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/lit/ - Literature

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15012432 No.15012432 [Reply] [Original]

What is your perfect book (that does not exist yet) about?
What would it be about, what would you get out of it?

>> No.15012546
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it's an uncessant series of comfy stories, short and long, grasping the entire range of genres and moods i like.
currently constructing it in daydreams

>> No.15012605

what have you constructed so far

>> No.15012841
File: 924 KB, 2048x1370, main-qimg-3328f1a877af7c20f3d39155bc186785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess it's too cringy and personal to share. but i"m sure lit autists wont judge my guilty pleasures.
i have established some places and characters.
the world is full of hidden havens, secret spots and unknown places. some stories, like my initial pic, have a spirit of magical socrealism.
if i find some era or historical setting dreamworthy, i just exclude everything i dislike about it.

>> No.15012866

>if i find some era or historical setting dreamworthy, i just exclude everything i dislike about it.
honestly, that's what I do with ancient Rome and other places/eras I like too
My ideal story I think would be something absurd but something with many layers, like an unreliable narrator, something so silly with an undertone of violent sadism but told with such earnestness that you start to think it could be real.

>> No.15013016
File: 933 KB, 720x1560, niggers will ruin it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse image search thumbnail
>search town name into google earth
>street view
>theres that dog again
its amazing how the internet has made the planet into a smaller more managable object.

>> No.15013041
File: 185 KB, 840x885, 600-6006701_pink-wojak-general-anonymous-tue-nov-13-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that webm

>> No.15013095

oh no, you can't go outside :(
sad face

>> No.15013107

what a beautiful sight

A funny and cozy treasure hunt inside a large mansion.

>> No.15013118

lord of the rings but with my self insert elf joining the fellowship too

>> No.15013161
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>What is your perfect book about?
>What would you get out of it?

>> No.15013170

A small group of children and young adults are isolated in a strange place, together, they have to learn to survive the harsh, fantastical wilderness and come together as a family.

When they return, somehow, to civilization, they find themselves still isolated, having to relearn how to survive again, but this time in a society that doesn't understand them. but they have each other,

The Returning War Vet/Stranger in a Familiar Land Tropes is my absolute favorite, The younger the better. Something like an 800 page, dark supernatural version of "Hatchet"

A comfy. edgy survival story with a happy ending full of action and platonic love.

>> No.15013212

are you me? that's exactly what is in some of my stories. it's unlikely that a book like that will ever be written but i want to start some outlines now

>> No.15013215

have you read moby dick yet?

>> No.15013234

i doubt he meant that. more of
> there are actual people actually living there all the time. they were just born into it and don't even realize their luck. oblivious and joyful, creatures of eden in edenic mountains, i will NEVER know that feel

>> No.15013242

>are you me
that's just fanfiction, most people raised on genre fiction do that

>> No.15013273

i was mostly referring to the
> something absurd but something with many layers, like an unreliable narrator, something so silly with an undertone of violent sadism but told with such earnestness that you start to think it could be real.
part, too specific for general fanfiction. not to shit on it though, i think a kid writing and reading shitty fanfics about his favorite cartoon is far better than most other forms of "expression"

>> No.15013291

I posted about a story I was attempting to write on here years ago but my tastes have kind of changed since then, I used to want to write a story about a man who meets another man and their friendship starts off OK. The second dude though ia very awkward and shy and kind of effeminate, and the main guy doesn't realize it but he sees more and more of the parts of himself he hides in the second guy which pisses him off. Second guy is compared to a squid throughout the entire story because he is sweddy and spineless. Story would have ended with the protagonist pinning him on the floor, beating the shit out of him, and raping him while he cried. Kind of glad I never wrote that now that I think about it.

>> No.15013311

>kid writing and reading shitty fanfics about his favorite cartoon
oh boy, looks like you haven't read much fanfiction
self inserts and power fantasies are just the tip of the iceberg of smut, homo-eroticism, mpreg, harems, angst, all floating in an endless sea of cliches and garbage

>> No.15013376

not him, I love fanfiction.
I'm not even sorry. There's so much niche shit I can't get anywhere else. Timetravel fics, one of my favorites is something, for example, that can only be used to it's full extent in fanfiction form, since you have to be aware of the story BEFORE you read the story.
Maybe I WANT to read an edgy queerplatonic unreliable narrator shipfic where the main characters go ghost hunting in the ozarks. I have needs, you know.

