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File: 206 KB, 483x755, Game of Thrones book (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1502322 No.1502322 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

I'm hearing a lot of good things about Game of Thrones from some friends and wanted to hear a second opinion. and Is the series past it any good?

>> No.1502339

Yes, but the fatass author about died from penis related illnesses over the winter so it may not ever end up a finished series.

>> No.1502341

Good in terms of there being interesting shit happening in the plot, absolutely. Good in terms of being written anywhere close to as tightly as the first book, fuck no.

>> No.1502357

It's not really that good in terms of plot composition or charaacterisation. It's no Erikson or Jordan.

It's almost entirely events-driven. Characters die on a whim, children are raped, there are midgets, freaks, other grotesqueries and so on. It's basically a sideshow.

There's no content really. If you boil the series down to its basics and subtract the shock elements it's a really straightforward medieval tale which isn't very interesting.

If you think Howard Stern by way of R.A. Salvatore would be cool you'd probably like this series. If not, avoid it.

I'm not judging it, just laying out the facts.

>> No.1502364

>not good in terms of characterisation

dude. no. It has some of the best characterization in the fantasy genre. Are you seriously saying that someone like Jaime Lannister is less characterized than Rand "Mary-Sue" Al'Thor?

>> No.1502367

>I'm not judging it, just laying out the facts.
>implying facts are not judgement

>> No.1502375


Wow it's too bad you're not a tripfag so I can filter you.

>> No.1502380


Martin, Jordan, Erikson, Sanderson, etc. The current lords of the genre are all pretty fucking lame.

In fact, the only really good fantasy author right now is Joe Abercrombie.

>> No.1502389

Jaime isn't the protagonist and Rand isn't a Mary Sue. Do you even know what words mean?

>> No.1502413


>implying ASoIaF has one set protagonist

>implying Rand doesn't live up to the common usage of the term "Mary Sue"

Face facts, kid: if your taste in books was turned into food to feed the starving millions we'd all be living like we were in Africa.

>> No.1502431

Rand doesn't qualify for Mary Sue. Really, have you read the series? It's not like you can't criticise WoT on many other levels, so I don't know why you're resorting to that?

And if you're using ASOIAF to broadcast your taste in literature... that's just really sad. I mean Wolfe or Stephenson would be at least defensible, but Martin is just garbage.

I really don't understand why Martinfags fight with Jordanfags when they're both in the same slime-filled gutter. It's like fighting over whether Pizza Hut or Domino's has better pizza.

>> No.1502496

>It's like fighting over whether Pizza Hut or Domino's has better pizza.

You must live in New York. For some reason New York Pizza Huts are just awful.

>> No.1502513

No. They're all awful.

>> No.1502543

I've read WoT several times. And I have to say, Rand is a Gary Stu. A lot of the characters are. Honestly I think one of the best characters is Mat.
I only just started reading ASoIaF but I have to say the characters are so much better than the characters in WoT.

>> No.1502557

Pizza snobs are the most retarded kind of snob there is.

>> No.1502563

>what a GRRM fan actually believes

Enjoy having no taste about anything and reveling in it.

>> No.1502565

Paying for slop and chowing down without discrimination is a far worse lot in life.

>> No.1502581

Actually I'm rather discriminating about pizza. My Pizza Hut just happens to do it right and you're just an angry snob.

>> No.1502584

I'm anti-GRRM, bro.

>> No.1502593

>I'm rather discriminating about pizza
>My Pizza Hut just happens to do it right

I lol'd so fucking hard

>> No.1502596

I cant believe this thread has derailed into pizza dickery

OP, Martin's writing style is somewhat childish and pained, like he has a lot of ideas that could be really fascinating, but just vomits them onto the page, not to mention hes as original as J K Rowling

>> No.1502605
File: 2 KB, 116x126, Bunfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fantards actually care about diction and prose
if anything, ya'll be pretentious

>> No.1503567

Pizza Guys stopped offering the linguica topping in 2011 ;_;