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15016270 No.15016270 [Reply] [Original]

Is Christianity just Neoplatonism for children?

>> No.15016274

It is neoplatonism for the masses (who are roughly analogous to children)

>> No.15016280


>> No.15016288

If by "Christianity" you mean Catholicism and Orthodoxy, because who know whatever the fuck Evangelicalism even is. Self-help for the children/masses?

>> No.15016300

Didn't we just have a Neoplatonistanon vs. Orthodoxanon thread a few days ago? Try switching it up man, I would like to see a Neoplatonist vs Buddhist debate, I want to see Nagarjuna and Damascius in a death match

>> No.15016303

I'm a Catholic zoomer, what's Neoplatonism?

>> No.15016309

>what's Neoplatonism
Christianity minus the Jewish mythology

>> No.15016317

No, it is for people people interested in genuine spirituality. Unlike platonism, the Christian God does not fall in antinomies.

>> No.15016332 [DELETED] 

Well, the idea behind that statement goes something like this. Plato understood the human soul as composed of, loosely speaking, three parts, and he wanted to appeal to men ruled by each one. So wrote arguments to appeal to men ruled by reason, he wrote plays and stirring poetry to appeal to those ruled by spirit, and he wrote myths to appeal to the lower classes, those ruled by the appetites. The last two contain the philosophical germs contained in the first, but because you cannot stirr a man ruled by passions to action by appealing to their reason, you must water down the philosophical message and make it appealing by embedding it within something more palpable.

In saying that Christianty is just platonism for the people, Nietzche meant that all of christianity could be construed as the kind of myth Plato would coat his ideas in (like the myth of Er, for example) to usher in his ideas to the masses.

>> No.15016345

Mostly the other way around. The lowest of the great Church Fathers (Origen) was comparable to Plotinus. And they were both students of Ammonius Saccas.

>> No.15016372
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>> No.15016379

fuk u demiurge (and your christkike and normal kike ilk)

>> No.15016385

Fuk u demiurge

>> No.15017176

What philosophers and books should I read to get into neoplatonism?

>> No.15017196
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>not worshipping the king of the sunset

>> No.15017202

The Neoplatonists by John Gregory

>> No.15017205

Start with pre-socratic fragments, focusing on Heraclitus, Parmenides and Empedocles. Read and study the Platonic Dialogues (Parmenides, Republic and Timaeus are the most important). Study the Corpus Aristotelicum (Focus Metaphysics, De Anima and Physics). Now you can begin Neoplatonism:
>Plotinus - The Enneads
>Proclus - Elements of Theology
>Porphyry's Commentary on Aristotle's Categories
>Read through Porphyrys other works
>Iamblichus - Mysteries
>Iamblichus - Theology of Arithmetic
>Iamblichus - Life of Pythagoras
>Proclus - Platonic Commentaries
>Proclus - Theology of Plato
>Damascius - Elements
>Syrianus and Simplicius
Those are the essentials, here are some other thinkers within Christian and Islamic Neoplatonism:
>Pseudo Dionysus and Saint Maximus
>Saint Augustine, Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Boethius
>John Eriugena
>Marsilio Ficino, Giovanni Mirandola, Giordano Bruno
>Al Kindi, Al Farabi, Avicenna, Ibn Arabi
>Maimonides, Avicebron, Abrabam Ibn Daud

>> No.15017231

>who know whatever the fuck Evangelicalism even is
I do. It's a memetic plague that leaves baby boys mutilated and praising their tormentors.

>> No.15017253

How is Origen the lowest of the Fathers? As far as I know, he was considered to be the intellectual powerhouse of ante-nicene Christianity.

>> No.15017261

>Didn't we just have a Neoplatonistanon vs. Orthodoxanon
Sauce pls?

>> No.15017284

You forgot Plutarch.

>> No.15017288


>> No.15017293
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Isn't neoplatonism just jhana yoga for people who came later?

>> No.15017374

Well, we came later.

>> No.15017403

No, Neoplatonism involves doing metaphysics as well and not just spiritual practices. And unlike Buddhism their metaphysics actually mostly makes sense and they don't have any nonsense about nothingness giving rise to objects or about everything being empty. And they are not stupid enough to deny the existence of the eternal soul like Buddhism does.

>> No.15017407

you know when you close your eyes real hard and can 'see stars'? That's what Plotinus saw 4x in his life and his method can teach you to do it too.

>> No.15017412

>Neoplatonism: temporarily seeing cool lights
>Christianity: eternal union with God and purification from sin

ummm I'm gonna stick with Christ

>> No.15017426

Guaranteed none of the christcucks in this thread has ever read about neoplatonism

>> No.15017445

Anatta means not-self, not non-self

>> No.15017454

>Neoplatonism: eternal union with the one and cool magic tricks
>Christianity: kissing black men's feet with a 99% chance of going hell because of some autistic catholic sin mechanic that hasn't been patched out yet

>> No.15017471

Really don't understand why people choose Christianity when they can go with neoplatonism... These niggas be reading the Bible and saying "yes this I believe! now let me try and fit this into neoplatonism".

Sorry I think I'll go with the Greeks instead.

>> No.15017509
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no no no!!!!! yikerinio cringetastic!
you just gotta repent and become an epic trad cath like me! we got epic memes on our side and anime girls :p
remember if you don't agree with me you're going to hell tehehehehe

>> No.15017512

Because they're weak brainlets who believe the first thing they're indoctrinated with. Notice how none of them can quote bible verses without spamming a hundred links and videos about crypto-pedo priests to explain their flawed interpretation to them. Christcucks are literal cattle who will never be able to grasp religion let alone philosophy. They stick to their deus vult LARPing and spread the false conception that christianity is a blood cult.

