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14985532 No.14985532 [Reply] [Original]

literature that will cure years of self indoctrinated scientific racism?
asking for a friend

>> No.14985535

Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Souls of Black Folks

>> No.14985538

no black authors please

>> No.14985549


>> No.14985558


>> No.14985571


>literature that will cure years of self indoctrinated scientific racism?

Stop going on /pol/, maybe event take a break from 4chan altogether and start befriending people who are different than you. Do psychedelics, travel, get a gf

>> No.14985578

The truth is that there is no intellectual argument against scientific racism in SOME form.

You just need to be careful not to stray too far from what the science and logic actually say

>> No.14985579

He said he wanted less racism, not even more of it.

>> No.14985593

Science says that collectives with weak in-group loyality and preference die out and racial collectives with strong ones prosper. Don't have the link to the study at hand but there was one. What are you supposed to do with that information?

>> No.14985623

Form collectives with strong in group loyalty

>> No.14985635
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>Science says that collectives with weak in-group loyalty and preference die out and racial collectives with strong ones prosper. Don't have the link to the study at hand but there was one. What are you supposed to do with that information?

>> No.14985660

Racial collectives, anon.

>> No.14985669

Yes. Form them.

If the existence of white human beings is important to you then you need to help form racial consciousness and white collectives to ensure that white people and their children will exist in the future

>> No.14985700


The human collective, it transcends all borders, languages, and religions, and it will win. You can't stop globalization, it's inevitable as humanity continues to progress. The only non violent solution is mass race mixing, this will accelerate the disintegration of all boundaries that have separated one another

>> No.14985721

>the human collective

I don't agree that such a thing exists. Nor do I think that the complete dissolution of all borders and distinctions is desirable.

>> No.14985727

>The only non violent solution is mass race mixing
This won't help a bit, it will destroy all races but not solve any of the problems.

>> No.14985769


Regardless of what you believe or want, the evolutionary path of humanity is through race mixing. There's no such thing as an eternal race that deserves to transcend time and space, just as the Neanderthal so will the current races fade away as new races emerge. This isn't about politics, I'm just stating the facts. It won't matter if you marry an Asian wife, or an ebony wife, long term racial purity isn't in anyone's control.

>> No.14985790

If I view such an outcome as negative, why is it wrong to try to prevent or delay it?

And we COULD keep the white race around forever. You just don't like what we have to do to make that happen.

>> No.14985839

>You just don't like what we have to do to make that happen.

Yeah because it would require mass slavery of everyone white's included. It's just not going to happen, and it's not worth the violence that such a ridiculous task would require.

>> No.14985848

I agree.

One world, one government, one race.

>> No.14985852

What a bleak vision of the future. Everyone with the same off-brown shade of skin and poop colored eyes and hair.

Not to mention the lower average IQ. I wonder how long Ashkenazi Jews will remain ethnically distinct from these brave new citizens?

>> No.14985866

>implying it won't collapse into a terrible mass of violence, hatred and death

>> No.14985888


Jew's will be mixed as well. You call it bleak because you value being white as something good in of itself, and are afraid of letting go. When you die, you don't get to keep your race, it's not worth worrying about because it's not the true persisting self which takes on different manifestations. Worrying about IQ and aesthetics is based on fear, there's no reliable evidence that proves race mixing is detrimental other than the experience of race mixed people who are brought up in a hostile environment.

>> No.14985902

>>implying it won't collapse into a terrible mass of violence, hatred and death

Like Nationalism in an age of nuclear warfare?

>> No.14985906

You can't cure scientific racism, you merely hide it.

>> No.14985916


But isnt saying that assuming the opposite? It doesnt hurt that pretty much only white countries will have this happen to them seeing as others either dont have high immigration, or have strong enough cultural definition that they do not do it voluntarily.

>> No.14985929


>you can't cure pedophilia, you can merely hide it

People aren't bound to every animalistic urge they have, we have a degree of freewill. Racism is just a leftover from a past world, it's an evolutionary trait that's being phased out

>> No.14985935

Is mutual nuclear annihilation within the interest of a nationalist state?

