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File: 256 KB, 351x500, 4ba115d1c7bd2043ac2e4252ceaab267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14988247 No.14988247 [Reply] [Original]

Where are his videos? Is /ourguy/ really gone?

>> No.14988266
File: 120 KB, 1628x896, 8366d85e67ca1fa12baf3bfe762c63f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna miss his Zarathustra and John Green videos

>> No.14988267

Good riddance,

>> No.14988269

Would you want to be known for being a 4chan affiliated clown and memester?

>> No.14988274 [DELETED] 

kek, i came here to post this as well

>> No.14988283

His best video was the Psychopolitics one.
I mean, he is the one who used to embrace it, why not anymore?

>> No.14988294

I can only imagine that his discord and followers became too retarded for his liking.
I checked it out once and it was pretty much filled with negative IQ memesters that make /lit/ look like a school of wise scholars.
Too bad I actually like some of the videos.

>> No.14988327


>> No.14988332

I think it was the "You have no soul if you refer to woodsmen as woodspeople" comment where some righteous retard uncharitably interpreted him saying "the innawoods people" as "woodspeople". And got massive upcums.

>> No.14988337

This could also all be an April Fools Joke bros.

>> No.14988354

I mean, it's discord, every server is retarded in its own way.
What are you talking about? Was that in his last video or something?
I hope so, I liked his schizoramblings. But has he done something like that before?

>> No.14988409

I heard he got the Hilda Murrell treatment

>> No.14988461

Shit, can somebody reupload the sword of michael and the "i got my swear word t-shirt on" songs? I actually really liked those and listened to them a lot.

>> No.14988465

The sweat word t-shirt song is still on utube

>> No.14988484

Ah, i meant the one where he's laughing at the spider pig joke, serene fucking song

>> No.14988486

Not everyone lives in the judeo-anglo cultural hellscape you faggot.

>> No.14988541

Anon... I...

>> No.14988607

Nvm that reply was meant for the guy you were replying to.

>> No.14988641

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.14988646

Conjured up a similar idea but perhaps "End" being left behind means something more.

>> No.14988651

*ha ha ha ha ha*

>> No.14988655

but why did he also leave the other video?

>> No.14988668

Maybe he is re-branding as an indie music channel?

>> No.14988793





>> No.14988814

He didn’t actually know anything about the books he was talking about. If you want a similar experience to watching Quentin’s videos, just half-skim a Wikipedia page with one eye and look at funny memes with the other, whilst also listening to Bladee played over Metalheadz releases

>> No.14988860

quientens a big bender

should have left the fell in love with the seine video up

also wtf was the point of the discord i aked those niggers about books and they said there wasnt any

>> No.14988940

The discord was just full of gay sycophants who actually had less to say than Quentin

>> No.14988999

Good riddance

>> No.14989011

He has his videos in private mode, not deleted, so I'm inclined to believe this>>14988337

>> No.14989134

he will launch a music career next

>> No.14989205

Fuck off. He's great.

>> No.14989208


>> No.14989216

He left short essays in the video descriptions from time to time.

>> No.14989576

he's riding my dick
his bussy feels really good desu

>> No.14989597

I've never watched his videos because I'm not a faggot but I'd love to plunge my cock in his asshole

>> No.14989646

You're not as funny as you think you are.

>> No.14989729

No one is, but I still get more bussy than you faggot

>> No.14989820

Maybe owo ?

>> No.14989867

Good, I was annoyed by this obnoxious fagboy. His only appeal is that he's cute and acts like "le crazy kooky creative oddball" merely posing with books as props without having any substantive knowledge of them. He merely adds to the trend of visual culture suffocating and degrading printed culture.

>> No.14989876

You sound like an ugly girl who desperately wants to fuck him but knows she never will.

