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15015968 No.15015968 [Reply] [Original]

> Sartre was "merciless" in attacking anyone who had collaborated or remained passive during the German occupation; for instance, criticizing Camus for signing an appeal to spare the collaborationist writer Robert Brasillach from being executed.
> Sartre believed at this time in the moral superiority of the Eastern Bloc in spite of its human rights violations, arguing that this belief was necessary "to keep hope alive" and opposed any criticism of Soviet Union to the extent that Maurice Merleau-Pont called him an "ultra-Bolshevik". Sartre's expression "workers of Billancourt must not be deprived of their hopes"[61] (Fr. "il ne faut pas désespérer Billancourt"), became a catchphrase meaning communist activists should not tell the whole truth to the workers in order to avoid decline in their revolutionary enthusiasm.
> In 1964 after the death of Stalin, Sartre attacked Khrushchev's "Secret Speech" which condemned the stalinist repressions and purges. Sartre argued that "the masses were not ready to receive the truth".
> In 1973 he argued that "revolutionary authority always needs to get rid of some people that threaten it, and their death is the only way"
How does a man become so morally bankrupt?

>> No.15015980

Just look at that little cross eyed pedophile manlet...how could anything good possibly come from that gremlin?

>> No.15015981

can some kind anon bring up that copypasta where they want to kick this frog in the chin with a metallic boot?

>> No.15015997

he was blue-pilled and godless

>> No.15016003

Mid 20th century France was chock-full of intellectually dishonest artists and "thinkers" who held certain beliefs for the sake of appearance. Sartre was no different.

>> No.15016005

even more ironic since his form of resistance during the occupation was worthless, empty posturing. he didn't actually fight or do anything other than his useless writing.

>> No.15016037

He is to sad and weak to explore life freely, so he adopt a cultish mentality. The saddest part is that 30 years after the cold war ends, only things like classical liberalism and keynesianism, matter, nobody cares about communism and no doubt following the next century, most of the left will become irrelevant. He bet on the wrong horse!

>> No.15016071

he took wishful thinking too far. i don't blame him.
on the other hand, his philosophy is irrelevant in of itself. contrary to Mr Ponty, whose later political and philosophical writings have aged like fine wine.
still is a shame that "critique of dialectical reason" isn't more well known

>> No.15016074

don't you mean BASED?

>> No.15016454

it's so ridiculous this subhuman niggerized retard is even mentioned

>> No.15016528

Fuck Sartre. He didn't even do anything in the Resistance.

>> No.15016639

Even funnier considering that the communists were the first collaborators in France, and only joined the resistance later when Russia entered the war.

>> No.15016654

That's not anything worse than what your average leftist thinks. At least he could write.

>> No.15016674

Every thing I learn about this little boggle eyed cunt makes me loathe him even more.

You can just tell he was a pathetic effete leftist that cheered on the state repression conducted by his political heroes in other territories.

Just a little gutless worm of a man. As ugly on the inside as he is on the out. Basically looks like a racist caricature of a French"man".

>> No.15016684

late sean f kay

>> No.15016718

these kind of people literally don't have real opinions or character, never thought deeply or seriously about anything in their life. they exist as a kind of living instance of academic social trendiness and posturing.

>> No.15016804

Sartre is proof that physiognomy is real. What a disgusting little creature.

>> No.15016827

If I was French in the 40s and heard this, it probably would have convinced me to collaborate with the Germans

>> No.15016862
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That inbred looking Frenchman was a notorious womanizer and you have trouble finding a date. How does that make you feel?

>> No.15016866
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If I was French in the 40s and knew what would become of France after the 'victory' I wouldn't just have collaborated with the Germans but personally shot those who opposed them.

>> No.15016948

Also he was a pedophile

>> No.15016992

How is this moral bankruptcy? He was absolutely right. Now that the failures of communism have been exposed to the masses, the working class no longer wishes to fight. This is the capitalists DREAM.

>> No.15017016

Instead, you got to share incredibly boring and impotent power fantasies on the internet, good on you faggot.

>> No.15017020

What larks.

