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/lit/ - Literature

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15012323 No.15012323 [Reply] [Original]

Worst book youve read, go

>> No.15012354

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.15012360

The Bible

>> No.15012370
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>> No.15012376


>> No.15012380

The Zen of motorcycle maintenance.

>> No.15012403
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Far and away pic related.

>> No.15012408

Why did you even read this you fucking fag

>> No.15012410

Did you read the whole thing?

>> No.15012420

Isn't there an album with the same titles ? I know there's Milk and Kisses by the Cocteau Twins, but i think there was a milk and honey somewhere.

>> No.15012427

milk and honey is a classic idiom

>> No.15012490

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

>> No.15012494
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I didn't finish this, but it was incredibly bad. For whatever reason, a lot of steampunk novels seem to want to beat you over the head with some kind of ideology (like feminism in basically any Cherie Priest novel) and this one was no exception. The author is clearly a very committed anti-Christian atheist, and it bleeds through the characters with as much subtlety as a brick to the face. Most of the time I can get past stuff like that if the writing is good (like I actually enjoy a lot of Cherie Priest novels), but this is just plain bad. Good steampunk fiction, in my experience, is rare, but I have always been fascinated by the legend of Spring Heeled Jack, so I took a chance on this one and was disappointed in a big way.

>> No.15012518

tried reading 20 000 leagues under the sea as a kid
Fuck that book only got halfway through and it was still just shitty descriptions of the sea

>> No.15012526

Fifty Shades Freed

>> No.15012535

Why so

>> No.15012537

Arturo's Island

That's just shit compressed in the shape of a book lol

>> No.15012547

there's a song by nick drake that has this title, but I don't know about albums.


>> No.15012550

You didnt read these, meme lords

>> No.15012591

Yes I have, in fact I can say each book gets progressively worse. Forced melodrama, zero depth to characters, quintessential Mary Sue with not one but two personalities in her head.

>> No.15012595
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only redeemable part is when he fucks himself in the ass

>> No.15012629

I did so at like 10 years, I liked it.

It's a self help book and it has a very boring style.
Probably the first self help book ever.

>> No.15012673
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Anything wrote by a woman

>> No.15012678
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Almost certainly pic related, I was given it by a cougar fuckbuddy who I had talked with about being interested in literature. I had not heard of Rupi Kaur and was curious, then when I read I was appalled by what it contained. I had almost started to develop feelings for the cougar (mommy issues) and her giving me this book really helped me get over that and keep things purely sexual.
Is this worse, as bad, or better? I’m not going to read any more Kaur regardless but I’m curious.

>> No.15012711
File: 20 KB, 220x220, 9FFC7DE1-7629-45C9-8A29-2F5C9B3167FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a song by Beck with the same title that contains the line “*sniffff* I can smell the VD in the club tonight”

>> No.15012716

Stalin's cows by Sofia Oksanen

>> No.15012720

perks of being a wallflower
that was the first year of school I actually read every book assigned and after reading that one I stopped lol

>> No.15012727

So..... Wouldnt it just be mediocre? not the worst? I think you are misclassifying something being a let down with something being the worst. There are far more crap books than that out there.

>> No.15012743

I just read good books maybe, but I just didn't enjoy it, it was awful.

>> No.15012744

odd song, but catchy!

>> No.15012805
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Utter fucking dogshit that got me so mad I threw it into the garbage.

>> No.15012821

There's a book called Level 26 that is part of a series about a gay detective and there's like 25 levels of evil but the people he hunts are so evil they're on level 26 of the evil scale. Really fucking funny but terrible. A whole chapter was dedicated to describing how the main villain of the book shaved his entire body and then buttered himself up to slide into a latex suit.

>> No.15012830

made me kek

>> No.15012838

Joyce's "Ulysses".

>> No.15012853

Really? Why is that?

>> No.15012858
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>> No.15012865
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>> No.15012874


>> No.15012883

This sounds great

>> No.15012892

The worst he read, not the worst book he thinks exists

>> No.15012901

Unironically Mein kampf

>> No.15012990

Catcher in the rye or Confessions of an economic hit man. I can’t pick, both were equally garbage but for different reasons.

