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15012096 No.15012096 [Reply] [Original]

Are there books to explain leftist narcissism?

>> No.15012105

There's dozens about how right wingers are sociopathic subhumans. Have you thought on that?

>> No.15012111

not a leftist

>> No.15012150
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In order to create a legion of NPC Consumers you must program them with the idea that everything they think (that is the things you tell them to think) and everything they believe (that is the things you tell them to believe) and everything they like (that is the things you tell them to like) and everything they believe to be unique about themselves (shared by all other NPC Consumers) is the pinnacle of human potential.
Any deviation from this pure form of egotism is extremely frightening and triggers instinctive emotional distancing as seen here: >>15012105

>> No.15012153

Lol. Cope. Leftists are fucking narcissistic twats who don't talk about anything substantive. They only talk about subjective experience.

>> No.15012199


There are two kinds of people in the world: those that think there are two kinds of people in the world and those of us who know better.

I don't think you are going to find people on this board who are as retarded as you..

You probably will find friends over on /pol.

>> No.15012205

Oversocialization and it's consequences have been a disaster for the leftist psyche.

>> No.15012215

I just said we should enslave right wingers c'mon (not kill because then nobody will raise animals or farm meat or have hilarious gory accidents)

>> No.15012221

Example of mood affiliation fallacy

>> No.15012230

I've lived in a small town in Kentucky for a little while. I'm starting to think I should stay for good. I never have to see shit like this.

>> No.15012231

leftist don't resort to mass shootings to get attention

>> No.15012233

What is more narcissistic than seething over the fact that people you don't know and never will change their appearance in a manner that offends you yet has no material effect on you or anyone but themselves?

>> No.15012243

It's okay contra, he didn't really mean it

Now let me sample that quality mouth feel that queer folk keep harping on about

>> No.15012256

No, but they certainly have a thing for axe wounds...

>> No.15012258


You must be a decades long master of social distancing if you think these freaks don't affect anyone around them lol

>> No.15012261

being a tranny. Even tranny porn is just them looking at themselves in the camera at themselves and winking and kissing. Their mental illness is paraded daily despite being a negligible part of the population.

>> No.15012266

Pretty much this, I guess.

>> No.15012267

Literally anyone who has a problem with this line of thinking looks like OP's pic and is unbelievably insufferable irl

>> No.15012271

Wow, you're very familiar with t girl porn. I guess they do have an effect on conservatives.

>> No.15012282

I'm not a conservative and don't mind trannys. I just think they're mentally ill and people seem bent on ignoring it. I can't figure out why, I assume it's for some political reason.

>> No.15012283

The only hilarious gory accident is that "vagina" your surgeon gave you between your legs, tranny.

>> No.15012292

You're right, they just mutilate themselves instead. At least the right doesn't hate themselves.

>> No.15012301

Yes body dysmorphia is an illness I dont think you'll get pushback on that from the left anon

>> No.15012303

Lol. Is this seriously the best argument you can come up with?

>> No.15012304

Where do you think we are?

>> No.15012310

>trannies dont have a disproportionate amount of sway in political discourse
Stop being dishonest, the whole "they dont even affect you sweetie" is a lie designed to make you complacent until it's too late.
Transgender people want to control your language and have publicly funded sexual reassignment surgery, and will probably get both in the future

>> No.15012313

They just wait for their political allies to take over a country, then they starve/execute/imprison undesirables (the millions they envy).

>> No.15012315

The problem is in the solution.

>> No.15012324

And I'll have to pay a marginal amount of money getting right wingers therapy under a single payer system. That's life I'm happy to help the unfortunate

>> No.15012327
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>leftist narcissism
It's more like self-hatred when it comes to white and male leftists actually.

>> No.15012346

christopher lasch

>> No.15012347

Wow you're so nonchalant about forcing everyone to give up their money to support the mentally Ill and incompetent wtf I love welfare now

>> No.15012383

Uhhh probably because I already do. Do you know what Medicare and Medicaid are?

>> No.15012473

This pretty much, as in this understated characterization of the type.
>corporatism is leftist
This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.15012491
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>all these dysfunctional and seething narcissistic lefist trannies in this thread
Like clockwork. And the funniest thing is that you won't even try to deny it, instead you attack the 'right' for being almost as cringy as you guys.

>> No.15012504

Industrial Society and its Consequences unironically explains leftist narcissism in its beginning paragraphs

>> No.15012508

The official line is that you can't talk about dysphoria as a necessary condition of being a tranny, to assuage the trenders fantasies, so yes he can expect pushback from trannies

>> No.15012511

i attack the right because its reactionary to do so here

>> No.15012520
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>Normies still hung up on Left-wing / Right-wing dichotomy

>> No.15012522

lefty here, the equivocation of idpol and leftism is pretty misguided at this point in time. idpol is antithetical to classical marxism at the very least because it fragments the class base into fighting for in-group interests and are incapable of organising collectively. Idpol is essentially the mechanism that has cemented neoliberal hegemony and made revolution impossible. Read Mark Fisher's essay "exiting the vampire castle" if you're curious about this kind of thought.

>> No.15012523

>This is your brain on /pol/
Come on. Both you guys do this shit. Rightwingers call liberals they dont like leftwing/commies. Leftwingers call liberals they dont like rightwing/fascist.
I swear if you guys stoped suckingyour own dicks for two seconds and looked at what the other side is saying youd realize you both have the same enemy. But you cant and you wont. Have fun getting laughed at by neo-liberals/conservative for the rest of eternity

>> No.15012525

Did you forget about the BLM gunmen? Theres psychos of every stripe. Everyone forgets the biggest mass shooting in US history was against rednecks at a country music fest.

>> No.15012553

If I delude myself into believing I'm paraplegic the solution isnt a double amputation. If my kid plays on a wheelchair at the doctor's office you shouldn't snap his spine at the waist.

>> No.15012557

Trouble is, commies and fascists will never agree on who the enemy is, because commies won't ever adopt anti-semitism, and fascists won't ever acknowledge the systemic issue of crony capitalism. What we REALLY need is something like the "Gnon" pact that suspends judgement and maintains the indeterminacy between the two, setting aside their differences in order to defeat whoever the enemy might be...

>> No.15012564

Good read, thanks for recommendation

>> No.15012569

Equality is a narc characteristic, if whites and blacks are equal, then that means the lefty is egual to the great minds of history.

If men and woman are equal, then the lefty is equal to a body builder. Its always about them, not the blacks, or woman or whatever.

Morality is narc characteristic, if the lefty is good and moral, then he can picture himself as a saint and better then other people and he can put people down. He can also show to other people how good and moral he is.

People who belief in equality want to bring people down, people who belief in morality want to raise themself above other people.

>> No.15012570

meant >>15012522

>> No.15012576



>> No.15012583

>because commies won't ever adopt anti-semitism,
In real life almost every leftwing group is anti-israel and supports islam.

> fascists won't ever acknowledge the systemic issue of crony capitalism.
In real life this is at the core of fascist ideology.

>> No.15012593

Zing! Gottem.

