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File: 39 KB, 333x500, BAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15000373 No.15000373 [Reply] [Original]

Is it because they are all hunks working out at the beaches or what? I thought BAP wanted to avoid the Brazilification of america? Why does he dislike asians, this seems weird considering most dissident right wing ppl love asians cuz muh IQ

>> No.15000398
File: 28 KB, 507x755, ronaldo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it because they are all hunks working out at the beaches or what?

I wish we were.

>> No.15000431
File: 261 KB, 317x361, lima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't brazil supposed to have the most beautiful wimmen?

>> No.15000510

No, that would be Russia

>> No.15000520

Presumably because its easy to reach from wherever he lives in the US and has a focus on beautiful people on beaches (supposedly)

BAP is probably Mike Ma though so who knows. When he did the podcast I was very surprised to hear the fake Russian accent, I'd presumed he'd be from South America somewhere, or at least pretend to be

>> No.15000526

I don't think he lives in the US. Pretty sure he lives in some third world tier Caribbean country

>> No.15000532


>> No.15000591

Japan is incel country though. Only mongols are chads (BAP confurms dis btw)

>> No.15000601

I thought he was some white brazillian trust fund baby LARPing as an Evolian aristocratic warrior-poet behind an electronic russian accent

>> No.15000631

What is Bronze Age Pervert's real name?

>> No.15000653

No one knows.

>> No.15000720

Is BAP in favor of an ethnostate? What's his solution to the latinization of America?

>> No.15000729

BAP is in favor of a piratical paramilitary pleasure cove island federation

>> No.15000822

So he has no opinions on race? Just civic nationalism with le epik esoteric bodybuilder aesthetics as window dressing? Cringe

>> No.15000825

He hints very strongly that it would be "whites" in his book

>> No.15000828

Gavin McInnes also "strongly hints" that it should be whites in the proud boys and who are the heirs to western civilization yet most of that group is filled with mestizos. If it's not stated outright you're gonna cuck to civic nationalism

>> No.15000830

Brazilian women have the best feet phenotypes
>Small sizes
>Small toes
>High arches

>> No.15001001

bumping this

>> No.15001067

bumping this

>> No.15001091

white supremacy is a cringe incel ideology, only angloid and germoid bugmen obsess with it

>> No.15001108

bumping this

>> No.15001167
File: 466 KB, 601x565, JBw5cUC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitskin supremacy is even more cringe since only shitskin coomers propagate it.

>> No.15001196

Mike Ma is not BAP, although he's clearly inspired by him

>> No.15001199
File: 2.39 MB, 2476x2235, 1585348773159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take reading advice from fags in the "alt-right", they're cringe, you need to go further to the dissident right to find intellectuals and good books. Go so far right you're almost at the left again and you will find treasures.

>> No.15001247

lol filtered
you probably don't even lift

>> No.15001292

I don't know what a bridge-head is. You got trolled into reading a book you are too hypotesticular to understand, sad. Maybe you should suntan your balls and take ice baths

>> No.15001323

what is your name and address

>> No.15001367

lmao if you didn't get it for free, also
>read 10 pages of thus spake zarathustra
>wtf Nietzsche is a retard I'm so smart

>> No.15001489

>civic nationalism
another angloid bugman meme

>> No.15001540

The other option is that they are long time IRL friends. I know SCB was Hoyte Thorpe back in the day, a persona that was running in tandem with BAP but much more baplike in character.

>> No.15001554

Could be

Hadn't heard of Hoyte Thorpe before

If that character was similar to BAP then it lends weight to them being two people, no sense in BAP having two of the same character

>> No.15001558

What about de Carvalho

>> No.15001567

Well, it wasn't cave man like BAP. But had this whole upper class handsome prep boy vibe going on his twitter.It was either BAP's first attempt at a longform presentation, or SCB playing along with BAP's aesthetic in the beginning, honestly idk.

This is the best thing the Hoyte Thorpe character wrote anyway.


>> No.15001572

Yeah that doesn't read like BAP, though it's hard to say without the caveman shtick.

When was this written, like 2017?