>> No.15013034
File: 12 KB, 178x284, JillianHoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venom and Honey, by Jillian Hoy, writing under a pseudonym to make it seem like she isn't a mentally ill white trash lunatic that spends her time trying to promote and associate herself with every power group or person that a "normie" would think is bad.

She has not yet thrown herself at Ted the Lunabomber, but after she's over the latest craze she might pick up on that.
The overlapping cast of characters that wander into and out of groups like Marxist and Nazi, North Korean and Muslim, with no real regard for the ideology is amazing to research. The only thing that is consistent is a worshiping attachment to an enemy counterculture, and a deep believe that they need to convert everyone else, cuz everyone else is a normie, a sleepwalker, a lemming, or a sleeping lemming, which my favorite mixed metaphor, courtesy of the great geniuses of Western Civilization over at Storm Drain. Here's a good link to peer into the freak show of anti-normie political lifestyles.


>> No.15013035

Why didn't you like the Catcher in the Rye?

>> No.15013071

I read it as a joke, you can fly through it pretty quickly, it was even worse than I imagined.
Cool story lmao. I can't imagine anything being worse but maybe Rupi topped herself.
Even when I one star books I can usually see at least as sliver of why someone would like it, not so with Kaur.

>> No.15013078

You’d hate /x/

>> No.15013081

A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.15013087

It's repetitive as fuck

>> No.15013260

Fuck women they are all useless whores

>> No.15013326

>he fucks himself in the ass

God I wish that was me

>> No.15013331


>> No.15013346

Kiss the Girls by James Patterson

>> No.15013377
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LOL do you guys even read poetry? Like actually?
You're the same people that call yourselves black metal fans but listen to shit like Deafheaven and Lantlos and were posting rants about Justin Bieber on Facebook in 2010. If you read it's because you're a fucking idiot. It's pretty clear that she writes for IG thots that don't care about literature.

>> No.15013386

Call an ambulance anon, you're having a stroke

>> No.15013397

Try speaking in non-memetic turns of phrase.

>> No.15013406

Nah i'm a dilettante.
Deal with it.

>> No.15013416

Oh shitttt he got the 'tism!

>> No.15013460

Well I guess I'm in damage control now! You're so galaxybrained to think that someone whose primary audience has no experience reading poetry is terrible. Would you like to take my sister's virginity, anon? I would be truly honored for her to consumate with such stolid genius as yourself.

>> No.15013461

pretty kino cover desu

>> No.15013508

I'd rather take your virginity, if you please ;)

>> No.15013516

Except Meditations was just him writing to himself never meaning to have it published you retard moron motherfucker

>> No.15013527

Metro 2033. I really don't know why I stuck it out and read the entire thing.

>> No.15013533

Hahaha I had this chick added on my last facebook.

>> No.15013544

lightning thief. it's a videogame in book format. each chapter is a boss

>> No.15014173

>have never heard of her
>get given a book by her from someone I know well
>read it out of courtesy and end up hating it
>I’m retarded for not knowing what who rupi kaur was in the first place
Fuck off autist

>> No.15014205


>> No.15014225

Was this for 50 Shades or the Bible?

>> No.15014237

>literally can do anything he wants
>knows everything ever
>everyone loves him and anyone who doesn't love him is punished eternally
yup, G-d is a Mary Sue

>> No.15014303

You haven't read the other "instapoets". Rupi's awful, but the rest of the shits in the bowl are even worse.

>> No.15014348

That one's substantially better than M&H. That one has two or three half-decent ideas (all of which are woefully underdeveloped, and the rest of the book, as you know, is as trite as possible); M&H has fucking nothing.

>> No.15014379

This is true. I see sponsored poets constantly and while I’ve refrained from berating any so far it’s been a struggle at times.

>> No.15014409

in fifth grade we had to read this book called Esperanza Rising that was about some mexican girl crossing the border in a tomato truck or some shit idk it fucking sucked balls

>> No.15014412

where can i find your office?

