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/lit/ - Literature

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14998135 No.14998135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is some /lit/ on eugenics? Especially books that deal with this my theory:

The idea that reproduction is a human right betrays a myopic vision of the consequences of reproduction. The new generation will be social creatures and will have an effect on wider society, and as such reproduction should be thought of as a social issue rather than a personal one. We need to decide what kind of reproduction will be beneficial for our society.
Sterilising everyone under 120IQ is obviously the best way to go, even if it isn’t practical. Theoretically though, such a move would solve many of our problems including overpopulation, ignorance, poverty, crime, climate change, and demagoguery, which will no longer be a viable political strategy since the population will be more intelligent and thus less susceptible to it.
This is not “racist”, as some claim, because the operative factor is always IQ, not race. Even though there will be less of the unintelligent races, there still will be many from those races who exceed 120IQ, and who therefore will be accepted into this utopia. Neither is this “cruel”. We are not harming or killing people, we are simply taking away their ability to reproduce.

>> No.14998166

113, I had it tested. Therefore I am not going to reproduce and would happily be sterilised under my utopia.

>> No.14998169

The IQ-tards just don't stop, do they?

>> No.14998198

What makes you qualified to draft a utopia when you aren't even worthy to live in it?

>> No.14998199

So you're too dumb to be a part of your new world, but somehow smart enough to devise the plan for it? lmao

>> No.14998204

This place gets stupider every day. Gotta love it.

>> No.14998801

The Next Million Years.

>> No.14998884

>All the world's problems would literally be solved in one single generation. You can't refute this.
People with high IQ can have children with low IQ. If everyone who is qualified reproduces at replacement rate, you'll still be rolling the dice on half of the next generation.

>> No.14998901

Whoops, you actually roll the dice on the entirety of the generation.

>> No.14998907

>All the world's problems would literally be solved in one single generation.
There would be incalculable backlash from both the sterilized and the not-sterilized. The high-IQ gentry aren't going to like their descendants being given menial work. There would have to be a massive reorientation of society to get things running without all these workers. Your thinking right now amounts to:
>lol just completely destroy and reconstruct society bro it's that easy

>> No.14998918

Can't say that I'm surprised

>> No.14999041

Who’s the grill on the left?

>> No.14999308

In case you're asking OP, if you tried implementing something like that you'd become the most hated man on earth, surpassing even Hitler now, and you'd get killed before you had the time to do anything of value. Thankfully you're just a scared little bitch who's never even gonna have the balls to say shit like this in real life.

>> No.14999343 [DELETED] 

Machiavellian and based

>> No.14999385 [DELETED] 

Education and Information has become an obsession to nearly everyone today, it is blamed for literally everything--what you do, what you fail to do, changes in sexuality, etc....
We need to get back to the idea of people as organic, living beings, instead of information receiving/processing units.

What type of literature should we give the troubled young man in the picture? He don't need no damn book. He needs a belt. A leather belt. There was a time when any mother or father would have done this. Instantly. Enthusiastically. Viciously.

My dad used to sit in his chair reading endless library books and smoke his unfiltered Camel cancer sticks. My nose ran a lot because of the smoke, and I wiped my nose one evening-- I was about 14 years old-- and instead of putting the tissue in my pocket, I tucked it up my sleeve like I saw my mom do. My dad threw his hardcover library book across the room at my head and started screaming with psychotic rage to the point where his vocal cords started to strangle and break. For tucking a tissue up my sleeve like my mom.

If he had caught me doing something like the boy in that picture, he would have murdered me in cold blood. My mom would have beaten me till her hands broke, but my dad would have stabbed me to death with a kitchen knife.

>> No.15000969

they are both degenerates... so kill both

>> No.15000980

a degenerate

>> No.15000986

come on guys hear the guy out, unlike you commies he is actually bringing new discussion to the board.