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14997621 No.14997621 [Reply] [Original]

I can read 200 pages of fiction in a day comfortably but 5 pages into a textbook my retention goes to shit and I get distracted very easily. How can I prevent this?

>> No.14997628

I used to be able to read no problem. Now I am a coomer and can't focus for shit.

>> No.14997634

Textbook authors are payed by the word, and will be structured to say things as inefficiently as possible -- as you read, strike out the syntactic redundancies

>> No.14997651

I crank it on the daily and focus is not a problem for me. You have other shit going on, mane.

>> No.14997652

not only that, but they're intentionally as inaccessible as problems. I once talked to a guy whose brother wrote textbooks- and some of them were rejected because they "were too easy to understand". Academia is a boy's club.

>> No.14997661

why do you write in devil scratches

>> No.14997662

>we pay attention to what we enjoin, find a pain to do what we don’t enjoin
What a discovery! Scientists need to study this find!

>> No.14997663

Sounds like you never experienced life without it. I have. I used to do it once a week at most. Then it became daily. Now my brain is scattered and foggy.

>> No.14997679

we can all beat the coomer addiction together bros!!! we chad alpha kings, are we not?

>> No.14997686

Die in a fire COOFER

>> No.14997717

You have to be absolutely ruthless with textbook selection. The thing that must be remembered is that university administration is made up of parasitic worms that aren't fit to lick the dog-shit off your shoe. Ignore the recommend textbooks and stick to well regarded classics of the field.

What subject are you studying?

>> No.14997761

Cinema. I'm using Boardwell & Thompson's Film Art an Intro to get terminology down so I can better understand Arnheim, Bazin, etc.

>> No.14997914

I just meditate and exercise and things are fine. I feel emotionally content, in general and can focus. This is with daily smackin' of ol' one eyed jack.

I'm thinking that there is just some fundamental difference in how people are wired up, to where it just doesn't negatively effect me, whereas taking the growing number of people who talk about this sort of stuff seriously, it starts to look a lot like some people just can't handle porn. Maybe like how coffee just turns some people into nervous wrecks but for myself it's like jet fuel I could drink by the barrel.

>> No.14997985

Daily vigorous exercise is something every brain needs.

>> No.14998726

How do I know if it's a good textbook when I don't yet know the subject? ;_;

>> No.14999555

and where would one go about finding out this info? google search just gives me results asking for login info.

>> No.14999721
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the sweat pledge

>> No.14999723

Those universities will have pages with professor contact info and directories. Usually those professors will put that stuff on their personal website,which can be found either through the university page or by googling their name. If all else fails, send them an email and ask. It seems time consuming, but not nearly as time consuming as flipping through 400 pages of "Film Theory 101 for dummies". You can also read reviews on amazon and goodreads of different books. Lots of the textbooks that get passed around will be nothing more than a collection of lecture slides written, chopped up, and reassembled in order to squeeze as much money as possible out of naive college students.

>> No.14999733
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>> No.14999742

It may not be possible. The cognitive load of the textbook is much higher than that of fiction. It makes sense that 5 pages of abstract algebra is more difficult to comprehend than 5 pages of Harry Potter.

I would say take a 15 minute break whenever you get mentally fatigued, preferably doing meditation or physical exercise. Something that allows your brain to recover while also oxygenating it.

>> No.14999745

the story of o

>> No.14999746

Sounds like a slave mentality

>> No.14999748

http://www.doradolist.com/, this one if you are interested in CS/Electrical Engineering.