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15019680 No.15019680 [Reply] [Original]

>Asked about novelist David Foster Wallace, who took his own life in 2008, but who has a new book out, “The Pale King: An Unfinished Novel,” put together from manuscript chapters and files found in his computer, Bloom says, “You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ [regarded by many as Wallace’s masterpiece] is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.”

>It’s all a clear indication, Bloom notes, of the decline of literary standards. He was upset in 2003 when the National Book Award gave a special award to Stephen King. “But Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace. We have no standards left. [Wallace] seems to have been a very sincere and troubled person, but that doesn’t mean I have to endure reading him. I even resented the use of the term from Shakespeare, when Hamlet calls the king’s jester Yorick, ‘a fellow of infinite jest.’

>“It’s sort of a dark time. Imaginative energy I think is very difficult to summon up when there are so many distractions. There’s a kind of Grisham’s law [in literature]; the bad drives out the good.”


>> No.15019686

>Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace

>> No.15019704

The thing that hits hardest here is that bloom used DFW as a footnote to hit at his actual his issue. Wallace wasn't even bad enough to get his full attention

>> No.15019719

Wallace was good though. Blooms full of shit, didn’t he call trump a fascist too?

>> No.15019738

Wallace is not good. His prose is too rooted in contemporary vernacular, not even twenty years and it already feels dated
And why bring politics into this?

>> No.15019744

And his hiphop book is peak cringe. Bloom was right.

>> No.15019768


Reminder Bloom only hates Infinite Jest because he was made fun of in a footnote.

>> No.15019779

The only thing more worthless and parasitical than a critic is a jewish critic. Not even a DFW fan.

>> No.15019782
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also, reminder that Bloom holds Jewish DFW in such high regard for some strange reason

>> No.15019792

Why did he always look so sad bros?

>> No.15019813
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>body falling apart due to old age
>literary standards going down the drain
>all his writer friends keep dying
>son has chronic health issues
>students don't want to fuck you anymore

it was a mercy that he finally went

>> No.15019827

this is pretty much the truth

>> No.15019829

>It’s sort of a dark time. Imaginative energy I think is very difficult to summon up when there are so many distractions. There’s a kind of Grisham’s law [in literature]; the bad drives out the good.”
Unfortunately true.

>> No.15019837

>its too late for him to take back what he said now that he is dead

>> No.15019838

>His prose is too rooted in contemporary vernacular
Could you think of an example of this?

>> No.15019859

>Wallace is a bad writer because of prose.
Then what is Dostoevsky? Scraps for the dogs?

>> No.15019866

>Then what is Dostoevsky? Scraps for the dogs?


>> No.15019880

>His prose is too rooted in contemporary vernacular
This is one of the dumbest criticisms possible. You're reaching for something.

>> No.15020055

>reddit spacing

>> No.15020148

and it's not even that mocking, Bloom was just upset because he's probably had lot's of annoying DFW wannabe's bring up the novel.

>> No.15020177

Dosto is incelfodder

>> No.15020194
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Don't think so. Cuties and whores alike read Dosto

>> No.15020275

cope more ephemerafag

>> No.15020292

based. dubs confirm

>> No.15020299

based nabby

>> No.15020683

>“I’m tired of being accused of being an elitist, which simply means that one wants people to read what’s worth reading and write in a proper response to it,” he adds. “I thought that the function of a critic was to read accurately and plainly to propound what one had apprehended. I wasn’t aware that there was going to be this cultural inundation.” He was accused of being racist or sexist because he didn’t believe that a poem had merit “simply because it was written by an African-American, a Hispanic or an Eskimo transvestite.”

>> No.15020703

Anyone has the Eskimo tranvestite literature chart?

>> No.15020793

>“It’s sort of a dark time. Imaginative energy I think is very difficult to summon up when there are so many distractions. There’s a kind of Grisham’s law [in literature]; the bad drives out the good.”

>> No.15021060
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>It's sort of a dark time... The bad drives out the good
Yeah especially when the publishing conglomorates (and the parasitic "agent" class that acts as a filter for them) are almost all Jewish. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you, Mr. Bloom? There wouldn't be any explanation for why we as readers have to choose between Marvel-tier thrillers and translatinx sob stories, would there?