>> No.15017531

I agree, but most Buddhists consider that basically to be a heresy, and all the important Buddhist philosophers/thinkers with the exception of 1 or 2 believed that that Buddha taught a doctrine of "no-self" wrote about there being no self that isn't illusory.

>> No.15017544
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>...and the unrelenting stench of Neo-Platonism still surrounds us! I'll tell you something, the only 'One' these fools will get acquainted with, is the one just fury of our Lord when they burn in hell for eternity!
t. Bishop Barron

Come on guys I beg of you, quit the neo-platonist larp before its too late
I know it's exotic and cool, but it's not God's plan for you. He's invited you to join his Son in Heaven, why do you continue to reject salvation out of such juvenile pride?

>> No.15017555

Because your jewish god constantly contradicts itself and neoplatonism makes more sense than the whole lot of the OT and NT.

>> No.15017558

Is Apollo myth just platonism for children? If you're a self-entitled teenager who has no idea about Plato and where mythos comes from then yes, you'd think it's for children.

>> No.15017565

Contradiction is just part of Christianity's richness, but I doubt a neoplatonist larper like you would understand

Tell me, what about neoplatonism makes sense in the slightest?

>> No.15017567


>> No.15017575

>Contradiction is just part of Christianity's richness
Shit is just part of a dish's richness.

>> No.15017581

I bet you're a numale sodomite.

>> No.15017593

I bet you're a /pol/tard virgin sperg

>> No.15017599

Why would an intellectually disabled acne covered teenage schmuck be reading neoplatonic literature? What's the point?

>> No.15017611

Congrats on outing yourself like the illiterate christcuck you are.
Neoplatonism was born in pre-christian greece.

>> No.15017736

Jhana yoga =/= Buddhism. Keep reading pseud.

>> No.15017838

Jhanas are a uniquely Buddhist term, it's not usually used elsewhere, in Hinduism Dhyana is sometimes used but in a different context and often other words are substituted instead

>> No.15017852
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>> No.15018065

Unlike acne gnosis lasts forever.

>> No.15018097

No, Christianity is just religion for stupid people

>> No.15018177


>> No.15018185
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>Having read little philosophy leaves you as an atheist; having read a lot of philosophy turns you religious.

>> No.15018512


>> No.15018515

I wish there was just a monotheistic religion without reincarnation and no demiurge or weird stuff like giving up everything

Poor Demiurge

>> No.15019250

If it's the truth, does it matter if a Neoplatonist, a Christian or a Hindu says it?

>> No.15019345

You sound line an American boomer
You gonna suffer forever pain of you don't rebuke those demiurgic lies

>> No.15019386

to hylics it matters

>> No.15019612

Hylics don't matter, although they worship matter ;)

>> No.15019706
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>Prop. 1. Every manifold in some way participates 1 unity.
For suppose a manifold in no way participating unity. Neither
this manifold as a whole nor any of its several parts will be one;
each part will itself be a manifold of parts, and so to infinity; and
of this infinity of parts each, once more, will be infinitely manifold ;
for a manifold which in no way participates any unity, neither as
a whole nor in respect of its parts severally, will be infinite in every
way and in respect of every part. For each part of the manifold—
take which you will—must be either one or not-one; and if not¬
one, then either many or nothing. But if each part be nothing, the
whole is nothing; if many, it is made up of an infinity of infinites.
This is impossible: for, on the one hand, nothing which is is made
up of an infinity of infinites (since the infinite cannot be exceeded,
yet the single part is exceeded by the sum); on the other hand,
nothing can be made up of parts which are nothing. Every manifold,
therefore, in some way participates unity.

>Prop. 2. All that participates unity is both one and not-one.
For inasmuch as it cannot be pure unity (since participation in
unity implies a distinct participant), its ‘participation’ means that it
has unity as an affect, and has undergone a process of becoming
one. Now if it be nothing else but its own unity, it is a bare ‘one ’
and so cannot participate unity but must be pure unity. But if it
has some character other than oneness, in virtue of that character
it is not-one, and so not unity unqualified. Thus being one, and
yet (as participating unity) in itself not-one, it is both one and not-
one. It is in fact unity with something added, and is in virtue of
the addition not-one, although one as affected by unity. Everything,
therefore, which participates unity is both one and not-one.

>Prop. 3. All that becomes one does so by participation of unity.
For what becomes one is itself not-one, but is one inasmuch as it is affected by participation of unity: since, if things which are not in themselves one should become one, they surely do so by coming together and by communication in each other, and so are subjected to the presence of unity without being unity unqualified. In so far, then, as they undergo a process of becoming one, they participate unity. For if they already are one, they cannot become one: nothing can become what it already is. But if from a former not-one they become one, their unity must be due to a • one' which has entered into them.

>> No.15019724

Christkikes BTFO

>> No.15019946
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fuk u demiurge
>le sad demiurge

>> No.15020042
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>> No.15020053
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the most important pre-socratic for neoplatonism is Philolaus

>> No.15020090
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he's condemned and his doctrines anathematized
gnostics read Republic and observe the journey beyond the Cave.
But then they ignore the most emphasized part:
The return into the cave. As Iamblichus noted, our place is not to leave the cosmos forever but to order it

>> No.15020262

fuk u demiurge

>> No.15020328

contradiction is not false a priori, the notion that the logic of the lord must be equipped with 3 axioms as opposed to just the one (I AM THAT I AM, the law of identity) is falsehood.