>> No.14989895

here, Sword of Michael
putwe.tlthen / then t-B65GfNu8JH

>> No.14990166

try saying merely a few more times

>> No.14990310


>> No.14990401

He posted about this just before he deleted everything. Basically he met a girl and moved in with her, and she finally got around to watching his videos and basically flipped out on him for making racist trash. He got upset because she has an Onlyfans account, so what's the difference between that and being a youtuber? Eventually she agreed he can leave up a couple of videos that she picked out and that they will be uploading better content soon to make up for it.

>> No.14990472

No fucking way Q is THAT gay. If he did really say that then I believe it is an April Fool's prank.

>> No.14990527

I hope this is true.

>> No.14990547

>tfw no quentin bf

>> No.14990548


>> No.14990562

Are you really so retarded?

>> No.14990589

What content would that entail?

>> No.14990592

It's not fair, bros, I'm gonna miss him.

>> No.14990594

He doesn't want to be associated with legit /pol/cels. Check his discord and ask him yourself

>> No.14990623


>> No.14990626

His sister said he was applying for jobs so he probably doesn't want them to find out about all the edge shit he said online

>> No.14990635

send me an invite

>> No.14990661

this. he’s like 26 now time to grow up and not be a homofash online

>> No.14990742

No chance anyone saved Spider Pig Joke did they

>> No.14990749

The discord is in chaos right now

>> No.14990752

>His sister
how does she look like

>> No.14990771
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>> No.14990776

He sounds pretty pissed. I wonder what happened

>> No.14990780

Which one is the true reason? I don't know who is jewing anymore.

>> No.14990789

The dude went to the University of Edinburgh, there’s no way he wants any chance of a career being tarnished by his connection to you mouthbreathers

>> No.14990804

Neither are true, he is moving his videos to summit.news

>> No.14990811
File: 81 KB, 600x338, persona.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard Q got into trouble or something with the law for his videos. At least that was what I heard from him on discord.

>> No.14990815

Three narratives already, it's not helping.

>> No.14990900


>> No.14990914

Nah, Q said on Discord that he lost three of his best friends after his Youtube channel was discovered among his circle and so he decided that it's not worth being a minor Z-list internet celebrity and causing such personal drifts in his life. He also disavowed his fans as "incel autists." Pretty based. Hope he lives a better life now.

>> No.14990926

>He also disavowed his fans as "incel autists."
I don't believe he would say this

>> No.14990929

his "how nofap changed my life" video described my soul for the past months, looked like a nice guy, one of the more interesting insane guys i've seen

>> No.14990934

Discord link pls

>> No.14990937

I have seen zero evidence for literally any of the claims in this thread.

>> No.14990985

>University of Edinburgh
He already left University before, you mean he is going to restart one to drop it some time later? It's not even engineering, it's probably something related to social sciences which is pretty useless.

>> No.14990996

nice, thank you

>> No.14991025

this sucks man

>> No.14991062

There's like ten different stories in this thread.

>> No.14991071

Thats cringe, his videos are objectively funny, anyone who had that reaction isn't even worth being friends with.

>> No.14991179

Post a fucking invite. I can't believe I went there the week ago. But, to be fair it was very retarded.

>> No.14991193




>> No.14991194

Now that he's gone, let us decide wether he was /ourguy/ or not:
>inb4 you are a faggot
Don't worry, I have made that clear in the options.

>> No.14991219

Literally just ask him on discord. Lots of people are trolling ITT but you can just ask him personally

>> No.14991228
File: 832 KB, 539x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q is not a racist/misogynist etc. so he regrets that actual nazicels were taking his videos seriously.

>> No.14991231

First, /sci/ loses Montano. Now /lit/ loses Quentin.
These are dark times.

>> No.14991237

He was /ourguy/ but I felt he went too far at times with the hate speech even though it was obvious it was just satire

>> No.14991250

Q is that you?

>> No.14991252


>> No.14991256

Anyone have any of his music downloaded?