>> No.15012594
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>you couldn’t stop this qt guy from being consumed by modern society
It’s not fair bros, why couldn’t he have been happy being an attractive guy? Did someone encourage this? Were they a woman?

>> No.15012603


>> No.15012615
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>because commies won't ever adopt anti-semitism, and fascists won't ever acknowledge the systemic issue of crony capitalism
I'm right here, anon. I've been drifting between fascism and old marxism/stalinism until I grew up and realized there needn't be a choice between them because both are completely dead movements so you can just pick up whatever is useful from the ashes and move on. Jews are a problem, yes, capital is a problem, yes. You can hold all these ideas in your head at once without them conflicting in any way. You don't need to be very strict about adherence to these political movements because both failed, but both also opposed liberalism, so they have useful vectors and ideas both.

>> No.15012623

>anti-zionism is the same thing as anti-semitism
this is literally just optics intended to make the left eat itself.

Not sure what you mean by the second point though. Fascism is against the parasitical elements of capitalism.

>> No.15012632

>Fascism is against the parasitical elements of capitalism
Theoretically, yes, practically, no

>> No.15012636

i've never read him, but is this what Dugin talks about in the fourth political theory? the 21st century is crying out for a political renaissance, but somehow I don't feel like he is it.

>> No.15012638

Contra gets literally hundreds of thousands to play dress up and have orgies with other freaks.

>> No.15012646

>only the left is narcissistic
You got halfway there and couldn't fully commit to the realization.
There is no longer any political movement or in fact any significant population of anybody in the west at all that isn't populated by narcissists because that's what every generation for almost a century has been raised to be from birth. It explains damn near every societal ill we face.
Your inability to understand that the condition could apply to the team you've chosen is a sign that you haven't escaped the feelings yourself. Continue introspecting and read more about it.

>> No.15012650

What if you're not a fascist just a Marxist who loves his people and isn't particularly concerned about the welfare of other peoples?

>> No.15012651
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>> No.15012664

The financial class got eviscerated in Germany, and labor was scarce enough by the 40s that workers would get a fairly good deal. The problem with global capitalism is that it grows the labor pool to encompass planet earth, so the value of the laborer is nearly zero.

>> No.15012665

It's a real shame that very few Marxists, even the ones who realize it, will acknowledge that the real goal is the decoupling of biological sex from purely social gender roles, then the abolition of the latter. Until this happens there will always be trans people, because those who are constitutionally repulsed by the roles prescribed to them are slowly driven to more and more drastic measures to escape their lot, up to and including suicide. Social gender should be viewed not as separate from the class form, but as the *primordial* class form, which needs to be stricken from history with the rest.

>> No.15012674
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>but is this what Dugin talks about in the fourth political theory
Yes, he's just making proposals and an outline though, it's about the basis for a fourth political theory which will go against capitalist liberalism, it's not the new doctrine itself which has yet to manifest itself.
Then you are my comrade.

>> No.15012675
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leftoids are truly fucking repugnant

>> No.15012689

Leftists are the new pearl clutching moralists. They're the once who think they're all wise and all knowing and wag their finger at people for having naughty thoughts.

>> No.15012703

And your team is devoid of anybody who would ever do any of that, right?

>> No.15012710

The financial 'class' isn't the only part of the bourgeoisie.

What if social roles have a porous, complex relationship with biological sex, and the two can't be neatly sliced the way you imagine?

>> No.15012728

It’s still tragic

>> No.15012729

> fascists won't ever acknowledge the systemic issue of crony capitalism
Our ideology literally rejects capitalism as a concept, retard. We're neither capitalist not communist.
Also, anyone who denies the Jewish question at this point is an idiot or extremely dishonest.

>> No.15012750


>> No.15012764

the jewish question will always be a reductive scapegoat. You want your ideology to change anything and reach a broader audience, stop endlessly targeting a singular demographic and attack ideologues for being ideologues, not for being jewish. Otherwise you won't ever achieve any power because anti-semitism is unpalatable to the majority of people. But if you want to keep harping on about "da joos", enjoy your perpetual irrelevancy, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.15012766

Dugin is shit

>> No.15012767

Define what you mean by capitalism

>> No.15012783
File: 38 KB, 300x348, Tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been plenty of 'leftists' shooting up or otherwise attacking racial enemies or political movements they oppose, which is pretty gay considering there have been no 'leftist' shootings against the centres of capitalism, something I'd actually respect.

Imagine if instead of beating up white people for not wanting to kill themselves or attacking clueless liberals that the left bombed the centres of finance, the pillars of capitalism. If they took out the electricity grid in a city, or took to guerrilla warfare against the state. That'd be pretty neat. But nah, it's easier to slurp some soimilk while shitposting on tumblr or whatever, planning to jump some advocate for white ethnics or kicking and setting fire to a trashcan somewhere. Going against whoever the liberals call 'fascists', aka people who dissent against the system.

>> No.15012791

When I have to work for a living

>> No.15012797

t. beardlet pederast

>> No.15012806

I don't think it will be neat at all. The Soviet Union was prepared to fight for 1000 years just to abolish the money form, a much more recent development than gender. If we're actually fighting for a classless society, we should understand the enormity of the task, or we'll fall again into Marx's old formulation:

"...[P]roletarian revolutions, like those of the nineteenth century, constantly criticize themselves, constantly interrupt themselves in their own course, return to the apparently accomplished, in order to begin anew; they deride with cruel thoroughness the half-measures, weaknesses, and paltriness of their first attempts, seem to throw down their opponents only so the latter may draw new strength from the earth and rise before them again more gigantic than ever, recoil constantly from the indefinite colossalness of their own goals – until a situation is created which makes all turning back impossible, and the conditions themselves call out:

Hic Rhodus, hic salta!"

>> No.15012807


>> No.15012811

He's the only worthwhile currently living thinker desu, grow a proper beard, homo.

>> No.15012828

My fellow traveler.

>> No.15012835

This is nonsense. Transgerism is a pathology.

>> No.15012839

Do you not think you'd be well advised to focus on something more achievable then, and maybe attempt to make that point to all the rabid tranny nutjobs out there who seem to think socialism means having endless drug orgies with each other?

>> No.15012855

Bosses and managers will always exist. If you think democratically electing them will somehow remove their self interested nature you're delusional. Companies should be reined in by the state, not decapitated and hijacked by equally as incompetent bureaucrats. You waste far too much human capital executing the middle rung of society. The institutions that make everything and feed everyone are corporations, like it or not. The rules of capitalism that have allowed self serving corporations to gut the middle class need to be changed, not the entire workforce from 25/hr and up. Management are like machines, they will analyze the current regulatory and economic landscape and solve for X. X being what generates the greatest profit. Bring back tariffs, crush the banking cartels, outlaw capital flight, all these can be done without firing a single shot.

>> No.15012870

Jews are literally the central node of most of the problems we face.
For the record, I don't even hate Jews. I actually like Israelis because they're crypto-fascists. I dislike diaspora Jews because of what they DO. If Jews acted like ordinary people I literally wouldn't care about them.