>> No.14985942

Racism based on science is not an evolutionary trait. People arrive at it based in their mental faculties for unbiased reasoning.

If THAT is being phased out, we are in for a hell of a time

>> No.14985951


Our ideas are global, even Asian countries are becoming more liberal and desiring more freedom. The more prosperous a nation becomes, less less nationalistic people in that nation become, especially as literacy and education is more prominent.

>> No.14985956

Scientific racism is a pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority.[1][2][3] Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific.[2][3]

>> No.14985962


>People arrive at it based in their mental faculties

This would be called a spook that you made yourself believe in

>> No.14985963

Why is it no longer considered scientific? Could it be because 'science' has been co-opted for political purposes?

>> No.14985973

>Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific.


>> No.14985975

You are a fool to think that people will fail to see the differences between themselves and others. They will act upon these differences, be it actively or passively. What makes the difference of race or appearance any more or less worthy of being left behind than other differences?

>> No.14985977


People aren't rational, even less so when tribalism and traditionalist superstition is involved.

>> No.14986002


Race doesn't need to be the primary glue that holds people together, even beyond racial boundaries people share similarities. Why do you believe miscegenation happens?

>> No.14986006

would mutual nuclear annihilation not be considered a threat to the health of the nationalist state, and thus an outcome to be avoided? Would this not appeal to self preservation?

>> No.14986030

You are correct, it "doesn't need to be the primary glue that holds people together" but why must it be abolished? Why not simply strive to end conflict?

>> No.14986048


Aside from globalism, you have many different nations, there's no guarantee that all these nations will be on the same page. You can have one nation which values jihad and martyrdom, this nation has nukes just as you do, but there's nothing holding them back from pulling the world into nuclear annihilation. As the world becomes more technologically advanced, the need for universal unity becomes more necessary.

>> No.14986052
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Total mystery.

>> No.14986073
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Whites will be around forever through genetic engineering alone. Also race-mixing is not nearly popular enough to wipe out the white race, especially since many mixed-race babies have predominantly white genes so the effect is negated within one or two generations.

>> No.14986082


It doesn't have to be actively abolished, but trying to preserve racial purity isn't really possible within reasonable measures. Do you suggest we throw all the genetically impure into gas chambers? That didn't turn out so well in the past

>> No.14986097

fuck I don't know man, I just don't want my children and grandchildren to be brown and stupid

>> No.14986104


I don't believe that white's are on the verge of extinction, but rather that in the long term racial purity doesn't exist.

>> No.14986116


That's up to your daughters and grand daughters, it's women who chose the genetic path of our future.

>> No.14986140

Just try to talk to people of other races. Omegle and other messages boards are pretty good resources bc they are so accessible and you can talk to 5 people in a matter of 30 minutes. Realize that the majority of people are fucking stupid and that largely has little to do with their race.

>> No.14986154

Yes, complete racial homogeny isn't feasible. It just can't be sustained. I don't care about complete racial homogeny. I just really don't like the idea of forced (actively or passively) miscegenation. My descendants in about a couple hundred years probably won't look exactly like me. That's ok, I have almost no control over it. But I don't want the intelligence and progress that have been hallmarks of my ancestors to disappear so quickly.

>> No.14986160

Thread is over.

>> No.14986168

>up to women
we're fucked

>> No.14986192

you're funny my guy

>> No.14986237


>But I don't want the intelligence and progress that have been hallmarks of my ancestors to disappear so quickly.

Then don't meme for a race war, this would only be a potential consequence of alienating and gatekeeping all outsiders from western culture

>> No.14986261

Yeah it's descended into monkeys hurling feces at eachother rather quickly

>> No.14986278


Good. Removal of standards is not worthwhile.