>> No.15021751

Every picture looks like he's entrusting you, yes, you, with the future of the Canon but you both know you're not worthy.

>> No.15021771

I respect what it seems like Bloom tried to do with his whole personal crusade for the humanities but honestly, why does anyone care about his literary criticism? He’s basically a gatekeeper while simultaneously claiming that it’s his missing to keep literature alive. It’s made me question if his whole crusade was simply a means to achieve gatekeeper designation.

>> No.15021782

Has Bloom ever contributed anything creative of his own or has he always been just a critic?

>> No.15021793

He released a a mediocre novel about Gnosticism LMFAO

>> No.15021851

>respect when views align against the SJW
>gatekeeper when he opposes views on daddy DFW

>> No.15022055

You're a moron though. Didn't i just say that?

>> No.15022093
File: 1.17 MB, 1455x1311, 90706D17-EDCE-4234-9143-1FB8A5038C95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that Mormon shelf tho
I like little things like this which tell a clear story. Obviously there was a time when Bloom was interested in Mormon history and beliefs, so he of course started the most obvious place: Joseph Smith. Then he got straight into it with the Book of Mormon, and then some analysis of it. Then he got into some critical studies and academic stuff, and so on and so on. I like this.

>> No.15022339

Pretty sure Infinite Jest refers to Bloom in a footnote as well

>> No.15022343

Wardine be cry.

>> No.15022360

Bloom just wants you to read Shakespeare.

>> No.15022362

>didn’t he call trump a fascist too?
lol you fucking mongoloid

>> No.15022374

anon on harold bloom:
bloom on shakespeare: pay attention
bloom on literally any other topic: disregard entirely

>> No.15022560


Why? It was retarded. "Mr. Bloom why should people read?" "If more people read we wouldn't have a fascist like Donald Trump in office," gets mad and interviewer nervously laughs "That's not funny fascism isn't funny." I don't like Trump, but to think he's anything other than a better alternative of the system is silly, if he was a true 'fascist' he would not allow himself to be smeared constantly or have the politicians opposed to him still alive. The problem is brain-dead conservatives are cowards with 'muh freedom of speech let's let establishment libs and SJW say whatever retardation they want and they can't censor us because 'muh freedom of speech'.'

>> No.15022568

>Why? It was retarded. "Mr. Bloom why should people read?" "If more people read we wouldn't have a fascist like Donald Trump in office," gets mad and interviewer nervously laughs "That's not funny fascism isn't funny." I don't like Trump, but to think he's anything other than a better alternative of the system is silly, if he was a true 'fascist' he would not allow himself to be smeared constantly or have the politicians opposed to him still alive. The problem is brain-dead conservatives are cowards with 'muh freedom of speech let's let establishment libs and SJW say whatever retardation they want and they can't censor us because 'muh freedom of speech'.'
Glows take note, this anon is primed to be pushed over the edge.

>> No.15022578

The tribe always protects its own

>> No.15022586

>He’s basically a gatekeeper

Fuck off reddit

>> No.15023161


>> No.15024076

It should be quite clear that ol' Harry would not like DFW. Bloom's way of reading is thoroughly »classical» – a distancing from the modern »art as commodity» which DFW embodies. I enjoy and read them both personally; but I would not expect Bloom to have enjoyed Wallace.

>> No.15024210

Lol fs Anon that made me laugh

>> No.15024217


Ironic isn't it, le footnote manXD

>> No.15024265

>His prose is too rooted in contemporary vernacular.
fuck off pseud.

>> No.15024907

What is this

>> No.15024915
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Reminder that Bloom is just this guy. The ephemeral puddle gazing at the sea, of which, of course, he will never be a part.

>> No.15024921

The Bloom worship here is ridiculous.
Guy was talentless as they come.

>> No.15024953
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>spends entire life reading thousands of years worth of the greatest literature and poetry ever created by mankind, carefully analyzing the historical context, stylistic development, and dramatic themes of each work. He then educates thousands of students about these works, thus passing on the knowledge and experience of the entire canon to the next generation.