>> No.15001645

In the present reality, our nation doesn't produce original thoughts. Even if Olavo de Carvalho was relevant it would just make him an exception because I'm talking in general terms.

Furthermore, if we may enter the dichotomy, the brazilian right wing is much more Aristotelian than Nietzschean. Even during the era of third way politics, in which Nietzschean thought was more prevalent, the nationalists were Aristotelians. so I don't see how BAP could emerge from our lands.

>> No.15002135

Redpill me on Paul Town, what does he actually believe in or at least his philosophy? I remember reading a interview with him back in 2016 where he recommended reading Bataille and some other authors.

>> No.15002152

The Japanese are about 50 times more bug people than even the Chinese.

>> No.15002164

We have a large standard deviation when it comes to our women's beauty. They're either model tier or irredeemably ugly. No middle ground.

>> No.15002292

to quote bap usa would be lucky to turn into brazil. the path america is heading down is as a central american shithole with worse weather populated by 3 foot squatamalans

>> No.15002307

Pretty sure it was proven that BAP is a creation of some female VOX "journalist"

>> No.15002316

go to bed Justin

>> No.15002374

Not sure that was proven but de definitely knows someone there at the very least

>> No.15002423

When will you retarded niggers stop using "alt-right" to describe "right-wingers I don't like"? Same with wignat.
Rightoids are so fucking pathetic it's unbelievable. Fucking shame they're correct and I am thus forced to cohabitate with you egomaniacal jackasses.

>> No.15002553

BAP is a Brazillian who went to Columbia University and worked as a SWE out of college

>> No.15002626

Why do you think that?

>> No.15003285

>Rightoids are so fucking pathetic it's unbelievable. Fucking shame they're correct and I am thus forced to cohabitate with you egomaniacal jackasses.
based schizo anon

>> No.15003410


>> No.15003490
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, angry pewdiepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd like to order this, but I'm worried if I get my mom to order me this on her amazon account it'll land her and my dad on a fbi list. Is this fear justified and should I ask her to buy it?

>> No.15003522

Bumping for visibity

>> No.15003550

Brazil had a looksmaxing culture that last up until about 5-10 years ago and since BAP is an autistic homoerotic aesthete he probably felt like Brazil was the last bastion.

>> No.15003568

No, just ask her to buy it so she knows her son is gay and is falling into a homosexual pedo's cult because he liked the funny frogs and naked dudes he posted on twitter

>> No.15003579

I look at BAP more as the personification of a new art movement. He is aesthetic, not explicitly political. He says outright his book isn't meant to be read as a political manifesto or work of philosophy. Just start lifting and embrace the beauty of the old war. This whole shtick has inspired me to read more of the Greeks and to workout in the sun. Don't read more into it than necessary.

>> No.15003587

>of the old war
of the old world*

>> No.15003660

You keep saying this but there's literally nothing to back it up

>> No.15003737

BAP loves WASPs, Nordids. But talk about WASPs the most. He's also obsessed with American politics, to the point where it's unbecoming. No one should care about American politics that much, and frankly if it turns out he's not an American it's going to be quite embarrassing. He also seems to know quite a bit about Argentina/Uruguay, I wouldn't be too surprised if he was some Spanish/Southern Cone guy. That would corroborate the confirmed fact he's a manlet.
The only race he truly hates is the Chinese.

>> No.15003742

discord gg/VbZw6HE

>> No.15003825

I think he focuses on American politics so much because he knows that the kind of true radical change he wants in the world is pretty much impossible as long as the American establishment has the power and will to park aircraft carriers anywhere they want. He clearly wants to pique the interest of the American far right.

>> No.15003879

Doesn't explain why he kvetches about the minutia of gaffs by smaltime american politicians all the time.
Oh, something which may or may not be related- he's at least 40 years old.

>> No.15004128

First time I said this
Lurk on phora

>> No.15004136

>Oh, something which may or may not be related- he's at least 40 years old.
He's in his 30s
He's not a manlet and he knows so much about Latin America because he sojourns there and other places across the globe

>> No.15004156

Nah he's definitely like mid-30s based on his posting history on early-00s sites. I'm not sure what you mean by excessive kvetching, he doesn't seem to be any more or less involved than anyone else on that side of Twitter.

