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/lit/ - Literature

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15003857 No.15003857 [Reply] [Original]

Literature to explain this mindset?

>> No.15003867

Dialektik der Aufklärung

>> No.15003884

The DSM-5 and a high dose of haldol should fix it. Consult a psychiatrist.

>> No.15003885 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15003889


>> No.15003901

heterosexual individuals who recognise that theirs is the gender they were born with. Hence, these people are scum in the eyes of the trans community because they are true to themselves.
neither one thing nor the other

>> No.15003911

>Transmedicalism is broadly defined as the belief that being transgender is contingent upon experiencing gender dysphoria or undergoing medical treatment in transitioning. Transmedicalists, sometimes referred to as "truscum" by themselves or others, believe that individuals who identify as transgender but who do not experience gender dysphoria or undergo a medical transition—through methods such as sex reassignment surgery or hormone replacement therapy—are not genuinely transgender. Transmedicalism has been called ignorant and harmful towards those with non-binary identities.
Non-binary people. They are not of the male or female gender and identify as non-binary.
terribly ambiguous answer

>> No.15003929

I thought truscum is used to describe transgender people who have legit gender dysphoria. There's this weird culture of nonbinaries mocking them.

>> No.15003930

>terribly ambiguous answer
no flies on you, anon

>> No.15003936

>Lacking strength beauty hates the understanding for asking of her what it cannot do

>> No.15003941

The Poememenon

>> No.15003954

>I thought truscum is used to describe transgender people who have legit gender dysphoria.
oh wait you're right whoops

>> No.15003957

True scum believe trannies that are not stereotypical representations of their gender are cis people larping as trannies for attention

Enbies means nonbinary (nb's). They/she/he/neo-pronoun are ascended creatures who have advanced beyond the binary.


>> No.15003978

forgive me for making assumptions about your bullshit terminology

>> No.15004013

More than forgiven, it is quite bullshit. Sorry if I upset you, I honestly thought you were making a joke

>> No.15004032
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>Sorry if I upset you, I honestly thought you were making a joke
got 'em

>> No.15004076
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>got 'em
Oh no! What're you gonna do to me mister?!

>> No.15004091

haha cum

>> No.15004093

Let you go, adopt you, and provide you with a top notch education. When I die, you can take over my estate.

>> No.15004177

Really? Thank you, that's so generous!

>> No.15004202

Anything that deals with the eviscerating effects urbanism has on identity

>> No.15004395

The drawing style is bad and their dismantling of aggressive language leaves the insult bare. Who in their right mind would see this and be empowered or insulted by it. Transrights aside, this whole "cutie" culture is just as disgusting as doggo people.

>> No.15004472

what is this degeneration?

>> No.15004501

Humans are just rats without purpose.

>> No.15004512

>le epic unreplicable bullshit study
Hate this meme

>> No.15004533

you forgot to make this character bearded and overweight!

>> No.15004538

this. holy shit trannies are so annoying

>> No.15004586

Truscum is actually a way to denigrate anyone who tries to limit the perimeters of who can be consider a "true" or valid trans person. For example, a "trans medicalist" would be considered truscum if they think somebody should only be considered a true tranny if they experience gender/body dysphoria.

>> No.15004611

lol trannies

>> No.15004618

Trans rhetoric confuses me greatly
They are attempting to paint all "non-trans" individuals as one uniformed enemy, as being just as inexorably tied up in the "trans worldview" as trans people themselves
However all this circular logic is being applied simply to avoid labeling "cis" individuals as "normal." But the end result of all these verbal/mental acrobatics is the exclusion of normal individuals from the subcommunity
I.E. trans people are necessary to create more trans people (passing along of cultural identity) and since "normals" are seen as the enemy, they have no real political or social influence outside of pandering politicians who couldn't care less about them
What is the trans community's end goal here? Are they not simply making enemies out of anyone who isn't a fullblooded trans individual? Gay individuals (like myself) won over the general populace by courting their support and being generally decent to our allies.
I have seen no such attempts from TQ+s

>> No.15004636
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What I don't understand is what type of mental disassociation to draw cutesy anime characters as representations of what trannies actually look like

>> No.15004656

gay people aren't mentally ill unlike trannies.
I know shit for brains midwits will say "they used to say faggots were mentally ill but it was just societal bigotry" but you and I and everyone else know that isn't true. You just like dick (or pussy if you're a girl) but otherwise you're just a guy.
Trannies are not like this, desu I have no idea why the T is even related to the LGB because their condition and problems and such are in no way related to the other LGB folk

>> No.15004685

Because if you put the text in OP's image onto that picture, it'd come off as satire or mockery. Reality is unkind to them

>> No.15004707

>ascended creatures
It just sounds like anti-conformist snowflakey bullshit to me, but with how gender is phenomenologically defined within tranny lore, the entire concept of gender is functionally arbitrary and the number of possible genders would be as varied as the many different shades of colour on an infinite spectrum.

