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File: 767 KB, 754x734, happy all the time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14991998 No.14991998 [Reply] [Original]

speed reading thread. I'm looking to increase my reading speed and comprehension, what speed do you read at anon? Any tips?
I'm only here to learn desu

>> No.14992021

Nobody here can actually read. It's all speech to text.

>> No.14992056
File: 42 KB, 720x743, we tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

audiobooks at 2x speed aren't a bad way to consume fiction and some types of non-fiction, but for the more technical stuff I can't imagine listening to it. Although I'd argue that audiobooks are indeed, based and redpilled.

>> No.14992076

You should only speed read something to figure out whether it is worth taking the time to read slowly.

>> No.14992129

this is interesting, speed reading as a method of content artibration versus attempting to get a decent comprehension while speed reading. I don't know if I could bring myself to have to "read" the same book multiple times in a very short space of time as the time commitment is naturally increased. Although I guess the time saved removing bad books from a thorough reading makes up for it, interesting suggestion anon thank you.

>> No.14992139

My speed depends on the book and my level of attention (generally increases after a while spent reading). Speed reading is bullshit, mostly. Useful to get through large amounts of info and sorta get the gist of it, useless for books you want to enjoy as such. Like, what would be the point of reading a good crime novel in a day? You didn't even have the time to appreciate the tension of the story.

>> No.14992176

your op pic way more interesting than your thread to bee h anon

>> No.14992203

Speed and comprehension are mutually incompatible ideals.

>> No.14992221
File: 2.27 MB, 1064x2052, this man is not free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind diverting the thread that way desu.
This image makes me deeply uncomfortable moreso than any other that I've come across, makes me start questioning the methods I used to numb myself from reality outside of the typical narcotics/alcohol etc. this one image probably has had more positive impact on my life than anything else, I've almost totally cut sugar out of my diet and stopped playing any form of video game. They just strike me as constructs that subvert man's natural desire to achieve goals, they make you passive and docile, they emulate the feeling that a real accomplishment would have without you having to have any lasting or meaningful impact on the world.
There is a comic that also encapsulates this idea in which a time traveler arrives in the future, is greeted by a robot who invites her to sit in a room in which she will be injected with drugs to simulate adventure, she protests with something akin to "but I like adventure", she is then pressured into "trying it", and the last panel is her surrounded by other people sunk into a chair totally out of her skull. I can't find the image but I'll post it when I find it.

>> No.14992305

surely there is a maximum though in terms of understood words in a given timeframe?

>> No.14992569

pic is incredibly based

>> No.14992739

Why sugar? I get video games but as long as you don't have a food addiction what difference does consuming sugar make?

>> No.14992956

They're probably speaking about high fructose corn syrup and other such things. Which are very unhealthy for you.

>> No.14993429

Why would you ever speed read?