>Listens to some vapid cunt pop singer make generic songs about breaking up with her boyfriend, tells his audience about how "creamy" and "layered" the different instruments sound, as if he's describing a fucking donut. Then begs for patreon money and leaves to go suck MC Ride's penis for the ninth time today.

Whoa dude, they're totally the same! kys nigger.

>> No.15024959

>T U R G I D

>> No.15025106

>>spends entire life reading thousands of years worth of the greatest literature and poetry ever created by mankind, carefully analyzing the historical context, stylistic development, and dramatic themes of each work. He then educates thousands of students about these works, thus passing on the knowledge and experience of the entire canon to the next generation.

>reaches audience of millions without even trying lol

Get fucked by laziness you cuck

>> No.15025171

Late Yale Professor BTFO American trash can writer in favor of classical literature. More news at 12.

>> No.15025188

CIA Niggers glow in the dark

>> No.15025202

>reaches audience of millions without even trying
Yeah an audience of teenage memsters and /mu/ faggots. Bloom is for intellectuals and adults; you can keep your bald music faggot with his ape wife and shitty taste in music.

>> No.15025207

Shakespeare is trash tough, especially in book form.

>> No.15025221

It's okay to be fifteen but you can't post here yet buddy

>> No.15025223

The audience Fantano reaches is more interested in Cal Chuchesta and confirming the music they already like is 'good' than learning anything new about music or criticism

You're empirically wrong here
It's Yale classroom discussion versus literal 16 year olds repeating stale memes in a YouTube comment section
Just admit you're being obtuse

>> No.15025247

that's about when Shakespeare was still interesting to me
there is nothing an intellectual adult can get out of it though

>> No.15025270

damn look at the cringey meme lords that are so sheepish they posted the same thing!

>> No.15025386

>and it's not even that mocking

He basically literally called Bloom's writing "turgid shit".

>> No.15025514

He's pretty much right. Bloom was, and always will be a failure.

>> No.15025526


>> No.15025572

>there is nothing an INTELLECTUAL adult can get out of it though
The kind of person to take romeo and juliet at face value

>> No.15025579

Bloom is referenced or included in virtually every book about Shakespeare from pop-lit to doctoral dissertations, faggot

>> No.15025595

oh yes, lets pretend instead that romeo and juliet is something other than a glorified soap opera

>> No.15025606

So, he's just a footnote?

>> No.15025711

Very cute anon, but a footnote on every book for your field is still more than any scholar could ever ask for

>> No.15025720


>> No.15025778

Bloom, Harold. A formidable mediocrity. Intensely dislike him.

>> No.15025786
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Jesus Christ the cringe

>> No.15026577
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>> No.15027475

finished ij the other day and nothing felt dated

>> No.15027698


>> No.15027712

That's a pretty mundane opinion.

>> No.15028425

I didn't know his son had health issues. On a related note, did he have any grandchildren?

>> No.15028550

they don't really seem similar to me

>> No.15028567

Gatekeeping is necessary.

>> No.15028585

way to instantly know someone's IQ is <120: he uses the word "gatekeeper"

>> No.15028616

DFW called Bloom's criticism turgid or something to that effect in IJ, so it easily could've been him lashing back against that perceived attack. It should be plainly obvious to everyone that someone like Bloom, with his ego, would never take the time to read Wallace.

I think Wallace was the best new writer coming up in the 90s-00s, and I'm mainly familiar with him from his short stories, haven't even read IJ.

To compare DFW to King shows that Bloom has not read one or both of them, or simply has no aesthetic compass by which to judge works, because the difference between the intelligence and perceptiveness of Wallace against Stephen King is night and day. It is not close.

>> No.15028647

based nabby poster

>> No.15028656

Bloom was a repetitive, hyperbolic, monolingual (fucking Yiddish doesn't count) dilletante held in high esteem by idiots who find these qualities impressive (most of you faggots). DFW also insufferable tho. Good riddance to them both.

>> No.15029017

>Stephen King is Cervantes
i will go around telling people bloom said this