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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.29 MB, 1228x608, thebookclubqcute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15001788 No.15001788 [Reply] [Original]

I got my swear word t-shirt on

>> No.15001802
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>someone saved the spider-pig joke song

>> No.15001803

got a link?

>> No.15001811


>> No.15001818

does anyone have the john green one?

>> No.15001841

Why did he do it, /lit/? Did he really have to delete everything?

>> No.15001858

he got fired from his job because they found his youtube channel

>> No.15001863

Any Ingénue in literature must self-immolate. He had to release himself from himself. May he be absolutely free.

>> No.15001868

Jesus christ Ive been balling my eyes out this whole week. I just want old Q back

>> No.15001871

He's reinventing himself. Identity crisis

>> No.15001874

its all part of the process

>> No.15001894

was he the author of that?

>> No.15001897
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Still can't believe he's gone. Those videos will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope you are doing well out there wherever you are now Q

>> No.15001906

It's weird.. he's like a successful caricature of /lit/ and /fa/ combined

>> No.15001921
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He was someone I always wished I could have been friends with. Seemed like a really cool guy, jealous of the Leedsfags here that got to meet him.

Why he did it I don't think any of us will ever know.

>> No.15001927

F for my friendo

>> No.15001929

He’s reddit. Good riddance

>> No.15001952

lmao this is the reddit poster who calls others redditors to try to fit in

>> No.15001966

i would have deleted my fucking channel too if i uploaded a video called "comfy read-a-long with Q" or some shit

how embarassing

>> No.15001981
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>But don't hate him when he gets up to leave

>> No.15001988

There was some rough patches but its the same with all these creative genius types

>> No.15001995

He was really chill in person desu, and I was pretty sad that another meetup never ended up happening - but I hope he's ok, whatever is going on.
- Lamb

>> No.15001997

Wtf is a desu and why did is it on my post

>> No.15002001

I got a swear word t-shirt because of this song

>> No.15002003

i was thinking of backing up his channel like a week ago never did it

>> No.15002008

I wish I could be creative like Q but I don’t have the talent or time to learn. You’re probably reading this bro, I enjoyed your music
are we supposed to know who the fuq you are

>> No.15002012

I was thinking aboit doing a similar channel, but it will probably end up bringing me trouble in the future.

>> No.15002017
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Someone's backin it up. It aint you

>> No.15002019

absolutely underrated

>> No.15002026

Just don't be as edgy. Q went over the line at times even though he was probably just being ironic.

>> No.15002040


>> No.15002107

based on what?

>> No.15002119

Thats depressing. Hope his sister is alright

>> No.15002132

>lolsorandom humour + /lit/ references
Holy shit good riddance

>> No.15002138

If he was already fired why bother deleting stuff.

>> No.15002142

Legal issues

>> No.15002145

I heard Q got arrested for kiddie porn

>> No.15002146

idk he deleted his reddit account before I had a chance to ask. he was probably looking for further employment

>> No.15002149

like what?

>> No.15002179

Nothing. He's bullshitting.

>> No.15002189

Does anyone have an archive of Q's twitter posts before he deleted his account?

>> No.15002222

There's a link on the subreddit

>> No.15002329


>> No.15002343

I heard he's actually the /pol/ Qanon pushing the adrenochrome conspiracy, and had to shut down his channel because he went into hiding.

>> No.15002347

It's on soundcloud too.
I don't see why you would want to reupload that video as he obviously does not want it up

>> No.15002510

He really is brilliant.

>> No.15002526

how is his music so comfy bros...

>> No.15002532

the next sufjan stevens

>> No.15002548

No, I just feel it's more sincere to consistently identify myself and leave a trace. There's nothing else to it. (:

>> No.15002601

fuck off newfag

>> No.15002623
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stopping in from /v/
this is my first time seeing this and it's pretty neat

>> No.15003149


>> No.15003691
File: 7 KB, 200x200, edfcvx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically thought it was an April fools' prank.
I'm not laughing.
Why am I not laughing, /lit/bros?

>> No.15003769
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friendo, pass me the benzo

>> No.15005153

Does anyone have the video that starts with the Better Than Food intro?

