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/lit/ - Literature

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15020723 No.15020723 [Reply] [Original]

Post shelves

I’ll be judging all yours
So judge mine

>> No.15020779

I feel like I've seen this shelf before but thats crazy, right? No one would be so vain to post the same shelf multiple times lmao

>> No.15020869
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Another shelf full of Polish books. This one stands on the side of my bed.

>> No.15020888

>The Bible
>The Iliad
>Serotonin - Houellebecq
>Inferno - Dante

>> No.15021035

Oh shut up you fool. I’ve posted it less than 10 times in my entirety of browsing /lit/

Is it a meme that we’re now Christian?

>> No.15021042

A polish translation of a Carl Sagan book? Which book is it?

>> No.15021062

Pale Blue Dot

>> No.15021073

That’s an excellent book

Do you think we’ll ever get off this rock?

>> No.15021077
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It's being reorganized right now
But this is what I've put back up right now

>> No.15021078
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>Is it a meme that we’re now Christian?
What are you not christian in the current year?

>> No.15021081
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Since I'm stuck inside my reading has definitely accelerated. I'm hoping that I can get through a bunch more books.

>> No.15021108

I don’t need fairytales just to get through the day. If the only thing that’s keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then that person is a piece of shit.

>> No.15021115

>a history of Chinese civilization

Build up, then disappointment. With many deaths of good people in between.

>> No.15021129

Reminds me of someone describing the history of Russia.
"And then somehow, things got worse"

>> No.15021142

Could be the description of the world as we know it too

>> No.15021185

What makes a person a piece of shit?

>> No.15021203

A lot of things
Many of which are considered normal today.

>> No.15021263

We get it, you visit /pol/

>> No.15021273
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>> No.15021277

Not nearly as often as you think.

My war books stem from interest I’ve had since childhood and the other “/pol/“ books come from firsthand experience and a desire to know why.

>> No.15021291
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>> No.15021306

what's the point of all that

>> No.15021353

It’s the same kind of troll post like the stack of books you can’t read what they are

>> No.15021468
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Book stack, r8

>> No.15021538

I hate wuthering heights, the most boring and hard to understand book I’ve ever read

>> No.15021568

Mine is 422 GB ;)

>> No.15021693
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>Being and nothingness
What's your opinion on this book? Did you like it? Was it "easy" to understand? I'm going to start reading it tomorrow.
Agreed. I like re-reading some chapters from time to time.
>Do you think we’ll ever get off this rock?
Absolutely, thats our destiny.

>> No.15021717

Would you say that is Sagan's best work?

>> No.15021742

Thinking of a Lovecraft Complete works. Or I might settle for that.

>> No.15021758

It’s the only book I have from Sagan, apart from pale blue dot, I’ve watched cosmos, it’s pretty dated though. Pale blue dot is great with its visions for the future of space travel, but since it’s publication there’s been new things to consider when talking about long term space travel. So it’s a dated book. I need something more modern, that takes all the new discoveries and new theories into perspective.

>> No.15022104
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This is my shelf

and I am just now starting to read Walden what am I in for

>> No.15022128

walden is a peaceful, calming read. you are in for what it appears to be on the surface, an account of two years in near complete solitude, in the woods, in a cabin with just a bed, a stove, a chair, and a table. living off of what you can produce yourself through hard work and commitment. being self reliant.

>> No.15022311
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>> No.15022337
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>> No.15022342

based Baudolino bro

>> No.15022359

Ehhh, I've only read Walden once but personally found it to be a stale read. I mean really? 60 pages dedicated to the economics of living in the woods. Rich of Thoreau to advocate self-reliance while living in Emerson's backyard. I suppose his rambling and loose style can be attractive to some but I found myself rereading the same passage over and over again trying to figure out what the man is trying to say. Am I missing something? Maybe i'm biased though; I was never a fan of transcendentalism.

>> No.15022384

It has a fine charm to it, with moments of stark beauty to the prose and ponderings. I especially appreciate the remembrances of everyday people and their behavior, people whose names are lost to history.

[Spoiler]But oh my god it is so boring and hard to get through [/spoiler]

>> No.15022395

you cant be any more of simp even if you had been subbed to bernie boomer girl

>> No.15022400

just wish it was in focus. i can barely see what you have. i can make out orwell's f

>> No.15022414

"Finnegan's Wake"
That's pretty based my guy

>> No.15022433
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1/2 spot the english

>> No.15022442
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>> No.15022471
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I swear to god if this shit rotates

>> No.15022483


>> No.15022492

I thought that Orwell pic was Gu*non

>> No.15022503
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>hating eragon.

