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File: 51 KB, 501x585, 1565628643976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14986203 No.14986203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can clearly tell when someone is a jew on this website, it's ridiculous. They'll just liquid-shit fallacies on any display of positive human thought, attaching images representative of scorn. Beware of this patter and things like "40 posts 15 ips"

>> No.14986290

What is a jew?

>> No.14986862

anyone OP doesn't agree with

>> No.14986866
File: 531 KB, 782x670, 1467210570903-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey, you're not allowed to call us out, nooooooo!

>> No.14986913
File: 775 KB, 1024x600, guys on 4chan be like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahahahaha i've never heard that one before anon

do it again

>> No.14986927

It's funny because a jock friend in class said something against jews and everyone liked
I realized that no one likes jews that's why it's fun to mock them
They literally spent 70 years to make mocking them as difficult as possible, isn't that pathetic?
Imagine being a jew lmao

>> No.14986928
File: 15 KB, 285x372, 1423759483481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry me a river.

>> No.14986940

>It's funny because a jock friend in class said something against jews and everyone liked
they liked what he said because he was a chad

if you tried the same thing nobody would like it

>> No.14986946

it's cringe and tiresome.

you think after decades people on 4chan could at least be more clever with it

saying "oy vey goyim" with a happy merchant image for the 10000th time is a lame bit

say something interesting god dammit

>> No.14986949
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>> No.14986955

He said it because he was a Chad

>> No.14986956

Counterpoint: what to you is a "display of positive human thought," is to the rest of us schizophrenic ramblings. It's time for your meds

>> No.14986957

I don't know anon people like me and laugh at my jokes, they did even when I was an insecure autist, I then realized that it was absolutely okay to make fun of kikes
Once a man realizes that he has won in life
In 90% of people you need to insult a jew they won't be able to help but smile and like you.
This works in every race and culture try it

>> No.14986970

nah, it'll be cringe when you try the same thing, trust me

>> No.14986972

>This works in every race and culture try it

yeah i know i did this at synagogue last week and we were crackin up

>> No.14986975
File: 51 KB, 500x592, ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are rather static and so the memes about them are also static, ask the jews to change their routine and I will change mine. You think this is stale? Their 'fellow white people' schtick is them beating a dead horse.

The most annoying thing about the jews are their dishonesty and complete lack of will of engaging anything you say, instead they either try to be slippery or just shut up. I mean, they know they're being huge shitty parasites, we know it, yet they will keep applying completely different standards to the goyim and trying to fuck up their host nations.

They don't want any conversation and they won't ever change, so the eternal meme jew lives on.

>> No.14986981

Jews hate themselves because a part of them is still human

>> No.14986998

>They don't want any conversation and they won't ever change

You're the one deciding this for every single Jewish person without having a conversation with a single one, lmao.


>> No.14987001

Now there's a clever joke. That's what I'm talking about. You didn't even have to use the happy merchant or pretend to talk like a caricature of an orthodox rabbi in manhattan

>> No.14987002
File: 259 KB, 720x1024, holy15_bigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are ethnical jews that have recovered from the parasite disease and rejected their sordid ways, so there's some humanity somewhere deep down maybe. Most of them probably drink fetus shakes without a blink though.

>> No.14987009
File: 37 KB, 286x450, tmp893948744645476353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're the one deciding this for every single Jewish person without having a conversation with a single one, lmao.
I have had them though and it turns out Hitler was right about them. Even when talking about things that ought to be of mutal interest and concern they are impossible to work with.

>> No.14987015

Honest question.

Did your fathers raise you to think this way about Jews or did you arrive at these opinions through critical thinking? Be honest.

Furthermore, have you actually interacted with Jewish people? I'm genuinely curious how so many guys on this website become the kind of guy who post "beware the kike" comics from the 80s.

>> No.14987020

>they are impossible to work with.

Do these conversations begin with "Get in the oven you stubborn kike" and end with "no thanks pal"?