>> No.15005215


Thanks for the laughs

>> No.15005580
File: 18 KB, 778x104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these cringey nazi dog whistlers commenting on his videos

This is probably why he deleted his videos in the first place, so he wouldn't have to be associated with these /pol/cels

>> No.15005608

Does anyone know where I can find the sword of michael and his tower of babel videos?
And if it's not too much I'd also like his James Mason Kangz one.

>> No.15005843

Sword of michael has been reuploaded

>> No.15005935

Do you have a link?

>> No.15006055

He couldn't deal with all the harassment he was getting from leftists. He was hinting at it in the "If you don't me" video where he vented about his frustration. Poor guy

>> No.15006074
File: 198 KB, 1200x899, a2749336521_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Quentin is taking a break from content creation due to undisclosed personal reasons."

>> No.15006266

this is gold

>> No.15006282

"‘Left-wing’ Twitter can often be a miserable, dispiriting zone. Earlier this year, there were some high-profile twitterstorms, in which particular left-identifying figures were ‘called out’ and condemned. What these figures had said was sometimes objectionable; but nevertheless, the way in which they were personally vilified and hounded left a horrible residue: the stench of bad conscience and witch-hunting moralism. The reason I didn’t speak out on any of these incidents, I’m ashamed to say, was fear. The bullies were in another part of the playground. I didn’t want to attract their attention to me."

>> No.15006288

Can't find it.

>> No.15006304

Mark Fisher rocks.

>> No.15006320

The ground

>> No.15006332

Is it true he quit because he was getting bullied by SJWs?

>> No.15006492

what is this

>> No.15006502

Reason why he left

>> No.15006545

We did this.

>> No.15006816

What is his patreon or whatever

>> No.15006835

People can be real monsters sometimes

>> No.15006842

>I don't see why you would want to reupload that video as he obviously does not want it up
On the contrary, I think he'd be flattered (later, if not now). This is precisely what you want when you make music.

>> No.15006850

No idea who this guy is but hes really handsome and makes good music. He's probably signed a record deal that's why he took down the free stuff.

>> No.15006861

He's incredibly sexy

>> No.15006888
File: 405 KB, 820x854, if only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just singing benzo this morning...

>> No.15006904

Can somebody catch me up on who this guy is/was? I go on /lit/ and twitter frequently, but somehow never came across this guy. Now he's gone?

He did what? Made songs? The spider pig one I listened to is funny but I feel like I'm missing some details. Please explain.

>> No.15006921

Only person besides maybe Zizek with an actual fucking clue about what's going on and maybe how to get out of this hellscape. Moldbug et al. are just punching one-way tickets

>> No.15006924

You're too late.

>> No.15006925
File: 565 KB, 1274x673, 3569860562930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made comedic book reviews about philosophers and authors. Often got compared to MDE

>> No.15006940

someone has to have a copy of that video

>> No.15006958



>> No.15006967

Yall know about his old bandcamp right

>> No.15006978

>maybe how to get out of this hellscape
What? Suicide?

>> No.15006980

i'd watch this guy if he was ugly but he has a good jawline and obviously puts significant effort into making his hair look good and working out so it's clear he's just a dumb normalfag nigger

>> No.15006989

You had to experience him for yourself to know what it was about. He had his own unique style that can't be found anywhere else which is why he was building up a cult following.

>> No.15006995

who's MDE?

>> No.15006996

He clearly didn’t give a fuck about what they thought. They must have gone after him in a tangible way

>> No.15007003

His style was vaguely like this but based around literary humour

>> No.15007004

basically made post-ironic video reviews that were generally mostly non sequiturs about the book he was ostensibly reviewing. for the most part you can't really tell if he read any of the books, which is what made him fit in perfectly on this board

>> No.15007008

Million Dollar Extreme (Sam Hyde)

>> No.15007019

Probs just having a hard comedown and the whole thing is a no-dopamine tantrum.

>> No.15007033

I loved his Yukio Mishima video, wish that was still up.

Also his Greta song was a straight banger.

>> No.15007051

Twitter's currently saying he's in California trying to make it as an artist of some sort and those videos gave him a bad image because of their humor and politics.

>> No.15007144

He's going to be working with Adult Swim

>> No.15007166

Yeah, he mentioned moving out to California on his VLOG channel the other week.

>> No.15007177

people are dying
people are suffering

>> No.15007212
File: 1.10 MB, 891x570, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sense, he was there last summer with Gabby because he's got friends who live there. The Hegel and Modernity video were filmed there.

