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/lit/ - Literature

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15008377 No.15008377 [Reply] [Original]

>study literature
>convert to islam

>> No.15008381


>> No.15008382

cringe and gaypilled

>> No.15008390

allah will smite thee

>> No.15008533

islamic world has really weak literature, both in quality and in quantity.

>> No.15008546

>hasn't tried learning arabic

>> No.15008552

Based. Abdul Wahid Yahya (PBUH) will be proud of you!

>> No.15008556

I don't believe you've learnt arabic

>> No.15008557
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These are the people who are telling others, "Renounce the world!" Mohammed married nine wives. And these are the people who are saying, "Renounce the world" - renouncing the world remains spiritual. Marrying nine women - the whole battalion - and nobody asks how it can fit in with the renunciation of the world.

Mohammed has given the name "Islam" to his religion. The word islam means peace - and Mohammed was carrying a sword; no other prophet has cut off so many heads as Mohammed has done. But on his sword the sentence was written: "Peace is my message." Islam has been one of the most murderous religions - and peace is the message.

If you look at all these people who have claimed themselves to be incarnations of God, saviors of humanity, prophets, you will be surprised that this whole lot seems to be eccentric. They say one thing and they do just the opposite.

Jesus says, "Love even your enemy as yourself." A beautiful sentence_but one day he is hungry, his disciples are hungry, and the village they have passed refused to give them food. They come to a fig tree, hoping that there may be fruits on the tree. But there are no fruits on the tree. And now you can see what I mean by a crackpot: Jesus curses the tree!

It was not even the season for the tree to give fruits, but he curses the tree because she has not welcomed him and his disciples with fruits. Now, the poor fig tree - what can she do? it is not the season. And this man seems to be utterly blind; he cannot see that it is not the season, and trees are not supposed to welcome people with fruits. Cursing a tree, and teaching, "Love your enemy as yourself" - can you see the contradiction? The tree is not even the enemy. She has done no harm, it was not her fault that the season wouldn't allow fruits.

Jesus talks about love; he even says, "God is love." But he throws out the moneychangers from the temple of Jerusalem, single-handed, with great anger and rage. Lashing them, beating them, he overturned their tables and threw them out of the temple, and said, "I will not allow such dirty business in the house of my father." This behavior does not show love, it does not show compassion; it shows only anger, hatred.

>> No.15008575

May Allah (swt) bless you and your Rwh (روح) and grant you entrance to Aljana (الجنة)

>> No.15008579

weak pasta, bro. At least stay on topic.

>> No.15008582

religion of peace my ass.
Now get the fuck out

>> No.15008593

>muh fig tree

>> No.15008887

Literalist retard interpretation of the Bible

>> No.15008910

Perhaps the only thing more pathetic than the Christfag LARPer is the exotic religion tourist.

>> No.15008917

Nobody beats the atheist incel in absolute cringe content

>> No.15008954
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>Why yes, I do believe a spider knitted a web in a cave in a few minutes. I believe that actually happened and the moon split in half too.

>> No.15008956

I see my post struck a nerve.

>> No.15008996


>> No.15009258

>Christ LARP
Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.

>> No.15009273
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>befan studying X religion/philosphic author/ideology
>his lack of strong will and his weak mind lead him to believe in everything he reads
>just like all these boomers watching right-wing shitty videos on Facebook 24/7
Not the first one I meet, tbqh

>> No.15009283
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Wise choice, brother.

>> No.15009290

>get proven wrong by reality and by literature
>don't change opinion
based delusional relativist

>> No.15009329

not what I am saying. OP just got too deep into the religious texts, which are basically propaganda-like, and his weak mind failed to rationally analyze it, being overcome. The conversion followed

>> No.15009348

I went outside for a smoke after waking the other morning.
As I drew down on the initialy burn I thought of Abraham the father, his faith in God that took him to the end. I thought of Christ Jesus, the perfect son of God, made flesh and killed for our sins, and finally I thought of Muhammed, the warmongering, child marrying schizo who found his salvation at the point of the beginning.
Islam is just another opiate for the masses as we move toward the time to come, much more suited to plebians than Christianity is.

>> No.15009352

Every Muslim I've met so far were definitely homosexuals I denial

>> No.15009353

i heard the authenticity of the spider story is weak tho

>> No.15009363

I know that Muslim men are by far the most attractive in the whole world, but you seriously need to let this go anon no muslim man will ever have sex with you anon

>> No.15009371

I have never seen or heard rumor of an intelligent and informed person converting to Islam.

>> No.15009377

I have you tried smelling

>> No.15009378

holy kek and check

>> No.15009380


>> No.15009408

There is literally no one of any worth on this list lol

>> No.15009421


>> No.15009454

Posting "HAHA" doesn't make those things any less outlandish.

>> No.15009467


>> No.15009482

This nigger just listed a Wikipedia article of converts. See what I mean? Muslims are retarded.

