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14991923 No.14991923 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is dumb. Who fucking cares about how the world works and why? What is actually the point to picking apart reality? You're literally never going to get an answer. All you're going to get is depression, anxiety and existential panic like every other philosopher. All that unironically really matters is that you're happy and have love. You can debate this all you want, but you all know that's the best life you can live and endlessly philosophizing is never going to make you happy. Philosophy is dead in the modern age. We have no need for it. Do what makes you happy. That's all that matters.


>> No.14991940

Ethics, politics, legislation, etc. are all based on philosophy, for example there is no scientific basis for the 'self' or what it means to be a person.

>> No.14991941

Low iq take

>> No.14991942

if you get depressed reading 101 philosophy, then it isn't for you

>> No.14991951

>philosophy is dumb
>now let me share my philosophy with you

>> No.14991963

I don't really care about any of this shit. All the other humans in society can deal with that crap, all I care about is my life and a few people that are important to me. All of those things are just hysterical circuses, anyway. Why bother put stock in something if it's all just a bullshit charade?

I can see why you'd say that. I've come to this conclusion because I see it all as unnecessary. I can live a happy life without needing to waste my time in shit like philosophy, so why bother? I see it as only logical.

I think you know what I mean, anons, don't be dense. I'm talking about the big existential questions. I don't see anyone go down those rabbit holes and come out happier. If you disagree with this point, give me a good argument.

>> No.14991974

Philosophy is uplifting. Stop reading depressing Frankfurt School Jews who hated themselves and read the Greeks.

>> No.14991980

Crongrats anon, you have just taken part in philosophy

>> No.14991985

i think you don't know what you mean
whatever you were doing you were doing it wrong
stop and try it later on don't waste more time you are not ready for any of it yet

>> No.14991987

>all I care about is my life and a few people that are important to me
This is a system of ethics

>> No.14991988

And yet you have subscribed to a hedonistic philosophy that does nothing but betray your own talentlessness in every domain of work and thought. Isn't it funny that only the unhappy excessively care about feeling "happy"? I would too if I was a talentless slave loser with bad genes.

>> No.14991993

Some have a natural inclination that can be borne from many things, some being natural genius others purely a cope and everything in between. What you are stating is also a philosophy in a way - be happy and have love. I like philosophy so I research it even if I don't go anywhere with it. If anything dealing with the overall UI of net 2.0 and the 21st century that most people willingly participate in makes me want to rip my brain out

>> No.14992008

The only legitimate philosophy is moral philosophy that tells you what is the "good" way to live. Everything else is a pointless rabbithole. If you love your neighbor as yourself, you're headed in the right direction.

>> No.14992011

You are trying to justify getting depressed after doing philosophy, but it's mostly just you buddy. I read it and I think about it because I find it interesting. Some people are just curious and not easily depressed

>> No.14992015

What, exactly, makes you "happy" if not intellectual pursuits? Just cooming? Eating candy? Bungee-jumping?

>> No.14992025

I would ask for some recs, but honestly, I wouldn't read them. Thanks for the input, though.


Lmao what? I know what I mean, but I sure as hell don't know what you do. You sound elitist af, though.

I don't really care, anon.

This is a board full of a bunch of writers and that's the most creative insult you can come up with? Your attempt to feel superior might satisfy you, but it's pretty hard for me to take seriously.

>> No.14992034

bro, you just want attention
just quit it

>> No.14992043

>I don't really care about any of this shit. All the other humans in society can deal with that crap, all I care about is my life and a few people that are important to me. All of those things are just hysterical circuses, anyway. Why bother put stock in something if it's all just a bullshit charade?

How do you know it is a bullshit charade without a philosophy that distinguishes between the real and the false?

Why the emphasis on happiness? That too is a philosophical position, my man.

>> No.14992060

What is happiness?

>> No.14992064
File: 40 KB, 246x246, pepespirit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy is only bad if you're forever getting cucked by pointless 'intellectual' ruminations of false self

If you find the truth that shake your core being and removes all illusion you find true eternal timeless satisfaction.

>> No.14992067
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>stares philosophically

>> No.14992084

I can't tell what you're talking about, please explain.

Nah, moral philosophy is a bunch of bullshit, too. The government is a shitshow, but it does the job at the very least. I don't really have to give a fuck about the law or any nuances involved in it. I live in a first world country. On the most part, I can do my thing and get by just fine. How will debating the intricacies of the trolley problem enrich my life? I'm not a fucking judge, I'm a programmer. It won't.

Intellectual discussions are interesting for a time, but I quickly stop giving a fuck. I used to want to become a therapist because I find psych interesting and I thought helping people makes me happy, but then I realized I was lying to myself and caring about everyone was a drag. Expressing myself through art, having a significant other, being financially stable, the usual human pleasures, etc make me happy. All of these things are pretty simple when you break them down. Philosophy doesn't really enrich them for me.

At first I was just bored and wanted to fling something into the void, but now I'm kinda having fun, so no. Who knows, maybe I'll learn something?

>> No.14992095
File: 60 KB, 203x205, 4564646464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masters of Philosophy
27:6.1.Next to the supreme satisfaction of worship is the exhilaration of philosophy. Never do you climb so high or advance so far that there do not remain a thousand mysteries which demand the employment of philosophy in an attempted solution.