>> No.14986322

>meme for racewar.
>>14986030 look at that last sentence there
>Alienating and Gatekeeping
Just because I don't want to kill non-whites doesn't mean I want to live with them or pay for them.

>> No.14986363


It's not about standards, it's about your culture and ideas prevailing and shaping the future. You don't get to choose the fact that your great grandchildren might be mulatto, eurasian, ect. Maybe instead of hating people for not being white, you should pass on what you've been given culturally.

>> No.14986497

So I guess the fact that a white person hasn't won the Boston Marathon in 30 years is just a fluke.

>> No.14986516

you haven't read the book have you

>> No.14986629


Genetic traits =/= superiority/inferiority. The genetic traits that will matter in the future are empathy, cooperation, and intelligence, these aren't mutually exclusive to whiteness. Every attempt to control the gene pool is a huge failure, women on their own are good enough at choosing the best genes for their children regardless of what that entails race wise. Every noticed how the alt right is almost entirely male? Not only are these people male, but they're involuntary celibates who view women as property, that's what all of this right wing larping can be reduced to.

>> No.14986646

Literally none of the statements you made are factual except for "alt right is almost entirely male"

Your pseud conclusions about the right in general are completely incorrect

>> No.14986680


The alternative right is a last attempt of preserving patriarchal power structures and dynamics. When right wingers harp about race, it's ultimately as a way of keeping a grasp on women, as this racial identity secures them a mate. The world desperately needs to shift towards a more matriarchal paradigm if we're to survive as a species, and possibly become a type I civilization.

>> No.14986688

I'm not part of the alt right and I'm not a "race realist" or "white nationalist". I'm just pointing out the obvious fact that we're not all exactly the same in every respect and that some of these difference could very well confer an advantage in some activities e.g. running. So, in my opinion, the idea that there are no superior or inferior groups is false.

>> No.14986689

Once again, none of this is true. You're not making any arguments or giving any sources. You're just spouting your own bizarre beliefs

>> No.14986696

>The world desperately needs to shift towards a more matriarchal paradigm if we're to survive as a species, and possibly become a type I civilization.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how high are you right now?

>> No.14986706


I never said we're all the same in terms of our distinct features, and abilities. We're also not that different either, and race mixing doesn't necessarily propagate bad genetics. There is no superior race, even though there are some differences, but also these differences are not inherently always genetic either as the reality is multilayered and complex.

>> No.14986713


>> No.14986720


Allow intuition, humility, and love to take root in your heart instead of fear and rash judgements that's all the advice I can offer you

>> No.14986738

That's a 9. It's a bad habit, dude, you should think about giving it up.

>> No.14986761

Hannah Arendt maybe? The "banality of fascism".

>> No.14986763

atheist btw

>> No.14986764

Unironically, go to geos where you're in the minority, wear nail paint, or dress like a tranny and try to critically think. Being a minority, or something that's not prototypical as defined by a society, is fucking exhausting and I guarantee explains the std dev in black American IQ. Secondarily, some countries don't value education. Traditionally, in Mexico, education was viewed as something profoundly snooty, and I know a Mexican friend (one of the smartest people I've met) whose father disowned him for going to college.

>> No.14986769

>race is objectively real, but subjectively it doesn't matter
okay anon

>The genetic traits that will matter in the future are empathy, cooperation, and intelligence
Intelligence is certainly not fit for this environment.
Empathy isn't doing too hot either.
Cooperation sure, but only in a having social skills sense.

>Every attempt to control the gene pool is a huge failure
Only real controls we have had for a long scale are prisons, executions, and finances.
Which seem to have been fairly successful, but I personally am not a fan of the obsessive legalism of many.

>women on their own are good enough at choosing the best genes for their children
We'll see.

>people that disagree with me are evil virgins
okay anon

>> No.14986776


When did I imply religion? How does being an atheist negate laws of the world you inhabit?

>> No.14986777

So niggers from African nations are all rocket scientists and American niggers are just dumb because there's a few of them? What about Asians, do they become smarter when they are in the minority?

