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/lit/ - Literature

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15025968 No.15025968 [Reply] [Original]

Any good literature came out of Africa?

>> No.15026125

They cant read or write

>> No.15026135


>> No.15026138


>> No.15026146

You will never pass.

>> No.15026147


>> No.15026614


>> No.15026628


>> No.15026649

Love to the Grave by Haddis Alemayehu

>> No.15026654

North Africa, yes. The rest? No.

>> No.15026664

The Epic of Sundiata
Emperor Shaka the Great
The Palm-Wine Drinkard
Things Fall Apart
A Grain of Wheat
Wizard of the Crow
The Famished Road

>> No.15026688

Things Fall Apart is the most famous example and I bet you five bitcoins literally nobody on this board has read it unless their university told them to.

>> No.15026706

I read Nelson Mendela's Autobiography and it was decent enough.

>> No.15026710

why would anyone read a nigger tier plagiarized mediocrity? kek

>> No.15026717

There obviously is but you don't care and this thread is intended to shit on niggers because it's satisfying to look down on others as a COPE to your own lackluster lives. SAD!

>> No.15026720

If you count some Portuguese descendents there a few that are quite interesting, like Pepetela, for example.
Don't know how well translated they are, tho.

>> No.15026742

Coetzee and Gordimer

>> No.15026796

I liked Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangaremba. The Power of One is a classic but depending on how you look at it that might not count.

>> No.15026801

Hamlet for example

>> No.15026828

>Wizard of the Crow
thanks for this!
Anything else?

>> No.15026833

Mia Couto

>> No.15026843

OP here, that was not my intention. I already added books to my list from this thread.
Also, please refrain from using the n word.

>> No.15026885


>> No.15026924

Maybe, but if you read nigger scribbles then that's cultural appropriation and colonialism, so don't even look into it unless you're so black you're RGB000.

>> No.15026951

jokes on you, I read that in high school

>> No.15026957

I'm impressed, I always saw the """culturally diverse""" options like Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress on my exam papers but we were never taught anything wilder than American lit.

>> No.15026986

My university told me to and I still didn't read it.

>> No.15026995

they made me read it and I hated it

>> No.15027051
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Next, stand side by side around the altar and pray: and in as much as at the first on the hollow slope I sprang upon the cbokoudou in the form of a galago, pray to me as Nana Buluku; also the altar itself shall be called Buluku and overlooking for ever.

>> No.15027076
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you are what's wrong with the world.

>> No.15027078
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Nothing of value has ever come out of Africa.

>> No.15027112

it's okay when greeks and biblical jews do it

>> No.15027126

From the Moors? Yes.

Nothing significant south of the Sahara

>> No.15027129

>muh yams nigga

It was kinda good

>> No.15027134

I'm wondering how many of you nigs are just memeing and how many legitimately believe sub-saharan africa hasn't written shit

>> No.15027137

t. nigger

>> No.15027156

Egyptian literature.

>> No.15027160
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you're not into contemporary art are you

>> No.15027202
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Does this one count?

>> No.15027220

Its too hot to do any of that there

>> No.15027240
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>under foot were legions of gold, yet he never figured out how to mine.
this nigga finna make me sperg out

>> No.15027253

Why are black people like this? Most black people are as far removed from Africa as I am from England or Germany, but I don't act like I have some connection with them

>> No.15027258
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how could we have forgotten such african literary classics as
>"Ooga Booga, a Snake Bit My Dick!"
>"Where Da White Women At?"
>"The Life and Opinions of Jamal"
>"Chucking Spears: A Step by Step Guide"
>"Black Panther: The Novelization"
>"Nuffin’ and Punishment"
>"Kang Lear"
>"One Hundred Years of Fried Chicken"
>"The Grape Soda of Wrath"
>"A Tale of Two Mudhuts"
>Blood Muhdickian
>A Finna to Arms
>Heart of Darkies
>Da Bruthas Kangazmaov
>Pride and Predjudice (the predjudice part being against NIGGERS that is)
>Annaynay Kareninquanda
>In Search of Lost Crime
>The Scarlet Durag
>Jane AYYO
>Finnegan is Woke
>As I lay Jivin’
>The Great Gatt
>Where da Little Wimmin at?
>The Count of MLK Boulevard
>The Incarceration Rate Also Rises
>To the Traphouse
>The Call of my Dealer
>The Wind in The Ghettos
>The Trial (but this time it’s anciry district court and the defendant is BLACK)
>20000 leagues across the Atlantic
>the unbearable aightness of being
>”muhbig dick” or “the jail”
>The Kang in YOLO
>infinite theft
>The Hood trilogy : Negromancer, Caliph Zero, Monaleesha Overdrive
>Steal the tiger

>> No.15027271
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I kinda liked [pic related]

>> No.15027272

Heart of Darkness, and it makes them seethe

>> No.15027285

White Americans are famous for thinking they have some connection with England/Ireland/Germany/Italy/Poland/etc.

