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15000821 No.15000821 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, he tried so hard to be a marxist and failed. It's so sad.
RIP Benji

>> No.15000866

Well he falled in love with a communist first

>> No.15001011

>butcher countless innocent people, many of which were jews?
If you are an utter fool if you believed that was real, there were many Jews who served in the German armed forces in WW2

>> No.15001014


>> No.15001217
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Communist regimes murdered people for being vampiric landlords, slaverdrivers, or pimping out their people to a more powerful capitalist nation. 100% justified self-defense.

>> No.15001224

Based unapologetic Stalinist

>> No.15001306
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Capitalist countries literally built countless bases and nuclear missile silos surrounding their nations. Any people they threw in prison for opposing their regime was strictly out of self-defense, the CIA funded countless coups and programs with the intention of bringing down the Soviets from the inside. And any instances where the country's economy was run like an army and the workers had to work hard was again, just an exercise in self defense. Imagine if they hadn't ruthlessly modernized in the 30s? The Nazis would have probably eradicated the whole Russian nation. Stalin and Mao's actions were strictly, and I mean strictly in self defense against the capitalist threat.

>> No.15001313

Who have you been reading that gives this perspective on the history of communist states? I ask out of genuine curiosity, not mockery

>> No.15001322

based cringeposter

>> No.15001332

What gives you the exclusive privilege to shadowbox with your concept of socialism? Certainly the Untermenschen whom you see as being nourished by the decadent, socialist state are at least as shadowy and elusive as the slavedrivers and counterrevolutionaries that my friend here is talking about.

>> No.15001345
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Okay.. so if socialism is bad because it leads to capitalism and capitalism is bad because it leads to socialism? Then why are you defending capitalism?

>> No.15001383
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It's literally just my unorthodox reading of this event in history. Imagine you're a Soviet or a PRC revolutionary. These guys were hardcore, basically religious. Mao is like a warrior poet, basically like a guy straight out of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. And Lenin he is the Hegelian dialectician par excellence. Remember that Hegelian philosophy is necessarily theological; his seminal work is about "spirit" - there is a chapter in it called "revealed religion." Fascists are also dialecticians. Who is Giovanni Gentile but the actual brain behind Il Duce.

So you have this immense theological-philosophical-technological-political battleground of the 20th century that needs to play out. Fascism vs Communism. So the Soviets run their operation like a military against the fascists. And then against the capitalists because, again, they were constantly threatened and attacked by them.

The only value judgement is that the communists generally acted out of self defense rather than as aggressors, which is 100% true until the very tail end of their history (Invasion of Afghanistan)

>> No.15001452

"Capitalism" just means private (or totalitarian) ownership of the means of production. Every country is currently a capitalist country.

>> No.15002335

Benjamin was an anti-democratic anarchist kabbalist theologian sur-sur-fascist dandy who despised servile bourgeois marxism