>> No.15013426

sounds pretty based ngl, the kind of pathetic relentless violence i like.
but thats also why i write it in my head, not to cringe too hard.
yeah, still better than most other things teens may engage in. they learn to write, read and be creators even if their creation is shite. they're not afraid to take the niche >>15013376 . to make is not the same as to consoom, so on fanfiction i'll always be positive.

>> No.15013434

I get claustrophobic from this webm

>> No.15013440

It's about pirates but like, deeper bro.

>> No.15013447

I'm from the Alps and that's how we feel sometimes.

>> No.15013513

Something with incest, a library and nightmares.
Throw in time travel for the heck of it.

>> No.15013538

And so we learn, that the perfect /lit/ book would be a fanfic. Why is fanfiction not allowed in here again? Clearly, the original purpose of that rule has not worked out.

>> No.15013547

of course. what do you think fanfiction is?

>> No.15013557

it is harry potter getting railed in the ass by snape

>> No.15013572

that's yes, that's an upsetting number of fanfics, but a fanfic is pure indulgence. That's why they exist. Your perfect story is just all your favorite shit mixed together. That's what fanfic is.

>> No.15013804

now I know why God never gives us what we want
it is because that would be hell

>> No.15013815

Surrealist exploration novel, like a written form of Yume Nikki or Shaun Tan's art.

>> No.15013858

yeah, it's a good thing fiction exists

>> No.15013983
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agreed; whatever keeps the proles at bay

>> No.15014017

an absurdist novella about a man who wakes up one morning with a mysterious plastic knob on the back of his head.

>> No.15014022
File: 249 KB, 248x459, 1572883279467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15014030

cringe. anon, I hope you don't pull gregory berrycones like this in real life.

>> No.15014049

Try A High Wind in Jamaica, it hits a few of your criteria

>> No.15014059

A comfy western novel about a boy coming to terms with his fathers death and grappling with his own masculinity along the way. He’d meet the classic masculine roles and it would end with him on drug trip from an Indian elder where he is standing at the top of a mound with all of eternity stretching in each direction as his domain. And at the top of the mound he sees his father and then he is his father and then he wakes up in the middle of the mountains somewhere and he has to get home.

>> No.15014061

thank you anon, I will

>> No.15014073

Oh, it looks perfect

>> No.15014094

I want a book where a primitive (like neolithic) man realizes that after he dies, no one will remember him, so he tries to invent some kind of symbol to keep his memory alive through the centuries.

>> No.15014219

unironically great, it's a simply plotted man's novel that teens would always dearly remember as one of their first private reads. essential middlebrow with high themes core.
would make a great short story

>> No.15014240

I want a book about the first cities and people discovering writing, with their gods being treated as real. Basically something inspired by the ancient Sumerian writings like this one:


>> No.15014262

unironically thought about this while trying to write a story about maenads a few weeks ago. not very good at writing so feel free to roast me on this bro

She looked out beyond the town walls, and saw the lonely dirt path that snaked through the emerald-green hills before it was swallowed into the trees at the far end of her view. Beyond the horizon lay Thebes. Although the marketplace was full of chatter and noise, the world outside steadily hummed with the sound of thousands of cicadas, all buzzing in unison, as if their voices slowly worked toward some great climax.

>> No.15014270

Some weirdo political drama set in nineteenth century Indosinipersia about why sometimes corruption can be a good thing

>> No.15014297

I don't think I'm that good at writing, but I would suggest writing shorter sentences and not stringing multiple adjectives together before a noun.

>> No.15015445
File: 213 KB, 720x720, image0-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair, thank you

>> No.15015464

This is what I imagined the setting looks like in On the Marble Cliffs by Ernst Junger, very comfy book with great writing if any anons are curious to check it out

>> No.15015543

not really cause it's usually ruined cause of tourists and locals who lust after tourists (for money)

>> No.15015551

>doesn't post the name of the town

>> No.15015668

Hmm strange coincidence, I also do this detailed daydreaming sort of thing, especially I think about physical spaces and architecture and one of the most fleshed out spaces in my head is set in a deep cliff sided Swiss valley just like op posted, that might be the same valley that planted the seed in my head.

>> No.15015688

Read Gogol shorts

>> No.15015709

You might enjoy Kim by Rudyard Kipling, pretty easy highschoolcore stuff but the setting your looking for

>> No.15015813 [DELETED] 

A book that categorizes emergent phenomena, but pays special attention to psychology.

This is probably way off, but imagine that for every thought we have a string "t,e,i," where t represents a string of well-constructed text and e is an emotion with its associated intensity. The string of text would be Godel-numbered in the Ithkuil enge-lang, the emotions would be based on Plutchik's wheel, and the intensity would be a percentage.

