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/lit/ - Literature

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14999178 No.14999178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Is anyone else annoyed with how English teachers/majors keep pimping leftist beliefs? Do you think it has to do with the fact that they can't grasp math and wind up being poor by nature? I mean how many businesses need someone to write flowery writing? If you're an English major and not an author then you're a failure.

Alright, see you guys tomorrow

>> No.14999192

Every business needs someone to write copy, you dumb bitch

>> No.14999216

We have lawyers do that. Your business can't afford lawyers?

>> No.14999221

Also engineers. Our contract writer is an Electrical Engineer.

>> No.14999227

>making lawyers right copy
That definitely sounds like a good use of their time, I bet they feel incredibly valued by your company.

>> No.14999239

It's a non-issue, doesn't really affect anyone, at worst just have to zone out for a few minutes in a lecture.

>> No.14999246

I think you dont know what copy means

>> No.14999249

No suprises there, electrical engineering is as much a simp degree as english

>> No.14999257

Yeah I'm sure you grasp electrical engineering. What's a MUX box do?

>> No.14999262

no advertising at current company, we're an engineering firm that contracts for the gubment, which is why the lawyers do all the contracts and even sales.

Last company the CEO did all that.

>> No.14999288

it select between different analog and digital signals to send to an output. But that's irrelevant because I could've literally googled it lol sorry your degree is no more advantageous than a search engine

>> No.14999304

>assessing someone's value based on what they're worth to business

WARNING: retard trying to make a point. please stop before you hurt yourself

>> No.14999333

What's your value if not what you earn? If no one is willing to pay, you're not valuable.

Sorry dipshit.

Wow you should design our next circuit board! Do you know x86 and calc III?

>> No.14999342

holy fuck you are sensitive. Why is it that EE students are always such fucking autists?

>> No.14999344

Cucked by capitalism

>> No.14999348

>What's your value if not what you earn? If no one is willing to pay, you're not valuable.

somebody needs to wead a wittwe baby book

>> No.14999403

t. unemployed and without purpose

I'm a software engineer, not ee

>> No.15000401


Work does not confer purpose, nor does it dignify the existence of the one who performs it. This is slave cope.

>> No.15000426

lol spoken like a true loser. You are what you do. If you don't do anything to benefit anyone, no one will pay you for your worth. You've never done anything good for anyone else if you don't make money.

>> No.15000476

Why not just outsource copy editing to highly-rated freelancers in foreign countries? Unless literally everything is confidential/lawyers-only.

Also I used to date a copy editor. kind of got tired of the quirky, "haha that's not an em-dash." she was also kind of a perfectionist, and would get mad at minor discrepancies.

>> No.15000486

Just listen to yourself

>> No.15000507

Agreed. So much work is meaningless and lacks impact except to enrich your bosses (think sales of shit people don't need).
You're more than your job. I wish truly, genuinely learned that way earlier.

I think minimum-wage workers who stock shelves have a way more positive impact on people's lives, than investment bankers who try to slime people to enter shitty mutual funds.

>> No.15000615

Yeah, using logic. If you pay for things you need then wouldn't getting paid indicate you're meeting needs? Or are you too thick to get it?

Sure, to yourself. But the worth you give yourself isn't real, it's arbitrary. The worth everyone else gives you is what actually defines you.

>> No.15001082

>Do you think it has to do with the fact that they can't grasp math and wind up being poor by nature?
Yeah, they want to get paid to write state propaganda. The publishers mostly want trash and everyone can write it so they wasted their time even if they are good writers.

>> No.15001102

If nobody is going to actually answer the question, I will. If you map a leftist's personality, you find that he simultaneously charts high with openness and agreeableness. This means they're incredibly open to new ideas, which leads them to universities, and also predisposed to agreeing with the narrative given to them by their professors. Colleges have always been known as the vangard of progressive thought, and this existing climate of thought led to group polarization, wherein the exisisting culture got more and more extreme, especially as more eager young people came to soak up the information.

>> No.15001119

You really don't need to major in English to write copy

>> No.15001160

Actually it's math majors who are massively ignorant of history and pain. Source: studied math.