>> No.15022581

Good to see Michael J Fox is getting some reading in

>> No.15022625

do you even enjoy reading?

>> No.15022845

What makes you say he doesnt? He has a pretty decent set of books

>> No.15022856


Nice basic shelf of active use, a bit messy but that's fine for an arts student. Do you have any favorite artworks at the moment? Also, to stretch a bit, I encourage you to think of a subject in the sciences that you'd like to learn a bit more about and get a book on same.

>> No.15022919

I was about to call you a retard for the blurry picture, but anyone with an Eco book, especially besides name of the rose, is a king

>> No.15022933

extremely based except bnw

>> No.15023708

I finished Walden about an hour ago. Yes. The entire book felt like a mixed bag of skimmable passages about fishing or birds and random paragraphs that take multiple reads. However, in my opinion, there's usually that punchy one liner to cut through the confusion. My major criticism is that, even if some of it is thought provoking, the best parts seem taken directly from Eastern philosophy.

>> No.15023752

Pretty shit. A bunch of unread pop history books and... Eragon.

This looks like you've been reading seriously for only a year, maybe a year and a half.

Decent. Please clean your room.

>> No.15024008

Is there a lot of arguing over bible translations in Polish?

>> No.15024056

The first half was great, then it became a long flashback about a bunch of cunts that hate each other.

>> No.15024078
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The Patrician's Choice.

>> No.15024146
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Honestly there is nothing I can say to justify my travesty.

>> No.15024478

Brave New World is the most biased thing there.

>> No.15024487


>> No.15024492

To be honest, you don't. First I saw the top shelves, I thought they weren't bad, but you fucked it up with the ones on the bottom.

>> No.15024595
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Lent out Name of the Rose to borrow CS Lewis's scifi work, so it's not next to Baudolino

>> No.15024638
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One book in this pile that I particularly look forward to is the japanese confection book

>> No.15024643
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It's super nice to look at, and is divided by season. Out of the many confections of this book, I've maybe had one of them. It's a sort of pressed sugar confection served in spring that's shaped as green leaves and purple wisteria flowers.

>> No.15024700

Hamvas Béla Karneválját olvastad? A Nietzsche meg a Krasznahorkai miatt lehet tetszene!

>> No.15025118

Shit taste

>> No.15025144

>tfw shit phone and can't post muh home library

>> No.15025216

Nem, nem olvastam még Hamvast. De tudom hogy a Magvető megint megjelentette és tervben is volt, csak 10 ezer pengőért kicsit borsos úgy, hogy vannak még könyvek amik jobban érdekelnek. (Meg lássuk be, van elég olvasatlan így is.)

>> No.15026101

How many of these books unread?

>> No.15026159

nice third world

>> No.15026173

Op here. Read twelve of them so far. I’ve bought the bulk of them in the past two years because I started to get into reading again after 5-6 years of not reading. I only had a couple books back then, just eragon, war of the worlds and world war z.

>> No.15026709
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>> No.15026923

God save the Queen!

>> No.15026973
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Nice collection, and cute penguin! What are you reading at the moment?

Pic related is my bookshelf. Just received the LEC edition of The Physiology of Taste by Brillat-Savarin - loving the inscribed pigskin spine. It's full of pithy aphorisms and meandering but delightful topics.

My main project at the moment is reading The Iliad. I have a beautiful copy of the Pope translation, but I'm going through Fagles' for now.

>> No.15027022


If this isn't bait (and I beg God that it is), you are a massive faggot.

>> No.15027032

you are a nobody on the internet and your opinion means absolutely nothing, so why not be nice instead of hateful and edgy?

>> No.15027047

>ww2 sperg
>race sperg
>roman sperg
>stephen king/shitty YA books

you are the worst

>> No.15027057

you're screaming into the void with impure judgment

>> No.15027109

That’s not even OP you are replying to.

How so? Are you triggered by history books or something? Why are you so mad?

>> No.15027139

In other pictures of the same shelf you can see a massive stack of xbox magazines.

>> No.15027193

Dammit you weren’t supposed to see those

>> No.15027206
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I am presently reading If this is a Man and The Truce by Primo Levi
And trying but failing to read Arsene Lupin in French.

