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/lit/ - Literature

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15024623 No.15024623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since jannies are filth and actively suppressing discussion, while leaving the incessant spamming intact (for over two years), we must take this matter into our hand and obliterate this board. We will flood /lit/ with fuck jannies threads every day at 19:00 GMT+0 . In 4 hours. I'm counting on all of you. We WILL terminate this place. We don't need discord like the braindead tranny zoomers to organize and crash this place.

>> No.15024637

I'm in lol

>> No.15024640

Stop thinking jannies will do their job one day, they won't, they never have, they never will. They are actively undermining discussion. They want to clean shit? Well let's give it to them

>> No.15024650


>> No.15024659

1900 GMT+0 = 2000 for spain and france (italy too I think) 2100 for germans, 3PM for eastern americans, 2PM central, 12PM pacific

If there's 10 of us it's enough to send the entire catalog to hell and shutdown /lit/ for a day. repeat everyday until jannies kill themselves.

>> No.15024666
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Tried this with guenonposting. They just banned a few people and left guenonfag to his spamming.

>> No.15024671

We'll post explicit FUCK JANNIES threads so the message is clear

>> No.15024676

Everyone interested in literature, those who actually read books should join. What's the worse than can happen? There is nothing worse than the state of this board. What if you get a 3 day ban? It's not like we're going to miss on any discussion.

>> No.15024694

If this is actually going to happen, in order for it to be effective it needs coordination. If we all blow our load on the first day and everyone who wants to be involved gets banned for 3 days, we won't be able to sustain it daily because there will be no one to carry the torch forward.

>> No.15024722

ban evade

>> No.15024723

Honestly I just wish gookmoot would add a /ph/ board (philosophy and humanities) to contain all these garbage non literature threads, I want them gone from my catalog feed.

>> No.15024738

sure, i don't have a vpn or proxy but whatever.

>> No.15024759

Bad idea. We already had /his/. It's shit and this place is still shit.

>> No.15024810

Let's shit up the board more because.... reeee Jannies.
Everyone who values literature should just read his books while you pissbabies get banned until you are to bored to reset your IP again and again.
Fuck you you stupid niggers.

>> No.15024850

>wasting time reading guenon
his books are garbage

>> No.15024876

No one discusses humanities in /his/, its mostly displaced by history threads. Therefore these kinds of threads are redirected here and take up valuable space. A dedicated board for the discussion of ideas, philosophy and religion is necessary at this point.

>> No.15024897

You just know how shit it would be. Loe-IQ low-effort LARP """discussion""" of /pol/ crap. Imagine literally the worst of /lit/ magnified.
Maybe it could clean up /lit/ a bit.