>> No.15012884

>socialism means electing all your bosses and managers and denying the possibility of self-interest

Oh and btw Marx was saying that situation was a good thing not a bad thing

>> No.15012894

Capitalism is the exploitation of your own kin for profit.
Fascists are closer to communists than capitalists. We're not liberals, we're not individualists. If anything, I think we're closest to Distributists.

>> No.15012903


>> No.15012917

Dugin is a Sinophile. No thanks.

>> No.15012944

>Capitalism is the exploitation of your own kin for profit
Eh, close enough, fine
Okay, when you get a state of your own we'll see what you do, my hopes aren't high.

>> No.15012970

I'm pretty much a communist, minus the tranny shit. Don't give a shit About gays. I would redistribute wealth to mostly married families, and to single people to a lesser extent.

>> No.15012976

i thought i could escape hontra
but apparently she's just fucking everywhere

>> No.15013007

'Anti-idpol' leftism= i'm not like the other trannies uwu.

>> No.15013008

>trannies and gays
Neither do I, that doesn't make you a fascist.

>> No.15013015

It is, much in the same way that PTSD, anorexia, or incel are. Trans people for one reason or another abhor the social roles that have been allotted to them, and their attempts to suppress those feelings rebound hard when they find they can't sustain that kind of lifestyle. This manifests in dysphoric feelings towards their own sex traits, which are symbolic of their suffering, and adoption of the aesthetic social practices of the opposite sex (this is how we can be certain the pathology is primarily socially rooted, since the aesthetic aspects of gendered social practices are in constant flux).

I mainly do union and political education work. We can't make any progress until there's a leading independent party of labor, and that can't happen without a well-organized labor movement. Gender abolition is a task better left for a time when we have power, and I don't see the point of getting a bunch of trans people pissed at me when there isn't even a meaningful course of action to take if I did convince a few of them.

It doesn't seem that way to me. I take it more as a description of an unfortunate and unavoidable reality. In the following passage he takes a fairly dismal view of the successive proletarian attempts at taking the reins of 1848, each one more pitiful than the last. The 18th Brumaire is a melancholic work in which Marx does bitterly away with his own old utopian notions in preparation for his new, post-Hegelian scientific socialism.

>> No.15013019

I'm communistic in my economic theories. A big difference between fascists and communists and fascists aren't materialists.

>> No.15013020

t. Nazi

>> No.15013029

Cope. Idpol needs to die. Pure cancer.

>> No.15013043
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Truescum fascists gets the bullet too.

>> No.15013059

Anorexia, incel, and gender dysphoria are all pathologies. Anorexia is caused by either bullying or misplaced idealism. Incel is caused by liberated female hypergamy. Gender dysphoria is caused by autogynophilia, sexual trauma, and porn addiction

>> No.15013096

>Gender abolition is a task better left for a time when we have power
>I don't see the point of getting a bunch of trans people pissed at me
Because they're derailing the movement, especially if you're an American, as your prose indicates, as they're friendly with Big Pharma.

>It doesn't seem that way to me
It's also explained in the note to the proverb. To Marxists, history is driven by necessity, not the wishes of individuals. So a situation that forces action is the arrival of world-history, of necessity, i.e. desirable - even if arrived at messily, compared to the smooth but 'weak' bourgeois revolution that does not truly apprehend necessity.
Yes, that is also an issue.

t. Liberal

>> No.15013112

Chapter One: Psychological Projection

>> No.15013122

Wow I'm scared

>> No.15013145
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>I was depressed
>discord trannies helped me realize im trans
what did xir mean by this

>> No.15013156

>Yes, that is also an issue
Men are driven by more than material need. We care about our families and out communities. When will you communists understand this?

>> No.15013173

Those things are material, it's your understanding of the word that's debased, not the thing itself. As it is though, I don't necessarily deny the existence of 'non-material' needs. It's just easier and better to address the material ones first.

>> No.15013185
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Sorry OP but it looks like literally no one has an answer

>> No.15013186
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What's going on here

>> No.15013193
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Your families and communities are forms of opression that must be abolished, only the state may exist and it will provide you with everything you need. It is your father and mother, your only friend and the one that provides your lover, it is your community and it is your culture. Stop clinging to an identity and become a grey drone living only for the state. You may think this is eerily similar to what liberalism wants of you, which instead desires you to be loyal to capital and have no other characteristics beyond your economic properties, no loyality, belonging or identity outside of the market, but we're totally different, I promise.

>> No.15013211

>as they're friendly with Big Pharma.
That's true of bourgeois trans people, but the vast majority can't afford to medically transition and are extremely pissed about it. Altogether the only present action that's required is the same action that is required for every distinct interest group within the proletariat: to demonstrate the connection between their grievances and the rule of Capital.

>To Marxists, history is driven by necessity, not the wishes of individuals. So a situation that forces action is the arrival of world-history, of necessity, i.e. desirable
Historical conditions confine the choices that are available but don't eliminate choice altogether. The masses do need to be diligently prepared for the moment of truth, and the proverb actually speaks to that fact: in the parable, the jumper is boastful and not actually capable of the feat. Leftcom is a self-contradictory corruption of historical materialism, and if the correct material conditions were both inevitable and the only effector of revolutionary results, then it would have been better for Marx to write nothing at all.

>> No.15013245

Community and family are not purely material. Love and honor are immaterial.

>> No.15013248
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Corporate sponsored leftoids are mad.

>> No.15013289

Industrial society and its future
The Culture of Narcissism

>> No.15013292

my god,he was beautiful

>> No.15013296

Sadly, this.

>> No.15013308

This is the pinnacle of Edward Bernays work. This is what capitalism does. This is propagated by the wealthy and global corporations. Your identity has been commodified. This is not just a leftist thing.

>> No.15013337
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>That's true of bourgeois trans people
i.e. the leadership. Until we see an actual schism between the two, there's no point.
You're also ignoring the fact the overwhelming majority of them are self-id, not gender dysphoric. There's a reason for that. That style of thought is a bulwark of liberalism.

>Leftcom is a self-contradictory corruption of historical materialism
You misunderstand. Necessity does not imply inevitability, either of communism, or of anything else. World-history is that which makes a crisis irrefutable. Necessity. The point is not that to reach Rhodes is physically impossible, but that 'people must be known by their deeds, not by their own claims for themselves', or that action - apprehension of necessity - stands above empty triumphalism.

>> No.15013356

The culture of narcissism by Christopher Lasch. The problem with leftists (and wanabee countercultural radicals more broadly) is that they cant help but exaggerate the pathologies of a narcissistic society. Notice how 'Social Justice' discourse is essentially psychotherapeutic, rather than being a 'collectivist' or 'illiberal' anomally it mirrors the atomizing drift that has been seen by the whole of american society since the 1960s. To be filed along CBT scripts and secularization(see how many SJWs and obsessive anti SJWs started up as atheists, not realizing the consequences the death of God would have).