The various combinations of these strings would be compiled into a set, and the isomorphic ideas would be self-intersections that produce reduce to a smaller, non-isomorphic set.

I know that this is probably all garbage, but I quite like these ideas that I come up with. If I did some more research, do you think that I could make a collection of fictional book reviews about my assorted ideas like Stanislaw Lem? Also, my apologies for making this like a journal post.

>> No.15015872

"Path down from Leiterhorn to Wengen" according to a youtube comment

>> No.15015903


A multi-volume, interdisciplinary work which begins and ends with the same goal: the elimination of religion from the human condition.

Volume 1 is a philosophical treatise which actually, correctly disproves god, religion, etc, and which prescribes the alteration of the human species so as to be incapable of religious feeling.
Volume 2 is a scientific treatise which establishes the feasibility and desirability of the conclusions presented in Volume 1, without unintended consequences.
Volume 3 is a political treatise on the implementation of the scientific project outlined in Volume 2.
Volume 4 is a history on the success of the project.

>> No.15015966


>> No.15016697

imagine living your life like this

>> No.15016702


I'm doing well, and I only want what is best for everyone, which is why I wrote what I did.

>> No.15016726

you could have any book you wanted, but what you want is to tell people what they believe in is wrong.

either you're so arrogant, and think you're so much smarter than those poor religious people, you're so bitter that you want to take faith from the people who have it, or you're so naive as to think religion is the only source of evil in the world.

If you only want what's best for everyone, you would have wrote something like "a self-help book on communication and personal happiness that actually works", but that's not your motivation.

>> No.15016742
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It would be about a man in a lifelong struggle with pedophilia. Not wanting to act on it, because he knows that it's morally wrong and hurts people, but he still occasionally has these desires popping up in his head.

>> No.15016774
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Why would it be morally wrong though? Those teens will get fucked sooner or later, might as well be you fucking them.

>> No.15016808
File: 123 KB, 309x315, 1581919586304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would murder be morally wrong though? People die sooner or later, might as well be you who's killing them.

>> No.15017000

>identify bad thing
>help reader remove bad thing from their lives
>not a self-help book according to anon
Uh, I don't get what the problem here is

>> No.15017029

implying religious belief has not been superimposed onto inferior cultures through violent means

> That arrogance. I shall see you hanged...

>> No.15017072

stealing these ideas

>> No.15017083

If on a winter's night a traveller is kind of that, they're mostly pretty short though

>> No.15017107
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I hardly think sticking your dick in someone is akin to murder, but actually yes, what's wrong with terminating someone's life a short bit earlier if you have much to gain by doing so and much to lose out on if you don't? We call these things wars and they're accepted by pretty much everyone in society.

>> No.15017199

something mysterious and alien but still engaging and scary for unknown reasons

>> No.15017239

they're not any good though, they're just vague dreams

>> No.15017243

Living in a valley must be totally cucked. Imagine never being able to see the sunrise/sunset. High noon is the most horrendous time of day.

>> No.15017245

that's fantastic! I can't wait to read it

>> No.15017250

lots of piss drinking and pregnant sex in explicit detail

>> No.15017263

turned inwards, towards the mind and its creations. engaging quite heavily with some serious issues in contemporary analytic metaphysics or philosophy of mind. less human or emotional than most fiction. richly imaginative.

>> No.15017271

yeah, but instead you get beautiful mountain vistas. There's some pretty stunning views up there.

>> No.15017296


>> No.15017297
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Too much gray for my tastes though. Mountains are more pleasing from far away.

>> No.15017302

>he wants to live in the mud looking up

>> No.15017328
File: 647 KB, 700x492, screenshot-2015-06-19-13-33-e1434714001506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I should've said pic unrelated. It's somewhat related but only in the context of my complaint about sunsets. Also you're fooling yourself if you don't think that phrase could be assigned to valley life.

>> No.15017344
File: 671 KB, 2560x1196, 1577081370036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd agree with you, but I've been in the alps. It's like the world is more crisp. It's really beautiful. I'm not even a mountain person. I much prefer forests.
This is a panorama view from the top of the alps in Tirol, in spring, and below that is the base.

>> No.15017380

I believe you and agree that the pics you posted are aesthetically pleasing. There's something about OP's webm though that feels sterile in comparison to your pic. Now that I'm contrasting it with yours I think it's not only the fact that OP's is high noon (inherently poopy time of day as mentioned before) but also the lack of trees. Your bottom pic in particular I think is perfect. I'd greatly enjoy living in that space. OP's would be highly nauseating to me.