>> No.15027292

>The Kang in YOLO
based beyond words

>> No.15027295

delete your inferior copy

>> No.15027306


>> No.15027324

But they do. They speak English and have adapted a wide variety of Euro cuisine and custom, while having the same literary and cultural traditions going back to the Greeks. The whole black "Africans roots" movement, adapting names like Shakur and festivals like Kwanzaa, is simply a syncretic LARP. It's not indicative of any organic cultural evolution.

>> No.15027332

>But they do.
They do not. They might really really want it, but they do not.

>> No.15027344

Also syncreticism and artificial festivals is just how new culture is made. It's the basis of a tonne of all cultures.

>> No.15027351

So all the food, language, books, and unconscious cultural customs that come from Europe just sprang from the ground in America?

>> No.15027361

Italian-Americans have less Italian culture than a nigger living in Mississipi has Nigerian culture.

>> No.15027372

STFU before I sock you in the mouth.

>> No.15027382

specific rec?

>> No.15027393

The fact that they've assimilated into America doesn't change the fact that America is a product of European culture. And they do have far more Italian culture than blacks have any African one.

>> No.15027404

Ah, I think you've forgotten the argument. We're talking about whether niggers are unique in trying to claim heritage for a culture they don't have much connection to. Italian-Americans have no real connection to Italy, and Irish-Americans have no real connection to Ireland, but they are both groups famous for claiming strong heritage.

>> No.15027407

Not a fan of them dark folks myself but characterizing a territory so big and diverse in such a reductive way is retarded. Mali, Ghana, Ethiopa, Kongo, to name a few, were places in subsaharan Africa that had little to envy to Europe before the technological gap really widened in the middle ages. This nigga >>15027240 (Musa the 1st) walked around with so much gold that it threatened Egypt's economy. Sure, there are places where they still do barbarian shit like circumcision and eating mud, but it's a show of ignorance to dismiss a continent in one go. Personally, I'm not sure modernity has brought much to westerners besides enabling power structures and alienating workers for the sake of economical success. "First peoples" are often more in touch with their society and their culture. In jungle-dwelling hunter-gatherer societies, there are no suicides, no theft... A bit of neighbor-tribe-eating every once in a while but who can blame them?

>> No.15027410

Nice double trolling

>> No.15027560

Yes, just to name a few:

>Kwame Nkrumah
>Franz Fanon
>Lewis Gordon
>Amilcar Cabral
>Ntozake Shange
>Ishmael Reed
>Cornell West
>Langston Hughes
>Toni Morrison
>Zora Neale Hurston
>Aime Cesaire
>James Baldwin
>Derek Walcott
>August Wilson
>Mumia Abu-Jamal
>CLR James
>Alex Dumas
>Yusef Komunyakaa

>> No.15027573

wow you read all that?

>> No.15027584


>> No.15027607

If you're mentioning so many non-african black authors thinking that their blackness makes them african, it either means you're a racist who sees color before culture, or that there are so few authors from Africa that you have to pick from western culture to make your list credible. Not sure which is worse.

>> No.15027634

>implying being a racialist Western imperialist isn't a good thing

>> No.15027648

On the internet maybe, most Americans don't really know or put any care into it

>> No.15027656

'African' is not a nationality, it is a race. African-Americans are not born in Africa, rather have their roots in Africa, their 'blackness.' Nice attempt at undermining this post though, loser.

>> No.15027674

namefag btfo
good work, anon

>> No.15027686
File: 56 KB, 612x612, 118d842fad24847093ce6f487ef5c332477547676b3656396f312a774f0d2530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'African' is not a nationality, it is a race.
This has to be bait.

>> No.15027693

Unironically Tolkien

>> No.15027700

It's not bait. Kwame Anthony apiah looked into this thinking race was a social construct. There are 5 distinct races, Pacific islander, Native American, black, White and Asian. There is no genetically distinct Spanish.

>> No.15027705

except humanity i guess?

>> No.15027716
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>> No.15027735
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Dude, Africa is a continent, it's obviously not a nation and there's many different races there. You have arabs in the north, used to be Egyptians. You have all sorts of different types of niggers and then the recent addition and soon to be genocided Dutch colonists. Although it's not just them that are dying out thanks to the most savage and moronic bantu people, higher negroid subraces are also affected and lose territory to them.