>> No.15001302

this post contradicts itself. how can they be open and prone to polarization? that is the opposite of openness. in truth the universities starting admitting far more people than they should have. and became overrun by peasants (blacks and dumb whites) who turned their culture into a repressive situation, because dumb people are closed minded. the student loan brought half of the people which attend 24,000 public school institutions into just over 5300 institutions of higher education. by pumping so much dumb blood into limited numbers of lymph nodes, you get situations like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMc8pczn-hs

this is similar to, though not as extreme as, mao bringing the peasants from the countryside of china to dominate urban institutions. it is also similar to the smart phone bringing anybody and everybody online.

most people are fucking retarded. they cannot fathom the idea that somebody would say something offensive or wrong to be funny - they take it literally. they cannot think in abstractions and have a simple worldview of the world. a child draws a box with a window and calls it a house. the idiot creates and reinforces simple categories, and now there is no "safe space" for people who have a shred of nuance in their thinking, other than fucking 4chan - and that's only because it is hard to get banned.

allowing lots of plebians into a space without sufficient time for acclimation or proper barriers to low-iq retards and close-minded idiots, leads to cult like and repressive environments. it happened in china, it happened in academia, it happened on the internet, and that's the world we're living in.

>> No.15001307

I'm actually far more to the left than many of my professors in English/Philosophy. Entered undergrad a libertarian socialist and heading into grad school with little to no change of political opinions. I majored in English to read brilliant authors and hone my writing, not develop politically.

Everyone could benefit from being able to communicate their ideas more effectively, no matter what career path they choose. STEM is great too but it's not the pinnacle of human knowledge people seem to think it is. Art and the humanities make life worth living and almost every successful scientist appreciated both.

>> No.15002252

Go back into your coma peterson, no one wants to drink your snake oil koolaid here.

>> No.15002271

>You've never done anything good for anyone else if you don't make money.
>what are carers, nurses, food pickers, shelf stackers, delivery men, etc.
If the pandemic has demonstrated anything, it is that these low-paid jobs are literally the most essential and necessary careers right now. You are actually braindead, imagine thinking that all the overpaid, bureaucratic simulation of productivity that is happening on zoom right now is "doing good for anyone else" except for keeping these people in work lmao

>> No.15002672

>I think minimum-wage workers who stock shelves have a way more positive impact on people's lives, than investment bankers who try to slime people to enter shitty mutual funds.

You’re absolutely right. It’s just easier to make off with more money when you put yourself closer to the money faucet and pretend like you do something essential and complicated.

>> No.15002679

Why are they all psychotic liberals and not radical marxists then?

>> No.15002690

>Our contract writer is an Electrical Engineer.
That's a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.15002704

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15002705

This is painfully accurate. I was top of my class at a good high school and had high SAT scores. I thought when I got to college my peers would be smart or much smarter. Imagine my surprise when I found out most of them were dumb as a rock and the institution on the whole was an adult day care and paid 4 year vacation for rich kids. Some of the minority students, who are obviously there because they were minorities, were genuinely the dumbest and uncivilized people I’ve ever encountered and that’s just the truth. It really brought down the quality of the whole thing. I ended up doing the bare minimum and graduating with a joke major and like a C- average so maybe I’m the retard but either way I can tell you that place was a joke. This is a top 50 school by the way.

>> No.15003380

lol you think nurses and farmers are "low paid?" We don't need shelf-stockers. All we "really" need is someone to pack food bags and that's so low-skilled and low-barrier to entry that it isn't worth anything.

If anyone could do what you do it isn't valuable. Sorry jerk-off, people can just do it themselves.

>> No.15003428

>farmers are fruit pickers
Don't try and move the goalposts, you sneaky little shit. and Nursers ARE poorly paid, especially considering they are on the front line of treatment right now. doctors spend more time dictating treatment and filling in paperwork than actually spending face-to-face time with patiences.

>All we "really" need is someone to pack food bags
oh yeah? who's gonna deliver it? Who's gonna stack the shelves? who's gonna sell it to panic-buying retards?

>Sorry jerk-off, people can just do it themselves.
Off you go, then. Let these people go into isolation, and you can be the one putting yourself at risk while getting paid minimum wage. It's also very telling which points you've chosen to address and which points you've chosen to ignore. But please, enlighten me as to how your software development job is currently contributing a vital and essential service to society right now.

>> No.15003485

Nurses are paid well over six figures in America you retarded faggot. Also, the majority of food production in America doesn't require hand-picking unless you want luxury goods like nuts and certain fruits.

> oh yeah? who's gonna deliver it? Who's gonna stack the shelves? who's gonna sell it to panic-buying retards?
It's called picking it up in a car? Hell, you could load the pallets in the middle of a warehouse and just have people pick it up.