>> No.15017049

In order to reach those values, one must think of jews as essential and every other nation and race as sacrifices to keep them alive. Talmudic Judaism, in other words.

>> No.15017077

"Is he looking at you or me?"

>> No.15017119

>implying the French have standards

>> No.15017121

I've been disappointed by women. Dead fish with tons of issues that are not worth handling.
Though I have trust issues and intimacy issues due to bad parenting and a retard (FAS/Down) diddling me when I was a kid.

>> No.15017134

Sounds hella based

>> No.15017312

That's why I'm team Bataille–Blanchot

>> No.15017321

>pedo thinks anything has moral superiority

>> No.15017331


Quintessentially French.

>> No.15017335

Letting your wife groom schoolgirls for you isn't womanizing.

>> No.15017373
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It's not a power fantasy, you retarded tranny, I'm making a point about 'victory' being a thousand times worse than the time they spent occupied. I think the French got their just reward for not fighting for Hitler, being invaded by islamic foreigners instead and being disposed from their lands. This is the fruit of the allied victory, a France without Frenchmen. If they were given a vision of the future and they knew it to be true they would have hailed the fuhrer and fought for their people until their last breath.

>> No.15017447

What are you raving about you transphobic nutcase

>> No.15017457

another in a long line of a tradition of morally and intellectually bankrupt french "thinkers".

>> No.15017485

He was also a Mao apologist, too.

I never cease to be amazed by how many bad takes one singular man can have.

>> No.15017486

There is not a single French Philosopher I respect, holy shit

>> No.15017506
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This has to be bait, but I'm talking about the ethnic replacement of the French being the end result of liberalism winning WWII.

>> No.15017514


The more you learn about the French the more you learn they were determined by fashion and opportunism. I have a hunch they all picked up on Nietzsche because Klossowski was shilling him right around 1965-1970 and Klossowski was the bete noire archetype they all wanted to imitate, just like how they all claimed to be "Hegelians, tragically struggling with Hegel!!!!" right after Kojeve (an actual philosopher, which is why he didn't associate with them much but preferred to associate with Germans and German Jews) was shilling Hegel. Same way that they also claimed to be "breaking with Husserl and Heidegger" right after Merleau-Ponty and Ricoeur (honorary non-Frenchmen because they were a real philosophers; Ricoeur famously fled the French pomo scene and despised it, preferring to work with Germans) were actually meaningfully grappling with Husserl in the Husserl archives.

Everything French comes down to this. There are two layers: first, they copy their philosophy from the Germans by sifting whatever has risen to the top of German philosophy in the last generation. In ca. 1960 France, this was phenomenology and historicism. Then they read whoever seems trendy and avant garde, whoever has "stage effect" and comes across like a mystic sage, like a Klossowski, a Bataille, or a Kojeve. They write basic German philosophy, sprinkle it with some French sloppiness and sensualism that makes it both slightly obscure and considerably less incisive than the German original, and then they take whatever the Kojeve guy seemed to be talking about, like Hegel or Nietzsche, and pretend that they were always already in the know about that thing and in agreement with the Kojeve guy about how that thing is really important.

Because of their fundamental sloppiness they end up as boring LARPing neoliberals who at best are regurgitating commonplaces from 1930s German philosophers like Heidegger and Jaspers, with dashes of French sensualism and dystopian social engineering like "maybe if we were all carefree fags the world would fix itself?" While they're doing this, they distract from the fact that they are brutally repressing their former colonial empire and that their government is allying itself with pro-American juntas in the third world. The French are the ultimate posers.

>> No.15017566

Brasillach was epic and based, and the number of writers and intellectuals who signed the petition in his favour is impressive; Sartre was a disgusting bastard

>> No.15017571

He arguably made a nice profit during the period, as well as that dumb bitch Beauvoir, who got a cushy radio job, then he claimed he was doing undercover resistance and went back to orgies with Simone's students (there's a fun book on the subject, by one of the participants if anyone's interested)

>> No.15017576

Yup, they literally said anti-German feeling, in the first months after the June invasion, was petit bourgeois nationalist and all their usual hammy rhetorical points

>> No.15017582

Confirms women are disgusting and love the rich and powerful, even (especially) when they pose as oppressed/defenders of the oppressed

>> No.15017588

idc, literature has nothing to do with morality. Aesthetics is more important.