>> No.15004836

>Salo-Phora-Hakan Rotmwrt variety
wat that
>new ethnicity worthy of the comparison through eugenic breeding and martial culture.
And how is he gonna do that when America is going to be minority white in a few years and zoomers are already a 50% non white generation (the label of white even includes arabs just lol)
>but also highly stratified across ethnic lines, with his hypothetical 200iq neo-aryan hyperborean body builders comprising the ruling caste.
How is this any different from brazil with whites at the top and macaos at the bottom in favelas chimping out? Seems like a cope because he's too scared to say that he wants to get rid of the spics
>Hellenic-Style city states warring with each other and raiding the lethargic remains of the old world.
America is 50% non white. Why would you want Paco and a bunch of zoomer, low T mutts LARPing as WE WUZ greeks? Does he extent this to Europe too? Dividing Europe up into city states is just gonna weaken them and even more arabs will flood in and cause more mixing . This autistic idea of MUH EMPIRE and mixing is what causes the greeks to go from being to white to now looking like turkroach mutts. Do you really want to create another Turkey? Another Brazil?

>> No.15004857

>y states warring with each other and raiding the lethargic remains of the old world
>200iq neo-aryan hyperborean body builders comprising the ruling caste.

Why would bodybuilders be the ruling caste and warriors? Modern day combat almost requires you to be a smaller target beause it's all with guns, artillery and drone strikes. BAP is a complete meme. Duginism has more of a solution to modernity although Dugin is an eastern supremacist and hates the west so there needs to be a 4th political theory for the west to combat duginism

>> No.15004872

>I don't think he cares about having a precise undeconstructable definition because unlike an ethnat he sees no value in being white just for the sake of it, but rather that they are the people that have most commonly expressed the martial and imperialist spirit he admires
If you don't have a precise definition and unshakeable foundations it's gonna get subverted. You're gonna end up with lots of 56 percent mutts LARPing as ancient gayreeks.
>e really admires the Japanese
Japan is incel country. I thought he only admired the mongols because they still sort of a have a free, "pirate" spirit. The japanese are closer to the chinese (who he despises) and they have one of the highest suicide rates and live in little cuck boxes in Tokyo. The Japanese people are completely bitch-made like the Chinese. Maybe this proves BAP is Brazillian after all then. All Brazilians I know are infatuated with Japan but its really only because of anime and muh vidya

>> No.15004880

I'm directly quoting BAP:
>As I have argued many times, white nationalism isn’t your friend, and it’s not even white: it’s a small-time ideology unlike liberalism, which is a form of white supremacism that scares Hazony’s faction.
By Hazony's faction he is referring to Israeli nationalists. BAP is very far away of cum brained /pol/tardisms my friend

>> No.15004881

>Second City Bureaucrat
literally who

>> No.15004898

What's a SWE?

>> No.15004906

I swear to God I can't think of when I've seen a more idiotic reaction to a book from /lit/. Every single thread on this book is full of retards replying to posts "well you're saying BAP says X but that doesn't make sense because of Y". Read the fucking book and come up with your own criticism of what he actually says or fuck off already. It's just an endless stream of faggots trying to deconstruct a book they haven't read based on inaccurate, poorly written posts. You don't even have to pay him the PDF is out there.

>> No.15004939

> which is a form of white supremacism that scares Hazony’s faction
Yeah it scares the zionists because it's potent and legitimate. BAP's ideology just wants us to stay within the realm of the false dichotomoy of neoliberal conservatism vs open borders leftism

People in his crowds will lawyas praise MUH BASTE Viktor Orban who is just another zionist politician. In fact all these "nationalist" politicians have been complete zionists like Boris Johnson who made a bait and switch. Instead of polish immigrants from the EU coming to Britian it will be Indians instead! Yay! All modern nationalists have been a complete joke because they are stuck within this false dialectic where there still has to be immigration (just as long as it's legal yah) and you still gotta kiss the boots of zionists.