>> No.15009490


>> No.15009513

OP might've picked the wrong religion, sure. But changing your philosophy/religion after studying the counter-view doesn't imply idiocy or weakness, if you actually believe it to be true it would be hypocritical not to convert.

>> No.15009528

>shitpost on lit
>larp as a hindu/islamic convert

>> No.15009594

"Islam" means "submission", but can also be interpreted as "becoming peaceful".
And just a bit of /his/ remark: peace can only be achieved through war or the potential of war.

>> No.15009645

>Muh fig tree
Literally meant to show what you can do with faith
>Muh money changers
I mean, I’m sure he loved them. I’m sure by loving your neighbor as yourself you have to know self-discipline too.

>> No.15009676

He has that boomer notion that loves means letting people do whatever they want.

>> No.15009699

>You should submiss to propaganda if you can't overcome its arguments, no matter what
Am I the relativist here? How can you walk the streets and not convert to every single sect or fringe group that comes along with new ieas you've never heard of?

>> No.15009798
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Christianity is better. You can even learn Arabic and larp as a middle-easterner too.

>> No.15009814

>? How can you walk the streets and not convert to every single sect or fringe group that comes along with new ieas you've never heard of?
That's a caricature. If you actually study a system of thought and find it coherent and better than your own, why wouldn't you change your position? Pride? Edginess?


>> No.15009818

you are thinking that OP found Islam very nice, coherent, positive... So he converted.

I have a lesser concept both of OP and Islam.

>> No.15009829

I'm more responding to your green-text which ridicules people joining any religion as such, or entertaining right-wing philosophies. As if these things are inherently flawed....

it was just a goofy sweeping generalization. What is your religion/philosophy btw? Why are we here and what is the purpose of life?

>> No.15009846

>Ahmed Abdullah – American jazz trumpeter[5]
>Nicolas Anelka – French football manager and former player[6]
>Thomas J. Abercrombie – photographer and writer for National Geographic[7]
>Hasan Akbar (born Mark Fidel Kools) – American sentenced to death for the murder of two fellow soldiers during the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq.[8]
>Shaheed Akbar (a.k.a. The Jacka) – American rapper[9]
>Akhenaton – French rapper and producer; born Philippe Fragione[10]
>Baba Ali – Iranian-born American film developer, games developer and businessman[11]
>Muhammad Ali – professional boxer, activist and philanthropist.[12]
>Lewis Arquette – actor; father of actors David, Rosanna, Patricia, Alexis and Richmond Arquette; son of Cliff Arquette[13]

Nigger, Nigger, Photographer, Nigger, Nigger, Wigger, Comedian, Nigger, Actor.
Musician, Footballer, Photographer, Soldier (war criminal), Rapper, Rapper, Comedian, Boxer, Actor.
LMAO Such intellectual depth.

>> No.15009874

>I'm more responding to your green-text which ridicules people joining any religion as such, or entertaining right-wing philosophies. As if these things are inherently flawed....
I don't think all religions or political ideologies (including non-right-wing) are flawed. I do think conversions can be genuine and not genuine.
what you talked about
what I talked about

>> No.15009899

fair enough, maybe I was making too big a deal of it.

>> No.15009942


I learned Arabic and converted to Islam. I speak and write fluently Arabic, Dutch and English. (Dutch being my first language).

>> No.15009971

if you wanna roast some ppl, go to >>>/pol/

>> No.15009983

All you needed was Christ.
No ablutions, rituals or special diets will save your soul, you're taking a huge risk my dude.

Why'd you convert?

>> No.15009985


It's a bad place.

>> No.15009990


Christendom doesn't make sense in the logical sense, the manifestation of God through flesh, spirit and as the father is something that I couldn't believe in. God is 1 and doesn't manifest itself through other means, the trinity is literally the biggest obstacle for me in Christianity. Arianism though sounds more logical than the modern day mainstream protestant and catholic doctrine, but still Arianism has its errors. Christ isn't divine.

>> No.15009996

You'll get a lot of (You)s, which looks like what you are looking for, anon

>> No.15010019

If God can't manifest in his own creation, then he can't sustain it or interact with it. He can't speak to any created being or even inspire them.

A big flaw in Islam is that it can't reconcile the finite with the infinite, which Christianity does, in the Trinity, and via the incarnation. And Islam's salvation theory is also a non-starter, since you can't become righteous by just doing more good works, as if it's a reward, good doesn't delete the evil you did. etc

>> No.15010034

>manifestation of God through flesh, spirit and as the father
That's heretical to Christianity. You're saying that a singular person called "God" manifests as three divinities.
The Trinity is three distinct persons (like you and I, we know our distinct personhood in our mind) in one divine subsistence, one divine majesty, one divine will, etc. The thing Muslims confuse is the "quality" of being God with the personhood of God himself. It is indeed absurd to say that one "God-person" is manifesting in flesh as the Son and being the Father at the same time, but we don't say that.

>> No.15010057

>Christ isn't divine.
If you have any belief in the Gospels it's pretty easy to establish his divinity.