>> No.15027226

actually looks like a beauty, anon :)

>> No.15027282

are you italian or did you fall for the "shakespeare in farsi" meme? don't get me wrong, it's great to learn new languages, but it would be incredibly impractical to never read anything that you are unable to read in the original language. no one in the history of mankind has time for that or is capable of doing it

>> No.15027316
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I had spent a few years learning French as a child due to the Canadian education system. So I have many of the basic grammar rules and knowledge of the verbs and their tenses.
My main problem is my limited vocabulary and near constant use of passe simple verbs which I had never learned.

Being stuck inside means I have the time to try and understand french books.

>> No.15027338

well that's a great hobby. keep going! i assumed you were also reading levi in italian

>> No.15027369

the simple fact that you made this thread means that you care about the opinion of nobodies on the internet

you're evidently also a huge racist

>> No.15027383

the fact everybody is a nobody means opinions are easy to filter out when they're clearly uninformed or plain retarded

>> No.15027387
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>> No.15027391

That’s not op

>> No.15027397
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>> No.15027408

Also, it’s evident I want to understand races. Does learning about race and our biological differences make me hateful or superior? How about you read those books yourself and learn a thing or two.

>> No.15027449

>biological differences in race
imagine being this much of a simp(leton)

>> No.15027461

Sweet shitpost bro you really blew the fuck out James Watson there

>> No.15027505

okay, go ahead and cite the biological differences that Watson posited. post fully quoted passages.

>> No.15027529

Watson was demonized by Nature, the most prestigious scientific publication, for his views, and was also booted from one of the most recognizable labs, Cold Spring Harbor. He did some great work, but he also has done things that are dubious and have not been replicated or shown an internal model of consistency.

You, on the other hand, carry XBox magazines and Nazi literature. You're not enlightened, but rather a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

>> No.15027535

Read a highly criticized book by a known white supremacist? hmm, yeah, ill put that right next to Mein Kampf on my reading list.

>> No.15027558

>/pol/ reader's digest
yep, its nazi time

>> No.15027565

Politically correct nut jobs bitched at him endlessly. I take the word of the man who discovered DNA then some fucking leftist journos.

Stay salty, everyone

>> No.15027583


The problem I have with those who self proclaim they want to understand 'races' is that their true main aim is to have their notions of superiority validated without putting any personal effort to stand out in personality, accomplishments or spirituality.
I can understand the pride of a craftsman who put time and effort in mastering their skill, it makes them clearly superior to a hobbyist. But when it comes to those who proclaim such and such a race is superior, it is because they have nothing else to fall back on beyond being a member of a certain tribe.

>> No.15027588


>> No.15027596

thats not how logic works

>> No.15027606
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>> No.15027614
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>> No.15027616

>discovering DNA means all your views are infallible
>embracing the cult of personality
You really couldn't have outed yourself as a brainlet any more plainly. You must hate the fact that there are so many dark-skinned folk that are more successful and capable than you will ever be.

>> No.15027625

Discovering something does not make you immune to criticism, nor does it make everything you say true.

>> No.15027629


The man who discovered DNA you would think knows what he’s talking about when he says things about biology. His claims, you can go ahead and google them yourself. Just don’t look at a slam piece from huffpo, read what he actually says on race and intelligence. Then take the stick out of your ass.

>> No.15027639

Nor all criticism is valid. Take all this shitposting for example. Is any of these criticisms valid toward me? You might say yes. But huffpo and salon might also say yes to their blind animosity towards James Watson.

>> No.15027644

The problem is, you're the one who is citing James Watson, why should your opponents do the hard work of looking for your sources?

>> No.15027667

You mean a two-word google search?

>> No.15027688

In other words, we must put the time and effort of looking up your sources. If we don't, we cannot properly assess the strength of it and therefore, you will have the advantage to saying anything you wish because no one say it's crap or not.
If we do, and discover its merits and demerits, we have done your work for you and you can freely fire off some other random arc of your argument and force us through the process all over again.

>> No.15027689

I like how you're comparing yourself to James Watson in your imagined persecution. Regardless, you'd think that an aged geneticist like Watson would have the data necessary to back up his view on race and intelligence. Sadly we won't see these as they do not exist, and Watsons view on race is no more complicated than him being a racist.

>> No.15027720

Imagine actually being retarded enough to think every other lauded molecular biologist, neuroscientist, geneticist, biochemist, and genealogist is an SJW because they disagree with Watson's outdated hypotheses. Imagine telling others not to read HuffPost when it's guaranteed you've never read scientific literature in your life and are so myopic in your viewpoints that you can't fathom the fact a man you view as a God because he reinforces those beliefs might be wrong.