>> No.14986778 [DELETED] 

Who We Are and How We Got Here - David Reich
The Mismeasure of Man - Stephen Gould

>> No.14986786

>self indoctrinated
Actually, youknow this isn't true. There's a lot of neo-nazis and jew haters going out of their way to propagandize you into thinking this way.

I only escaped from it when I realized the following:
1) Christians often didn't understand Commerce or Economics.
2) Le Happy Merchant is blamed for Economic Failings of Christians.
3) Being a Merchant (Land Owner) is evidently Superior and the contrary is being a Serf or a Slave.

>> No.14986790

In order of what determines IQ:
>1. Nutrition and health/safety
>2. Culture that values education and literacy
>3. Being in a culture that isn't hostile to you
1 and 2 is exceedingly well documented, 3 I haven't looked into for a research standpoint.

>> No.14986804

>0. Race

>> No.14986811


I got memed into hating the Jew's, but I grew out of it and hope dearly that most /pol/ larpers will as well as their hatred of everyone else. It's awful to live with so much hatred in your heart everyday, always rationalizing why it's necessary to hate and never let your guard down. we're meant to love our fellow man, and liberate our species

>> No.14986821

I was tricked into obeying the jews through their brainwashing for the longest time but then I found the light when I actually started paying attention to what they were doing and how hypocritical they were, come into the light, brother. Welcome the truth into your heart.

>> No.14986826

1 and 2 account for a SD each and 3 is probably half of one.
Incentives significantly impacts IQ results.

>> No.14986839

semper vigiles, citizen.

>> No.14986845

That book made me mildly uncomfortable. I felt implicated somehow.

>> No.14986854


More like being larping incel willing hurt people because of his ideologically diseased mind

>> No.14986859

I was a marxist for a long time, basically until I finally grew up, yet I had to face the fact that the question of race was undeniable after a while. After all, didn't Marx himself know that some races were less suited for the revolutionary struggle than others? And the so called 'POC's are the most tribal bunch you'd ever meet. Don't fall for the stupid memes about race not being incredibly important, that's just the creedo of capitalist liberalism.

>> No.14986903


Most people have the same needs and wants, regardless of race or nationality. The more educated people are, the less concerned they are over preserving their race. POC are usually more ethnically tribalistic out of necessity, white's don't need to be tribalistic in order to thrive and be successful as we're still at the top of the food chain. The left wants to liberate everyone from this game of domination, and instead focus on cooperation and similarities

>> No.14986961

It really is self-limiting: if you're being conditioned to thinking that any sort of success or happy life possible because of "other group" (reptile aliens, black jews, han chinese, quakers, people from marseille, people who believe in the same god as you but differ slightly on interpreting one passage) then this is a huge and obvious problem - or it's just the tribalistic defeatist way we're wired, I don't know for sure.

>> No.14986987
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>The more educated people are, the less concerned they are over preserving their race.
Hmmm, I wonder who has been educating them.

>> No.14986992

>POC are usually more ethnically tribalistic out of necessity, white's don't need to be tribalistic in order to thrive and be successful as we're still at the top of the food chain.
Nah, they have everything handed to them on a silver platter becaues they're tribalistic retards and white people have to work their ass off because they're superior to them but also not racially concious, although Asians do face some of that same thing despite some tribalism.

Did you know they had to change the definition of clinical retardation after they started testing niggers? Otherwise they'd all have that diagnose.

>> No.14986999

>The left wants to liberate everyone from this game of domination, and instead focus on cooperation and similarities
What planet are you living on?

>> No.14987003
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>> No.14987008

I can vouch for the Autobiography of Malcolm X

>> No.14987016
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>> No.14987019
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, israel-immigration-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open borders for the goyim, not the chosen merchants, dummy.

>> No.14987186
File: 577 KB, 611x791, open borders comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man gotta love the comic, written and drawn by two Jews, that promotes open borders

>> No.14987278

the greatest error of this is that you're ascribing this policy of stupid greedy goyim onto jews, and so, missing the real cause and solution of these things.