>> No.15014414

Surprised no on has said it yet, Lennon and Yoko

>> No.15015438

Black metal purists are the most retarded cunts on the planet.

>> No.15015450

we're hitting levels of autism I didn't even know were possible

>> No.15015476

The Pickup by Nadine Gordimer
So boring I started flipping through the pages

>> No.15015477

OUCH! Oh sorry, cut myself on your edge.

>> No.15015490

That’s an ape

>> No.15015499

goes back in time and fuck his 16 year old self or something

>> No.15015505


>> No.15015513
File: 132 KB, 787x1200, 1DEBD6D2-8E44-49B5-B94A-D70C6A33C3A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful. absolutely awful. i was 12 and retarded and since read much more, but this is by far the worst book i have ever read. utter garbage. i can't believe it wasn't self-published, let alone made into a movie. this is worse than mockingjay, any scott westerfield books, percy jackson, john green, any YA, star wars novels, harper lee books, gay slam poetry, sartre, anything. i recommend anyone reads this just to see the rock bottom of human literature. amazingly bad. i roll my eyes when someone says they dislike nabokov or dfw or dosto because i've read this book.

>> No.15015527


>> No.15016237
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>> No.15016250

the cover art pretty much denounces the quality ahead, but I admire your courage for going through.

>> No.15016344
File: 35 KB, 415x584, E6A529AA-3950-4CDC-AC0C-A5539797C721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're the same people that call yourselves black metal fans but listen to shit like Deafheaven and Lantlos and were posting rants about Justin Bieber on Facebook in 2010.
kek, such a specific callout
haven’t listened to enough grausamkeit for the day have you yet?

>> No.15016351

its the most /lit/ of metal genres

>> No.15016361
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Granted, it was a 10th grade required reading. I'll give it another try once quarantine is over with and I can get it at the Goodwill bookstore for $3.

>> No.15017624
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Michael Kohlhaas

Piece of shit book

>> No.15017644

Just be female and brown and you can get away with writing dogshit like this.

>> No.15017739

not that anon, but i agree with him so i'll throw in my two cents.

imagine liking a book that reads exactly like the anime only the lowest scum among weebs can read
>m-my younger sister will be corrupted by the evil world! i must protect her!
>the world is wrong! i, alone, must guide the poor souls to salvation!
>also, like, uh, i don't get good grades but i'm smart i swear! i'm just a different kind of smart!
fucking hack of a writer

>> No.15018018
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>> No.15018445

Deafheaven is way more interesting as a band than a lot of "authentic" black metal. "Authentic" black metal is for people who are more interested in being part of that specific counterculture than for people who commune closely with music.

>> No.15018451
File: 422 KB, 1195x1600, Antonio_Salazar-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I exclusively listen to the most TROO Death Meatl bands of all time, Sabaton

>> No.15018453

>t. onions

>> No.15018454

Bertolts Brecht book about some chinese ppl

>> No.15018491

Grausamkeit is dangerously based
Not as based as Murmuüre though
It's the most human genre of metal, if that makes sense. At its best, the levels of pure soul crushing melancholy that it reaches are unrivaled.

>> No.15018534

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.15018594


>> No.15018643

not him, but in 2015 i saw what i thought was a quote on some site, it was about something gory and edgy and captioned "rupi kaur. milk and honey"
i downloaded the book on my phone thinking it's some edgy dark novel of some sort, a bit ethnic, a bit senseless, just my type. never opened it.

when i was gifted an ereader years later, i tested it by downloading this book off libgen. opened the first page, it worked, i forgot about it for another couple months.

finally i recalled it again and opened the file. what the fuck? i never thought that "quote" was the whole poem. other poems were just shite. free verse my ass, more like broken down tumblr post.

> this fucking book waited for 3.5years on various devices to retrospectively cuck me and slightly ruin my day

>> No.15018672

I don't know about "worst", but I remember having to read these for school and not coming anywhere close to finishing them.

Tess of the d'urbervilles
A death in the family
The scarlet letter

For a few years, we had family reading time. I recall not liking these.

The catcher in the rye

>> No.15019630

Whats wrong with Grendel?

>> No.15020313