The irreverent rebellious and 'liberated' conteporary self is really a minimal self wracked by insecurity, unable to grow up, yearning for the innocence of childhood but neglecting to remember the boundless cruelty of children. It seems to be that Feeling ashamed of oneself is the worst thing that can happen to you. We live in a world of children and confused adolescent rebels with no adults in the room.

Whatever you might say of christianity it provided a comprehensive framework for understanding one's self and emotions as embeded in community and suffering as meaningful and meaning making. Cultural psychological and economic problems really are inseparable. We have collectively lost the capacity to negotiate between self and other.

I think gender theory is misguided because like most contemporary liberal theories it overlooks the media academic, economic and administrative sources of power and ideology. Its subordinated to 'progressive' mechanisms of mobilisation. its notion of freedom cannot be but contradictory. Everything ends up a performance meant to spite the outgroup. its unfair to assume all 'trans' people are malignant narcissists though. I prefer the company of agreeable thoughtful people howhever odd they might seem to that of the cruel and thoughtless, however normal they may seem.

>> No.15013465
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Industrial Society and its Future.
The first sections and the sections around paragraphs 227-230.
However if you ask me. I think leftists are just people who are disgusted at their weakness but do not have the strength to improve themselves. Thus the obsession with equality. Uncle Ted talks about this a little when he discusses how "The leftist's feeling of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as failed or inferior." (paragraph 18). This explains their hatred of concepts such as iq, bmi, etc.

>> No.15013466

Makes you think which kind of people write those books huh?

>> No.15013479

>Jews are the central node of most of the problems we face
>except for the jews that are actually consistent in and committed to their beliefs, those guys are cool!
How do you not see the cognitive dissonance here? The "diaspora jews" you're talking about are hardly even practising jews at this point. They are neoliberal ideologues, which is precisely the sorts of people I am opposed to, and a far cry from the sorts of people who the original fascist regimes were persecuting. It boggles my mind that you're still leaning on anti-semitism when the problems have nothing to do with judaism at this point, as you yourself have admitted.

>> No.15013489

Unscientific socialists like fourier carlyle, sorel, morris always seemed to me as underappreciated by Marxists, who to often end up mirroring the system of industrial production . The real challenge lies in balancing the harmonic series of passions and restructuring post industrial society a good thread also:organizational cybernetics and the concept of autopoiesis.

Radicals who talk about abolishing 'gender' and the family dont realise that their notion of boundless individual freedom was itself implanted by consumer society. They are transgressive rebels like everybody else and of course they cant compete with hollywood and the radlibs. Even right wingers are transgressive and rebellious and fits them better since they dont need to build a sense of community or solidarity for their economic schemes to work. What you get with many contemporary radicals is a deep sense of personal humilliation, and no sense of the future which for most of human history has implied the continuity of reproduction and cultural continuity.

>> No.15013499

>i.e. the leadership.
"If you want to help the “masses” and win the sympathy and support of the “masses”, you should not fear difficulties, or pinpricks, chicanery, insults and persecution from the “leaders” (who, being opportunists and social-chauvinists, are in most cases directly or indirectly connected with the bourgeoisie and the police), but must absolutely work wherever the masses are to be found."

As for your second point, fair enough, but there is clearly contained in the quote a lamentation of the failure of the proletariat to rise to the historical occasion. That situation is what we need to, and can through diligent work, eventually overcome.

>> No.15013512

>the problems have nothing to do with judaism at this point
Kind of does tho.

>> No.15013548

So you are a transhumanist, really? Maybe everyone is in the long term, but in the meantime we should focus on improving people's earthly lot and helping ourselves and others become as far as we can intellectually self reliant. I sympathise with lgbt people on the individual level, but too much of the movement has been reapropriated by commercial forces, and the progressive technocracy. It can easily led to resentment of 'normal' people and a blindness to consumerism psychotherapy etc as forms of social control.

>> No.15013567

When did I say the problem was Judaism? Jews, as a group, are subversive.

>> No.15013577

Lenin spoke of mass movements that derived a genuine vitalism from coalitions of 10s of millions of people, sometimes even in single states. Transgender individuals likely makes less than 10 million worldwide - less than 1% of the planet, and no I'm not including all the trenders and self-id people who jumped on the bandwagon because neoliberal society fetishises the 'marginal'. In other words the movement is top heavy, and is in no position to affect social change of the kind Lenin spoke of except insofar as they happen to be workers.

Yes, a failure caused by delusions that destroyed 'all understanding of the present in an inactive glorification of the future'. Something I agree none of us should fall prey to if we can possibly help it.

>> No.15013587
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>legion of NPC Consumers

>> No.15013604
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>> No.15013620

I see Marxism as existing in continuity rather than in separation with respect to christianity and the western philosophical tradition. In the end you always end up talking about faith and holding on to the church despite half the popes ending up in hell. What I really want to be united with others in a common purpose and seek virtue. More emphasis needs to be laid on the ambiguous nature of man and the reality of evil and Sin. But also to understand we are all the children of God however flawed.

>> No.15013636

>anti-semitism is unpalatable to the majority of people
Tell that to everyone who lived before 1945.

>> No.15013655

Narcissistic people have a tendency to expose their stupid political views as if they had something meaningful to say. It is not a problem exclusive to the left.

>> No.15013658

pee pee poo poo i'm fucking retarded xD xD xD xD

>> No.15013662

Whats wrong with narcissism?

>> No.15013670

Not the kinds of ideas I'm knowledgeable about sadly. It would be an interesting thing to emphasise.

>> No.15013671

This. There is never even a clear picture of what a poster thinks "left" and "right" means. /lit/ needs to learn how to think outside of in-groups and out-groups

>> No.15013672

Historical socialist movements built upon the discipline of the factory as well as preexisting forms of precapitalist solidarity. The early german SPD went out to the shantytowns and got the workers to stop drinking gave the scattered masses trained them into little bourgeoisie with their nuclear families. What we need is a long cultural revolution of sorts, not the overthrowing of the old, but the search for the good through constancy and change. Psychological cultural economic political and even religious issues cannot be separated from each other. Seeing the enormity of the challenges we face i can only put my faith in god and my fellow humans

>> No.15013673

the best critiques are unironically from the left.

Read culture of narcissism and exiting the vampire's castle

>> No.15013677



>> No.15013693
File: 235 KB, 994x1200, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, of course I have rejected the completely arbitrary and false left-right dichotomy which liberalism offers and read Dugin, how did you know?

>> No.15013705

I'm not opposed to that. I think that reclaiming/reintroducing the old in new circumstances has a tendency to transform both. Perhaps we share this idea. To me 'constancy and change' are often interrelated.

>> No.15013714

Why are right wingers paranoid and delusional?

>> No.15013723

Philosophy is the history of philosophy all about criticism and directionality. The radicalisation of the christian message takes one by neccesity to socialist and communist ideas

>> No.15013732
File: 285 KB, 1440x1142, lads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do fags like you go on about 'right-wingers' when there's a revolution to start against the system?

>> No.15013739

is it still pre-1945? I hadn't noticed

>> No.15013744

Yeah agreed.

The saddest part about this thread is that most these posters are american, so they're conception of politics is the same a four year old would have.

