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15024095 No.15024095 [Reply] [Original]

>gen x, gen y, gen z

How fitting, that the last generation is marked by the last letter.

>> No.15024115

If watching human constructs be broken down and reclaimed by nature provides visceral feelings of satisfaction and relief, then something has gone wrong and it's time to just end it all.

>> No.15024138

I wouldn't put a value judgement on it, just stating the truth...

>> No.15024164

Millenial (gen y) should be until 1994. 1995 and onwards is gen z.

>> No.15024168

I dunno, im from 96 and i remember playing minecraft in elementary school and shiet...

>> No.15024184

that makes you gen z retard

>> No.15024185
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I'm from 90, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15024196

Im tired i thought 1994 was after 96, its a brainfart.

Disregard it i suck cocks.

>> No.15024206

How fitting it is that what comes after gen Z is gen A.

There will be future generations, despite your shortsightedness, self loathing, and despair. And those bastards are going to need all the help that they can get.

>> No.15024226
File: 180 KB, 1200x815, basic-generations-chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

-Albert Einstein

>> No.15024266

There probably won’t be a WW4. The environment on earth is going to get shittier, and we’re going to either adapt to the new climate or change.

Someone will survive. It might just be cockroaches, but something will carry the torch.

>> No.15024268

2012-on is Gen A

>> No.15024273

See, i told you gen-z will be the last :)

We cant afford the wheel anymore.

>> No.15024303

>civic generation
can someone explain this to me?

>> No.15024313

Hero (Civic) generations enter childhood after an Awakening, during an Unraveling, a time of individual pragmatism, self-reliance, and laissez-faire. Heroes grow up as increasingly protected post-Awakening children, come of age as team-oriented young optimists during a Crisis, emerge as energetic, overly-confident midlifers, and age into politically powerful elders attacked by another Awakening.[59] Examples: Republican Generation, G.I. Generation, Millennials


>> No.15024329

>tfw 1991
Will be one of the last humans who remembers de XX century

>> No.15024336

Fuck yeah, thanks friend.

>> No.15024340


>> No.15024345

and then boom

>> No.15024349

Astrology is allowed here? Sweet.

>> No.15024376
File: 516 KB, 2048x1534, 11wright-vietnamWeb-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look star say was is
>As each generation leaves their footprint on the next, they inevitable follow a patern related to the events in their time
>As such those that experience a crisis will be deeply shaped by it, and create strong institutions to guard against another
>and ensuing generations not having experienced the crisis weaken such institutions in the name of autonomy.

Gee golly i can't tell them apart

>> No.15024406
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>> No.15024409
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>> No.15024415
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>> No.15024424
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>> No.15024429
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And what would you know, were back at 4 again

>> No.15024476


>> No.15024502

Y’all forget that we still have soldiers fighting and blue collar workers digging literal ditches. “Hard men” still exist even though they’re not portrayed nicely in pop culture

>> No.15024506

And so did they in 1920 friend :D And if we survive this, they will be the ones to usher in the next era.

>> No.15025026

You're only saying that because you were born in 94 and want to lump everyone after that into something apart from you. You aren't special, you know.

>> No.15025097

I think that number comes from Jonathan Haidts book "The Coddling of the American Mind". If you were born after 1994, the majority of your high school classmates had cellphones with close to unlimited texting - and such are the earliest form of a native to social media

>> No.15025486

irrelevant still, for this is a Strauss-Howe fourth turning thread, and within that framework gen z starts at around 2000 give or take. Its not an exact science.

>> No.15025518

also lol they're so self absorbed they just think their generation is so monumental that the one that comes after is just post millennial
they are and will be a far greater problem than the boomers

>> No.15025548

self absorbed, self reliant, take your pick

But clearly overprotected, team oriented and optimistic.

Do not think you are smarter than Strauss, or Howe.

>> No.15025584

>Gen Y
>ends at 1996

Nope. Strauss, who coined Millennial, has it extending as far as 2004 -- and he has more academic pedigree than the imbeciles who constantly change the years every season.

I wonder -- do you think, mayhaps, that Millennial has any connection with Millennium? HMMMMMM!

And, maybe, the Millennium didn't begin in 95, or 96, or 97, or 98, or 99. I wonder when it DID begin. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

>> No.15025593

just like i said >>15025486

Anywho, the real measure is when someone enters childhood. Thats what defines their experience

>> No.15025620

The line is perhaps off with about 5 years, which I think means we are entering a crisis situation similar to the start of WWII, weird panic because of some minor flu, stocks collapsing, recurrend problems with foreigners.

Yeah, this will resolve within 5 years in a civil war type scenario.

>> No.15025641

Yup, the image is very primitive, it projects things very linearly.

If we are lucky, the covid-19 pandemic, and the ensuing crisis will be enough too shake up our societies and we won't need a war.

But i am of the "prepare for the worst" kind of person...

>> No.15025652

Minecraft alpha came out in 2009 and was officially released in 2011. I was in high school and I'm a year younger than you

>> No.15025660

Makes sense, i played the beta, and started highschool in 2012

>> No.15025671

these are marketing terms. these are terms designed to segregate people into different marketing swaths. these are marketing devices. these are marketing terms that do a half-assed job of historicizing desire/consumption. these are marketing terms.

>> No.15025685

And your point is?

>> No.15025766

I would be very surprised if we see a full blown war, remember our enemies are stupid and violent muslims and aging and irrelivant leftists.

Not brilliant, vicious and highly motivated communists and nazis.

I expect most Western states to fall to militant and active rightwing youngsters, who will then implement a police state to remove both Islam and the Left from the West.

5 years from now, the old world order might be overturned, most foreigners and leftists might have fled Europe and America and new kind of agressive colonialism aimed at the Islamic world and Africa might have become normal.

I seriously think we have entered 1939, though war is unlikely.

>> No.15025880
File: 132 KB, 500x338, Chinas-National-Peoples-Congress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irrelivant leftists
Maybe not leftist in the old ML sense, but the new hyper-confucian authoritarian "marxists" might be a worthy enemy.

But yes the west will have its fair share of infighting, and perhaps civil war.

>> No.15025890

>gen z as the Artists
Does this mean we're getting neoromanticism in a few years? Because that's something to look forward to.

>> No.15025900
File: 131 KB, 540x732, 1582658009883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comrade Xi has written himself into the chinese constitution, first time since Mao. Then he forced the entire peoples congress and all party officials to copy it by hand.

A complete dictator over what will likely soon be the largest economy in the world.

A completely homogenous 1.5B population superpower with a ravenous need for natural resources and arable land...

>> No.15025934

Glass half full kinda guy, huh?

>> No.15025952

This graph is one of the most catastrophically stupid looking fucking things I've seen in at least a day or two. It's banality is almost noteworthy.

>> No.15025963

Yup, the image is very primitive, it projects things very linearly.

I used it more as an abstract.

>> No.15026018

I do not normally post youtube-shit

But i feel this is relevant; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMFBou-g8o4&