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14998063 No.14998063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/ wife is pregnant, its gonna be a boy, im already thinking about how is he gonna be raised. I dont want him in the public system because there he would likely engage into nigger tier mentality. But i dont want to enroll him into private schools neither because i dont want him to become spoiled and weak like my younger silbings, they are fucking entitled cunts, i was thinking that home schooling is the best option. Its gonna take much more effort to raise him that way but my son is worth it. A good Christian education is the best, maybe my old grandpa can help me with this proyect of mine, he loves to share his wisedom and its already retired so he have time to spare. What do you think about home schooling anon? I can teach my child to read/write, hire a math tutor. My gramps can teach him how to shoot and history. Box, Karate, maybe i can take him from a young age to that european fencing classes that i always wanted. Etc, i just need to arrange a curriculum and im gonna produce a super soldier, i can visualize him in college with all the women at his feet

>> No.14998060 [DELETED] 

Came in this thread to recommend this book. Excellent choice. Not related to a virus but "Colline" by Giono is also insanely good (but rather short).

>> No.14998116

>being homeschooled (a process that often creates maladjusted weirdos) by someone who comes across as autistic as OP does in this post
You’ll fuck him up, most of the aristocracy who were once homeschooled had highly skilled tutors who you likely cannot emulate, send him to private school but give him direction.

>> No.14998162

could be that the gremlin was conceived before all this

>> No.14998180

Are you confident that your wife is suited for the challenge? I was homeschooled up until grade 8, and it was basically a disaster because my mom had no idea what she was doing and didn't know how to control me. My dad was never around to do anything about it because he was always working,

>> No.14998195

He's already doomed. Nobody who uses this website should have or raise children.

>> No.14998197

>skilled tutor
My gramps is a war vet, and when he was in the army he was a champ at boxing and shooting, i can teach him myself how to read and write, he will dominate it at the age of six as i did under my Father guide, i can raise him reading Tolstoy, Plato, Kant, Levinas. The history of central banking, i can hire some good Math and Chemistry tutors, fencing classes, multiple languages. (I plan to hire a german babysitter that barely speaks english, maybe she can teach him german from a young age) The sky is the limit. Truly if i spend enought coin i can create perfection.
Because there would be only boys there and the homo erotic behaviour between boys is not healthy.

>> No.14998220

>Are you confident that your wife is suited for the challenge?
Yeah, before marryng her i judged if she was the one, i wouldnt have married a walking disaster. She is a fine lady, hardworking and supporting.

>> No.14998227

christ dude, just put him in public school. He'll be better off

>> No.14998285

I was home schooled, shit sucked

>> No.14998593

Your child will 100% kill himself or kill you

>> No.14998665

Nope. I’m currently on the fence between Christianity and agnosticism, with some interest in Catholicism — mostly through Léon Bloy, Bernanos, Simone Weil. My Bible is a recent catholic edition (and the translation is quite dry sadly).

I just like orthodox icons as artifacts.

>> No.14998978

If you send him to a school I highly recommend you redshirt him, even if he isn't a a summer baby. It will give him a whole plethora of advantages over his peers all the way to high school graduation.

>> No.14999181

I was homeschooled. Loved it, turned out fine. Turned out better than most of my public schooled peers too

The public school cultists who say "they'll turn out socially retarded!!!" are coping due to public school trauma and they want everyone else to be traumatized in a federal institution for 15 years like they were also.

You can also hire private tutors to come to your house as well, it doesn't cost that much. My math teacher was very /lit/pilled and we became very close until he passed away a few years ago.

>> No.14999238

Yeah I don't get this socialization meme. The fuck did people do for the thousands of years before public schools when most people lived on farms? Guess people were socially retarded until a hundred years ago, praise the government for showing us the light.

>> No.14999241 [DELETED] 

>Isolated groups like natives of the Bismarck Archipelago. No overt homosexuality among them.God damned matriarchy. All matriarchies anti-homosexual, conformist and prosaic. Find yourself in a matriarchy walk don't run to the nearest frontier. If you run, some frustrate latent queer cop will likely shoot you. So somebody wants to establish a beach head of homogeneity in a shambles of potentials like West Europe and U.S.A.? Another fucking matriarchy, Margaret Mead notwithstanding... Spot of bother there. Scalpel fight with a colleague in the operating room. And my baboon assistant leaped on the patient and tore him to pieces. Baboons always attack the weakest party in an altercation. Quite right too. We must never forget our glorious simian heritage.
Naked Lunch

>> No.14999242

Do you have any problems with socialization?

>> No.14999256

He doesn't need school to socialize. I don't know how things are in America but here the kids play together outside of school

>> No.14999323

If people regularly dump quarters on the street where you live. Otherwise, don't bother.

>> No.14999351

Its actually really good. What other books are you considering? I personally wouldnt pay 20$ for it but depending on your level it could be worth it.