> Off you go, then. Let these people go into isolation, and you can be the one putting yourself at risk while getting paid minimum wage. It's also very telling which points you've chosen to address and which points you've chosen to ignore. But please, enlighten me as to how your software development job is currently contributing a vital and essential service to society right now.
Not to give away my job but it saves thousands of people both time and money every day.

>> No.15003530

I know, university humanity departments are all a cesspool of neo-cultural-socialist-marxist-PC-SJW-bullies that stifle any actual free speech or debate, right?
Of course humanities are mostly taught by relative "liberals": the right wing has spent the past half-century demonizing, underfunding, and mocking higher education, for one thing. It takes a certain kind of weird self-loathing to be a far-right English professor. That's not a great political plot, any more than the high numbers of liberals in film, stage, fashion design, stand-up comedy, etc., or the high number of conservatives in the police and military: most people pick careers that provide an environment that somewhat reflects their values and concerns, if they're lucky enough to be able to choose.
However, the idea that some Marxist cabal is in charge of anything is greatly overblown. I've been teaching at universities for many years now, and I assign whatever books I want, design my own assignments and curricula, and in the past decade, virtually no other person working in my department has even set foot in my classroom. The autonomy is extreme, and that means there is hardly any mechanism in place to create some kind of "party line." Generally, only multiple student complaints will cause administration to look at a teacher's course in detail.

The spectre of "neo-Marxism" and "cultural Marxism" is 90% fantasy (the other 10% is that, sure, there are some actual academic Marxists around: so what?). Finding a balance between freedom of speech and an inclusive environment where people can safely share ideas is difficult: it's an ongoing project. We don't "fix that" by trying to silence controversial arguments out of hand, but neither do we let them go unchallenged. Unfortunately, we've reached a place marked by such public ignorance that people can call everyday moderate liberal views "far left" or "Socialist" and actually be taken seriously. They have only the vaguest conception of actual political spectra now. We're debating perspectives and interpretations: that's how society advances, if it can do so at all.

>> No.15003544

>If you're an English major and not an author then you're a failure.
Where do you tools get the idea that majoring in English is the path to becoming an author? Most authors don't have English degrees. Not every job has an educational pipeline.

>> No.15003557

>Nurses are paid well over six figures in America you retarded faggot
Yeah, and getting paid six figures of monopoly money sure means something, huh. That's not even considering other countries where nurses are treated like shit, though I'm not surprised a mutt thinks america is the only country in existence. And even then, your paycheck is gonna be worthless too because of inflation and haha money printer go brrrrr. By your own logic, wouldn't that make your job also worthless? ;)

>It's called picking it up in a car?
>driving hundreds of miles to where the food is grown/produced just to get your groceries

>Hell, you could load the pallets in the middle of a warehouse and just have people pick it up
still need someone to load those pallets, midwit. How the fuck do you have a job when you have this little common sense?

>Not to give away my job but it saves thousands of people both time and money every day.
Does it save lives, or put food on people's table? I want a direct answer, not vague evasive bullshit. No one is going to be able to figure out who you are if you say what it is, you know. And despite saying that "anyone can do their job", you're still unwilling to say that you would take their place. You are so full of shit it is unreal.

>> No.15003571

this is some serious bugman-tier shit. stop making STEM look worse than it already does on this board

>> No.15003577

>Yeah, and getting paid six figures of monopoly money sure means something, huh. That's not even considering other countries where nurses are treated like shit, though I'm not surprised a mutt thinks america is the only country in existence. And even then, your paycheck is gonna be worthless too because of inflation and haha money printer go brrrrr. By your own logic, wouldn't that make your job also worthless? ;)

You're talking to me in English on an American forum. Of course I'm going to be talking about America, cretin.

>driving hundreds of miles to where the food is grown/produced just to get your groceries
Uh, or like 10? I live in a city and there's fields right outside. In fact dairyland is less than 30 minutes from where I am.

>still need someone to load those pallets, midwit. How the fuck do you have a job when you have this little common sense?
So a forklift driver? You know they make like 25/hr here?

> Does it save lives, or put food on people's table? I want a direct answer, not vague evasive bullshit. No one is going to be able to figure out who you are if you say what it is, you know. And despite saying that "anyone can do their job", you're still unwilling to say that you would take their place. You are so full of shit it is unreal.
Lol yes to both. If I'm saving people money, I'm putting food on their table. And no, I'm a specialist so I'll stick with my job, lol.

>> No.15003581

>if you're an English major and not an author then you're a failure.

fundamentally disagree. do you not think society as a whole would greatly improve is most people were more well-read? Do you think literary critics and historians are useless?