>> No.15004723

>ascended creatures who have advanced beyond the binary

>> No.15004729

>lol trannies

>> No.15004734

Trannies are mentally ill and their biggest goal is to co-opt the lgb movement by forcing a completely different issue, something that they've somehow been quite successful at despite that fact that it should be obvious to everyone that wanting to fuck/marry the same gender is an entirely different thing than wanting to mutilate your body and claiming to be the other gender. Outside of that they have no end goal and that's one of their biggest issue and the reason that they lash out so much, the lgb movement to a large extent had a clear goal and got what it wanted, legalized marriage and the stigma around being gay is beginning to fade meaning that a gay couple can now be equal to a straight couple. Trannies can never have that though, at the end of the day even if they do lift all the legal restrictions on them they will still forever be mad that basic biology is against them and that they can never be equal to straights or gays because they're required to maim themselves to at all feel happy.

>> No.15004742

the picture says no lies

>> No.15004795

>their biggest goal is to co-opt the lgb movement by forcing a completely different issue
good. lgbt movement is nothing but bullshit and has destroyed marriage even more. trannies have always been in the movement, fags just try to disavow them now because normies still don't really like them.

>> No.15004831

>implying gays aren't mentally ill
Reproduction is one of the key functions of any organism. Therefore a psychological condition which prevents reproduction is a debilitating illness.

>> No.15004847

is religious celibacy a mental illness?

>> No.15004852

Are there even any good books or stories about trannies? Only one I can think of is Danish Girl

>> No.15005045

No. Celibates are still capable of reproduction, even if they choose not to do it. They're not debilitated in any way.

>> No.15005062

>anyone incapable of reproduction is mentally ill

>> No.15005077

Anything a gender studies professor says, and Harry Potter which they then hate because it's problematic, and a Handmaid's Tale. Followed up with some newer Marvel movies.
What, were you expecting them to read?

Anyone who mutilates themselves is mentally ill.

>> No.15005092

>muh natural order
>muh survival of the species
Female Bonobos engage in casual female-on-female sex acts and are, in human terms, generally bisexual.
Their species seems to be doing pretty well
If you hate gay people just say you hate gay people, I'll respect you more for being honest than for being a pseudoscientific pseud

>> No.15005099

>Anyone who mutilates themselves is mentally ill
Those Anons were talking about homos not trannys. You would hope that /lit/ would have better reading comprehension

>> No.15005105

Forgive me, I didn't read through.
Homos are mentally ill, too, though.

>> No.15005129

I thought the image was using literally made up and meaningless words to show how stupid the arguments for idpol are.
Like if blargs and goobles are wrong then why are they so heckin uwu and foopy.

>> No.15005138

bonobos are a matriarchy where females use sex to placate males constantly.

>> No.15005144

The rat utopia has been consistently replicated

>> No.15005157

> I have no idea why the T is even related to the LGB because their condition and problems and such are in no way related to the other LGB folk
Sexual depravity builds upon itself. The link between a confused taste for which sex attracts you and which sex you are seems obvious to me.

>> No.15005163

>durr be a slave to biological imperatives durrr

>> No.15005182

that's what gays always say. they always say they're born gay and don't have a choice in who they're attracted to. they're the fucking biological determinists even though it has zero evidence. they're like 19th century racial scientists with this shit.

>> No.15005196

>tfw no non-binary gf

>> No.15005201

DSM-5 doesn't say there is any problem with this

>> No.15005229


>> No.15005234

unironically based anon

>> No.15005250

It wasnt, Calhoun himself struggled to replicate it
>durr must have kids to be happy I am le traditionalist browsing an anime imageboard durrr

>> No.15005266

basically these people live in their own little world and don't realize the rest of world doesn't understand any of the terms of concepts of reality they have made up for themselves

>> No.15005267

>Female Bonobos engage in casual female-on-female sex acts
They also engage in casual male-on-female sex acts. You point refutes nothing.
>If you hate gay people just say you hate gay people
I don't hate the ill. I hate pseuds, poseurs and attention whores though.

>> No.15005278

No, anyone psychologically incapable of reproduction is mentally ill.
Obviously a eunuch isn't necessarily a mental case.

>> No.15005279

Wtf, I love trannies now.

>> No.15005289

You're pretty snotty for someone who can't read.
Nowhere do I insist anyone has to be a slave to anything. My point is about inability, not disinclination.