>> No.15013757

They're paranoid because they don't have access to power and know those in power font represent them.

The left is far more delusional.

>> No.15013759

Shut up, fascist/commie.

>> No.15013763

Unironically Zizek

>> No.15013771

>culture of narcissism

>> No.15013772

I'm somewhat familiar only with the English Christian Socialists. Somehow they don't seem to embody quite what either of us mean. I think Christianity has a certain tendency towards communitarianism - recall the Soviet tribute to Thomas More after all. My apprehension would be the task of combining such a message with a genuinely vitalistic mass movement. I think we both agree the communism of monks is not sufficient alone for modern society.

>> No.15013782
File: 10 KB, 280x180, A8465536-6CC8-4713-90DE-CAAFC153726C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch.

>> No.15013790


>> No.15013793

because they believe in capitalist propaganda and create conspiracy theories about the contradiction and crisis of capitalism. Take any antisemitic propaganda or talking point, and just put "rich psychopath" instead of "jew" and you actually have a pretty good idea of how capitalism works.

That and the fact the right is so narcissistic and devoid of empathy they end up isolating themselves because of a twisted idea of "personal liberty." Imagine wanting someone to come onto your property just so you can murder them. There is a void of helplessness and the repression of their wage cuckery in the right wing working and middle class which they fill with violence and delusions of grandeur of their rugged individualism.

>"its my FREEEDOM to work at wal-mart for minimum wage!"
>"its my FREEDOM to make my BOSS more mONEY for the SAME PAY. its called HARD work liberal! No I do not get more money for more work, just the privilege of working Hard!

>> No.15013797

Bitch on, cumbrain

>> No.15013805

>children should starve if they are unwilling to work
>children should be able to get an public education and food

wow, how do I know which side is the good one?

>> No.15013810

Good post. Thank you.

>> No.15013811

the left has the hottests chicks to fuck, right wing gotta wait till marriage for 2 minutes of missionary to make a baby.

>> No.15013824

>the left has the hottests chicks to fuck
More like fattest, most of them being lesbians.

>> No.15013828
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>> No.15013837
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>> No.15013838

You're really just talking about liberals there though, which is 99% of both the 'right' and the 'left' of America, numarxists included.

>> No.15013845

This is the best you are ever gonna get on the mundane and esoteric level. Most people here don't have the occult knowledge to understand it but even muggles can get somewhat of an idea of the truth from it

>> No.15013852

You clearly have never read any gender theory. Actual gender theory, not buzzfeed articles, deals with power, class, economics, culture and ideology.

I guess its easier to just fall back to conservative straw manning and vapid talking points to get internet points from your 4chan buddies, than actually engaging in any literature that is out side your safe space of ideas.

Clearly Neitzsche got to you so just take an spiritual suicide into slave morality.

>> No.15013856


Go back tranny

>> No.15013857

fat "women" are not people anon, might as well fuck a goat if you are that desperate.

>> No.15013859
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>You clearly have never read any gender theory
I always thought leftist gender studies were just a meme but apparently not.

>> No.15013871

Left and right still exist. The real false dichotomy is that of political parties

>> No.15013876

That's gonna be at least half this board in 5 years

>> No.15013878
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>> No.15013890

Now that // is // delusion.

>> No.15013893

Go back to whatever subreddit you crawled out of tranny

>> No.15013894

Does this dude know that Orwell was an out-spoken socialist? and clown world and honkler? This is just the regurgitation of psued /pol/ intellect with some fancy esoteric jargon thrown in to seem deeper.

>> No.15013933

I am sure you read over 1500 words in 5 minutes. Stfu you are the pseud nigger bodhi mantra literally makes you and every other poster on /lit/ look retarded

>> No.15013938
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>Conventionally attractive
>Mostly passing
How do people end up like this

>> No.15013942
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>> No.15013943



>> No.15013980

You've missed my point. People back then were redpilled about the jews with no propaganda. The reason why antisemetism is a thing today is because of all the propaganda that has been pumped in our media.

>> No.15013996

I know what leftist 'women' look like and I know they ain't pretty, so that's very easy to cope with, not sticking my dick in some porkmountain or an ugly guy in drag.

>> No.15014002

>claim that academia is cultural marxist propaganda out to destroy the abendland (having never even read Adorno and realized how easy it is to see him as a cryptoreactionary)
>have an IQ of 105
>have read less than 50 books in entire life
>have an anonymous sanctum from the dead air of academia
>be freely able to discuss the great works of western literature and the depths of the canon without the stiflig oppression of academia and liberalism
>choose to do the most low effort /pol/posting imaginable
This is so fucking gay and boring.

>> No.15014004


Right wing women don't even exist, unless you consider evangelical Christians right wing. The modern right wing is a gamer movement

>> No.15014024

Which one?

>> No.15014053

>leftists are emotional conformists
That's how gay and boring your take is. Why did you spend so many lines on a four-word thought?

>> No.15014057

Fascist here, and i do despise people using the term Cultural Marxis, having read some of its authors, including Adorno. I think he mostly gets a bad rep from making the F-scale during his time in the US in order to appease the Americans into giving him residence during the War. The issue i have with Adorno is that his ferocious cultural critique leads him to unavoidable cultural pessimism, but he just cannot truly admit it, and he cannot truly draw the ultimate conclusion that a better socialist world just isnt possible. It's perhaps the most apparent in his work on Spengler in Prisms, where he says that Spengler is correct in seeing that the world is doomed, but that socialism will eventually prove him wrong.

I do believe that Marcuse and Sontag are cretinous hypocritical filth that should be erased from history, though.

>> No.15014064

Kaczynski is a retard you undercultured pleb, read Heidegger for a non-retard version.

>> No.15014071

What works of Heidegger deal with technology, besides The Question concerning Technology?

>> No.15014113

Lol. You're just describing leftists.

>> No.15014121


>> No.15014134

Lol. This is why I left the Left. These people are mentally ill.

>> No.15014140

rent free

>> No.15014157

nigga stop projecting, not even memeing when I say this is cringe af

>> No.15014170

>Doesn't know I've read Adorno and I only disagree with the Authoritarian Personality
>Doesn't know I have an IQ of 132
>Doesn't know I read at least 30 books a year, let alone 50 my entire life.
>Doesn't like that I'm enquiring of a very serious topic that has crippled the left, causing ex-commies like me to flee it

>> No.15014180

Left-wing men don't exist, lol

>> No.15014181

>linking your IQ on 4chan
cringe bro Though i agree with you and also fled the left

>> No.15014183

you gotta fuck a DSA chick or an arthoe.

>> No.15014185

There aren't that many succinct explanations for the mental retardation of leftists because liberalism controls the discourse in academic institutions and spend their resources writing about post-colonial queer studies instead. Ted K explained them pretty well in his manifesto

>> No.15014190

Same. I actually like Adorno. I only criticize the Authoritarian Personality because it tries to pathologies normal family Dynamics. His other work is pretty good.

>> No.15014192

You know you can read things outside of a classroom? or do you need an authority figure to tell you how to think?

