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/lit/ - Literature

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14992281 No.14992281 [Reply] [Original]

Top 5 best books you've read. Go.

>> No.14992292

Anna Karenina
Brave New World
The Bell Jar
Notes from Underground

>> No.14992304

I would trade every book I have ever owned to suck on dem titties just once.

>> No.14992311

The Brothers Karamazov
Infinite Jest
As I lay dying
Paradise lost

>> No.14992320

Why her specifically? Every titty is same

>> No.14992321
File: 21 KB, 580x548, bladerunner 2049 was a pretty good movie ngl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Brave New World
2. On Liberty and other essays
3. Democracy, the god that failed
4. Anatomy of the state
5. 50 Shades Freed
/lit/ being 100+ IQ as normal

>> No.14992330

In Search of Lost Time
The World as Will and Representation
Against the Day

>> No.14992350

I hate pornography masturbation and sex so bad. They hijack my will and rob me of my life. The more I've fed my lust the stronger it has grown. It feels like every person around me is an NPC driven by their biological programming. They wallow and revel in it. I can't stand it. Even here on /lit/... It never ends. It ruins and infects everything. I had cumskulls so bad. I don't believe in God. Fuck OP and every one unironically participating in his thread.

>> No.14992351

>Democracy, the god that failed
Did it propose a better alternative?

>> No.14992360

The New York Trilogy
The Read and the Black
Les Miserables
Phenomenology of Spirit
Economy and Society

>> No.14992363

What kind of self control do you have that you instantly feel the need to masturbate when you see an attractive pic?

>> No.14992372

It's called a high sex drive retard and the more you feed your lust the less control you have in preventing it from unfolding. Essentially the only way to escape once the habit becomes bad is to unplug the internet.

>> No.14992375

Anna Karenina
War & Peace
Hadji Murat
Collected Short Stories of Tolstoy

Renounce sexual desire, stop posting titties

>> No.14992380
File: 15 KB, 500x213, Elisabeth%20Shue%20-%20The%20Boys%20-%20S01E05_4-500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the midwit who prefers his book collection over tiddie sucking.

>> No.14992387

Faust I
Confederacy of Dunces
To The Lighthouse
Julius Caesar

>> No.14992396

Tolstoy became cringe later in his life

>> No.14992400

The book was less an attack on democracy in the greek sense and more of centralised government, it's on the list because it was my first real introduction to anarcho capitalism as a concept and although I don't hold it as a political belief it still holds a special place in my heart.
As far as I can remember he proposes a variety of different systems, he spends the longest on monarchies and the advantages they have over representative democracies but I don't think he ever explicitally endorses them as strictly better.

>> No.14992407
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go live in the desert and leave behind this world

>> No.14992425

The Brothers K
Cannery Row
Moby Dick

>> No.14992433


>> No.14992441

I want this world. Flesh scum should have to live in the desert.

>> No.14992444

Train, complain or go awol nigger

>> No.14992445

>Cannery Row

>> No.14992466

the worldly matter will lead all people astray, the point is to ascend above it

>> No.14992487

The Man Without Qualities
Book of Disquiet
War and Peace
The Republic
The Genealogy of Morals

>> No.14992495

> hijack my will and rob me of my life.
Willing to bet that jerking off is not the root of your problems. Please seek help, I don't say that to be mean

>> No.14992497

>Liking war and peace over AK

>> No.14992505

Public castration is a good idea.

>> No.14992543

of who

>> No.14992551


>> No.14992553

It completely is the root of my problems. The moment I masturbate, my day goes to shit. I have no energy and I'm just going to masturbate again. When with each girlfriend, it was the same thing but with sex and oxytocin from human contact to make the crash more bearable. Still apathetic. Still dysphoric. Still controlled and led astray by a lower instinct. Sounds to me like you're coping and don't like to think of the influence any of this has on your life.

>> No.14992555

look at her ig, shes actually a 6/10. u better than this bro

>> No.14992557

Castration of the public or castration carried out in public? The latter sounds like a fun form of entertainment, it will fill the hole left by ending public executions

>> No.14992564

If he's making posts like that he really isn't better than this

>> No.14992573

>The moment I masturbate, my day goes to shit. I have no energy and I'm just going to masturbate again.
I'm genuinely curious about this mindset, since I've personally never seen the hype about masturbation. You feel good for like five seconds and then your done. I don't really think it's anything to get yourself worked up over or addicted to.

You might just have a lot of free time on your hands, so you spend the time by masturbating.

>> No.14992577

Holy Bible, Authorized Verson 1769
The Letters of Samuel Rutherford
Holiness by J.C. Ryle
The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall
Gulliver's Travels

>> No.14992580

>You feel good for like five seconds and then your done.
You feel distracted suddenly from what you were previously doing by a unplanned intrusion and afterwards are left with no motivation or intellectual energy.