>> No.15005307

So many intellectual lightweights on this board. I can take any of you knuckle-dragging denisovans on

>> No.15005339

>doesnt affect quality of life in any way

>> No.15005370

>doesnt affect quality of life in any way
Typically narcissistic gay response. Being a genetic dead-end doesn't matter to you, because you never look any further than the nearest mirror.

>> No.15005395

>actually giving a shit about genetics
literal flesh slave

>> No.15005402

>>doesnt affect quality of life
How do you know? Many parents say having children was the highlight of their life. You will never know what this means. A whole realm of human experience has been closed to you. Aren't you even curious about what it could be like?

>> No.15005411
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>flesh slave
Says the one who will only ever have sex for cheap thrills, and never for its intended purpose.

>> No.15005437
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Oh no, not those degenerate trannies ruining the sanctity of my lgbt movement. And yes, trannies and radical gender non-conformity will be normalized, then hebophilia, and pedophilia soon after them.

>> No.15005445

>implying not volcel
when I said flesh slave I really meant it nigger

>> No.15005463

Every source I read on the subject mentions several experiments over the course of a few decades all with similar results

>> No.15005516

I hate gay people.

We have had a below replacment birth rate since the 1970s, and we're now replacing ourselves through mass migration to make up the difference. Marriage is effectively a dead instituion and broken families have become normalized. In my country, nearly as many babies are aborted than are actually born.

Our sexual culture is dysfunctional by any possible metric.

I hate everything to do with sexual revolution and all that has been spawned from it,

>> No.15005520
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How does anyone have the mental fortitude to care about this and keep up with these terms? Fucking degenerates, I'd nuke them all for a net gain on this planet.

>> No.15005533

Truscum are trans people who believe gender dysphoria is a medical condition for which transition is the best treatment. They're generally the (more) normal trannies and not the diaper wearing uwu crowd IME.

>> No.15005539
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Are we a matriarchy?

>> No.15005549

enbies are heterosexual cis white women who have invested psychotic pronouns with x and z in them for attention because they live as heterosexual cis white women and face no minority representation whatsoever. It gives tumblr feminists the "right" to talk down to normal lgbt and bme people because they've invented their own opression points.

>> No.15005551

>nearly as many babies are aborted than are actually born.
Modern liberalism, be it feminism, homoism, or whatever other hedonistic shit liberalism is accomplished by seems to entail a hatred for children. All deviant sexualities or gender roles are driven by anti natalism

>> No.15005561


>> No.15005564

Getting rid of her braces was a mistake

>> No.15005584

Ask me how I know you haven't had sex.

>> No.15005614

Develop a theory of mind, chimps and ravens have managed - you can too!

>> No.15005626

>nearly as many babies are aborted than are actually born.
what country?

>> No.15005636

guessing brazil

>> No.15005678

No. Those are real enough terms, though they are more informal ones, obviously. OP pic is one of the top upvoted posts on /r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/, so it is not a false flag, or if it is, it's supported by trannies and the like.

>> No.15005683

I'm so confused, why does the existence of other people's babies matter.

>> No.15005689

>t. boy-molesting homofag got blown the fuck out harder than his sphincter on a Saturday night but can't leave without getting the last word in

>> No.15005714

>using bullshit terminology like "enby" and "truscum" makes me smart

>> No.15005793

I'm just as degenerated as anybody, it's still pretty apparent to me that the sexual revolution was a net negative.

>> No.15005942

My parents like all sorts of shit I don't care about and if I feel like it I can get a surrogate
>my momma said
Grow up
You're a born sucker, eager to serve

>> No.15007074
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>> No.15007105

I'm afraid there's nothing like that worth calling "literature," my friend.

But if you are looking for authors of this kind, read anything Marxist, Feminist and/or by Judith Butler.

>> No.15007119

any book written by a calvinist on the concept of total deprivity

>> No.15007309

You are still slaves to the binary because you wish to look like the opposite gender. When you fail in doing so, you cope by saying that you "ascend the binary" which means nothing because it's just an appeal to the audience's pride, insinuating that they're lowly non-ascendents compared to your highness. What pathetic copes they weave in their mind's loom

>> No.15007322


>> No.15007448

Such filth that American speech comes through the screen into my brain. Their words are a disease and understanding is infection.

>> No.15007605

not necessarily, its mocking people who think that gender dysphoria is necessary to be a valid trans person

>> No.15007622

Anon, you can’t just say whatever you want if you don’t know what something is

>> No.15008849

>cis people larping as trannies are now cancelling trannies for oppressing them

>> No.15008855

The fertility rate of the West has been on the decline since the late 1800s retard.