You will never make it in life and I'm quite glad. Makes it easier for people like me.

t. American Pajeet with dual Bachelor's in Neuroscience and Psychology who currently works as a campaign manager for a gay white federal Congressional candidate and will go to Law School in the Fall and makes more money than you and has fucked more white girls than you and is generally ahead of you on every single measurable and qualitative curve.

Also, I respect Watson and Crick a whole lot for their contributions. But imagine going to any scientific committee and your line of defense for your views is, "That's what Watson said and he can't be wrong! He discovered DNA!"

You don't even realize how much of a stepping stone you actually are, which is the most hilarious part about all of this.

>> No.15027725

You can go the Wikipedia page of IQ by country and take a look at the sources.

The data is there. The only thing people have to say about it is that it’s SCIENTIFIC RACISSMMMMMMMM!!

>> No.15027743
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There. Read it, read the two sources, and get back to me. (Probably with another random arc of your argument so we can start this process all over again)

>> No.15027752
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>imagine being this mad you write all that.

Look I’m sure you wrote some zingers in there, I’ll look at it all later.

>> No.15027769

>you have to be mad to type 200 words
Tells me all I need to know about how your mind works. Goodbye and good luck surviving out there.

>> No.15027777

Thank god, get the fuck out of this thread and make sure you write about the experience when you log back into tumblr

>> No.15027799

Imagine offloading this much critical thinking onto someone whose accomplishments you can't even accurately describe

>> No.15027806

First there's the question of IQ is defined and measured. IQ is in itself a difficult unit of measurement as all the tests disregards social intelligence. For this simple reason, IQ may be no better than measuring the worth of fish by their ability to climb trees.

Secondly there's the question of how the separate IQ evaluations were conducted. This should be easy to reciprocate and hopefully all the measurements on the wikiped page have been uniformly conducted.

Thirdly is the matter of cultural and environmental factor. This is a variable that cannot be disregarded and is so multi-faceted that its pretty much impossible to ethically conduct a survey that would remove the interference of this variable. So far there has not been a single study that has managed to properly ascertain the effect of cultural and environmental factors.

So, to simply look at the data posted on wikiped does not work as we cannot be certain that its is representative to the posed question.

>> No.15027827

nice get. post aesthetic superior aryan body pls

>> No.15027831

this is embarrassing

>> No.15027844

1. Those are not genes but SNPs

2. The impact of those SNPs is most likely not big at all, need to remember that several thousands of them have an impact on intelligence

3. The study used as a reference for finding "intelligence" SNPs is mostly done using European ancestry individuals, doing the same on African ancestry individuals would most likely lead to slightly different list of SNPs, some of which would in turn be more specific to Africans. You could then conclude the opposite...

4. Last but not least, the SNPs shown are associated with higher intelligence. It does not mean they are responsible, and actually it seems that intelligence here is "educational attainment" which is also a bit different. But basically of being European means that you are more likely to go to university compared to an African ancestry, then genetic markers differentiating Europeans from Africans would be associated to higher educational attainment. But the cause behind it would not be genetic at all. Og course most studies are corrected to try and avoid that kind of bias, but not all of them can be avoided, unforeseen ones nights still be present or some could be only partially corrected.

>> No.15027847

The Nature article is actually fascinating.
Because it mentions 'CU Boulder scientists has identified more than 1,200 genetic variants associated with how much schooling an individual completes and developed a "polygenic score" predictive of more than 11 percent of the variation in educational attainment between individuals.'

So chances are high that allele's was cherry picked because it was found in the highest numbers in europeans.

>> No.15027863

continuing on, the researchers involved 'stressed that individual gene variants have little predictive value.'

"It would be completely misleading to characterize our results as identifying genes for education," said corresponding author Daniel Benjamin

>> No.15027879

I don't know what's more cringe: The fact that you yourself do not understand what you're posting, only that it somehow proves you right, or the fact that you pose as a open minded when your mind is obviously dead set.

>> No.15027886


don't waste time on a simp. ignore and be productive while he devours white supremacy literature. not like its gonna get him anything except a bullet in the head on the day of the inevitable shooting spree.

>> No.15027888
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>> No.15027910

You cannot even be bothered to think and write out an argument but simply post more graphs and pictures...

>> No.15027912
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>> No.15027930
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Its all you have to do to get people absolutely fuming.