>> No.14992582

Nigga get a job

>> No.14992590

Masturbating is probably a better use of time than sending out job applications right now

>> No.14992592


>> No.14992594

generic thot #122345

>> No.14992604

Always an unstable list for me but as things stand in my current state:
- Brothers Karamazov, F. Dostoevsky
- Hidden Faces, S. Dali
- Ecclesiastes (If it counts.)
- Sea of Fertility, Y. Mishima
- The Vegetarian, H. Kang

>> No.14992607

thesirenmika , prepare for disappointment coomer

>> No.14992645

Look around retard, 99% of the population is addicted to lust and do not like to consider any potential ramifications from their sexual behaviors. They do not observe the interior motions of the mind either and therefore do not care about qualia such as will, agency, and self. Their jobs only serve to reinforce their false ditcheomy of their ephemeral states of fleeting elation and the misery they feel when they are apart from in. As the psalmist said, destruction and misery in their ways and the way of peace they have not known. While there is no God, clearly, these religious types at least usually held some ascetic insight into the human condition and what they said is perfectly correct. Wordlings are always discontented and miserable when apart from their brief reveries of pleasure.

>> No.14992652

I think a major problem with the NoFap mindset, taken as seriously as possible, is that the same ardent rejection of masturbation that is supposed to liberate one, can very easily inflate what is for most a bad habit and enervating influence into am unkillable Behemoth responsible for all of their life's ills. Not only does it induce a complex of discouragement and despair at every setback, it also displaces the blame for a person's poor conduct in other aspects of their being down to a single behaviour that can very easily be used as a scapegoat. Having broken out of that mindset myself and overcome my bad habits by allowing laughter and kindness into my discipline, it does not control me - for I have seen that Behemoth for the cringing dog it is and given it a good kick. (:

>> No.14992681
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1. Spring Snow
2. Melancholy of Resistance
3. Temple of the Golden Pavilion
4. Aphorisms by Schopenhauer
5. The Dhammapada

>> No.14993245

I'm glad the jannies are finally hanging Jezebel posters.

>> No.14993286

War and Peace
The Book of the New Sun
The Master and Margarita
Paradise Lost

>> No.14993316

Crime and Punishment
The House of the Dead
Under the North Star trilogy
A Storm of Swords

>> No.14993346
File: 1.60 MB, 3395x1654, z4-haruhara-specter-b-20140711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post my dude. I'm just starting to realize this myself. I'm such an idiot. But now I can see that jerking off is the least of my problems. It's all the other "jerking off" that I do - seeking deliverance from my problems by running from them, distancing myself from others, putting off work - that is going to be the end of me.

>> No.14993374

You can tell both your post and the one you replied too are midwit redditor posts. Seems the only intelligent people are those who are absolute semen retention advocates or unrepentant coomers. This middle of the road bullshit is just feel good self help tier drivel.

>> No.14993389

The Man Without Qualities
The Sleepwalkers
The Good Soldier Svejk
The Green House
The Moor's Last Sigh

>> No.14993446

Something Happened
Blood Meridian
Lord of the Flies
On the Edge

>> No.14993454

You misunderstood my post. I would endorse a perfect celibacy. Coomers and people who engage in sex outside of conjugal fidelity disgust me. I just don't think it's possible to actually faithfully live this lifestyle unless you get several other things settled first. You can't play videos games, watch TV all day, eat junk food, and be a celibate. Also, it's like Christ says, if you sweep yourself clean without filling yourself with something else, even stronger demons will move in.

>> No.14995249

Yes, you misunderstand - I have rejected masturbation and practice semen retention; what I was referring to was the tendency of overthinking masturbation into a mountain when it can be dealt with by actively seeking improvement in other parts of one's life too. There's no 'middle of the road' to it, just a more life-affirming way of attaining discipline. I hope I have cleared something up. (:

>> No.14995251 [DELETED] 


>> No.14995255

Also fucking spooky, the painting you posted was one my coomer ex gf had in her room.

>> No.14995608

You have a thing called willpower & self control. You’re taking out anger on a literature board even though less than half of us are commenting on the pr*n. If you want change, go bomb the funders of pr*n or something

>> No.14995626
File: 465 KB, 750x874, 35782E7D-0F70-4324-8F0C-6301805B9690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notes from Underground
>The Brothers Karamazov
>The Picture of Dorian Grey
>holy Quran
>Art of war

>> No.14995630

Moby Dick
The Ethics
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Unbearable Lightness of being

>> No.14995724

East of Eden
Mrs Dalloway
Sometimes A Great Notion
Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.14995757

2.War and Peace
4.Blood Meridian

>> No.14995837

>The Great Gatsby
>Crime and Punishment
>The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.14996518

Will power and self control are diminished with every instance of pornography consumption until it is virtually eroded away.

>> No.14996578

The Sun Also Rises
The Winter of our Discontent
All’s Quiet on the Western Front
Slaughter House Five

>> No.14996638

Sometimes a Great Notion
Angle of Repose