>> No.15003586

> making STEM look bad to people who think reading books is a valuable skill
No it's fine, I don't care what proles think lol.

>> No.15003604

I cannot tell you how many brilliant math/medicine/CS friends I have who cannot read or write for shit. In college I often had to edit their papers/help them understand papers they read. This was at an Ivy League school. Reading/writing is an undervalued skill in the age of STEM

>> No.15003615

What does this retard shit have to do with literature?

>> No.15003623

I learned to read when I was four and aced every English class I had except for one where the professor got mad at me for wrongthink. I've been reading at a college level since 8th grade.

>> No.15003675

good for you? Your personal success doesn't change the fact that many people are more illiterate than they'd care to admit, and that majoring in english (or at least taking english classes) goes a long way to improve that condition.

>> No.15003678
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>You're talking to me in English on an American forum.
>I live in a city and there's fields right outside.
You are taking your own experience as a general rule for everyone, when you know for a fact that everyone is not you, everyone does not live where you live, nor do they have access to the same amenities that you do. This is just wilful retardation at this point.

>Lol yes to both.
So prove it. You are so confident it is an essential career, but as you say yourself, it only benefits "thousands" of people. That is barely a blip in the world's population. Meanwhile, truck drivers are transporting food and goods across the nation for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. Why do you think your job has any more value than theirs if you're only reaching a poxy amount of people relative to them?

>And no, I'm a specialist so I'll stick with my job, lol.
and there it is. You're not willing to do the jobs that actually require hard graft and carry a certain level of risk (particularly during the current pandemic), all because you're hiding behind a fancy shmansy degree. You are a coward anon, and this is the last reply you'll get out of me. It is far more than you deserve.

>> No.15003695

People who major in English are choosing the laziest major in existence. It's also not worth the amount of time and money you need to put in versus other degrees. Do some basic cost analysis.

> You are taking your own experience as a general rule for everyone, when you know for a fact that everyone is not you, everyone does not live where you live, nor do they have access to the same amenities that you do. This is just wilful retardation at this point.
Try gardening? If you can't you could always move. You don't need to live in a big city.

> So prove it. You are so confident it is an essential career, but as you say yourself, it only benefits "thousands" of people. That is barely a blip in the world's population. Meanwhile, truck drivers are transporting food and goods across the nation for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. Why do you think your job has any more value than theirs if you're only reaching a poxy amount of people relative to them?
You're comparing a single person to the whole of truck drivers, dipshit.

> and there it is. You're not willing to do the jobs that actually require hard graft and carry a certain level of risk (particularly during the current pandemic), all because you're hiding behind a fancy shmansy degree. You are a coward anon, and this is the last reply you'll get out of me. It is far more than you deserve.
My degree isn't even for SWE.

>> No.15003740

I agree that English is a relatively easy major, and this is why I among many others double-majored in college. That doesn't mean that most students don't benefit from English classes that force them to read and write analytically. Therefore English teachers and professors are quite valuable.

>> No.15003745

lol I can guarantee you they are not. You learn more from the books than you do from the instructors.

>> No.15003789

I don't think this is true, especially when it comes to more challenging material. Most college students probably can't get through Ulysses, for example, without some guidance. A lot of my professors also provided historical context and translation notes. Students taking literature classes in other languages (English majors at most good schools have a foreign language requirement that necessitates they read foreign literature in the original language) absolutely need professors to correct their misreadings of grammatical constructions.

Generally, if you think you're smarter and more enlightened than everybody else, you're not. scio me nescire.

>> No.15003807

> using latin
OK we're done here. you're officially a retard

>> No.15003810

someone's insecure because they only know english lmaoo

>> No.15003814

I'll use a translator, or better yet have them speak to me in English lmao.

>> No.15003909

>nurses are payed well over 6 figures
Dude, you're delusional.

>> No.15003926

I dated a nurse that literally made over six figures. Something like 150k/year

>> No.15003975

So? A majority aren't taking home even a fraction of that amount. She must have been specialized, maybe a CRNA. Which brings us back to your claims. Is she really more inherently valuable then the general RNs?

>> No.15003995

I took a specialist course on Samuel Beckett and honestly my tutor made me more passionate and invested in the material than I thought possible. He opened it up to me in a way that not only made it engaging and illuminating, but he was even able to draw out so much of the humour that I might otherwise have missed. He was also a published poet and Kantian scholar, the guy was based as fuck. You are retarded if you don't think you need a mentor you can look up to in any subject. Autodidacts rarely make it far.