>> No.15027747

If you're not born somewhere you don't have roots there, you haven't lived the culture as it is. Guessing you're an American then, therefore a racist. Keep telling yourself that James Baldwin or Alexandre Dumas (Alexandre Dumas!!!! the notion gives me a genuine smile, thanks for that) have anything to do with Africa. I hope you get to "go to Africa" (there are hundreds of different ethnic groups there, not very nice of you to lump them all together like they're all the same), you'll see how you're going to be perceived.

Are "Asians" the same thing all the way between Turkey and Japan? Are "Africans" the same in Ethiopia and Namibia? Race isn't a social construct, but there are many more races in the world than there are countries. Stay American, buddy, it's the smartest outlook

>> No.15027755

>crime statistics and punishment
>grape soda of wrath

>> No.15027775

>A Grain of Wheat
legit some of the best prose I've ever read

>> No.15027778

Heart of Darkness.

>> No.15027852

Obviously they’re not the same retard, but it is answering the questions about authors from Africa. Why are these brianlets allowed to post here?

>> No.15027875

Genetically yes to the African question, for Turkey I Think they had more in common with africa but I don't remember I'd have to read his paper on it again. I understand what you're getting at but your questions are thoughtless and lazy. Whenever you feel you have a clever question or statement take a step to think about how obvious it is. When you realize it's obvious and think of an answer, you can go to another level of thinking. You are stuck at the first level.

>> No.15027882


>> No.15027895

everyone says to read Sousa Jamba, an Angolan writer, but I can't find his books anywhere

>> No.15027897

Mahfouz and his Cairo Trilogy, Aswany's Yacoubian Building and Beer In the Snooker Club by Waguih Ghali (which is even written in English). All of them require some historical context relating to British colonialism, the modernization of Egypt and 20th century Egyptian politics to be fully appreciated. I've chosen these because they are easily available outside of Egypt. Other writers I'd recommend are Tawfik Al Hakim, Taha Hussein and Youssef Idris.

>> No.15027900

it was standard realist, dry prose. what was so good about it? not that it wasn't a good book overall

>> No.15027969

The guy you mentioned is a half-british philosopher, why the fuck would he know anything about genetics? There is actually more genetic variation within Africa than outside of it( https://www.genetics.org/content/161/1/269 ) You try to sound wise but you're a retard who thinks Sans, Igbos, and Masais wish to be put together under the umbrella term "african" or that indonesians and kazakhs are the same "asian race". Educate yourself before trying to teach others lessons about "levels of thinking". I'll say it a second time, you are a retard, and you're a racist when you try to put the diversity of manking in a mere five races.

>> No.15028125

Albert Cossery

>> No.15028710

cesaire is carribean, not african you moron

>> No.15028735

>Heart of Darkness, and it makes them seethe
Wasn't this whole book shitting on western consumerism and its reliance on slavery for the Belgian ivory trade?

>> No.15028958

it's more about the human condition

>> No.15029000

Why would you voluntarily read nigger lit unless required by Marxist academia?

>> No.15029012

Shut up, nigger!

>> No.15029029

South Africa exists

>> No.15029102

Start with the Story of Sinuhe.

>> No.15029198
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African women are pure poetry.

>> No.15029226


Diamonds and the rare earth metals in your cell phone.

>> No.15029238

Most of those aren't African, and some are not even Black lmao

>> No.15029551
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>If you're not born somewhere you don't have roots there, you haven't lived the culture as it is. Guessing you're an American then, therefore a racist. Keep telling yourself that James Baldwin or Alexandre Dumas (Alexandre Dumas!!!! the notion gives me a genuine smile, thanks for that) have anything to do with Africa. I hope you get to "go to Africa" (there are hundreds of different ethnic groups there, not very nice of you to lump them all together like they're all the same), you'll see how you're going to be perceived.

>> No.15029590

I have read it without the university telling me to
t. High school told me to
Unironically a good book from what I remember

>> No.15029628
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The great-grandfather of Pushkin, Gannibal, was an African. He was one of "a few clever little African slaves" bought for Peter I on the orders of the great-grandfather of Tolstoy.


>> No.15029675

Yeah they recently dug out the 'Yakub compiler' from the Congo. I have a link.. for a price of course.

>> No.15029693

I read it when I was like 16ish because it was lying around my house. I barely remember it, i thought the descriptions of tribal living at the beginning were a bit interesting.

Never really found Africa intriguing