>> No.15017589

Based person aware of the ENS Husserl archives

>> No.15017613

kek you got diddled by a retard?

>> No.15017617

he was very charming

>> No.15017622
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>> No.15017625


The right side won ww2

>> No.15017629

"Ethnic replacement" is just a racist dogwhistle, nobody cares about muh color skin except nazitards. Brown Frenchmen existing alongside white Frenchmen doesn't magically becomes a bad thing because you use scary language.

>> No.15017633
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>> No.15017634


I'm not even gay and I think he was handsome

>> No.15017640

I'd love to kick Jean Paul Sartre in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.
As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

>> No.15017645
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I refuse to bite this time.

>> No.15017655

You've been fed propaganda in feedback looped echo chamber for endless eons, now you just assume that anon is baiting when he's stating a valid opinion thay contradicts your hivemind dogma

>> No.15017657

lots of people did.

>> No.15017667

Sartre did drugs with Junger during the war so hey - he wasn't running through forests with machinegun killing Germans either.

>> No.15017668

The world would have been a lot better place with Nazi's instead of Communists. Why couldn't Britain mind their own damn business?

>> No.15017694

Be believing your ideology has the moral high ground and everyone else works against it.

>> No.15017708

somebody should stop him

>> No.15017713
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Eh? You're saying that if your people die out you win? Honestly, let's say Hitler wanted to exterminate the French (lol) and expand pure germanics into their territory, with your logic you cannot be opposed to that since it doesn't matter who lives there. And furthermore would the consequences of that be any different from the state of France today from the standpoint of the French? Why would it be better to be replaced by niggers and arabs than with Germans?

Objectively speaking the outcome of WW2 was bad for the French people since Hitler wouldn't have exterminated them, unlike their neoliberal government.

>> No.15017718

That's definitely written by someone with a very particular ideological grudge against Sartre. Just go and actually read him. He definitely wasn't servile to the USSR. He attacked the USSR on all kinds of issues, especially after 1967 and their pro-Arab bias. If anything he was primarily radically Philosemitic.

>> No.15017720

Because they had to crush German industry from dominating the mainland, which they ironically failed with since it did so anyway.

>> No.15017757

>with your logic you cannot be opposed to that since it doesn't matter who lives there.
There's a relevant difference between one the one hand Hitler murdering people and on the other hand white women preferring BBC to autistic dweebs who spend all their time posting misogyny on the internet.

>> No.15017775
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You should stop cooming to jewish cuck porn and look at reality once in a while. The demographic replacement happened due to low birthrates in France and mass immigration that replaced the original population. Not because French women wanted to fuck niggers and everyone there is a mutt now like in America. Whether a people die out by political castration or by straight up slaughter followed by invaders doesn't matter, the result is exactly the same, no more frogs.

>> No.15017785

>Whether a people die out by political castration or by straight up slaughter followed by invaders doesn't matter
False and gay. Next!

>> No.15017816
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Why does it matter how they perish? If you were sentenced to be executed would you think that if you got the needle instead of being gassed or shot that it was perfectly alright then? That it would be more 'humane'? Personally I think it's more dignified to die on your feet, but you do you. But isn't the problem here the dying part and not the way you go about it?

I don't much care for the French, I will spit on their graves for being such cowards when they are completely gone, which is soon, but I don't like the people replacing them much either.

>> No.15017829

aside from the neoliberal swipe which is lazy anachronism this post is very based

>> No.15017833

>Why couldn't Britain mind their own damn business?

cause churchill was a fat idiot who bankrupted the british empire but gets remembered as a hero because our media is controlled by jews who want to retroactively make the war all about themselves

>> No.15017854

He was the best goy.

>> No.15017873

That's what happens when you think reason can provide a full account of reality. You become blind to your own irrational biases that are driving your conclusions.