>> No.14987330
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Your pilpul is weak.

>> No.14987365

uh huh..idk what that eve means, memeo..
i dont think you do either.

>> No.14987439
File: 231 KB, 535x327, Open Talmud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14987495

But whites are the one's looking down the barrel of this "inevitability". Blacks, Asian, middle easterners - all of these groups will still be around in 200 years.

>> No.14987574

>negate within one or two generations
Whites are a global minority, and soon will be minorities in countries they currently dominate. So those "White gene" are going to make up a smaller and smaller portion of the gene pool with each generation. Eventually, whiteness will be basically eradicated, and they'll be assimilated into other races.

>> No.14987579

I would end the practice of replacment migration. That's it.

>> No.14987587
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Literally Hitler.

>> No.14987603
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Understanding Human History
Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are
The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure

>> No.14987613

Culture is just as transient. Ideas and attitudes change faster than genetics, so its hardly anything stable to pass down. My great grandkids will likely be completely deracinated from any authentic experience of my culture.

>> No.14987786

>the left wants to liberate everyone
Except, in all instances, whites are the only ones who are expected to make any sacrifices or lose power. POC become more traibalisic with education.

>> No.14988020

>The only non violent solution is mass race mixing, this will accelerate the disintegration of all boundaries that have separated one another
A man went out for a walk, he say his neighbour.
"Hello" said the man.
"Hallo" said the neighbour.
The man and the neighbour parted ways.
The man and the neighbour say nothing more and nothing less, each day.

>> No.14988035

Typo, I meant to write "he saw* his neighbour"

>> No.14989085

What is "white"? Levantine middle easternes are mostly white

>> No.14989180

Things Fall Apart

>> No.14989364

Read: Ethica, On the Origin of Species, and Culture of Critique.
Oh no, whoops those can be used together to justify genocide regardless of how capable another race is purely on the grounds that they are different to you, sorry OP I didn’t mean to do that.

>> No.14989377

akshully you shouldnt be leaving the house due to the chink virus

>> No.14989510

Are jews starting to overplay their hand, wont this just cause anothe Hitler to get himself into power?

>> No.14989525
File: 119 KB, 1300x1094, loudly-laughing-guy-over-white-young-man-hand-his-face-out-loud-isolated-background-37098697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"scientific" racism

>> No.14989531

At one point the scientific community thought disease was caused by the humors

>> No.14989982


>> No.14990337

All good literature is self-improvement.

>> No.14990390

>Do psychedelics
Nigger I'm racist as fuck and psychedelics had zero effect on that
They're not fucking magic spells to make you a perfect person

>> No.14990405

I like skinhead fashion and skinhead books. They're dime store trash but its real fun watching joe hawkins systematically rape every other girl he comes across and still be written as more clever and morally righteous than anyone who makes 10k annually more than his parents

>> No.14990441

>Nigger I'm racist as fuck and psychedelics had zero effect on that
>They're not fucking magic spells to make you a perfect person
Of course they won't improve you if you had already achieved perfection before taking them.

>> No.14990456
File: 1.75 MB, 2568x4248, James_Baldwin_35AllanWarren_Allan_Warren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to James Baldwin being all eloquent 'n shiet dabbing on that WASP nigga

>> No.14990939



>> No.14991010


>> No.14991045

Anybody eligible to be held morally responsible for slavery in America or the holocaust.

>> No.14991059

12 rules of life

>> No.14992101

>guys how do I cure my headache?
>drink water, eat some food, destress, maybe meditate for a while, avoid triggers for the headache and visit a doctor.

Hey, you fucking retard, he listed a bunch of solutions, but his general implisit advice is clearly that if you want to change your current mentality you have to be openminded, something that taking psychedelic drugs for instance is commonly assosiated with, but doesn't necessarily result in.

