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14990673 No.14990673 [Reply] [Original]

Why is your faith the true one?
What does it mean to have faith?

>> No.14991073

To cling to faith is not wanting to know.

Please, stop this. Go read something.

>> No.14991498
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I think faith gives people meaning. I have no traditional faith that I know of, but I do believe I feel meaning. I believe I feel meaning from empathy. My only desire in the world is to consume good fiction so that I can continue to empathize with new and beautiful things.

>> No.14991564

Wait, do you honestly believe you don't cling to things you know, and avoid things you don't? All rationales' stem from emotional impulses.

>> No.14991753


>> No.14991910

I seek to know, discard what is wrong or faulty or whatever. I change my mind as I change the rest of my body. Where is the truth, where is the way?

Faith is not wanting to know. Faith in a platonic form is folly.

>> No.14991975

Yes, and all knowledge is based in belief, because you don't know anything, you change your mind because you suddenly 'believe' you're wrong, because you are presented with something you accept as absolute in your belief.

Causation does not equal correlation.

>> No.14992017
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>the true one
What color is this ball?

>> No.14992026

The levels of angst in this post is off the charts.

>> No.14992142

Catholicism is the one true faith. "Faith" is man's response to the Revelation of God, given through the wonder of the natural world, through man's capacity to understand and appreciate the world around him as well as his longing for the good, through the inspired holy Scriptures, through the witness of the Prophets and Saints, through the teachings of the Catholic Church, and through the life, death, and resurrection of the historical Jesus of Nazareth.

>> No.14992179

>Christian concepts of faith (pistis) were borrowed from Greek rhetorical notions of pistis.[6] Christian pistis deems its persuasion in a positive light as the New Testament concepts of pistis require that a listener be knowledgeable of the subject matter at issue and thus able to fully assent.[6] Whereas, the Greeks took the notion of pistis as persuasive discourse that was elliptical and concentrated on the "affect and effect rather than on the representation of the truth."[7] The evolution of pistis in Christianity as a persuasive rhetorical technique starkly contrasts with its meaning used by the Greeks.

>> No.14992234

There are people born 'defective', unable to find happiness in what you consider good. People who are born with mental defects which don't allow them what you tout as the privilege of all human beings, they are incapable.

>> No.14992244

Life isn't about "finding happiness". There are people born blind but that doesn't mean everyone else should stop using their eyes. God does not require of us more than we are capable of.

>> No.14992308

Okay, but It's not happiness they can't find, it's the appreciation, or the moral tendency you refer to. From birth, they are unable to experience joy at someone else's well-being, through no fault of their own, but through their mental factors they are born with, and in their apathy towards the other person, they inevitably aren't able to comprehend the 'sin' in harming him - All of this, because they are born without the ability to. So I ask of you - will you judge the sinner who can't comprehend the sin? I will.

>> No.14992355

Moral culpability requires that the person commiting the sin understand that what they are doing is wrong. If a person has the moral intelligence of an animal, they are no longer morally culpable.

>> No.14992370
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But living religious faith is more than the association of noble beliefs; it is more than an exalted system of philosophy; it is a living experience concerned with spiritual meanings, divine ideals, and supreme values; it is God-knowing and man-serving.

101:8.4.Faith does not shackle the creative imagination, neither does it maintain an unreasoning prejudice toward the discoveries of scientific investigation. Faith vitalizes religion and constrains the religionist heroically to live the golden rule. The zeal of faith is according to knowledge, and its strivings are the preludes to sublime peace.

>> No.14992383

is this a good manga, op

>> No.14992388

How do you come to believe such a thing? Nobody wakes into existence like that. And why Catholicism particularly? Why not Orthodox Christianity or Islam or Neo-Vedanta? Your words are empty rhetoric to me.

>> No.14992431

And if they are not morally culpable, they will still be judged as humans by humans. Are they not humans too, created in god's image, even if they do not possess that moral intelligence?