>> No.14987025

> muh jooooooz

literal cope

>> No.14987028

yo jannies do your fucking job

>> No.14987029

>the jooz were the real nazi!
>the real nazis were gud boys, they didnt do nuffin

>> No.14987038

Fuck off /pol/ spammer, this is /lit/ not stormfront 3.0 you need to go back

>> No.14987040
File: 68 KB, 528x546, soviet kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? No, as I said, even coming from a position of mutual interests they are like fucking A. Wyatt Mann stereotypes about it.
>or did you arrive at these opinions through critical thinking?
Experience. Just like with niggers, who also live up to every stereotype about them. Being smelly and obnoxious, cowards who never fight one on one but only when they have superior numbers so they can gang up on someone and so on.

>> No.14987059
File: 54 KB, 1000x500, anti-semitic-leftist-comic1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when jews consider themselves a master race and has a racial religion around this and ruthlessly pursue their racial self-interests this is great
>when Germans do less than that it is the worst of crimes
You have to decide if you think these things are fine or terrible. You can't have it both ways, unless you're a kike, then everything goes I suppose, no consistency needed.

>> No.14987062

>Are you retarded? No, as I said, even coming from a position of mutual interests they are like fucking A. Wyatt Mann stereotypes about it.


i bet when a mod deletes this thread for being off topic you're gonna tell yourself you were censored by kikes

i feel sorry for wherever you live that every single jewish person you've ever talked to was like a cringe happy merchant stereotype

i remember the first jewish guy i talked to. he was chill. his name was ed. he wore a superman yarmulka in middle school and his parents would get pissed at him for it. this was like 15 years ago

>> No.14987065
File: 16 KB, 1361x228, jewish behavior on the internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really easy isn't it? I saved this post from here on /lit/ detailing it

>> No.14987075

>never fight one on one but only when they have superior numbers so they can gang up on someone and so on.

sounds like an instinct they developed from being a minority frequently targeted for lynchings after 400 years of slavery lmao

excep this one isn't true either. i've seen plenty of black people fight white guys 1v1 in my life while their friends watched

you're just retarded dude

>> No.14987080

>Beware of this patter and things like "40 posts 15 ips"
>this thread: 32 posts, 10 IPs
Really interesting faggot

>> No.14987081

>any time a white guy acts degenerate it's REEEEALLY an undercover jewish guy, trust me guys, for real

sounds like a cope to me

>> No.14987101

That's not what it says but ok Mr. Levi

>> No.14987113
File: 70 KB, 1000x500, open-borders-for-israel-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like an instinct they developed from being a minority frequently targeted for lynchings after 400 years of slavery lmao
Niggers aren't a minority in Africa, retard, I'm no amerifat. They might enjoy lynching one another and enslave other tribes there, but they really are the bottom of the barrel of humanity no matter where they are. You fucking retarded burgers think there's no world outside your shitty colonial states, like niggers haven't been slaughtering one another for aeons at this point, but no, muh ebil whitey lynched a couple for raping women and murdering people a hundred years ago and then they suddenly turned feral. Like holy shit, is this what your burger education shits out?

>> No.14987119

didn't read

>> No.14987123
File: 72 KB, 480x474, Rhodesia_bush_war_anecdote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No crimethink allowed, eh?

>> No.14987124

>Mr. Levi

"damn, this guy correctly characterized my stupid propaganda, he must be one of those undercover jews I was just talking about"

you're retarded and making my point for me

>> No.14987131


>> No.14987141

read about emmit till

read about how he got lynched for whistling at a white lady

and ask yourself whether it's just "niggers" that are barbaric or humanity in general

why are you chronically incapable of judging people on an individual by individual basis and need to resort to these tiresome group heuristics?

and no, it's not my burger education system that made me think this way, it's actually having black people in my family, and being mixed that made me think this way.

go ahead and call me a mongrel or whatever.