This is the most entertaining part of arguing with racist, they know they haven't got any genuine arguements so they jump the gun and attack the first even remotely assesable statement by turning it into a strawman. What he suggested isn't even that good of an advice,and could be easily refuted, but you attacked it from the weakest possible angle because of your incurable brainletism.

>> No.14992106
File: 80 KB, 643x820, 0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro relax

>> No.14992117

Read the Bible. I used to be racist too; however, I figured out we are all created equal in God’s eyes, except for Jews because they are God’s chosen people.

My wife and I are in the process (delayed due to the Coronavirus) of adopting a child from Uganda. We already have one child from her previous marriage, whom I have adopted. We frequently donate money to pregnancy care centers in inner cities to help educate urban women on the alternatives to abortion.

>> No.14992130
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, open-mind-comic1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you want to change your current mentality you have to be openminded
But not too open-minded, right?

>> No.14992150

There's no cure for the truth, anon.

>> No.14992163
File: 33 KB, 720x533, 1010101101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignored every valuable argument, and continues "arguing" in bad faith.

I will let pic related, one of your friends, answer you. I'm going back to /fit/, less brainlets there.

>> No.14992187

>imagine being this much of an assblasted nigger

>> No.14992520

Don’t fool yourself, every group is insular and racist just as much as the next. If and when the tables turn and white people are the minority, I very much doubt systems will be put in place to equalize the disparity. Everything that white privilege entails will shift to other races, and that’s only a good thing if you aren’t white. I completely understand why people would want this, but why would/should white people want it?

>> No.14992552
File: 42 KB, 625x605, white-people-disappearing-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but why would/should white people want it?
Very many of the most rabid advocates and public figures arguing for it are actually jewish, but they do have a ton of useful idiots who also support it because they're told to, they haven't really thought it through.

>> No.14992596
File: 101 KB, 460x557, the new face of america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, despite the recent proliferation of race mixing in tv, film, advertising campaigns, etc.. If you were to take it to its absurd conclusion vis a vis pic related, I'm sure the majority of black and ethnic minority people would feel uncomfortable with it too. Most people don't want their unique traits or genetic heritage to be lost in racial dissolution, but at the same time, there shouldn't be anything condemnable about race mixing either.

>> No.14994011
File: 489 KB, 497x373, 1575669713540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don’t fool yourself, every group is insular and racist just as much as the next.
Except white (American-style) liberals. They're the one group with negative racial bias in any study on the subject. It's a positive that they'll get bred out of existence because of this, but they'll still manage to do untold amounts of damage to Western societies by pushing policies built on their unique and self-destructive worldview on countries and peoples who do not ascribe to it.
>but why would/should white people want it?
Nobody should want it, since nothing points to it being an achievable goal at this point of our race and societal development. You're just paving the road to hell if you attempt to brute-force it.

>> No.14994034

Well, you say you are self indoctrinated. Do you have any other skills that were self taught? How good are you at them? Do you feel that, on your own, you were able to completely understand all the material? Have you ever had a moment where your confidence in your skill was shaken because you found something that made you realize there were things lacking from your understanding of the skill? Would you think less of someone who was not competent in that skill?

>> No.14994051

Pretty much anyone with any clue of animal husbandry will tell you that casually mixing breeds of animal leads to future generations being riddled with deformities.

>> No.14994061


Somebody explain this comic.

>> No.14994067

Virtue signaling requires the signaled action to be socially respectable and only white liberals in any amount respect the attitude shown in the comic.

>> No.14995110

Eat vast amounts of Styrofoam and leaded baby formula while reading Harry Potter and injecting your veins with mercury.
It wont cure you of racism, but itll deal with the other problem.

>> No.14995688

>posting stonetoss unironically

>> No.14995691

I don't trust the greens

>> No.14995714

Ah I see. Looking forward to it!

>> No.14995727

Have you read Taleb yet. I'm curious but don't want to fall for a pop meme.

>> No.14995728

So you're saying that purebred dogs like pugs are perfectly healthy?