>> No.14999388

Not at all, in my opinion homeschooling can prepare a kid for socializing better than public schooling because you're going to spend more time interacting with adults and talking to them on their level, as opposed to how public schoolers only socialize with each other.

Of course I am "introverted" and generally don't LIKE "normies" but I don't think that has much to do with homeschooling. In my opinion, homeschooling fosters individuality better and is much better for non-"npc" types who dislike normie shit.

That being said, homeschooling can also mess a kid up if their home-life sucks or if their family does a bad job at socializing them, like sheltering them for example. But depending where you live, there are more options at working with homeschool communities. I do think homeschooling in the suburbs or city is probably bad, if you're in a smaller town where a kid can have freedom and get a job at the age of 15 it's ideal.

>> No.14999402

They're aren't much different from public schools . At least not where I'm from because they also get public funding and must comply with the same standards

>> No.14999409

>A whopping 7-8 years ago


>> No.14999467

I feel bad for your future child, you sound pretty cringe ngl. But I hope they will turn out to be a good child nonetheless

>> No.14999554

If money is no object then send your kid to a private school, OP. All school is kind of bullshit but if you’re going to remain in Western civilization, you have to participate to some degree and you don’t want to alienate your kids. They’ll bring home the same anti-educational bullshit and fetish for science as any public school but they’ll get at least of a fraction of an education. Supplement and correct with learning at home. I would honestly recommend religious and/or prep schools since I went to both and think they were both pretty good relative to public schooling. I can’t speak to all boys or boarding schools. I had friends who attended those and they were very smart and educated but also rich kid failure drug addict types so who knows.

>> No.14999601

You grossly underestimate how complex a modern education to get into a good school is, the tutors you hire will need to be there every day for significant periods. Judging by your “mastery” of English you shouldn’t be teaching anyone how to read and write.
Money seems no problem to you from what you say; send him to a good private catholic school (many of which are co-ed now) and also tutor him at home, socialisation in school is important to participate well in modern society, you want him to be a success not just a brilliant autist
>does the guy posting HERE have any problems with socialisation
This isn’t a hard one anon.

>> No.14999625


Homeschooling definitely results in a healthier adult. Public schools were explicitly designed to prevent people from becoming strong individuals. Public schools were designed to make complacent slaves that follow authority as the arbiter of truth.

>> No.14999729

>Capitalisation all over the place.
>"gonna produce super soldier"
>Christian education

Look OP, I understand you want the best for your son. But I recommend that you home school your son as you would need to learn a VAST amount of knowledge just to teach him, which would be (but not limited to):
-English reading & writing
-Mathematics (from basic maths to at least calculus)
-History (not /pol/ tier shit, from actual books)
-Science, physics and chemistry.
-Civics (this seems to be one you seem to be very into)
-Sex Ed (good luck with that)

No one person on earth can teach all those subjects, that is one reason why schools have multiple teachers.

So OP how do you plan to learn all that and teach your son?

>> No.14999739

w2c corona, OP?

>> No.14999741

hes just gonna be a social reject on account of his being smarter than everyone and feeling superior

>> No.14999771

>forcibly isolating him
>forcibly forcing parentage upon your own child
>forcibly sending him to soccer practice and music concerts and the park
>not forcing him to go to school
why do publitards HATE not going to government mandated multicultural indoctrination centers and see that as a "forced" aka unnatural thing?
oh right, because they were indoctrinated by the government to trust them over their own parents.

>> No.14999776

>resentful boomer pretending to laugh
we can see your tears, old man.

>> No.14999791
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>What kind of person likes Yukio Mishima?
Nietzcheans. If people read Mishima without reading Nietzsche most of it will go over their head and even Mishima’s actions will make no sense.

>> No.14999802

>Judging by your “mastery” of English you shouldn’t be teaching anyone how to read and write.
why do people keep doing this
break it down for us - what does OP not know about composition and grammar and spelling that hes going to transfer to his kid by teaching him instead of ms.ebonics

>> No.14999806

i went to public school and im not a slave.
i think its just an iq thing.

>> No.14999811

>>does the guy posting HERE have any problems with socialisation
>This isn’t a hard one anon.
this isnt a valid argument

>> No.14999837
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I know that you are shitposting when you don't disprove any of my claims.

>> No.14999931

Private schools create brats and soi bois

>> No.14999951

I only plan to teach him the basics mostly i plan to hire tutors.

>> No.15000143

follow macus aureliuses advice and hire private teachers so i guess homeschool but get really good tutors. Public schooling has always been a cesspit. Remember to still let your kid interact with other kids through extra cariculae activities though.

>> No.15000367
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I was homeschooled and I turned out fine. Homeschooling churns out more autistic weirdos but that's just because it generally encourages self-differentiation. Make sure you make a point of teaching your son how to be a man and cultivate a wide circle of interesting people in your life, for your sake as much as his, and he'll end up far far better than most people who are forced through the system.

Also recommend letting him watch a lot of anime while he's growing up. It will instill virtue in him from an early age.