>> No.15017892

Satre was right and Stalin was right.
Fuck you're all a disingenuous lot

If you want a revolution and to keep authority permanently, he's right, you gotta kill some people.
Political power comes from the barrel of a gun

>> No.15017928

It's beautiful. The current world order was founded on the assertion that one can solve the world with reason alone, but philosophy has utterly failed to back up the assertion, to bring down the Ten Commandments. It is as if Moses went up Mountain Sinai, and, hearing nothing, despaired and committed suicide. The secular ideologies have become hidden churches, preaching reason and empiricism, but behind the veil, hiding the terrible knowledge that the entire edifice rests on faith, or more accurately, on the irrational. The 21st century will be the last gasp of the enlightenment.

>> No.15017934

what is the difference?

>> No.15017999

The french resistance was worthless altogether. Case in point: Vercors.

>> No.15018024

More brown people = good, more white people = bad, you stupid racist incel.

>> No.15018088


>I literally cannot see the difference between on the one hand being content with dying of old age at 80+ after a long fulfilling life with a wife and single child while my brown neighbour had three kids, and on the other hand being dragged from my home in my mid-twenties by a bunch of drearily autistic german nazis high on Pervitin who shoot me in the back of my head while singing the Horst Wessel lied off-key
What does it feel like to be so dumb, boring and gay?

>> No.15018124


one is upfront and gets an equally upfront response, the other is just shameful and eerie. like you're getting your head rubbed as you slip off easily into the night, tummy all fat and full of curry and kebab meat. subhuman way to go.

>> No.15018137

>How does a man become so morally bankrupt?
He's French

>> No.15018146

There is a difference, but it isn't a rationally discerned one. If you're a godless communist, that means you see yourself as a mere pile of atoms. You will still be the same pile of atoms after death. What is there sorrowful therein, dear Prince?

>> No.15018148

holy fuck that is cringe.

>> No.15018156


t. last man

>> No.15018204
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I'd rather die in combat than to see my children get abused as they become a minority in their own nation. Imagine thinking a German shooting you dead is horrible while dying alone in a hospital from shortness of breath surrounded by subhumans that hate you while they laugh about it is somehow a great way to go. Imagine caring this little about the future of your people, your nation and your children. Imagine not caring that your grandchildren will live in the most miserable of conditions and hate your guts for throwing away the things you inherited. Imagine thinking France can exist without the French people.

>> No.15018314

French guy here, he was servile for as long as it was possible, then cucked out before losing what creidbility he had left, and moving on to other more fashionable causes, like telling colonised folk to shoot French people...
But you're right, he did have an almost pathological liking for Jews, but that doesn't negate what OP said

>> No.15018353

Sounds BASED AF to me.

>> No.15018366

>Pall José-ph Whatson

>> No.15018520

>Criticises those who were 'passive' during occupation
>Meanwhile he sits on a dildo and pens 'an essay on phenomenological ontology' like that makes him any better

God I hate the French so much

>> No.15018550

>How does a man become so morally bankrupt?
He didn't have something else to hold as meaningful. He was the one who stayed still to the hopes of a failed dream.

>> No.15018571


Imagine being this gay and typing out all these gay fantasies about being laughed at.

>> No.15018588

They really are the reddit midwits of Europe.

>> No.15018627
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>It is true that the prose writer and the poet both write. But there is nothing in common between those two acts of writing except the movement of the hand which traces the letters. Prose is, in essence, utilitarian.
>Thus, the prose writer is a man who has chosen a certain method of secondary action which me may call action by disclosure...
>The styles makes the value of the prose...Beauty is in this case only a gentle and imperceptible force. In a painting it shines forth at the very first sight; in a book it hides itself; it acts by persuasion like the charm of a voice or face.

Did Sartre just pat himself on the back?

>> No.15018706



>> No.15019407

Very nice imminent critique

>> No.15019817

can someone post céline's quote on sartre already

>> No.15019836
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Imagine running out of arguments so you just have to resort to calling someone gay for pointing out the obvious when it goes against your liberal doctrine, despite being an establishment ass-slave yourself.

>> No.15020041

I like Camus c: