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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 238 KB, 1600x825, borges-library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15005304 No.15005304 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite Borges short story? For me, it's The Circular Ruins.

>> No.15005320

Franny and Zooey

>> No.15005321

Deutsches Requiem
The house of Asterion
The inmortal

>> No.15005322

Nice pic anon, I'd say almost all of his short stories are insta-classics.

>> No.15005334

Tlon, Uqbar, whatever the fuck the other place is called is one of the most bulletproof stories i've ever read, though like all Borges's work it suffers the cardinal sin of being boring.

>> No.15005335

The Sect of the Phoenix

>> No.15005338

>Tlon, Uqbar, whatever the fuck the other place is called

kek'd lmaoo

>> No.15005349
File: 127 KB, 697x600, EIyQ36sWwAASIG7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's 'The Theologians'.

Here's the beginning of that story.

>> No.15005353

>though like all Borges's work it suffers the cardinal sin of being boring
lol this is why niggers should stay away from Borges.

>> No.15005366
File: 150 KB, 1200x919, obras-completas-1-2-3-edicion-critica-jorge-luis-borges-D_NQ_NP_620732-MLA29483528759_022019-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna brag i own this edition but fuck it, it¿s heaaavily annotated. only read the first book w/ annotations and said fuck it.

but wanna finish it someday anyway.


>> No.15005378

This shit becomes 100x less impressive once you learn critical theory and take an intro to formal logic. Just wait till you finish undergrad babby.

>> No.15005382

You still haven't finished reading Borges? Come on. That edition looks very solid btw does it have all the non-fiction?

>> No.15005391

A nigger and a bugman. Quite the combination.

>> No.15005397

How many people take a critical theory class and a formal logic class? I took a symbolic logic class through the philosophy department as an elective that philosophy majors had tot take to graduate and they all fucking hated it and could hardly pass. Critical theory is English department stuff formal logic would be kryptonite for them

>> No.15005400

Almost all, Borges wrote a shit ton of loose stuffy stuff, and he banned the reedition of some of his early books, so collecting complete borges in southamerica is a patritian task.

the most important stuff is there fic and nonfic

>> No.15005433

>what are electives

God if you're that one faggot from South America who takes Broges to be the reincarnation of Christ I swear to god I'll fucking btfo you again back to your chili eating land once and for all

>> No.15005461

In the US you have to fill out your degree with semi-random courses to get the required hours

>> No.15005470

Yeah no shit I double majored.

>> No.15005481

The Immortals. Not The Immortal. The one about a guy going to an office where people live on as wooden cubes filled with organs.

>> No.15005498

So you are black?? OHNONONONONONONO

>> No.15005567

kys faggot
The irony is Borges is nigger tier compared to European /lit/ despite his desperate parroting. The fact that you attribute criticism of him to niggerdom says alot about your own mindset chili boy.

>> No.15005574

It's not one of his most famous stories, but I've always loved "The Other." Maybe I'm nostalgic for it because it's the first Borges story I ever read. But to me it encapsulates everything that makes Borges wonderful.

>> No.15005617

>he's black
>The irony is Borges is nigger tier compared to European /lit/
He's undoutedly superior to many of them. Either way, a sentence in a Borges work is worth a million times more than anything ever written in Sub-Saharan Africa.

>> No.15005677

>he thinks south america is superior to africa
>>different than africa
>>>as in, not the same to chad imperialists
I'm not black you fucking spic. If you weren't surrounded by subhumans you would discern that. Good to know your third world mindset still has you locked in a vapid retort of shitslinging and cocksucking. Enjoy worshiping a man who tried his whole life to imitate the literature of my people.

