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14997915 No.14997915 [Reply] [Original]

>50 pages in
>all he's been talking about is cooming
why does france love this guy again?

>> No.14997941

The older you get, the more you coom and the more it takes over your brain.

>> No.14998016

"France" as a whole doesn't love this guy, basically every person I worked with in university said they despised them. I llike him, but only its early work. "Serotonine" isn't a good book. It's just Houellebecq wrting what he knows will sell and filled the book with useless stuff (aka the German pedophile for instance. Pointless.)
His early work is good though. If you didn't read it, I would suggest "Les particules élémentaires" or "Extension du domaine de la lutte" (I'm too lazy to look up the English names as they don't come to mind right now sorry)

>> No.14998099

the german pedophile, and his ward, are not 'pointless,' they represent two others' searching for their own spring of serotonin, society says that what they are doing is not allowed, which may add to the thrill, yet who are we to judge, when objectively observed who is really taking advantage of the other? Probably you just wanted the scene to be a little hotter, it only got your flag flying at half-mast.

>> No.14998110
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"Śaṅkarācārya is undoubtedly one of the greatest philosophers of the world and a realised saint. He is gifted with extra-ordinary intelligence, a deeply penetrating mind, critical insight, logical reasoning, philosophical analysis, religious purity, sublimity of renunciation and profound spirituality. His literary excellence makes him shine as a writer of exemplary Sanskrit prose and soul-inspiring philosophico-religious verses.

"He was born in the eighth century at Kaladi in Kerala in a Nambudri Brahmana family and left his body in Kedaranatha in the Himalaya, at the young age of 32 years. During this short span of life he wrote his commentaries on the eleven principle Upanisads, on Gita, and his epoch-making monumental work, the Shankara-Bhasya on Brahma-sutra as well as a rich soul-inspiring stotra-literature. He travelled widely and established four famous Pithas, at Badarinatha (Joshi-matha) in the north, at Shriigeri in the south, at Puri in the east and at Dvaraka in the west. His contribution to Indian philosophy and to Vedic religion and culture is unparalleled and almost super-human. He is treated as an incarnation of Lord Shiva. This uncompromising and staunch champion of knowledge dedicated his life to self-less service and devotion to God. His life itself is an ample proof that self-less service (niskama karma) and devotion (bhakti) may go well with spiritual Enlightenment (Jnana). The credit of establishing Advaita Vedanta as a sound philosophical system goes to Shankaracharya—the disciple of Govindapadacharya and the grand-disciple of Gaudapadacharya. “His philosophy”, says Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, “stands forth complete, needing neither a before nor an after... whether we agree or differ, the penetrating light of his mind never leaves us where we were.”

Advaita Vedanta, associated with the name of the great Shankaracharya is rightly regarded as logically the most consistent and spiritually the most advanced philosophy of India. All schools of Vedanta claim to be based on the Upanisads, but the claim is fully justified only in the case of Advaita Vedanta. Though the Upanisads are not logico-philosophical treatises in the strict sense of the term, yet undoubtedly they have been acclaimed as predominantly philosophical and as such they do have a central philosophy of their own. Shankara has very clearly and logically proved that this central philosophy is Advaita. The teachers of other schools of Vedanta, mainly theistic, have fathered their respective views on the Upanisads to claim the sanction of the Revealed Text. One may or may not agree with Advaita; one may freely choose any other school of Vedanta or any other system of philosophy as more satisfactory; but one cannot logically deny that Shankara’s interpretation is the correct interpretation and that Advaita is the central teaching of the Upanisadic philosophy."

- Chandradhar Sharma, author of A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy

>> No.14998123

I get it, but it seemed completely off, falling flat. Just saying his early work is muche better. Reading Serotonine gave me the impression of reading a fan fiction of "les particules élémentaires" without much innovation.

>> No.14998167

>France" as a whole doesn't love this guy,
he is immensely popular

>> No.14998207

gnosticism is more based

>> No.14998212

>reading translated fiction
I wish I was stupid enough for total stylistic indifference. Life must be so much simpler for you people.

>> No.14998216

Why would you drop the mind?

>> No.14998217 [DELETED] 

I write to be good at something

>> No.14998218

The French are a race of coomers.

>> No.14998237

french is a pleb language anyway

>> No.14998494

Is bernanos being there just bait?

>> No.14998505

wait, lautreamont is also there. He is definitely not forgotten or obscure wtf

>> No.14998567

This chart is supposedly for non-French readers but I agree that these are absolutely not obscure for many non-francophone readers, even more so outside the anglosphere — I’ve seen a good number of Brazilian talking about Bernanos.

>> No.14999177 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 1122x900, 988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've now reached the based department.

>> No.14999250 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 312x341, 20b6f31196c72afdd06fdfae5b430a30fcc30269f04b906d1bdd7808625342b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
It's rare that I lust after jpgs and whores in general but that actually made my boner stir from its sleep and awakened some desire. I curse that temptress for the passions unleashed and you for posting her image.

>> No.14999253

Chateaubriand is fucking based

>> No.14999269

>Chrétien de Troyes

Barrès and Rebatet are worthless, don't fall for the meme