>> No.14992434

>why Catholicism particularly? Why not Orthdox Christianity

The true Church is the one founded on the Apostle Peter by Jesus Christ:

Matthew 16:18
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

>or Islam or Neo-Vedanta

Revelation from God ended with the death of the last of the original 12 Apostles which was revealed once and for all in Jesus Christ:

Catechism of the Catholic Church:
66 "The Christian economy, therefore, since it is the new and definitive Covenant, will never pass away; and no new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ." ... Christian faith cannot accept "revelations" that claim to surpass or correct the Revelation of which Christ is the fulfillment, as is the case in certain non-Christian religions and also in certain recent sects which base themselves on such "revelations".

Galatians 1:8-9
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a curse! As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be under a curse!

>> No.14992461

>The true Church is the one founded on the Apostle Peter by Jesus Christ:
why should i care about that

>> No.14992469

Because it answers the question
>Why not Orthodox Christianity

They are not in full communion with the Pope who is the successor of St. Peter.

>> No.14992502

No angst at all. The first response to that, on the other hand, is full of angst. Look >>14991975

>> No.14992539

You are both obviously infected by it, but I agree that his is more direct than yours.

>> No.14992562

Why would I believe any of that? I thought that the apologetics and mental gymnastics of the Catholic Church would be more appealing than this bunch of argumentative fallacies.

>> No.14992613
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This sounds interesting. Tell us more, please.
It's astonishingly beautiful to say the least.

>> No.14992641

Let's hear your beliefs then.

>> No.14992648

102:1.2.The reason of science is based on the observable facts of time; the faith of religion argues from the spirit program of eternity. What knowledge and reason cannot do for us, true wisdom admonishes us to allow faith to accomplish through religious insight and spiritual transformation.

102:6.3.The religionist of philosophic attainment has faith in a personal God of personal salvation, something more than a reality, a value, a level of achievement, an exalted process, a transmutation, the ultimate of time-space, an idealization, the personalization of energy, the entity of gravity, a human projection, the idealization of self, nature's upthrust, the inclination to goodness, the forward impulse of evolution, or a sublime hypothesis. The religionist has faith in a God of love. Love is the essence of religion and the wellspring of superior civilization.

102:6.4.Faith transforms the philosophic God of probability into the saving God of certainty in the personal religious experience. Skepticism may challenge the theories of theology, but confidence in the dependability of personal experience affirms the truth of that belief which has grown into faith.

>> No.14992653

ban trips

>> No.14992700
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102:0. Paper 102. The Foundations of Religious Faith
102:1. Assurances of Faith
102:2. Religion and Reality
102:3. Knowledge, Wisdom, and Insight
102:4. The Fact of Experience
102:5. The Supremacy of Purposive Potential
102:6. The Certainty of Religious Faith
102:7. The Certitude of the Divine
102:8. The Evidences of Religion


>> No.14992836

>Are you persuaded of what you do or not? Do you need something to happen or not in order to do what you do? Do you need the correlations to coincide always, because the end is never in what you do, even if what you do is vast and distant but is always in your continuation? Do you say you are persuaded of what you do, no matter what? Yes? Then I tell you: tomorrow you will certainly be dead. It doesn't matter? Are you thinking about fame? About your family? But your memory dies with you, with you your family is dead. Are you thinking about your ideals? You want to make a will? You want a headstone? But tomorrow those too are dead, dead. All men die with you. Your death is an unwavering comet. Do you turn to god? There is no god, god dies with you. The kingdom of heaven crumbles with you, tomorrow you are dead, dead. Tomorrow everything is finished—your body, family, friends, country, what you’re doing now, what you might do in the future, the good, the bad, the true, the false, your ideas, your little part, god and his kingdom, paradise, hell, everything, everything, everything. Tomorrow everything is over—in twenty four hours is death.
>The meaning of things, the taste of the world, is only for continuation’s sake. Being born is nothing but wanting to go on: men live in order to live, in order not to die. Their persuasion is the fear of death. Being born is nothing but fearing death, so that, if death becomes certain in a certain future, they are already dead in the present. All that they do and say with fixed persuasion, a clear purpose, and evident reason is nothing but fear of death–indeed, believing one is wise without being wise is nothing but fearing death.
Carlo Michelstaedter, Persuasion and Rhetoric

>> No.14992849
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Life Is Meaningless: Word Salad Edition

>> No.14993449

Ban non-readers