27:6.2.The master philosophers of Paradise delight to lead the minds of its inhabitants, both native and ascendant, in the exhilarating pursuit of attempting to solve universe problems. These superaphic masters of philosophy are the "wise men of heaven," the beings of wisdom who make use of the truth of knowledge and the facts of experience in their efforts to master the unknown. With them knowledge attains to truth and experience ascends to wisdom. On Paradise the ascendant personalities of space experience the heights of being: They have knowledge; they know the truth; they may philosophize—think the truth; they may even seek to encompass the concepts of the Ultimate and attempt to grasp the techniques of the Absolutes.

>> No.14992102

I see philosophy more of an end itself. It's a sweet for those who like it

>> No.14992110

the fact that you only do things that make you happy exposes that you have never put in any sort of effort, and are mediocre at everything you love to do. This is why you are so bored and spend time "flinging stuff into the void".

>> No.14992112

Everyone in this thread is pulling this "but your philosophizing right now!" card as if this trumps the point that I was making in the op that I know all of you knuckleheads can pick up on. All of you are making life so much more difficult than it needs to be. Life is pretty straightforward, really. You don't need to ruminate upon every tiny thing to get by.

How does this dumb ass question change what I'm saying?

I already found that. We all know what we have to do in life, there's just bullshit, either internal or external in the way of that. The endless rabbit hole of philosophy is just another web of bullshit in between you and the obvious path in front of you. Life is really not that complicated, anon.

>> No.14992128

Hmm, now this is some good material. Expand upon it, please, this is the only post so far with any good substance.

>> No.14992171

No, faggot. You only ask for me to repeat myself because you are again too lazy to think about what I said.

>> No.14992182

Damn, that's a good point. I did end up getting something from this shitposting thread, thanks anon.

>> No.14992189

what an insufferable person

>> No.14992190

wordly philosophy is dumb, that's why we have theology and revelation

>> No.14992197

>Nah, moral philosophy is a bunch of bullshit, too. The government is a shitshow...
I'm not talking about the government, I'm talking about how you personally interact with other people on a day-to-day basis. As a programmer, you should understand that there has to be a system in place wherever a decision has to be made (eg. boolean logic, true vs false). Without the capacity to make moral and rational decisions, society breaks down, since all of society is based on communication between individuals and their ability to coexist peacably.

>> No.14992198

Stating "Do what makes you happy. That's all that matters", and substantiating that with appeals to common sense is a philosophical argument. Egoists make similar arguments. But one problem you face among many is when I state that what makes me happy is killing children. Is that something you believe I should do?

>> No.14992209

>All you're going to get is depression, anxiety and existential panic like every other philosopher.
If you are weak-willed, cowardly and incompetent, then of course philosophy is not for you. You would naturally be better off as cattle, without the slightest concern for why you might be herded towards the slaughter.

>All that unironically really matters is that you're happy and have love
But I already have those things, anon. Why should I not also expand my own awareness of the world, if I firmly believe it would make existence more rich and rewarding for me?

>Do what makes you happy.
Whether you like it or not, this is a philosophy in of itself. You are currently endorsing a philosophical position. What if philosophy makes me happy? Who are you to tell me otherwise?

>Philosophy is dead in the modern age.
Because most people (hint hint) in the modern age are braindead.

>> No.14992266

>Expressing myself through art, having a significant other, being financially stable, the usual human pleasures, etc make me happy.

Such a pitiful existence yours will be then! To live, unthinking, pulled here and there by the strings of instinct. Such, as so many others, blind folded and (in your case) deliberately unobserving consciousnesses, will die like a dog with the same degree of understanding about reality as it.

>> No.14992280
File: 7 KB, 225x225, nap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does this dumb ass question change what I'm saying?
You're lashing out because your flimsy foundation is being questioned.
If by happiness you mean pleasure, then I no longer regard you as a human. You'd rape a baby's eyeball if it gave you more pleasure than pain.
You think this one goal, this "happiness", guides you, but it does so by way of a chain attached to the dog collar around your neck. By placing happiness above all else you become an automata.
And if you're unlucky enough to have great suffering befall you, the type of suffering that molds great men, you'll see the chance of happiness disappear. And as the lights of pleasure go out, you'll feel the darkness of the pit you're now in. Instead of climbing, you'll stay at the bottom and screech; just like a child, just like you're doing now. And you will die the most pathetic of deaths.

>> No.14992368

spoken like a true npc

>> No.14992603

Simple. I did. I'm happier every day that goes by.

>> No.14992650

If you talk about people who like to corner you with questions that have no real answer, but they've read a witty one in a book about Kant, then yes, it's lame.

>> No.14992659

Read more Kerouac and learn how to contemplate life.

>> No.14992660

>All you're going to get is depression, anxiety and existential panic like every other philosopher
Most philosophers are relatively happy. Whitehead in particular.

>> No.14992701

These threads should be deleted as spam, at this point. What do they provide substantially? It's the same tried old arguments.
Why should we have to put up with some retards angst emotional projection on our board at every opportunity? Fuck these people.

>> No.14993099

Philosophy is mental masturbation meant to be enjoyed for its own sake if you think it will save you ,you are most definitely deluded .

For inner understanding of reality or genuine happiness(not carnal pleasure) you will need spiritual practices