>> No.15014212

lol facism was defeated by communism. cope.

>> No.15014214

I've been drinking...

>> No.15014215

Fascism is still alive today, and it will be alive for as long as people are alive. It's not going anywhere. And you'll realize eventually that stalinist communism was just red fascism anyway.

>> No.15014216

leftists are critical of the system that oppress, the right wing gladly takes part in their own oppression and will fight to perpetuate it for their (((bosses)))

>> No.15014218

>People back then were redpilled about the jews with no propaganda

>> No.15014222
File: 1.20 MB, 996x1500, Butler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftists are critical of the system that oppress
Until they get into power themselves, then theyll suck the dick of anyone who gives them money and theyll shit on anyone who threatens their power.
Just look at Butler (and many others, really) and her behaviour during the Avital Ronell debacle. Or Chomsky and his comfy job in MIT.

>> No.15014242

Fascism was defeated by American oil

>> No.15014248


The right is a huge sausage fest, leftists have more sex

>> No.15014258
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I guess if like half of your members cut off their junk then it's no longer a sausage fest, but a dilating festival.

>> No.15014261
File: 38 KB, 540x786, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the stupidest shit I ever read.

>> No.15014263

Fascism is alive in the minds of edgy /pol/ tards. Trump is the pathetic apex of Western Fascism. Ironically, Israel is the best fascist state you could hope for these days.

>> No.15014265

mainstream progressive libs are not left. try again, maybe read the wiki

>> No.15014268

China and Russia are fascist, and theyre doing pretty well. Whats more funny is that modern tankies also lick the boots of the CCP.

>> No.15014273

Joke's on you, I am having lots of rough gay sex with my skinhead comrades

>> No.15014275

Communism was defeated by liberalism. Doesn't make liberalism better, bring that liberalism is about to destroy the planet via global warming

>> No.15014277
File: 115 KB, 960x540, 7912a8f127af1cf7092d142bc454b05c_w960_h540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you queers worship women for a pity handjob, right wingers are the only ones who bother building a physique and in general, higher test

>> No.15014278

>Butler, Zizek, Chomsky arent the left
Chomsky is probably the most well-known leftist alive today (though not alive for more longer). I know the left is prone to moronic infighting on who's a true leftist, so im curious who you deem to be a true leftist then.
>inb4 the last leftist was Bordiga

>> No.15014280

the sad part is these people are so delusional they actually believe this >>15014216 Hence OP's thread topic to begin with, they really are so delusional they are incapable of coherently interpreting reality

>> No.15014282

how can (((they))) accumulate and hoard wealth if there is no private property? Unions give you power over (((capital))).

Conservative ideology is defined by its refusal to change and guess who has been traditional in control?

>> No.15014283

This. Stalinism was literally just fascism with a different name.

>> No.15014293


If you're intelligent like me you'd be involved in both leftist and right wing circles, fucking all their women and trannies and secretly undermining both sects with Jewish subversion tactics

>> No.15014296

the stupidity in this comment only reflects how pointless it is to engage with you, you have a one track mind that only goes down a single set of tracks that can't turn or change direction. You lack any coherency to be able to understand any information that doesn't fit in your narrow paradigm of indoctrination and terminology

>> No.15014302
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>A National Geographic/Ipsos survey of more than 1,000 American women found that only 29% of respondents identified as feminists, while another 69% did not. Just over 1% did not respond to the question.
>It’s become something of a bleak election night ritual: assessing the exit polls and seeing that white women voters overwhelmingly threw their support behind conservative Republican male candidates. Again. They did it for President Trump, who won an estimated 53 percent of the white female vote in 2016 (from vogue.com)

women aren't as left wing as the kike media would have you believe. besides, leftist women are almost all fat, disgusting dykes who have no morals and no values other than doing drugs and being dumb cunts. im glad that leftist women love abortion/gay sex though, as it means they will produce FAR less children ;)

>> No.15014316

The only reason the right hasn't risen up is because they know cucked leftists control the institutions. Leftists, sjws, idPols, etc. are literally the white blood cells of the system. The exist to destroy all legitimate opposition. The right is the only force opposing finance capital. The left is too busy engaging in transgender meth orgies in their cosmopolitan dystopias

>> No.15014331

Any irl socialist society would appear 'Stalinist' to you people

>> No.15014345

left doesnt exists. There is anarchism, socialism, communism, marxism, critical theory, structuralism, etc. Left is just a marketing term to sell dumb shit to #resistance liberals.

>> No.15014346

Lesbians can't have sex. Leftist "men" are literally incels.

>> No.15014351

if you are so much more intelligent than me, why can't you simply explain why I am wrong rather than resorting to personal insults?

>> No.15014352

>say something isnt left
>"Ok what is left then"
>Left doesnt exist
you just said it existed

>> No.15014362

China is fascist. China is the future. Eat shit.

>> No.15014364

>having sex twice to make children as tradition demands
>having sex with women on a regular basis because hell is fake and life is fun

yup total incels.

>> No.15014368

China is socialist

>> No.15014372

when? when you were talking to a completely different poster? Do you want to make a point here or just continue to find semantic issues on an anime-image board?

>> No.15014373

my bad it is 4chan I am not trying to be mean I am just making an honest observation, in order to de-program you requires more time than I have to offer. I can tell based on your pov and the terminology you are using how long it would take for us to come to understanding before you could even begin to understand the rebuttals to your thinking and premises, nothing personal

>> No.15014388


Being involved in leftist activism is a guaranteed way to get pussy, the right is too autistic to figure this out

>> No.15014391

So you're so intelligent but can't explain any of your ideas?

>> No.15014393

I just jerk off to her tbqh

>> No.15014398
File: 144 KB, 750x750, 53207723_2564013230335836_4236747840858025339_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The surge of tranny acceptance in the left just proves how successful the CIA was in protecting the established order from revolution. There's nothing radical or about these twitter goons you know as the left—so why do you insist on calling them that?

>> No.15014404

You're the one who retreated into semantics when called out on lefties being power-hungry hypocrites. This entire thread has been about "the left" and leftists, and yet suddenly the left doesnt exist anymore when someone asks you what you actually support.

So put some effort in it, and tell us what modern day intellectuals you support.

>> No.15014405
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>> No.15014407

Anymore youtube channels like hers? I enjoy watching the more philosophy oriented videos

>> No.15014413
File: 8 KB, 250x241, d7fbb6ce6abfc0fa063ac5bf4e3ad7c24ed07ba33a06f8fee3ceee30b7000d32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread really exposes how retarded it is to speak of a 'left' or a 'right', how meaningless those words are. Yet there's so many losers clinging to the label because they have no original thoughts or anything to offer by themselves. It's silly tribal nonsense, and not of the legit racial collectivist kind, but totally empty of meaning. There are only two genuine positions, those that support judeo-liberal capitalist progressivism and all the horrors it offers, and those that reject it and dissent.