>> No.15007221
File: 20 KB, 486x151, 4234234323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honor him by following his advice, faggots.

>> No.15007244

the fuck is a suscriptore. Im so out of the loop with this zoomer terminology

>> No.15007264

thx anon

>> No.15007266

he had another channel? or you mean The Book Club?

>> No.15007296

im pretty sure it's spanish for subscribers you fucking bellend

>> No.15007306

Thank's it was me, the brazilian Quentin

>> No.15007311

Not my fault for not keeping up with all these fads. How was I supposed to know Zoomers were using spanish words these days

>> No.15007316

>104 posts
>45 posters
Stop posting threads about yourself faggot. You don’t understand any of the shit you read and you are a try hard.

>> No.15007333

I don't get the logic behind the people who think everyone should just leave one post and then move on. Some of us are interested in the subject

>> No.15007345


>> No.15007354

attributing stories about quentin's disappearance to fake social media accounts is the best new /lit/ meme

>> No.15007367

For what it's worth Q i've only seen a couple of your vids but i've replayed friendo and spider pig hundreds of times and have wrote a few good poems to them. Thanks man. You're a good guy.

>> No.15007376

Yeah, he used to upload short VLOG style posts on his Instagram.

>> No.15007468
File: 33 KB, 800x451, 1578862737268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Book Club? Q? I haven't heard those names in years. Yes, yes I used to make those videos. Long ago. Even had a bit of a community going.

>> No.15007482

is his instagram gone too?

>> No.15007695

He also has this bandcamp account

>> No.15008022

He died?

>> No.15008027

he overdosed on a speedball. his sister posted about it on the subreddit

>> No.15008032


>> No.15008046

he actually just deleted all his videos except two for unknown reasons

>> No.15008054

what subreddit?

>> No.15008067

Good riddance. Fuck e-celebs

>> No.15008072

I’m his boyfriend, we overdosed on adrenochrome as part of a suicide pact, only I survived... I will never forget u Quentin

>> No.15008073

He wasn't really a celeb. He was /ourguy/.

>> No.15008078

>unknown reasons
you need to watch like 20 seconds of his videos to see he has schizoaffective disorder, some switch in his brain flipped and he deleted all his shit, hopefully he puts it back up sometime in the future

>> No.15008080

Philosophers are just e-celebs before the internet yet we talk about them

>> No.15008083

Its always the creative types who also have mental problems

>> No.15008108

i have a painter friend that's schizo, there's obviously a connected. the insane shit he believes is also his inspiration, sometimes cool stuff comes out of it, even though you might find meaning that was unintentional due to how bizarre the thought process of the person is

>> No.15008111

I hope the twitter leftists didn't start bothering his sister. She had to delete her social media accounts

>> No.15008119

He hasn't actually deleted his videos, they're just private now.

>> No.15008131

prove it

>> No.15008232

God damn it i've always been pushing back watching his other videos to later and now they're seemingly gone forever. From what i've seen, he was one of the most interesting guys out there on the platform. What a loss.

>> No.15008256

kill yourself

>> No.15008259
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I hade some in a playlist, and now they show up as "private", not "deleted".

>> No.15008264

Why the hate?

>> No.15008291

where can i find his music, anons?

>> No.15008334

Here are other songs by him:

His name was Quentin Scobie.

>> No.15008338

His name was Quentin Scobie

>> No.15008344

His name was Quentin Scobie.

>> No.15008359

This stuff is from nearly 10 years ago when he wsa 15. He's grown as both a person and musician since then.

>> No.15008367


>> No.15008411

hey Q why did you delete your videos

>> No.15008423

Make the videos public again Quen, ffs.

>> No.15008425

I really liked this song, good stuff he is not without musical talent

>> No.15008437

This whole thread reads like some sort of attempt at viral marketing.
>one of the most interesting guys on the platform
Wtf is happening?

>> No.15008438

I'm not Q. I simply just seen that page is from 2012 before he really started taking it seriously.

>> No.15008449

Post his recent stuff then.

>> No.15008455

He catered specifically to the /lit/ audience. Not too many other channels make those types of videos about people like Linkola or Land.

>> No.15008514

If you are in this thread Q, 'My Floating Car' is a great song. Love it.

