that retailers were stuck with thousands of dollars of stock they can’t legally sell and it seems to me that the tobacco companies lobbied congress because it was cutting into sales

>> No.15028633

Lucky Strike tobacco with ciel rizlas and swan filters

>> No.15028850

based lasch poster

>> No.15028865

Read Dr. William Whitby.
Anti smoking science is junk science and he proves it, midwit.

>> No.15028877


>> No.15028881

Women rank the smell of smoke very highly which is why perfumers add tobacco scents to expensive cologne like Tom Ford. You sounds like a neurotic faggot male.

>> No.15028889

Unfiltered lucky strikes.

>> No.15028925

feels good to live in japan
nobody gives a shit about smoking, you can still do it in most restaurants. plus the cigs are relatively cheap and excellent quality. all kinds of flavors that have since been banned for the kiddos in the states

>> No.15028974

>the tobacco companies lobbied congress because it was cutting into sales
That's exactly what happened.

>> No.15028981
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I participate in none of the vices you listed and would have no problem calling out anyone (I personally know) who does. I don't care if want to kill yourself by hacking cancer darts, i'm assuming you're aware of the pain it will bring you. Just don't do near me, anyone's child, or inside. Playing the victim online as a smoker is equivalent to fat people who do the same under the guise of body positivity, it's pathetic

>> No.15028991

It sounds like you don't actually have a problem with what he's saying then. So why, I wonder, did you feel the need to make this comment?

>> No.15029014

Smoking isn't even a vice.

>> No.15029076

Reverse reverse psychology. They get tax breaks from the American Lung Association that they are required to spend on education against cancer, so they funnel it all into anti-vaping because vaping leads to people quitting cigarettes and a lot the ALA funding comes from markups on lung cancer medication "research" aka putting their donors on the board and collecting donations for ribbons.


>why the media/govt hates smoking
They literally do not. And its not even really Tobacco. Altria Group owns Marlboro, Kraft, Kellogs, General Mills, Coke, Pepsi, McDonalds, etc and they put proprietary mixtures of chemicals originally patented as additives for cigarettes to make them more addictive into food products.

This is why generic Coke or Dr Skipper will never taste the same as the real thing without the "secret formula" and why you get uncontrollable Taco Bell cravings when drunk. They literally addicted you to drugs you don't even know exist and half of them cause cancer but they aren't technically food so they aren't regulated by the FDA and they can put in less than 0.2% as an "additive" to "preserve texture" when that 0.2% is still multiple milligrams of a microgram active dosed addictive chemical.

>> No.15029081

Tobacco is as addictive as coffee.

>> No.15029100

>Tobacco is as addictive as coffee.
This is meaningless if you don't qualify it and it sounds like you don't really understand addiction.

>> No.15029150

In my experience, it's far more addictive than coffee

>> No.15029158

I'm intrigued. Do you know the name of any of these compounds offhand?

>> No.15029171


Short, well made, to the point with well sourced info. Holy shit it was hard to find this video though. All the keywords have been google bombed by the ALA.

>>every single state in the United States makes money when people smoke cigarettes this happens through a combination of tobacco taxes and payments each state gets from big tobacco companies under an agreement called the MSA or master settlement agreement in 1998 the largest tobacco companies were sued by state attorneys general across this country because cigarettes were and still are killing their residents in order to settle most of these lawsuits all at once the tobacco companies agreed to among other things pay the state's a percentage of their profits every year forever to compensate for the early death and disease that cigarettes caused this means that the more money the tobacco companies make the more money the states get this money was intended to be used for anti-smoking campaigns and prevention programs but it isn't California for example spent just 9% of their 2019 money on tobacco prevention programs states spend the majority of this money on things like shipping docks golf courses jails and even tobacco farmers

please watch

>> No.15029188

it's literally The vice
I guess you're right that I don't necessarily disagree with him. What I was mores o trying to get at is that none of these behaviours should be without scrutiny. People should be free to do them, and society shouldn't feel bad about shaming the participants. To get at OP's point I would guess smoking is hated on because there is no social backdrop to the question as most smokers are probably men and the science came before the 21st century. Things like promiscuity and obesity got tangled in this protection of minorities and insane modern day justice narrative to the point where some people have lost track of core problem. It would seem silly if a smoker started claiming prosecution online but this is what happens with some of these other issues. idk tho, feel free to tear apart my ramble theory.

>> No.15029228

Things like these, click "list" to see chemical components.




Many flavors components exist naturally, but are in, for example fruits in the μg or even pico gram range, and they cause dopamine release in primates. Companies isolate and patent them, or tweak them to make them 100x more potent, like heroin to fentanyl, and pump food full of them to keep you coming back for more.