>> No.15010098

the Scripture gives us of the Son of God, His being in the form, of God and His express and perfect image and representation: (II Cor. 4:4) "Lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ Who is the image of God should shine unto them." (Phil. 2:6) "Who being in the form of God." (Col. 1:15) "Who is the image of the invisible God." (Heb. 1:3) "Who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person."

>> No.15011624

I unironically found islam to be interesting but me as a catholic i hold up to my faith, still it's interesting to study about them and the way they were somewhat for their times (i'm talking 14th century to 18th century) tolerant of some people, and now today i find some of their practices maybe not taken to an extreme but somehow treat their family since a lot of people in the west started to take on the approach of open relationships or being under the wifes heel a lot

>> No.15011691

Islam would alright if it wasn't for Muslims having to support pedophilia since their prophet engaged in it.

>> No.15011930

The paedophilia isnt really a problem because it can be explained away with "at puberty". It's all the other 7th century Arabian bullshit that can't be done away with by common sense laws that killed islam for me.

>> No.15011954

>no dude he beat them with a rope because he loved them so much lol
is that what your dads told you growing up too?

>> No.15012017

Only a materialist/sentimentalist bugman who rejects God's natural design would deny that breeding your wife as soon as she is able to give birth is and was the norm throughout less degenerated societies.

>> No.15012028

men who memorize the entire quran know not a single message from it

>> No.15012043

It can't be explained away if you accept the most trusted Hadith. We know that Muhammad was having non penetrative sexual contact with Aisha while she was still playing with dolls. Playing with dolls is forbidden to girls after they start puberty. He would rub his cock between her thighs precisely because she was prepubescent.

>> No.15012051

Prepubescent girls are not capable of getting pregnant. No girl because pregnant by rubbing your cock on her thigh.

Narrated Hisham's father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236)

Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64; see also Numbers 65 and 88)

'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old. (Sahih Muslim, Book 008, Number 3311)

Aisha said: The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) married me when I was seven years old. The narrator Sulaiman said: Or six years. He had intercourse with me when I was nine years old. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Number 2116)

Praise be to Allah and peace be upon the one after whom there is no [further] prophet.
After the permanent committee for the scientific research and fatwahs (religious decrees) reviewed the question presented to the grand Mufti Abu Abdullah Muhammad Al-Shemary, the question forwarded to the committee by the grand scholar of the committee with reference number 1809 issued on 3/8/1421 (Islamic calendar). The inquirer asked the following:

It has become wide spread these days, and especially during weddings, the habit of mufa’khathat of the children (mufa’khathat literally translated means "placing between the thighs" which means placing the male member between the thighs of a child). What is the opinion of scholars knowing full well that the prophet, the peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, also practiced the "thighing" of Aisha - the mother of believers - may Allah be please with her.

After the committee studied the issue, they gave the following reply:
It has not been the practice of the Muslims throughout the centuries to resort to this unlawful practice that has come to our countries from pornographic movies that the kufar (infidels) and enemies of Islam send. As for the prophet, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, thighing his fiancée Aisha. She was six years of age and he could not have intercourse with her due to her small age. That is why [the prophet] peace and prayer of Allah be upon him placed HIS [MALE] MEMBER BETWEEN HER THIGHS AND MASSAGED IT SOFTLY, as the apostle of Allah had control of his [male] member not like other believers.. (Source: http://www.sout-al-haqe.com/pal/musical/mofakhaza.ram))

>> No.15012116

He (saw) just recommended teaching the Muslim women from an earlier age so that they could please their husbands better as they grow.

>> No.15012142

Yeah that's called grooming. It's what pedophiles do.

>> No.15012146

Parkus, if you read this: GO FUCK YOURSELF

>> No.15012147

No she won't

>> No.15012172

Why are you being islamaphobic right now?

>> No.15012176
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>as the apostle of Allah had control of his [male] member not like other believers

>> No.15012193

I despise pedophiles and I've seen way too many Muslims try to justify it.

>> No.15012196

How is spending time together with your wife a bad thing? It's not intercourse and is a way of developing a greater bond with her.

>> No.15012197

Call the speech police

>> No.15012207


>> No.15012220

Islam just feels like a really watered down version of Coptic Christianity to me.

>> No.15012226

that's because Muhammad stole his teachings from a rogue nestorian monk who waited for the paraclete

>> No.15012245

It literally is. It's just a Christian fanfiction stemming from heretical groups popular at the time.

>> No.15012252

Because you're a nigger and a brainlet.

>> No.15012515

ok but why convert to a book that has salomon talking to ants and birds and saying its 'logical'

>> No.15012580

>not loathing the abrahamic religions
You still need more studying, young padowan.

>> No.15012604

Its 84 IQ Christianity

>> No.15013098

i dare you to come with a single hadith from any of the authentic classical sources that says anything about that. the entire reason he consummated the marriage after three years was to wait until she was physically ready to have sex

>> No.15014045

It also praises pedophilia.

>> No.15014054

Help anons. Where do I start learning Quranic Arabic?