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15017548 No.15017548 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read as an intro to communism?

I'm interested in anti-capitalist rhetoric and want to read the communist perspective. What should I start with (preferably something short)?

> pic related
Someone mentioned it wasnt necessarily the best introduction, although i cant quite tell for myself.

>> No.15017574

It's just polemic trying to agitate, doesn't go over the grounds and particulars of the ideology

>> No.15017579

read das kapitol

not a workers pamphlet
>pic related

you should read wealth of nations first or youll walk away dumb enough to think communism is a good idea

>> No.15017590

this, it doesn't elaborate on marxist critique as a theoretical framework. If das kapital is too intimidating, start with his economic and philosophical manuscripts, there's a lot of groundwork in there which will make the big boy stuff easier to digest

>> No.15017592

Read Atlas Shrugged and get a good insight into why Socialism and communism are the ideologies of the bitter weakling who wants everything done for him

>> No.15017607

socialism = feudalism

the state is your lord

i cant believe the worthless masses are falling for it lol

>> No.15017636

No. This is literally one of the worst intros to Marxism imaginable. Please don't read it. It's a pamphlet designed for 19th centur semi-literate peasants and workers.

I reccomend Wage Labour and Capital, Value Price and Profit, and Critique of the Gotha Program as intros. (they're all 50 pages long each, and fairly easy to read) Good luck :)

>> No.15017764

marxism is trash kys

>> No.15017804

Capitalism is more in line with feudalism.
Especially to the stage we have it now, corporations and monopolies.

You telling me the east india company was a socialist entity?

>> No.15017903

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Manifesto of the Communist Party
The German Ideology, Chapter I
Wage Labour and Capital
Value, Price and Profit

The Manifesto is great, it's just insufficient by itself.

>> No.15018050

feudalism was prior to the 18th century

>> No.15018055
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>Read Atlas Shrugged

>> No.15018086
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capitalists are the ones who have millions of workers labouring for them for minimum wage, so who does everything for who?

>> No.15018472

>Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
If you read anything, make it this. An incredibly readable and popular explanation of the key ideas of Marxism in ~40 pages.

>> No.15018510

It's like 50 pages long, just read it.

>> No.15018601

This but in reverse order. Once you've gone through those you'll have an easier time with Das Kapital, although I'd also recommend the preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Even better would be to do this list after reading The Wealth of Nations by Smith, A Treatise on Political Economy by Say, and Principals of Political Economy and Taxation by Ricardo. Marx cites all of them with annoying frequency, and while you can generally work out what he's saying on your own, it will be a lot smoother sailing if you are already familiar with the economists he's building on and responding to.

>> No.15018614
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>> No.15018665

Read the pamphlets Wage Labor & Capital first, then Value Price & Profit and Critique of the Gotha Program last. That should be a good introduction.

>> No.15019348


First thing you should do is fucking kill yourself you filthy commie. But you should probably read Marx's manifesto first.

>> No.15019429

Probably something like the Marx-Engels reader or 1844 Man/Com Man/Ect. collections.

>> No.15019580

Do not aid industries right now. The invisible hand will fix it.

>> No.15019596

Just jump into capitalism and schizophrenia, it'll make sense eventually!

>> No.15019633

Hegel is the most important philosopher to read as an intro to Marxism