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15015814 No.15015814 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ keep a journal?

>> No.15016328
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I try too, but its difficult to stick to it

>> No.15016434
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I learned some very basic bookbinding and made one. I recommend all the highly /lit/erary patrician anons to do the same. https://youtu.be/Xan-70TkDJs
Don't know what to write in it though. Any ideas?

>> No.15016492

I keep a dream journal, though it's discouraging in that almost every morning I have nothing to report.

>> No.15016536
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That video is supremely cozy

>> No.15016540

Do you anon?

>> No.15016672

the real question is do you want /lit/ to

>> No.15016688

no i dont believe my life is interesting enough to remember

>> No.15016696
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>> No.15016739
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I had been keeping a journal for years. It's worth it if you want to understand your own actions better and maybe this will make you a less dumb idiot. however, keep in mind that you produce unpublishable garbage that you need to burn before anyone sees it.

>> No.15016750

why'd you stop?

>> No.15016759

No, but I do enjoy notepads, so I have a nice little collection of books very similar to what's in OPs pic.

Most of the notes inside are absolute garbage.

>> No.15016776

because it was frustrating. I realised in what ways I changed and to what extent not. I realised I write more in bad time than in good times. and here's the thing, at some point you have to live more, write less, change more, analyse less, and most importantly, git gud at writing fiction.

>> No.15016792
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based & bindpilled. cant wait to go back home when quarantine is over and make more books. shitty storebought cant compete

>> No.15016800

I have a little notebook which I use to pin down thoughts and autistic concepts that seem to me to be as of some meaning. I never read back though, as it is all irrelevant and pretty autistic rubbish. It still does something for me though, it seems to make me somewhat calmer and I fall asleep easier. I suppose this is mostly because of the fact that keeping a notebook has freed me of the pressing feeling that I should desperately cling on to some autistic observation (one of those that you make perhaps a dozen a day of in times of contemplative state) "untill I have integrated it properly into my worldview".

>> No.15016863

>dear diary, OP was faggot again

>> No.15016938

Sometimes I'll journal on a boring day and find that there was actually a ton of interesting things going on and I just hadn't been attentive to it
That is assuming, of course, on you doing SOMETHING that isn't just sheer home routines

>> No.15017317

No because somebody could read it. I'm thinking of learning some autistic language like koine greek and writing in it though.

>> No.15017371

Just do it. If you skip a day its no big deal. If you skip a month its no big deal just get back on track. Free thinking, drawings, plans for the day or week, events in the present, goals, ideas. So what if someone reads it. Your not that important it doesn't matter. Then again, don't self incriminate if your some kind of scoundrel.

>> No.15017464

have thought about it for a while, just started yesterday but feel I will keep it up. I was inspired to by Nassim Nicholas's Taleb's comments on William Shirer's diaries from 1939-41, and how they were a superior historical source as they avoid retrospective assertions of cause.

>> No.15017570

Hear we go, people. The Taleb guy just showed up. In case anybody asks; he's not Arab.

>> No.15017926

>he's not Arab

>> No.15018585

My life is boring. I have nothing interesting going on. Literally at all.

>got up
>did my day-to-day things
>went to the gym
>went to bed
>got up
>did my day-to-day things
>saw a friend
>went to bed

>> No.15018590

Yes, for three years now.
You'd be surprised. My best writing came from excruciatingly dull days.

>> No.15018610

мaикo дoкaтo фaнa квo cи мънкa твa пeдaлчe, ти ли cи твa ? зaтвa ли гo пocтвa тoя гeи ?