>> No.14987146
File: 152 KB, 831x1080, 9K1iUk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?
>"We white people are evil and so gay" -Aari Rosenberg
>"Fellow white people, we must open our borders" -Benjamin Silverman
>"Racemixing is great, black people are gods" -David Goldstein
When you notice a pattern, who's writing what kind of articles, what names are in publishing and what they write, film directors and so on, that they all are kikes, that's what he's talking about. Anyone can larp being white on an anonymous site, I could pretend to be a gay dumb nigger if I wanted to, but when your name is attatched the pattern is clear.

>> No.14987152

Don't bother, this kike's been spamming the thread with some of the old talking points we all know and love since reply No. 2

>> No.14987163
File: 73 KB, 600x741, 0fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I'm pretty sure I'm spot on here. When your opponents takes to these canned buzzwords you know they admit defeat. That there is nothing more to be said and all you can do now is to throw around "incel" or "take your meds" or "cope" until the sun goes down.
Wew, then of course you'd side with niggers, if you are one yourself. You fucks are absolutely savage in Africa and the only reason you can even read properly is because the retards in America thought you could be civilised. It's not the case and it was a mistake. I don't care about some 'sad' single event, the stats don't lie, niggers are killing both themselves and whites a ton. I could spam this thread with hundreds of cases of nigger savagery, but to what end? Niggers aren't capable of sympathy anyway, and only retarded white people care about people outside of their race.

>> No.14987164


yeah, you're fuckin stupid dude

you're making up greentext strawman quotes and posting even more tiresome a wyatt man crap

you aren't interested in any kind of systemic analysis of the society you live in, nor are you interested in even viewing people as individuals

any attempt to convince you of anything is like talking to a brick wall, you're probably more convinced of your own beliefs than ever. a typical instance of the Backfire Effect at work

you do you, man
have a nice life

clap yourself on the back for defeating the devil or whatever

>> No.14987180

>You fucks are absolutely savage in Africa

See how in your rhetoric, only you are allowed to be an individual, but I am to be judged by the actions of some nameless and faceless collective whose sins you memorize and list to yourself daily?

That's the problem. You don't think of people as individuals. You don't even think of people as people. and you're proud of it.

Notice: i'm not saying "crackers don't even think of my as human" I'm saying YOU, here and now, don't think of me as human. In conversation I give YOU the basic generosity of being YOU.

But to you I'm just another nigger.

>> No.14987192
File: 164 KB, 1000x750, Obviously_its_not_all_jews_but_the_number_of_them__2012d85f966f95e16f0b585f6ec4fb14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're making up greentext strawman quotes
They're fairly accurate and very representative of whatever you'd find if you went to a news site or opened a newspaper.
>nor are you interested in even viewing people as individuals
Of course not, we're not talking about individuals here.

>> No.14987207

>Niggers aren't capable of sympathy anyway,

I've given you much more sympathy than you've given me in this thread.

You should learn how to love, and not to hate. But that isn't what you want, and I accept that.

It's sad and I only wish you growth.

>> No.14987216

jeez man, are you happy living this way?

>> No.14987220
File: 31 KB, 604x516, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm saying YOU, here and now, don't think of me as human.
I just don't think you share my racial interests at all and that you belong to a hostile racial group, this doesn't make you non-human. Why are you so surprised about me taking the racial position of an European when you clearly take the position of a negroid-something-mutt? I simply do what blacks have always done, some of what jews have always done.
I have no hate, but also no illusions. I'm simply being realistic. Jews are the primary enemy of Europeans.

>> No.14987227

>jews are the primary enemy of Europeans

all jews? what about jews who are against the mass migration into Europe?

>> No.14987235

Is it really a surprise to you that many Jewish people with light skin and european ancestry think of themselves as white?

Who is and isn't white changed over time, largely due to how political coalitions are built. Benjamin Franklin considered Germans and French "swarthy" and nonwhite, but nobody thinks that way anymore. The political coalition of whiteness widened and brought more people into the fold as it became necessary to reinforce itself. Race is a social construct. I know you don't like hearing that, but it's true. The Englishman used to otherize the Frenchman and the German man. Now they are united by their "whiteness." In 1900 Italians were considered nonwhite. Now few people would think of them that way. Whiteness is a social construct. People are included and excluded from it based on political intentions of coalition building and power consolidation. Africa is host to several ethnic groups but they are all simply black in your mind. Same with Asian and Asians. On top of all this, everywhere you go are people of mixed descent. Race mixing isn't some new modern thing either. It's been going on since homo sapiens and neanderthals interbred, but maybe you don't think any of that shit is real so whatever.