>> No.14991258

MDE but with philosophy references

>> No.14991260

Aight guys so I went on the discord and asked Q myself, personally. Apparently he quit because of personal issues. He didn't expand on what he meant by personal issues, I didn't feel like it was my place to pry and I don't even he would answer my question.

Fuck guys, I really loved his videos.

>> No.14991265

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.14991278
File: 1.00 MB, 539x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reports of what happened are greatly exaggerated. Wait for his official response before making assumptions.

>> No.14991282

Could you ask him if he plans to put any of his other music somewhere online?

Ima miss em

>> No.14991284

They are still there just unlisted.

>> No.14991285

The Greta one got me a chuckle

>> No.14991293

Countless hours of work down the drain just because youtube demonetized him

>> No.14991304

Was that really the reason?

>> No.14991309

Did he ever got money out of any of this? I thought he only had a Patreon account.

>> No.14991319

I doubt he made more than 50 bucks for his whole channel, but I think he had a couple dozen patrons if I remember

>> No.14991321

Heard on reddit that his grandmother said she would disown him unless he took the videos down.

>> No.14991324

Q is that you?

>> No.14991325

Does he have a subreddit?

>> No.14991327
File: 136 KB, 1334x812, image0-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He peaked with the Pongo vid anyway

>> No.14991328

friendo and fault in our stars were his best ones

>> No.14991333

Its obviously because he is trying to find employment

>> No.14991334

>The body language
Around Q, never relax

>> No.14991360

No, they are private.

>> No.14991364

>addresses his reddit community before us
he was never ouy gur

>> No.14991371

what is his subreddit?

>> No.14991395
File: 83 KB, 750x769, 1584210222420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu that really pissed me off.

>> No.14991406

His videos are set to private. You can still watch them if you add him as a friend.

>> No.14991486
File: 434 KB, 1328x1488, dark-wojak-light-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, bookbros.

>> No.14991519
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1582074601328s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gon cri

>> No.14991523

He was crying on his livestream

>> No.14991540


>> No.14991558


>> No.14991559

>112 replies
>48 posters

>> No.14991562

yah based

>> No.14991572

Anyone have the Arthur Russell sounding guitar song from the end his long Spock vid?

>> No.14991586
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 1554896698785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here for you Q

>> No.14991589

nah Q you deleted it, you ain't getting it back

>> No.14991596

nice one

>> No.14991609

You're gonna regret telling me that, buddy

>> No.14991613

>make one post and move on! you aren't allowed to linger around and respond or ask questions!

>> No.14991622

Have none of you even bothered to read his twitter

>> No.14991633

what's his twitter handle?

>> No.14991647

Same as his youtube

>> No.14991654

I'm not sure he could make money off of non-kid material on YouTube

>> No.14991673

People kept spamming reports on his videos

>> No.14991724

The fuck, this is awesome. Why couldn't his youtube content be as cool?

>> No.14991751

Still no links to his subleddit/discord/twitter?

Help a nigga out lads

>> No.14991755

Wish he continued with this stuff instead of catering toward the alt-right

>> No.14991764

he doesn't have a subreddit/twitter

>> No.14991776

It’s about getting as close as you can to the forbidden without quite touching it

>> No.14991795

He made an announcement on his Facebook fan page. Q is a fucking boomer for using such an old form os social media.

>> No.14991801

Can you link it/copy it here?

>> No.14991805

He doesn't have a public twitter/facebook/subreddit. People are fucking with you.

>> No.14991817

I’m a humble Q simp and I want to know my boy is ok

>> No.14991818

He just gave out an update via smoke signal and interpretive dance , classic Q!

>> No.14991819

His facebook is thebookclub, look it up.

>> No.14991826

>t. never been on his myspace

he has his own board here on 4chan you know

>> No.14991834


>> No.14991875

Scobiedoo on twitch

>> No.14992143

Homeboy was nearly 30 making "funny" videos for teenage boys on the internet. He probably realised it was time to grow up

>> No.14992219

He studied, and achieved, a degree in Music. What makes you think he dropped out?