Take your blood pressure medicine everyone. Before you stroke out.

>> No.15027932

so you've descended into a mindless /pol/inforgraph spam rage now?

>> No.15027938

It's not so much fuming, it's more like 'wow, you're so lazy'.

>> No.15027949
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Alright, this is my bookshelf


>> No.15027958
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alright, this is my bookshelf


>> No.15027978

I can’t be bothered any longer dealing with seething morons. Move on already. This isn’t the thread to be doing this shit in. Go to /pol/ if you want to debate. I’ve said enough.

>> No.15027994
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That was interesting...
I had fun rummaging through my shelves. I found some books I hadn't seen in awhile.

>> No.15028001

You asked us to judge your bookshelf. We judged your bookshelf. You got into a debate about your racist literature. You lost the debate. You got buttmad.

>> No.15028009

if I buy enough penguin classics, will I also get that penguin?

>> No.15028013

I have the same Чeхoв book but my Russian is still too shit to read it. Maybe one day

>> No.15028016

My father carved it actually. He doesn't read but noticed all my Penguin book so he went and carved it.

>> No.15028020

Just ordered a copy of Walden myself

>> No.15028031


>> No.15028142

The source is Richard Lynn, a paid propagandist for eugenics advocacy group The Pioneer Society, who has consistently been shown to misrepresent and outright fabricate data.

>> No.15028212

thank you for the cute story desu

>> No.15028489

Source that claim

>> No.15028630

Richard Lynn is a director and grantee of the Pioneer Fund (forgot the correct name in my first post): https://web.archive.org/web/20120830195154/http://www.pioneerfund.org/Board.html
As for his data, there are plenty of critiques out there, this site documents the major ones: http://closerlookattheissues.blogspot.com/2018/05/a-roundup-of-criticisms-of-richard.html?m=0
In one instance he used results from a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain as his source for the average IQ of Equatorial Guinea.

>> No.15028703

A leftist blogpost is your “source”....

Just send me some memes.

>> No.15028719

How about the dozen or so academic papers listed therein? Do you want me to copy and paste them each individually?

>> No.15028744

Sure. Go ahead. First paragraph of that blogpost tells me all I need to know.

>> No.15028765


>> No.15028862 [DELETED] 
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, 20200406_082336_compress83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was obsessed with King as a teenager, pretty based I know

>> No.15028912
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I was obsessed with King as a teenager, pretty based I know

>> No.15028982

So much teenage-girl core. And various other /lit/ circle jerk books.

Great Stephen king collection though.

>> No.15029077
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>> No.15029099

>upton Sinclair, Steinbeck, Tacitus
Absolutely based
>all that marvel comics
Not so based, but to each his own.
But why do you have Lolita??

>> No.15029656

I have definitely seen this shelf before and this board isn't even one of my mains.

>> No.15029962

Because I like Nabokov? I also have pale fire and Nabokov’s dozen. Everyone needs a guilty pleasure, marvel is mine.

>> No.15030220

Where at?
Fingers crossed it was Reddit

>> No.15030584

imagine believing thats the american skin tone, lmao

>> No.15031207

>turk in germany
you're alright, also nice and actually authentic bookshelf

>> No.15031860

desu, im not really turk. My ancestrial roots stem from bosnia. My grand ancestors were more or less forced to immigrate from bosnia to anatolia in the 1900s because they were muslims and serbs were about to massacre them. In fact only my grand grandmother on my fathers side made it, the rest of her family got massacred.

TLDR : Im only turkish on paper, my blood is bosnian and i am race realist about it.

>> No.15031950

good modernist/postmodernist taste

>> No.15031956

Wayyy too much consumerism. Are you in high school or something or are you just a brainlet

>> No.15031974

Still have yet to read Player Piano

>> No.15032255


>> No.15032948

>thinking Thoreau is serious
>thinking Thoreau is a transcendentalist
Try again.

>> No.15032953
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>> No.15032964


>> No.15032983

Holy based.

>> No.15033018

I like your shelf. You should also pickup another language. It would suit you, I can tell.

>> No.15033985

Dong Zhuo did nothing wrong

>> No.15034272

Used to speak French fluently. Lost it after not using it for a decade. I'd love to learn Russian.

>> No.15034329
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Nice True Detective reference
You should reconsider your life and it's relation to God.

>> No.15034801

mirin that doonvorcannon. Have you read cerberus slept yet?