>> No.15029258

Depends on my financial situation. If I have a decent amount of disposable income I’ll buy Marlboro reds or Kamel reds (if I can find em). If I’m broke and want a stoge I’ll buy rollies though, bugler.

>> No.15029319

It's a question of the actual end of the shaming. There's nothing wrong with not condoning smoking in public policy or in terms of values, but the attitudes I see about smoking aren't coming out of a civic, reasoned disapproval of an activity that's inimical to public health. The truism that tobacco is bad for you (with no attention paid to the frequency or method of use, let alone the fact that, by dying early, smokers are less of a burden on entitlements than nonsmokers) is somehow transmuted into open contempt and disgust for people who use it among a nontrivial amount of people. When you talk about obesity, I think anyone would agree that it is in some respects more repulsive than smoking, but people are not nearly as comfortable expressing their contempt for fat people. I am talking about America, of course, because in Europe the situation is flipped somewhat: Europeans will happily deride someone for being fat without wringing their hands about food deserts, poverty, corporate manipulation, etc.

So perhaps this could be of some insight. Is it simply a numbers game? In America, most people are fat. If you aren't fat, you are certainly related to several people who are. So it is part of the social game that we can't talk in mixed company and without consequences about being grossed out by fat people. It's common for Americans to not know anyone well who smokes, especially in certain areas and above a certain income level. But I am realizing now that this may be a dead end, because the only thing that I can reasonably call offensive about smoking is the smell. Yet people will dress you down on the street for smoking with fig-leaf appeals to "secondhand smoke" or whatever else, which to me is a laughable, although some would disagree. To me the natural disgust we feel when we see an obese person and the feelings of people who hate smokers aren't really equivalent. I think one is far more socially conditioned than the other. I think it is really just a combination of memetics, propaganda, and the psychological need to differentiate yourself from the other, to feel superior or as if you are doing the right thing. You mentioned earlier that you would have no problem with calling out people you know for indulging in what you consider vices, and I think that is a respectable position. What maybe clues us in to the unique situation of the smoker is that he can be accosted fearlessly by strangers even at a point in our public life where almost any interaction with strangers is bound to be seen as some kind of trespass or imposition.

>> No.15029514

Why the fuck are tobacco companies shilling on 4chan?

>> No.15029621


same reason they are shilling on other forums rn

>> No.15029707

>t hates smoking so much when compared to other drugz
You're a big dummy. Smoking is legal.

>> No.15029727

port royal tobacco
used to smoke winfield blue but i really really hate bogans

>> No.15029728

>not drugs

>> No.15030148

remember to smoke every day anons

>> No.15030205

weed addicts love to talk shit about people who drink alcohol and smoke tobacco lmao that's the most annoying shit, you can smoke a cig and be more than functional, smoke a joint and ur a retard for hours, wine is superior to weed as a drug that inhibits

>> No.15030228

I don't think they do to be honest. Smoking outside is a good idea

Highly doubt anti-smoking agencies approve of crack although they might of booze, anything that gets them laid

>> No.15030250

fresh tobacco smoke I like, but stale cigarette smoke is gross. but that's only a problem if you chain smoke and don't wash your clothes.

>> No.15030255

craftsman rollies

>> No.15031040

>"the same word is the same smell"
>he hasn't yet realized that the métier of the nose and sommelier is phenomenological poetry, not scientific conceptual subsumption
>he thinks what he is tasting when he drinks whisky is actually, unironically, bona fide what "toasted oakwood and leather" tastes like, and, by extension, that he could recreate the taste of a whisky by toasting some oakwood chips, cutting some leather, and putting it in a high-power blender with pharmaceutical-grade ethanol and water
>expensive cologne like Tom Ford
I bet your favorite grape is cabernet sauvignon or pinot noir, holy fuck, don't even reply to me pleb.

>> No.15031067

>it's literally The vice
It "literally" is not. It does not perturb reason nor make someone have an inordinate desire. The labeling of tobacco smoking as vice is due to the inversion of the state of the modern man's soul. It is turned upside down and while it has impulses to virtue, it is unable to recognize what it is. This is why midwits set tobacco and opiates as whipping boys for all the ills in this world. Notice the people who speak most vehemently against these things mention nothing on the matter of lust and if the question does come up they reconcile it by saying dude it's natural. They are looking to fault the external rather than the endogenous.

>> No.15031074

>can't make an argument
>can't even consider the possibly that he's wrong

>> No.15031136

tobacco tax

>> No.15031144

There should be a subsidy. Society would be better if everyone smoked tobak.

>> No.15031168

>b-but women like it I swear! f-f-faggot!
>I just smoke to get women, not because I’m addicted and can’t stop

>> No.15031174

If someone is making an important, high stakes decision that directly affects my life while on some form of substance, caffeine and nicotine/tobacco are the only two drugs I would have no moral issue with them consuming. Alcohol, weed, speed, etc. all impair decision making and sound cognitive function far more.