>> No.15003997


>> No.15004000


What an ignorant jerkoff

>> No.15004005

lol I guess you need someone to tell you what to think and fill you in on all the jokes if you're a low-midwit and can't think for yourself lmao

>> No.15004009

Prove it?

>> No.15004018

Their salary proves it? Why would you pay a huge premium on something you didn't need?

>> No.15004028

>modern university education
>is one giant leftist propaganda machine for spawning SJW loser golems to further the leftist disease

Colour me surprised

>> No.15004058

>lol I guess you need someone to tell you what to think and fill you in on all the jokes if you're a low-midwit and can't think for yourself lmao

>> No.15004115

1) Supply and demand? Specialization?
2) RNs are still essential
Firefighters and EMTs are payed jack too, six figures and a piece of paper don't make you a valuable human.

>> No.15004124

those "figured and a piece of paper" are your aggregate value as seen by society. Your worth to yourself doesn't mean anything and I don't give a wet squirt about your feelings.

If it's really "easy" and a matter of "supply and demand" then why don't you make a lot of money? Communists are fucking dipshits.

>> No.15004131


>> No.15004152

> some artist agrees with my perspective so it must be right
dogshit retards everywhere.

>> No.15004162

No, I am simply not as vain or intellectually dishonest as you to think I have all the answers from the get-go. If I can learn things from books written by intelligent people, what's wrong with learning from intelligent people in person? And by how is learning from a book still not someone "telling you what to think"?

>> No.15004186


incredibly small brain

>> No.15004208

>Your worth to yourself doesn't mean anything and I don't give a wet squirt about your feelings.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything he said lmao, everytime you you get ripped a new asshole you retreat into this predictable cynicism like its a new point. Your attitude is bunk.

>> No.15004251

Uh, it has everything to do with it? If EMT's and firefighters are underpaid it's because the value of their job is low and the supply is too high to get a good wage. If you do something literally anyone could do you're not worth more than someone who learned something niche that not many people can grasp.

Society needs 1 CEO more than it needs 20,000 proles.

>> No.15004296

Again, the value of a fireman or an EMT has nothing to do with "what they are worth to themselves", which is a direct quote from you. I don't even know why you would say something like that in relation to careers which are entirely about their worth to other people (IE, by saving them). You are literally so retarded you don't even understand the words coming out of your mouth.

>> No.15004359

lol lefties actually think this is an argument.

Literally anyone who took a fucking thirty minute course can do either of those jobs so the value of their service is the lowest common denominator. Sorry you don't understand how the world works, but then again what should I expect from someone who's experiences are all from some authors tailor-made perspective and not reality?

>> No.15004386

1) never said I was a lefty
2) it is a perfectly valid argument. you don't fucking listen to yourself speak, so why should anyone else?

>> No.15004429

If ANYONE WITHIN A FIVE MILE RADIUS can save your life then the person who's profession it is to show up and do so has low value in comparison to someone who saves tons of people time and money.

For instance: if you save hundreds of thousands of people one hour every day, it's the same as saving someone's life because the aggregate time of your life matters. The key difference being that only one person can do that job versus literal millions who can do the other. Dunno why this is so hard for you to grasp.

>> No.15004441

lmao you still think I'm listening to you? protip: speak louder, maybe that'll work this time, maybe you'll hear yourself better too.

>> No.15004462

Literally no good arguments this whole thread. Is it difficult being stupid or do you not notice your failures?

>> No.15004505

Absolutely what the fuck are you talking about? How did you come to this conclusion?

The last episode of Evangelion lays out the argument flawlessly. In what universe would anyone agree with something simply because an artist says it, and not because the points they make with their art are correct? There is no evidence from my post that I did that. You made it up about me. By claiming I did this you are revealing a pathological bias. You believe that the arts have no substance, correct? You measure the value of everything based on its economic value, yes? The arts have seemingly less economic value(although I’d argue against this in many cases), so they are discredited in your eyes, yes?

Evangelion explains what should be incredibly obvious and basic, what your mommy and daddy were supposed to teach you, and, if you’ll allow me to psychoanalyze, I think they failed to; the only real value can come from you. You have to love yourself. If you measure your worth based on anything other than unconditional self love, you will end up hating yourself, as there is always someone more valuable than you in every external value-measurement system. You seem to have oriented yourself around being economically valuable as cope for the fact that you lack this self love, this inherent value. This cope will not satisfy you.

Please, however, correct me if my characterization of you is incorrect.