BAP doesn't want you to push out of this dialectic because he thinks it's spergy and we just gotta wait for the collapse where the 200IQ nordic bodybuilders can rebuild the roman empire. BAP doesn't have a solution to our post modern world he only wants to retreat and LARP about Agartha and pray for the collapse

>> No.15004966

There are tall meds too.

>> No.15005016
File: 655 KB, 707x984, Bundesarchiv_Bild_192-269,_KZ_Mauthausen,_Häftlinge_im_Steinbruch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the perspective of Hitler-did-nothing-wrong everyone who doesn't call for the reactivation of Auschwitz furnaces and Mauthausen stairs of death is a zionist traitor, my friend: to what end? Moral supremacy, while all inaction is excused.

BAP's concern isn't to call everyone who isn't throwing roman salutes a cuck, it is to make people be sensitive to beauty, to work in dedication of some goal. He encourages people to join the military and learn how to be deadly in an organized group, cum brained /pol/tards call the very idea of joining the military "dying for Israel." Their price of moral supremacy takes the form of being the whore who gets fucked by anyone who can call shots. BAP wants individuals to increase in strength and love each other in friendships.

>> No.15005018

>he only wants to retreat and LARP about Agartha
Make up you're mind, does he want to do literally nothing or does he want to LARP around like spencer and fuentes? His strategy isn't either and you'd know this if you read him.

>> No.15005063

didnt Jared Taylor btfo BAP when he tried to do some workout thing at Amren 2017?

>> No.15005084

what do you mean, nobody knows what bap looks like he's not a public figure

>> No.15005095
File: 136 KB, 712x900, ES2Md4zWoAgR3Pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAM and any other ultra macho book are just impotent reactions against in inevitable future and final form of the human race

>> No.15005136

BAP seems like a tryhard fag

>> No.15005301

BAP literally admitted he was a manlet pn podcast with Soldo

>> No.15005355

Software Engineer

>> No.15005385

Explain your reasoning.

>> No.15005420
File: 45 KB, 600x800, bronzeagetits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Why buy the ephemeral work of an opportunistic degenerate when you can pirate it?



>> No.15005443

>he doesn't seem to be any more or less involved than anyone else on that side of Twitter.
Twitter, included That Side of Twitter, is fucking pathetic and irrelevant. It's irrelevant because all people do is kvetch about dumb gay shit no one cares about, whether left or right. It's a circlejerk.

>> No.15005479

It's clearly not irrelevant if it's creating books that get reviewed by institutional conservatives

>> No.15005499

BAP did. Not Twitter. Frog twitter is literally 1/100th of what it was four years ago. Everyone left it behind. It's an atrophied husk and the tent pole accounts do nothing but jack each other off and pretend they're still edgy. I like BAP but the whole Twitter thing is fucking lame and he ought to leave it behind.

>> No.15005517

How else would he reach people? If he published it on salo it would never have gone as far as it did.

>> No.15005601

Why would BAP be a software engineer? Doesn't he hate nerds?

>> No.15006053

>join the military
u get pumped full of vaccines and eat crappy military food shure 2 ruin fizzeek

I respec BAP but it's gonna turn out like Gavin McInnes proud boys. It's supposed to be implicitly white but it's mostly swarthy spics who join to LARP as saviors of westurn civilizashun. IF u don't make it explicitly racial u will get /pol/mutts like the HWNDU event

>> No.15006101

post fizique

>> No.15006187

Look, deducing from BAP's experiences in South America, I think he finds phenotype to be much more relevant than autistic genetic purism. It would include the upper class mexicans, but not the lower class manlets. It would exclude germans that have a shitty phenotype and so on.

>> No.15006208

Feezeek poasting is on moratorium while all gyms are closed

>> No.15006261

>Go so far right you're almost at the left again
based, exactly what I felt I was looking at reading Carlyle's Chartism

>> No.15006263

Brazil is a naturally stratified society. Is only a problem when you try to paste democracy on it.