Would anyone actually feel differently?

>> No.15031177

I smoke to improve my brain, lower Parkinson's disease risk and improve my writing output. I started at 23 and even going without it for years since then, it absolutely me a better thinker, writer and person. It is a choice, not a compulsion.

>> No.15031233

>I can stop anytime I want!

>> No.15031266

I've actually stopped during the onset of the COVID crisis and had minimal withdrawals. I intend to resume in a few more months but life is better with tobacco.

>> No.15031285

That's fair.
Obesity is not genetic and it's not hard to learn some discipline with food.

>> No.15031309

Always used to smoke Lucky Strikes and will always do when smoking ciggies. Nowadays I smoke Maharis Red Orient cigars

>> No.15031313

>It does not perturb reason nor make someone have an inordinate desire

Can confirm both of these. From personal experience I always felt like nicotine slightly boosted my cognitive ability. And a while ago I looked it up, and even the anti-tobacco scientists admitted that nicotine provides a slight cognitive boost.

Furthermore, I have never found tobacco to be addictive. I first started casually smoking 3 years ago and I could easily keep it to 1 a day, or even less if I wanted to. And that was when I smoked more frequently. I haven't touched a cigarette in 2 - 3 months now and never during that time had a craving for one. Its just something I like to enjoy on occasion. And unlike a cigar, doesn't leave my mouth tasting like an ash tray for the next 24 hours.

>> No.15031315

dude smoking is fuckin bad just stop you aren't impressing anyone

>> No.15031322

The midwitry in this post is so palpable it's painful.

>> No.15031327


I suggest you put in the effort to install this Chocolatey + Youtubedl your favorite videos.

>> No.15031331

I'm not trying to impress anyone you troglodyte

>> No.15031340

Because there is literally no point to smoking.

Alcohol and illicit drugs at least improve your mood so there is some payoff to the side effects. Nicotine has almost no psychoactive effect but smoking can give you a severe behavioral addiction and physical dependence.

The only reason smokers feel more calm after smoking is that they don't suffer from withdrawal anymore. And they would be at the same place if they never picked up smoking in the first place.

Also smoking arguably has worse health effects than alcohol and most drugs apart from opiates or crack.

>> No.15031347



>> No.15031363

Coffee is addictive but it has no known adverse effects unless you drink a liter a day.

>> No.15031368

Tobacco has little adverse effects it limited to 10 cigarettes a day or less, even less so for pipes.

>> No.15031386

pornography messed my life up more than tobacco ever could. I had intrusive thoughts of names of porn, porn actresses, porn scenes, porn companies in the middle of conversation which would cause embarrassment and awkwardness. if tobacco kills me so be it but it doesn't make me a wreck like porn does

>> No.15031394

Yeah but most habitual smokers have way more than 10 cigs a day.

>> No.15031401

Most present day smokers are retards. That doesn't invalidate my statement or the merits of tobacco.

>> No.15031431

Because it's full of idiots who will do anything if someone implies to them on an anonymous message board that "the jews don't want you to do this".

>why do (((they))) tell you to not eat raw meat?
>why the (((mainstream media))) demonizes drinking bleach?
>redpill me on (((toilet paper)))

>> No.15031446

>appeal to conspiracy (muh big tobacco is behind these threads
>retorts with straw man appealing to conspiracies
The most reasonable posters in this thread are the pro-tobacco posters. The irony.

>> No.15031458

will smoking help me cure masturbation habit?

>> No.15031954
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It's not a conspiracy, just marketing. It's a proven fact that right-wing conspiracy believers are really easy to sell useless products to.

>> No.15031964

>my straw man is a proven fact
Irrelevant. The topic of discussion was tobacco and your post was wholly irrelevant to those defending it and it continues to be.

>> No.15032672
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Yeah because I'm trying to impress my empty room and the homeless people i pass on my night walk. Idiot

>> No.15032689


>> No.15034108

>cover one nostril and shoot snot on the ground
Are you fucking retarded my man ?

>> No.15034553

Same. Reminds me of my late grandma, it's a nostalgic smell.

>> No.15034577

and she's fuckin dead now cause she smoked. unless you wanna wind up like her dipshit then put joe camel cancer sticks down. literally don't get smokers like you

>> No.15034678

>I don't care if want to kill yourself
the state of /lit/

>> No.15034691

Really negative health effects for a really shitty buzz

>> No.15034786

It's my way of reciprocating contempt while also satirizing myself. It's probably the most cerebral thing I do

>> No.15034797

Not really. The damage is overstated, read Whitby. And most people do not smoke for a high which is what distinguishes it from most other drugs. They smoke as a cognitive enhancer.