>> No.14987237

Meta discussion of boards should go on /reddit/
saged and filtered

>> No.14987243
File: 87 KB, 597x720, africa_then_and_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine, thanks, but I've actually been to Africa and seen some shit, liberals who try to put them on a pedestal are completely braindead. The same fate awaits America once the anglos are done with their self-removal. That human suffering does not make me happy but I've learned to live with it, it's the nature of those people. Same as the Chinese torturing animals to death. That's just how they are and I don't have some stupid white saviour complex about teaching them to do better.

That's about all from me for now. Enjoy the redpills.

>> No.14987247

Which ones are those? The ones playing up the islamophobia to present a controlled opposition and to demonstrate that "actually, Jews cannot be the ones encouraging mass migration because they have the most to lose against Muslim hostility"?
Lmao fuck off, nobody buys your shit anymore.

>> No.14987249

>what about jews who are against the mass migration into Europe?
They are not the enemy, obviously, but they aren't with the Europeans either. They never are unless they assimilate, by converting to Christianity and so on. Otherwise their interests diverge too much and they will stab the Europeans in the back sooner or later.

>> No.14987258

well, although I don't agree with your worldview, I would say that American immigration is not at all comparable to European Immigration. Our immigrants integrate far more effectively; there are no ethnic onclaves as far as I know. Muslim immigrants overwhelmingly attend college, and they do well economically, unlike in Europe. I don't think the changing of ethnic demographics in America will have as pronounced an effect as it would have in Europe.

>> No.14987261

Some of the diaspora are probably against it actually, not anyone with power or anything, but families who are currently being bullied hard by imported sandniggers which don't have the holohoax brainwashing running and aren't being very nice to them. You know, those jews who can't afford to simply uproot and go back to the hive and are being sacrificed by their mates.

>> No.14987263

These kind of threads are getting boring now. It's not like we are unfamiliar with the Jewish question. And if some anon was a Jew, I could care less, since it doesn't affect me. OP must be a retard from /pol/ thinking he's doing us a big favour.

>> No.14987267

For sure, I can believe that there's a subset of Jews without much power that are suffering from that.
But, hey, collateral damage, much in the same manner (but at a considerably lower scale) as the architects of the State of Israel were willing to let most European Jews get killed if that meant getting the UN to tell the Palestinians to fuck off from their own lands.

>> No.14987273

>I don't think the changing of ethnic demographics in America will have as pronounced an effect as it would have in Europe.
t. 56%

>> No.14987280

Yeah, they don't really care if they have to break some of their own eggs. Plenty of middle to lower-class jews in America are in some pretty hot water too, with blacks attacking them and shit, their neighbourhoods getting flooed with crime and stuff, the greater agenda simply takes precedence.

>> No.14987282


I don't agree that European identity is fundamentally tied to Christianity. European identity exists, and it's worthy of preservation, but I think jews belong to it, and I think anyone can so long as they assimilate.

Moreover I think its valid to point out that Jews don't benefit from living in a Europe which is overwhelmingly Islamic. Jews today are so overwhelmingly, and stupidly, left wing because of their experience during WW2. But I think the attribution of Jewish malevolence, the suggestion that jews on mass wish the destruction of europe, is an unfounded claim. I think pointing out that a destroyed europe is also harmful to the longevity of jewish interests is valid. I think mass generalizing peoples, is without nuance, and ultimately an easy way of viewing the world. Moreover, If I just replace "jew" with "white man," the world view you describe is precisely identical to antifa, and the far left, which should be a point of concern for you.