Cuckservatives, trannies, fat pride activists, numarxists, the alt-right, libertarians, anarchists, antifa, there's no true difference between these people and they all support the same hegemony. A million different flavours of the exact same thing, the same kind of thinking, the same framwork, the same morality, the same axioms.

Stop using 'left' and 'right' to talk about politics, it's entirely useless and I have no idea who the fuck you're even talking about?

What is the 'right'? Facism? Capitalism? Liberalism? Stalinism? Monarchy? National socialism? Progressivism? White people? Straight people who won't suck tranny dick? Neoliberals?

What is the 'left'? Tranny and fag advocates? Progressivism? Liberals? Socialists? Stalinists? Feminists? Non-white supremacy groups? Dissolutionists? Libertarians? Neoliberals?

>> No.15014421

Suck my dick

>> No.15014424

Because socialism probably could only work with stalinist elements

>> No.15014427

I don't idolize any person. There are ideas I like and some I do not like. Some books I like, some I do not. I don't equate my reading with my personality. I have no need to define myself by other people's terms.

>> No.15014429

>There's nothing radical or about these twitter goons you know as the left—so why do you insist on calling them that?
It is what's left of the 'left', so that's what people will call it. Do you think there are many legit radicals on the 'right'?

>> No.15014430
File: 97 KB, 466x589, 1584289183410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay mad, politics was always about getting pussy and spreading your genes, the right wing is for incels and homosexuals who prey on incels

>> No.15014439
File: 92 KB, 499x499, Burn_in_the_Fires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, liberal fag, I'm a Christian nazbol and will do no such thing.

>> No.15014440

>I have no need to define myself by other people's terms
You're use other people's terms every time you open your mouth

>> No.15014443

China is a fascist state and is state capitalism with a command economy. It fascism. Fascism incorporates socialism into itself.
Also, I thought you leftists thought China was sexually "repressive" and "racist". Where did your critical theory, post-structuralism, and post-modernism go?

>> No.15014444
File: 49 KB, 436x662, portrait-of-maxim-gorky-1901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think it's still 2016 in this thread how few have acknowledged that troons are right-wing assets

>> No.15014447

lol I love these seething replies this post is getting.

>> No.15014451

>t. midwit who's not nearly as original as he thinks he is
Im pretty sure you do idolize certain thinkers, but putting them here would make you susceptible to criticism, which you cant stand. You're like a 110 IQ redditor who thinks he's immune to propaganda.

>> No.15014455
File: 52 KB, 385x600, ob_52add09122f127891ceeccd7c09726df_nazbol-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case you should really abandon the liberal left, their women stink.

>> No.15014459

>Thinks I'm sexually conservative just because I'm a fascist.
>Assuming the vast majority of genetically defective leftist nuMales are getting pussy

>> No.15014463
File: 368 KB, 530x754, 11218863_1691617324402962_8407639374088405012_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is in psychology, but 99% of what people think is psychology is mind pozzed smoke and mirrors. The rest is worthwhile.

The following blogposts are amazing reads on the subject of modern narcissism which is itself fundamentally correlated with leftism. TLP in general is a good and entertaining source for insight on the human condition, if you're even remotely serious OP you will read all of the following:




>> No.15014465

language has no owner

>> No.15014469

Lol. Only if you look like me. Most of these nuMales aren't getting shit.

>> No.15014473

That's a cute goblin, not gonna lie.

>> No.15014475

nuMales are libs. Leftists males are strong and virile working class people who fight wage cuckery

>> No.15014478



Why are Germans this retarded?

>> No.15014482

Nah, I am too intelligent to waste my time though

>> No.15014487
File: 151 KB, 1000x563, 195bef46ae100b86e65b13a9498804b0_w1000_h810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay delusional, being strong and right wing gets you laid with conservative and leftwing people alike.

>> No.15014489

Check out Keith Woods

>> No.15014493
File: 33 KB, 400x400, a90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahahaha, we on liberal team red absolutely btfo'd liberal team blue, didn't we? I mean, I didn't, some other poster got some replies to his assblasted post, but since I'm also on team red I also got points!
>let's keep not doing anything against the system and keep mocking the other side that also have enough dislike for the system to say so, but not enough to actually do anything or even challenge it
>team red will win over team blue in the election, I can feel it! By the way, all the bad looking people on team red are actually on team blue

>> No.15014496

>you leftists
I'm a Marxist-Leninist. I dislike trannies. I do not care about homosexuals. I reject postmodernsim. Retard.
>China is fascist.
No, it's a hybrid economy with a state planned sector and a subordinate (though larger in aggregate terms) market sector. The former exercises dominance through the CCP who controls the state repressive apparatus. The CCP is comprised of an alliance between a working class base and the actual power-elite, a bunch of bureaucrats. For now, this alliance works as the two have very similar long-term objectives, though this will not last forever. It is in the stage of 'preliminary' or 'undeveloped socialism'.

>> No.15014498


Right wing women are stuck up, the entire scene is a sexual wasteland. You don't even need to get fit to get leftist pussy, bulking is a cope

>> No.15014502

Time to dig up the leftist discord screens talking about lusting over fashy doms

>> No.15014503

>posts mongolian
>calls it scandanavian
Anon, why?

>> No.15014507

The right are the ones going most of the work

>> No.15014508

I'm sure you believe that.

>> No.15014512


A lot of Scandinavians have ancient mongol genes, that doesn't make them goblins you angloid germshit

>> No.15014521


>> No.15014522

lol race is just a social construct. Pussy is pussy.

>> No.15014528

Too based for youtube desu.

>> No.15014529

This is a good post.

This is not.

The duality of man.

>> No.15014530

Right wingers are driven to lift because they're not bugs, lefties are unatheletic and dont have the stamina to be fun in bed, they're okay if you want to pound away at a sub but that's it

>> No.15014533

You reinforce the truth of it with every post you make mate. I can read your retarded little pee brain like a book, I have quite the talent for it.

>> No.15014535

>The right are the ones going most of the work
There is no right, they've been totally crushed. There is only liberalism.

>> No.15014544
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Imagine having wonky eyes, being french, and a manlet while still getting mad pussy because of your big brain

>> No.15014545
File: 158 KB, 1200x769, fjGnCnJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right-wingers fuck leftist women all the time, shame getting dicked doesn't always fix their rotten politics. I don't think it's anything to brag about though, leftist 'men' always have some sort of cuckold and sissy fetish, they just get off to it.

>> No.15014547
File: 110 KB, 985x1048, photobender_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-structuralist here, LGBT ideology is normative dreck. Try again

>> No.15014548

What have you done to the potato-philosopher's face?

>> No.15014551


Right wingers aren't fucking anyone, I know right wingers they're scared of Jews and Chinese and larp about the day of the rope

>> No.15014563

Lmao, well until I have fellow academics funnel pussy to me that's not an option

>> No.15014572

The right hasn't done a goddamn thing to resist finance capital since 1945 and you know it. The fact that you think only the left is in control and don't understand that there are plenty of elites on both "sides" interested in maintaining the same puppet theater delusion you're currently partaking in is the reason no coherent resistive force can take root.
"The right" sent thousands of Americans to die in a desert for their petrodollar interests less than twenty years ago. "The left" rose to power in opposition to this, then exacerbated it. If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about what color tie your favorite politician wears, you aren't paying enough attention.