>> No.14992228

Hey quentin

>> No.14992237


>> No.14992254

Bro just tell us what's going on. We're probably the only genuine community you have out there. Let us love you.

>> No.14992328

What degree classification did you get Q?

>> No.14992333

Maybe he wants to maintain a mature profile for a future publication.

>> No.14992345

Sit tight

>> No.14992352

MA, shits on that museum installation he did

>> No.14992474

The Nutshack is apretty good continution of his work.

>> No.14992474,1 [INTERNAL] 

Quentin's Facebook page is named after his musical project "LE SERVO DE SPOCK"

>> No.14992605

There's a part of Q's Big Adventure where he mimics a cow saying "hellooo," and, Q, if you're out there, I want you to know that moment means more to mean than the entire filmography of Robert Bresson. I don't know why but it's so endearing and life-affirming.

>> No.14992675


>> No.14992692

I want to watch Q's Big Adventure. Can you make it public again. That ones didn't have as much /pol/shit as the others

>> No.14992741

That was his best video, I would've watched a whole channel like that

>> No.14992746
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At least we still have Friendo

>> No.14992798

Pls pass the benzo.

>> No.14992825

The pastiche watercolour arrived, did it?

>> No.14992837

I can make it clear, and you can make it clearer.

>> No.14992842
File: 55 KB, 1199x112, Screenshot_20200331-210500_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is taking a break. He'll come back around christmas time

>> No.14992885

May 1st isn't Christmas time.

>> No.14992950
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Is this a black swan event? Taleb tried to warn us

>> No.14992962

fucking off yourself

>> No.14993072
File: 249 KB, 660x608, aputadpole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him so much...

>> No.14993076

Fuck your irl Q, we need you more

>> No.14993445

Q pls come back. You actually made entertaining content. Pls don't leave.

>> No.14993501

i have his spider pig song https://www113.zippyshare.com/v/0ZpWErMG/file.html

>> No.14993602

I know him personally he said someone from /lit/ came to his house IRL and asked him how to secure a future for the white race and it really freaked him out and he had to get the police involved because they were stalking him.

>> No.14993627

BIG if true. Y'all keep us updated.

>> No.14993704

facebook com/pg/nowthatihavebegunicannotstopthisendlesspain/videos/

>> No.14993751

Explanations for Q’s disappearance is my new favorite literary genre

>> No.14993754

I heard Q was last seen on his way to Antarctica with John Green

>> No.14993787

Anywhere I can find an archive of his old videos?

>> No.14993813

>most of the thread is people seething at him
>then at the end of the thread it's people begging for him to come back
Sort yourselves out m8s

>> No.14993867

*the corpse of

>> No.14994039

te quiero mucho Quentin porfa no te vayas

>> No.14994083

The video about the secret dollop of guacamole in Chipotle was a treasure, gonna miss not being able to show that to my friends

>> No.14994092

Fucking hyperboreans, I swear

>> No.14994122

embrace modernity
embrace tradition

>> No.14994237

si no vuelve lo rajo

>> No.14994793

why does every good fag turn into an alt right schizo?

>> No.14994899


>> No.14994959

Just give him some time. Quentin is a bit shocked right now with what just happened, and it will take him some time to digest it. But he'll be ok, I assure you, and hopefully, soon you'll all hear from him.

>> No.14994970

>Quentin is a bit shocked right now with what just happened
I couldn't believe it when I saw his post. Thought it was just an April fools gag

>> No.14995014


>> No.14995015

ha ha ha ha ha

I'm laughing at the spider pig joke

>> No.14995018

not true, i'm a fag and not altright

>> No.14995036

Maybe it's an april fools joke

>> No.14995057


>> No.14995075

>waaah i dont like that set of substanceless memes why couldnt he be more like these set of substanceless memes

>> No.14995091

his discord is fucking cancer tho

>> No.14995098

I heard he's going to call himself Quoji and try to become an emo DJ.