>> No.14987305

>But I think the attribution of Jewish malevolence, the suggestion that jews on mass wish the destruction of europe, is an unfounded claim.
You should learn to know the jew better then, they're not very shy about their views on 'amalek' nor about their agenda.

>> No.14987312

>Jews are purely a religious group
Yeah ok
>If I just replace "jew" with "white man," the world view you describe is precisely identical to antifa, and the far left, which should be a point of concern for you.
Do you still listen to Sargon on 2020, by any chance?

>> No.14987347

i mean yes, you're correct in assuming I'm a political moderate, and that I find identity politics to be political dog shit in every incarnation

I also never made the claim that jews are purely a religious group, although you assume I do because you are an ideologue and don't know how to respond to nuanced opinions

unless you can prove that jews as monolyth hold this opinion, you are only opposed to a politicl policy not a group of people. Which means that you can retain your political beliefs, and simultaneously offer charity to individuals because you don't immediately assume their worldview. This would be advantageous to you, as it would allow greater nuance to your arguments, and perhaps it would de-radicalize you

>> No.14987373

I feel for you my fellow litizen. No point arguing with politicized midwits who have no sense of larger picture thought besides muh race. They can’t separate reality from personal anecdote, and correlation from causation. It’s so much more complex.

>> No.14987381

I might add that despite jewish biblical policies that suggest they jewish antagonism toward outside peoples, almost every religion at one point in some incarnation, expressed similar sentiment. Was it the jews who waged the crusades? Buddhists today commit genocide against muslims in Indochina. Pointing out ancient talmudic scripture and suggesting that modern jews hold these opinions is rediculous. How much of the new testament do you believe in? Do you work on the sabbath? Did you practice abstinence before marriage? No, your argument is without merit

>> No.14987411

"projection" is not an argument, in fact it negates everything you wrote by outing you as a twat

>> No.14987434

>because you are an ideologue and don't know how to respond to nuanced opinions
Funny you say that because I used to be a conservative/libertarian/classical liberal too, and I've never felt as ideologically free as when I left the right/left distinction behind (or moved further right, in your view). Suddenly I can explore different ideas among the different axes without being instinctually reactive to them or trying to justify them to my fake and gay contrived neoliberal dogma.
But if you consider yourself "nuanced" and "insightful" for extolling the virtues of individualism in 2020, what can I say man, keep watching videos of gay Jews or Anglo atheists attacking antifa and SJWs.

>> No.14987445

>beware of 40 posts 15 ips
>this thread 4 hours and 12 minutes after its inception
>69 posts 16 ips

>> No.14987449

Who hurt you

>> No.14987455

Third position is best position.

>> No.14987463

Who hurt (you)?

>> No.14987466

you're argument still holds no merit. I've explored the philosophy of the alt right in detail, nothing about being a classical liberal prevented me from doing so. The only difference is that my reason was good enough to defeat alt right arguments, and to remain a normal person. You on the other hand were likely looking for an excuse to scapegoat jews so that you don't have to take responsibility for any of your shortcomings. The doctrine of the soverign individual is at the foundation of Christianity, and at the foundation of European Identity. You're inability to see that makes you more like the Jewish nonprofits shipping in migrants on mass, than like a true European, who values merit and responsibility above all else.

>> No.14987482
File: 231 KB, 535x327, Open Talmud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take "An Etude in Kaballah" for a spin.

>> No.14987487
File: 17 KB, 423x344, f7e69e502a8c2fc773ab6002fcce4434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've explored the philosophy of the alt right in detail
Eeeeh? There is no such thing as the 'alt-right', what did you read?

>> No.14987494
File: 263 KB, 697x421, Open Borders The Wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raised to love Jews. My experience with them soured me on the idea.

>> No.14987501

ok let me put it like this, I know the arguments of the JQ. Some of them have merit. Critiqing israel is a valid thing to do, and so is critiqing dumb jewish nonprofits who assist migrants enter into europe illegally.