>> No.15014588

I'm right wing, I will crush some puss then crush your face little faggot

>> No.15014591
File: 119 KB, 1200x769, YCFJK6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right wingers aren't fucking anyone
Lmao, keep telling yourself that. Women love strong men who can dominate them, they will only find orbiting simps in leftist circles so either they go find a chad on the right, or in searching for one it turns out they got banged by a right-winger or a fashlad. They also have this idea about right-wing men being big savage brutes and it turns them on, the stereotype mostly holds true.

It's funny, because I really don't take any side in this, politics at that level are silly, but that's how it is. You'll find no end of stories of leftist women fucked senseless by right-wingers all over the place. Leftist 'men' have never seen a gym and are most often on HRT, and buy into all that feminist crap that makes women hate them even more.

>> No.15014592

There are like 5 leftist males left in the US. The rest are either Fascists are cringe MAGAtards

>> No.15014596
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No you won't

>> No.15014601

This is unironically true. My FWB was a purple haired feminist who loved being chocked.

>> No.15014621

Why do all of the communists and socialists I know denounce it as "fascist", then?

>> No.15014623
File: 725 KB, 300x188, GoodMorningSweaty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool drawing, meantime in the real world

>> No.15014632

It's worth is cause they're really fucking hot.

>> No.15014633
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>> No.15014639


>> No.15014640


It's all a larp, the right is full of nerds. You can still lift, be masculine, while advocating for feminism and communism. You're more likely to pass on your genes with a white woman as a leftist intellectual than you would as a right winger

>> No.15014643
File: 948 KB, 1032x702, antifa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROFL I will bet dollars to donuts you are some fucking discord tranny

>> No.15014650
File: 18 KB, 409x377, Stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The liberal neocon establishment would be leftist to a fashlad. But the mistake you do here is not seeing the system as a stupid puppetshow and distraction, which it is, but that as far as the radical parts are concerned the natsocs and fashlads have always posed a threat to the system and haven't ever truly been subverted. Contrast this with marxist radicals who now go around wearing pink skirts and get fucked by niggers in the ass instead of trying to kickstart a revolution. There's a reason they don't mind spreading cucked versions of socialism and marxism in schools, but even mentioning forbidden stuff like national socialism will get you ostriched. Marxism is not as bad for the powers that be as fascism, in fact it helps them.

>> No.15014651

What does this mean? Anti-fascists lack courage?

>> No.15014654

Sadly...YouTube got rid of the good shit.

>> No.15014655


It means everyone is larping

>> No.15014658

Your friends are a bunch of neoliberal faggots who care more about tranny cock than socialism. Isn't that obvious you spastic?

>> No.15014659


>> No.15014662


Nobody is fucking right wing trad girls, they're asexual and love cucking their orbiters. From my experience a lot of them are closet lesbians, at least leftist lesbians will still fuck you

>> No.15014663
File: 201 KB, 377x485, average leftist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can still lift, be masculine, while advocating for feminism and communism.
Theoretically you could, but I don't think it has ever been tried in practice.

>> No.15014670


Without the glasses and earrings is what your typical /pol/ack looks like, trust me

>> No.15014672

I literally used to bang the art hoes in my University literature department. Cope more, lefty. They love being dominated. All women love men with broad shoulders

>> No.15014678
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Sorry, I forgot to colour him brown.

>> No.15014682


Did you go on rants about the joos? She fucked you because she was horny and you didn't fuck up that badly

>> No.15014683

tb h

>> No.15014684

>You're mistaking neocons for the right.
The entire election of 2016 was about destroying globalism and finance capital. It didn't work, but that's literally what we on the right were doing.
The left was too busy sucking Hillary's clit and letting idPols subvert Bernie.

>> No.15014687

I've yet to see it. Arnold only became a liberal after he lost his gains. Post body

>> No.15014689


Leftists males don't have an inferiority complex towards black men, it seems to be exclusively a /pol/ thing

>> No.15014699
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>> No.15014727

Have sex

>> No.15014730

corporatism has become leftist though, if only by association. it's a great thing, depending on what you want to happen.

>> No.15014735

>You're more likely to pass on your genes with a white woman as a leftist intellectual than you would as a right winger
Is that why we have more children?

>> No.15014737

based nazcentbol brother

>> No.15014743

transgenderism is literally the greatest display of consumerist narcissism there could be.

>> No.15014751

Modern leftists are literally just controlled opposition. What kind of establishment allows intellectuals in it's universities capable of subverting it? If anything, leftist academics exist to manufacture the soft power of the establishment.
>We must destroy Syria for HumanRightsFreedomDemocracy!
>We must destroy Iraq cuz Women's Rights!
Etc, etc.

>> No.15014759

Well, you just described 90% of self-professed communists.

>> No.15014769

I fucked one. Took me a few months, but I got in her
The blue balls were totally worth it, though she couldn't move her hips well.

>> No.15014770

I can't I haven't dilated in weeks :(

>> No.15014780

No, but I did make her call me daddy.

>> No.15014787

Is that why "cuckold" is literally the most popular porn search term in California?

>> No.15014789
File: 159 KB, 377x485, Antifa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually tend to have that, but I didn't say anything about niggers. Very few of them are in the fag-left, most of them are either apolitical and just want gibs, and pretty much all of them are liberal. They're actually one of the keys to making liberalism keep going. No, I was talking about the brown soiboys that are the counterpart to the white absolute betas that make up the brunt of the alt-left or whatever you want to call yourself.

It's interesting because radical niggers tend to be racial supremacist just like white Chads, although the alt-left suck their cocks for it for some reason.

>> No.15014794

True, but commies still love them

>> No.15014796

Yeah pretty much

>> No.15014803

>Not wanting your women raped by feral niggers means you have an inferiority complex.
Please take your Fruedian bullshit to Reddit.

>> No.15014809

>If anything, leftist academics exist to manufacture the soft power of the establishment.
Yes, that's what I'm saying, the same is true of the alt-right however, but they are more dangerous since they might slide too far and escape the gravity of liberalism.

>> No.15014815
File: 256 KB, 1022x483, anarchy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15014826
File: 30 KB, 378x297, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, leftists tend to have that, I should have been more specific. It's a core part of their identity if they are white, that they hate their own race and worship niggers and jews, that's what leftism is all about these days.

>> No.15014866

The "alt-right", whatever that means, was literally the only force fighting against the establishment. Why do you think people like Contrapoints are being promoted while the far right is being silenced on the internet?

>> No.15014898


well he/she is a progressive in any case. few on the left have any idea of Marx

>> No.15014905

Leftists for consumerism lmao

>> No.15015021

Yes. Leftists are molded and isolated by the same system they claim to oppose.

>> No.15015140

No need when they can have the power to groom millions of children and ritually sacrifice the unborn

>> No.15015721

lol what bullets, faggot
t. not even a fucking fascist