>> No.15005752

Death and the Compass

>> No.15005762

>I'm not black you fucking spic
You do sound like one.
>If you weren't surrounded by subhumans you would discern that.
Says the guy who's literally surrounded by niggers lmao
>Good to know your third world mindset still has you locked in a vapid retort of shitslinging and cocksucking
Not even IMAX theaters have this massive level of PROJECTION lmao
>Enjoy worshiping a man who tried his whole life to imitate the literature of my people.
He created his own universe unlike anything else ever made at that point, and he still has no peer anywhere. On the other hand, lots of European writers tried to imitate him like Nabokov, Umberto Eco or Danilo Kiš. Either way his essay The Argentine Writer and Tradition is a massive fuck you to your type of comments.

>> No.15005763

Unless your last name is Quevedo, Borges never tried to imitate your "people"

>> No.15005780

The one with the knife-fighting gauchos.

>> No.15005871

about to finish ficciones, should i read collected fiction or labyrinths next

>> No.15005897

La casa de Asterión
La lotería de Babilonia
Pierre Menard, autor del Quijote

>> No.15005909

Ficciones is included in Collected Fictions. Labyrinths is just a selection of some stories from Ficciones and The Aleph (both of which are fully included in CF). So if you get Collected Fictions you get them all + many other stories.

>> No.15005963

See if you can track down The Book of Sand, it's got a bunch of stories that aren't in Ficciones.

>> No.15006006

The Book of Sand is in Collected Fictions

>> No.15006426
File: 678 KB, 1935x1283, matera6090_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really should be discussed more in this brainlet-packed board.

>favourite Borges short story
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
Library of Babel

>> No.15006485
File: 862 KB, 500x506, 1582811597633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost. There are several complete collections rounding.
On 2019 Feria del Libro, The SADE (Sociedad Argentina de Escritores) premiered such a collection; also, they did a contest where the winner would win $150k pesos and the collection, and also the second and third place.

As a little anecdote, I attended that contest and got to the 4th place. Feels bad man.
I had the complete collection the newspaper La Nación once did, tho.

>> No.15007591

The Aleph

>> No.15007689

>On the other hand, lots of European writers tried to imitate him like Nabokov, Umberto Eco or Danilo Kiš. Either way his essay The Argentine Writer and Tradition is a massive fuck you to your type of comments.
Good post. There's a reason you got no response.

>> No.15007808

The Inmortal. There is something magical about a sole author who has impersonated from Homer to Joyce to Cervantes to Pynchon.

>> No.15008980

>Critical theory is English department stuff formal logic would be kryptonite for them
This might be the most based post I have seen on /lit/ in months. Charlatan English professors BTFO.

>> No.15009008

Pierre Menard

>> No.15009448

Tlon, Uqbar and Liber Tertius

Urbit got me into the story, it's great

>> No.15009604

*orbis tertius


Good story though

>> No.15010124

seems like we all agree Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
is the best

>> No.15010150

The Library of Babel is a personal favorite but of course Tlon, Uqbar, and Orbis Tertius is magnificent as well

>> No.15011003

>to Pynchon
Borges knew about Pynchon?

>> No.15011025

Borges is not boring at all you fucking weirdo. That's one of the things that is so impressive about him: he managed to write avant-garde unconventional philosophical stories which were also really fun to read.

If you think Borges is boring you're either boring yourself or you haven't read works like The Garden of Forking Paths

>> No.15011081


>> No.15011569

This one is great, I love how he describes the protagonist's overwrought writing style. Averroës's Search and The Gospel According to Mark are other lesser-known stories of his that I really liked.
Other way round, I think. GR is filled with Borges references.

>> No.15011774

Hakim, the Masked Dyer of Merv

>> No.15012763

the library of babel

>> No.15013846

It makes more sense that Pynchon would know about Borges

>> No.15013977

It's so hard to have a "favorite" Borges story since there are about a dozen of them that are so well done. I'd probably say "The House of Asterion" has the best plot (because of the ending), but for philosophical musing, "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius."

Some in the thread are trying to wag their dicks around saying Borges is for teens or the unlearnèd, and that might be partly true. If you really like Borges but want something more challenging, I recommend the vertical poetry of his compatriot Roberto Juarroz. It's got all the mindbending elements of Borges, but without any explanations or answers.