>> No.15006294
File: 458 KB, 2000x1356, 2000x2000-bigfc-campaign-12-0257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Brazil has produced a large amount of Nietzschean chads who live an aristocratic lifestyle. BAP in general sucks off latinxs. To be fair though, he does concentrate his affinities on light-skinned Brazilians. I think he views these guys as thriving in a place of entropy. But also, I'm pretty certain he is Brazilian himself.

>> No.15006345

I ate at least a dozen frozen pizzas this week and canned spam. I look soft as fuck now.

I'll make another BAP thread in a few weeks and then I'll poast fizeek. I've still been liftan @ home but I don't cre about looking a bit soft and having shitty ksin rn. Just w8. I'm gonna do a long fast. I'll make the same critiques of BAP in the next thread and then i'll poast

>> No.15006371

What about those pardos LARPing as white?

>> No.15006382

Meems aside, has bap reconciled the book to the age of the shitpost? IN AN AGE where book-length writing lags and tweets lead and there is no middle ground this felt like an authentic hybrid.

>> No.15006867

>And how is he gonna do that when America is going to be minority white in a few years and zoomers are already a 50% non white generation (the label of white even includes arabs just lol)

BAP repeatedly says that numbers don't matter, that breeding for the sake of breeding is a negroid strategy. A small group of well placed, well bred, people who are not afraid of their own power will naturally come to dominate over the barely differentiated mass populace.

>> No.15006878

You might find it hard to believe but those guys could easily pass as Portuguese. lmao at least the one on the right. The guy in the middle has more Amerindian features.

>> No.15006985

>Shit like this happens all the time with African, South-East Asian, and South American warbands and paramilitaries taking swaths of territory and living semi-autonomously.
Source on this. What the fuck are you talking about, my man?
ITT: The South-American.

>> No.15007173

The Darién Gap is a thing, it has been a thing for a while, and will continue to serve as an obstacle (like many) which stunt the development of South America.

>> No.15007231

>He was starting to get pissed off about the world’s stupid obsession with Brazil. What was so great about Brazil? As far as he knew, Brazil was a shithole full of morons obsessed with soccer and Formula One. It was the ne plus ultra of violence, corruption and misery. If ever a country were loathsome, that country, specifically, was Brazil.

>> No.15007613

>The Darién Gap
Books on this topic and similar stuff? You have my interest

>> No.15007927

What are some of the other obstacles stunting development in S.A. besides post-colonialism and racial tensions?

>> No.15008093

Im BAP ama

>> No.15008099

fuck off nigger

>> No.15008700

>BAP is definitely Second City Bureaucrat though
BAP is
-half russian half jew
-mid-late 40s
-IR/poli sci background
-worked in w admin
you heard it here

>> No.15008841

Low IQ

>> No.15008877


>> No.15008882

What? Never heard that

Hadn't heard of BAP appearing in public before

I know he's had some spats with PD Mangan though

>> No.15008898

I would agree that BAP is probably at least 35

He's using a voice changer of some kind but it sounds too mature for a guy in his 20s

>> No.15008918


BAP was part of the right new wave that came after the 2015-era wignats like TRS had lost influence, i.e. when people who had been drawn to the Right realised that more nuance was needed than natsoc larp

His focus is on fizeek and beauty in order to make yourself a living example of your ideals, and to master yourself. This was totally absent from the TRS shit.

However his message has now been pretty much universally accepted on the right, so he's lost some influence, I suspect there is another wave to come after him

>> No.15009210

I have gotten your hopes up, but I can't deliver. What I can say is that the gap has placated some-what since its most recent turmoil due to the out-pouring Colombian partisans fueled by drug money, who felt the need to shoot at anything that drove near those marshes of death. I might be wrong, but I believe there still lacks a major highway connecting north and south Americas.

>> No.15010039


>> No.15010119


>> No.15010593


>> No.15010603

It’s a Brazilian accent

>> No.15010942 [DELETED] 

No, brazilians have a different accent. He am not brazilian.

>> No.15011393

He literally says its a Russian accent in the second episode

>> No.15011424

Holy shit your pathetic