>> No.15008523

Agreed brother

>> No.15008538
File: 249 KB, 1080x1543, probably_full_of_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An 18 year old Canadian art hoe who runs a /lit/-based instagram account (but seems to have gotten scared off of 4chan shortly after starting it when she was still like 16 and stopped posting anything actually from here) is supposedly a personal friend of his and claims she knows what happened but is probably just being an attention whore or said so as an April Fool's joke
They definitely talked when she was underage though
I don't follow him on anything or use discord so I didn't know why she was posting about him until I saw this thread. There was no sign of it beforehand? No last message anywhere, just poof? If he died I wouldn't have expected his videos to get taken down so quickly

>> No.15008549

kek that yellow guy

>> No.15008574

Wait Q is a simp? This changes everything

>> No.15008581

>sending books to friends means you're a simp

>> No.15008583

God I hate that person. "yeah we're like real friends he like sent me a book"
Q has always been a simp. Have you guys seen his hegel and greta videos?

>> No.15008605

>you will never talk to quentin on discord about dumb shit late at night

>> No.15008613

If I regularly called somebody on the phone and we exchanged Christmas gifts, I would describe them as a friend
I don't think I watched the Greta video but I dunno how having his sister standing around uncomfortably in the Hegel one is an issue

>> No.15008619

Maybe it was all an april fools joke and he'll put it all back
That could happen, r-right brehs

>> No.15008625

Could be. After all he only made them private, and didn't really delete them.

>> No.15008627

Quentin, just put them up for one hour so we can record them for posterity

>> No.15008959


>> No.15009056
File: 224 KB, 3840x2160, tillidie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ey up lads, Quentins mum here.
You may have seen me on a couple of videos.

He was off his nut on some uppers and kept lunging at my clunge onnabout 'seeking the grail'.

>> No.15009079

Who actually liked his shit bar teenage ironybros?

>> No.15009125


>> No.15009137

what was his subreddit? and his instagram too if that's still up and anyone knows it.

>> No.15009142


>> No.15009375

does anybody have the tabs/chords to friendo?

>> No.15009403

I have a singular vague memory from the simpsons movie... I couldnt give a single detail around the circumstances of me being there, whether it was age, accompaniment or anything slightly related. The only memory that has stuck with me since the time I watched it was the spider-pig joke, and how my soul recoiled at it. I couldn't begin to comprehend how the movie had attraction to people. I felt overwhelmed by the sickness of the modern world, like the masses only wanted to watch Christ be punished rather than know the Glory that comes after his suffering. It was honestly the most poignant point that I can point to in my pubescent years that led me to be who I am now. Shits fucked.

>> No.15009429

there is none.

>> No.15009458
File: 240 KB, 607x780, weirdmoththing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlisted backups exist.

>> No.15009488

someone should ask for a mega link.

>> No.15009499

Oh, so like a shit Tim and Eric ;^)

>> No.15009524

No fucking kidding. Not to mention
>on his instagram
>on his subreddit
Fucking hell, this is cancer.

>> No.15009551

He's deleted all of his social media

>> No.15009806

He doesn't have instagram or a subreddit.

>> No.15009832

Cm Bb Dm Bb or something

>> No.15009852

>the board has ecelebs beyond cute girls now
>compares someone positively to MDE

You've all become insufferable, retarded faggots.

>> No.15009856

Thats not it at all, you are musically illiterate

>> No.15009917


>> No.15009941


>> No.15009944

Its G G# D F

>> No.15009979

That channel was hilarious and I found myself listening to a lot of his stuff while going about my day. I liked The Sword of Michael song and the weird electronic one he did recently called You Don't Like Me or something.

>> No.15010026

Was If You Dont Like Me about those leftists who kept harrasing him

>> No.15010032

You're gay, retard

>> No.15010415

where tf am I supposed to find more

>> No.15010431
File: 247 KB, 795x1200, 1585173197355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of these lyrics make any fucking sense

>> No.15010461

clearly you havent seen the simspons movie...

>> No.15010500

Low IQ. Never gonna make it.

>> No.15010513

Pretty glad this little nigga's gone, ngl

>> No.15010655

yeah honestly me too. But it was good while it lasted

>> No.15010667
File: 9 KB, 182x276, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singing random phrases softly does not a good song make.

>> No.15010783

>t. IQ < Schizo