>> No.14995119


>> No.14995125


>> No.14995158

kek is this nigga a manlet

>> No.14995401

Yeah. I don't blame the guy for his reaction at all.

>> No.14995538

Am I missing something? Where has any of this been confirmed? What is he freaked out by? WHATS GOING ON

>> No.14995545

Yeah wtf happened, explain you fuckers

>> No.14995622

Retards you can't spread it. It only spreads if someone replies to an infected poster.
Stop coughing up the board.

>> No.14995624

they're fucking with you, there's no point in trying to find out

>> No.14995758
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>> No.14996740

Q's videos put me in such a strange headspace, a space that I never knew I could enter with such ease – it was something primordial, beyond words. I've only felt it a few times in my life. It me want to produce and absorb great pieces of work, music, thought, etc.

I hope this is the end in some ways, but that the videos are preserved somewhere.

>> No.14996740,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.14996896

Bookman, if you read this, I wish you luck. I mean, I'd rather have your videos back in place, but I accept your departure. Farewell, my brother.

>> No.14997018

ah fuck of course it is

>> No.14997092

Probably had to get a fucking job or something

>> No.14997162

This. Goodbye Bookman.

>> No.14997298

they are based

>> No.14997304
File: 253 KB, 540x406, 1584048486442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought he would take this far. I remember reading his comment about it, but fuck man he is quiting. Fuck you Q for prizing real life more than your hobby.

>> No.14997412 [DELETED] 

Coof on me and let me eat it

>> No.14997413

There's a reason why the only videos left where friendo and end.

He's gonna off himself with benzos.

>> No.14997421

>putwe.tlthen / then t-B65GfNu8JH
what? i'm too stupid to format correctly

>> No.14997594

Ill be happy if I can just get a good copy of Sword of Micheal. The shits lodged in the foundations of my subconscious.

>> No.14997894

yes, this is the only thing of value from his channel

>> No.14998241


Link is here

>> No.14998296

what racist videos??

>> No.14998317

suck my cock its me

>> No.14998322


Based and gulagpilled. You wont be dissapointed

>> No.14998323
File: 42 KB, 680x677, 1584789660926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.14998351

did he get the corona? RIP

>> No.14998487

no hits... what? what site is this?

>> No.14998608

No one came to my house, im fine as long as i dont look on here too often. Now leave me alone, i dont understand how people are still keeping this up.

>> No.14999396

Really thought he was doing some kind of performance, that he was going to circle around to an anti-reactionary position. He always seemed uneasy with the racist thing, and I thought the thread from 'end' -> Hegel video -> embrace modernity -> psychopolitics -> mark fisher was leading somewhere. Reckoned he might be the one to do some interesting stiob shit, and make a needed intervention in the art scene around this neck of the woods. He had an obvious talent for video, and was clearly less simple than most of the other losers.

That said, hope you're ok Bookman. Good luck

>> No.14999605

Thread over, why did it continue beyond this post?

>> No.14999704

If you faggots would look at his tumblr even once you'd see that this was planned from the very beginning. Fucking retards

>> No.14999713

thank you anon

>> No.14999719

So was this guy the /lit/ Luke Smith or what

>> No.14999743
File: 41 KB, 640x480, als096p9m5d21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I was just getting ready to show my gf his vids and I only saw two vids up. I hope to God this is just some glitch. Fuck bros....

>> No.14999824
File: 53 KB, 631x784, 1584937476835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind of person who reveres strength, intellect and beauty.

>> No.14999825


>> No.14999871

more like the devon crawford of /lit/

>> No.14999942

White oleander

>> No.14999943

this is gay as shit

>> No.14999966

why is charls carrolls channel in his featured channels?

>> No.14999980

Because Charls is the most based.

>> No.14999980,1 [INTERNAL] 

just read the latest post negroes, that's from 5 days ago