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1500270 No.1500270 [Reply] [Original]

Someone told me once that people feel lonelier when there are no stars out, which is odd because I’ve always felt lonely even with stars above us. I smoked a cigarette on the back steps, looking at everything around me. The trees, the grass, the pavement, everything seems to be some sort of gray—a washed out image of what it once was. The evening was nice, I suppose. Slightly cold, but not to the point of being unbearable. This was the world I knew, this was what I called home. Here is a place where the only solace comes in a bottle or a twisted up sandwich bag.
Stepping back inside, I filled a glass with water and drank. After a smoke I am eager to wet my throat in some way. Something was rougher than usual, and of course I didn’t know how to handle it. This is normal. This is my life.

Six hours later it was morning. Coffee kept me up in those days, along with the nicotine fix. I couldn’t really understand my affliction, but still I kept moving through the days as though there were no issues. Yes, I had dark circles under my eyes and I wasn’t as attentive as before; but I made due. Life was nothing pleasurable at this point, and I no longer feared waking up in the morning because there was no sleep to wake up from.
College, in all its grandeur had not made a good place for my psyche. I have always feared for my mental health, and I knew about depression. I knew I had it. What I didn’t know was that I had sunk so far into apathy that I really couldn’t feel its effects anymore. I just existed, not really living. And although it was a solitary way to live, with no cares about people, things, or anything else I preferred it to an emotion filled quagmire of day to day troubles. I grabbed my mug, drank, and contemplated another cigarette. If I could say it would be a long day, I would. But when there is no sleep to separate the days, everything seemed long.

>> No.1500315

chin up ol' chap. Finish school. Your life hasn't even started yet. Give up the fags, drink and drugs. Is there a gym at this school? Join it. Go to parties, go to concerts, go on dates.
Depression is a mind fuck people slip into. It goes like this; some people don't care how much they suffer, as long as someone or something else is responsible, because they don't want to give up the luxury of blame. Let that sink in for a moment. Who or what are you blaming for feeling like shit? Is depression something that is happening to you or is it something that YOU are doing? I'd argue that it's something you are doing, to yourself. You'll figure it out, but you need to be sober. Good luck, OP.

>> No.1500321

get some sleep dude.

>> No.1500350

okay sweet but sartre is better. you failure.
youre a disgusting person.

>> No.1500662

OP here. Older ruminations. Not really my state of mind.

>> No.1500668
File: 23 KB, 433x480, Sartre "wtf?".jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sartre says,"U butthurt?"

>> No.1500685


"Mal au cul ?"

Would be what Sartre would say in that situation, precisely.

>> No.1500826

Not the worst thing I have read on here, by a long shot :)
I really didn't like the following sentences, I would remove or completely redo them, they don't justify themselves and sound clunky or out of place.
>This was the world I knew, this was what I called home. Here is a place where the only solace comes in a bottle or a twisted up sandwich bag.
>College, in all its grandeur had not made a good place for my psyche.