>> No.15034808
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>> No.15035913


>> No.15035950
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Bumping with more Polish books. Jung, Penrose and some classics. The name of the rose is on my top-5 list.

>> No.15036329

I only ever read books on mathematics and books on/about Christianity/Christians.

I also hate dust jackets.

>> No.15036335
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Forgot image...

>> No.15036400

/k/, in a lit thread

>> No.15036495
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>> No.15036634
File: 2.28 MB, 2624x2752, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uni book shelf
>3x this many books at home
>I keep a lot of PDFs on my iPad too bc don't have the money for physical books
>pretty basic small collection

>> No.15036679

What university/major are you?
Political science?

>> No.15036720

Phil and PolSci

>> No.15036769

I knew it. Gross.

Enjoy unemployment and depression.

>> No.15036815

Already am.

>Had a job lined up pre-pandemic
>pandemic and quarantine hits
>job offer rescinded
>can't even get an online interview for anything else
>will need to relocate back home
>in a little village where there's no jobs and no public transport
>I also cannot drive
>parents can't help bc financial resources already stretched thin
>will literally be on welfare for the next year or two
>might be able to get a shitty job in local cornershop if lucky
>realised my lack of hard skills has fucked me over here
>now undertaking a massive /sig/ operation
>attempting to learn frontend web development
>learning a language
>also now doing calisthenics

>> No.15036880

Never posted in /k/ before

>> No.15036890

get a copy of "existence and the existent"

>> No.15036907

the first c s lewis sci fi is shit. read a summary and skip.

>> No.15036929

I read the first dune at the beginning of the year. It was great.

>> No.15037052
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>> No.15037072

Yeah it sucked. I liked the part where he lectures some poor family on how they should quit their jobs and provide for their children by growing beans. Fucking clown. He was pretty much a millennial SJW in his own time.

He was both, but the former is the problem. A little humor would have greatly improved him

>> No.15038046

This is true, I go to a multi-ethnic parish, and our Romanian priest always makes it a point to scold the Greeks, who only come for communion and then leave.

>> No.15038209
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>> No.15039492


>Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism

Biggest waste of money ever. I use mine to prop up my desk.

>> No.15039668

Aw man, I was kind of looking forward to it when I first heard about it.
Oh well, I'll read it and if it's crap, read the summary only.

>> No.15039674

too much sublitterature

>> No.15039681

This Harry Potter edition in Folio Junior ! I had it 15 years ago !

How did it get here

>> No.15039687

Lupin is so cool imo

>> No.15039693

everyone on this board seems to have Gibbon in his shelf.
Did anyone read it ? Is it good ?

>> No.15039700

he fell for the rudin meme

>> No.15039849
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fuck off
based asf
he cute
i sleep
coomer 2

enough i had, rate mine - the usual /litshelf haha

>> No.15040080

That's not how you write PDFs

>> No.15040095

It sucks dude.
Guy is so """""turse""""" that he leaves out details that the reader has to try and fill in themselves.

>> No.15040164
File: 1003 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20200407_144647_com.android.gallery3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My to-read pile

a mix of catch-up on the western canon and contemporary. Since these pics got through the 'short introductions', Flaubert, Goethe and Chaucer


>> No.15040166
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>> No.15040182

I’ve had it for a while but really need to finish it soon. He is a great dude!

>> No.15040292

Flaubert is one of the best.

>> No.15040303

>the mist

>> No.15040324
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>> No.15040620
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>> No.15040980

Should've just done compsci or statistics, value is determined by demand and there is literally no demand for philosophers or political """"""""""scientists"""""""""".

Read any economics literature.

>> No.15041032

Actually in the last half week I've taken up HTML with the intention of generally learning frontend web development.

>> No.15041212

interesting selection. do you have more?

>> No.15041562
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>reading a several hundred page book on sword fighting
fucking incels, never change

>> No.15042538
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>> No.15042548
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>> No.15042588
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>> No.15042636

Who dis? Looks like the kind of pseud would frequents /lit/ desu

>> No.15043382


You got alzheimer's or something pal? How are we supposed to see what books you have?

>> No.15043428


Is Mythos any good? I've heard wildly different opinions.

>> No.15043748

It's good if you want a very light intro. Fry is fun and easy to read, you can tell he enjoyed writing it. If you want a similar but slightly more serious book I recently read Jenny March's Penguin Book of Classical Myths and it's largely the same book but less light-hearted.

>> No.15043987

Wait anon, it gets better! I also have books on kendo.