>> No.15034834

>it's literally The vice
Alcoholism earned that title fair and square hundreds of years ago. People didn’t realize they were dying from smoking for thousands of years, but alcoholism has been a known killer forever.

>> No.15035011

doubt it

>> No.15036122

tobacoo has like the worst high-to-healthrisk ratio

anyone who does it is a fucking retard

>> No.15036136

this is no different than some burnout saying people who drink are retarded because weed doesn't give you a hangover. I can't conceive of a more pathetic and unearned form of elitism

>> No.15036137

>give someone something they're addicted to
>they feel better

wow great observation

>> No.15036141

huh? nicotine has cognitive benefits for the nicotine-naive

>> No.15036143

because it's true, you fucking ashtray. yes, weed is better than alcohol, and alcohol is better than smoking.

>> No.15036158

embarrassing post lad

>> No.15036160

come up with an argument, shill

>> No.15036171

an argument for what?

>> No.15036176

Weed and Alcohol impair reason and make you slower and put you in a stupor. Tobacco stimulates you and makes you alert.

>> No.15036189

It shows advantages for naive subjects too brainlet. Homeostasis isn't perfect. There is always going to me some marginal benefit even after tolerance sets in.

>> No.15036195

Midwit statistical pseudoscience debunked by William Whitby MD.

>> No.15036201

drinking wine is a great way to feel like shit the next day

people who use caffeine are impulsive and have reduced frontal lobe activity. i don't trust coffee drinkers in the slightest.

tobacco distracts you because you're always thinking about your next fix. yeah, you're more alert, thinking about when you can smoke again.

now stay filtered.

>> No.15036212

>just read this quack

fuck off and stay filtered

>> No.15036213

people like this are why I will never touch weed again

>> No.15036215

The fact that smokers die from lung cancer is just coincidence, smoking doesn't affect you in any way possible, there are smokers who live till 100, it's all about your destiny.

>> No.15036242

caffeine has plenty of adverse effects. even one cup which is less than 100mg can cause problems. read caffeine blues.

poor sleep and increased stress/anxiety will wear down the body over time.

tom brady doesn't drink coffee and he's still playing at 43. coincidence? i think not

>> No.15036246

>even one cup which is less than 100mg can cause problems.
but won't

>> No.15036266

Second hand smoke is wretch and it leaves clothes and rooms and cars stinking like sweaty ash. Gov got it right

>> No.15036286

High, "cognitive enhancer," same difference.

>> No.15036308

All drugs are great actually

>> No.15036351

my diary desu

>> No.15036362

>weed is better than alcohol
I don't even drink but this is fucking embarrassing. Do you unironically think that?

>> No.15036396

>Yet when we see the same kind of medical detriments in the form of obesity, unprotected sex, intoxication, etc. the veil goes back up
Remember where you are anon, normalfag hypocrisy does not excuse your vice on a board that typically argues for sobriety, chastity, and temperance. /lit/ spends much time criticising promiscuity, fat people and drug addicts are also strongly (and rightfully) condemned whenever they are brought up.

>> No.15036422

To be fair, none of those other behaviors actively harm the people near you just by proximity as much as smoking does. Standing next to a fat person has a minimal impact on me (I don't get near sluts or hang out at bars). But if I'm near someone smoking a cigarette then I am actively being harmed by their vice.

That may be where the stigma comes from. Bystanders can legitimately claim you are harming them.

>> No.15036423

Bruh we used to snot the roof in army all the times. God we were retarded

>> No.15036451

The true patrician smoke is in fact
A. One clean joint
B. Cigs until high lowers
C. Spliffs
God cigs while high is heaven

>> No.15036467

>Unable to be satisfied with just one drug

The best smoke is a one hitter packed with keef.

>> No.15036481

The studies contradict you. Caffeine increases prefrontal neuro transmission and nicotine shows benefit even in non smoking subjects. You filtered yourself, midwit.

>> No.15036490

Second hand smoke is pseudoscience.

>> No.15036578

Live smoke smells nice. The shit that clings to you afterwards smells terrible. If you don't believe me smell and old butt. That's what you smell like.

>> No.15036586

This is either bait or a terribly misinformed post. Granted, smoking (especially processed-tobacco cigarettes) in any great quantity is terrible for you but there are more than a few ways to consume nicotine with varying health risks up to negligible. Cigar and pipe smoking have been shown to be statistically safer than cigarettes, followed by oral tobaccos, snuff, vaping, and non-tobacco products such as patches, lozenges and nicotine-pouches.
Without additives and other alkaloids in tobacco, nicotine is far less addictive. The negative effects of nicotine itself are limited to the cardiovascular system and an increased risk for bladder cancer, which are comparable or lesser health risks to caffeine, sugar, red meat, and alcohol consumption.