>> No.14987503

>The only difference is that my reason was good enough to defeat alt right arguments, and to remain a normal person
HAHAHA dude this is too much

>were likely looking for an excuse to scapegoat jews so that you don't have to take responsibility for any of your shortcomings
See? Every single one of your talking points is so tired and fabricated. I've been there, why do you repeat this as if I haven't repeated it myself and later realized how bullshit it is?
If you want to know, I once bought the de-radicalizing cliche of "overrepresentation of Jews in high positions can be explained with their IQ scores". I didn't even care about the JQ at first, since I came into the far-right through anti-capitalism, not racialism let alone issues with Jewry.

>The doctrine of the soverign individual is at the foundation of Christianity
muh Judeochristian values? Really? Plus either way I don't give a shit, I'm not a Christian.

>> No.14987504
File: 8 KB, 259x194, smoked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14987508

The "philosophy of the alt-right", however one may interpret that concept, is hardly restricted to the JQ.

>> No.14987509

right this point is the fundamental flaw in the JQ. Here is depicted a jew, who is representative of real people. What "alt right:" people do is assume this jew is an actor in a grand conspiracy to destroy the west. I just assume this jew is a hypocrite with a worldview that is inconsistent. My interpretation is way more likely.

>> No.14987513

>people do is assume this jew is an actor in a grand conspiracy to destroy the west. I just assume this jew is a hypocrite with a worldview that is inconsistent
Is there a practical difference?

>> No.14987515

your worldview is so similar to sjw bullshit that I can describe them simulateously.

"Our country is run by a small, elite group of powerful individuals with malevolent goals and self interest at heart. They hold an amount of power that is disproportionate with the country’s demographics. This is inherently unjust, and we must oust them and replace them with a body that is more representative of the real America. These elite partake in a conspiracy with media, government, banks, and indeed all relevant corporations, thereby ensuring their own fortune and the simultaneous ruin of the common people. "

>> No.14987528

yea, because assuming Jews maliciously want to kill you and your culture justifies violence against them, and justifies nazism. Assuming jews like this are just wrong, means 1 they can be persuaded to be right, and 2 that you don't have to hate them

>> No.14987540

>yea, because assuming Jews maliciously want to kill you and your culture justifies violence against them, and justifies nazism.
>Assuming jews like this are just wrong, means 1 they can be persuaded to be right, and 2 that you don't have to hate them
No, not wrong, just a hypocrite. They cannot be persuaded to reject their in-group loyality and not fuck shit up, this is a question of power. Either they are in power or their host are. They could technically be 'persuaded' by force and power, but that's more like coercion.

>> No.14987545

Where's the lie in there? Stop being such a contrarian that everything that comes out of the mouth of SJWs or whatever the skeptic community told you are the enemies of Western civilization is a complete lie and you must therefore believe 100% the opposite.
In your own description, the difference with SJWs is that they live primarily through media and no group of any kind is diverse enough unless they have an overrepresentation of trannies and other minorities, and well ultimately they're just the gay cannon fodder for neoliberal elites. Woke capital is more cultural liberalism than it is cultural marxism, not that I believe the latter is without effect.

>> No.14987547

Yeah, it's not a horseshoe but a circle. Some people are both aware of race and economy.

>> No.14987548

just think about this for a second... you don't think European jews could be persuaded to prevent europe from becoming overrun with radical islam? Jews want to be in power so bad that they'll destroy European civilization, replace it with a demographic that will in all likelihood establish shariah law and oppress them. That's your position...

>> No.14987549

>means 1 they can be persuaded to be right, and 2 that you don't have to hate them
Fuck dude, even I didn't use to be this naive during my libertarian phase. Love when you guys cry how unrealistic commies are but you posit such fantasies that it feels hypocritical.

>> No.14987565


almost every statement in it is generalized, and without nuance. What does it mean to run a country? To be rich is not to be a legislator, and the rich are in constant competition to achieve differing agendas. How than can a monolythic elite rule a country? How is it unjust if the elite is disproportionate with a countries demographics, when so many of them were not born elite. There is tremendous class mobility, rich people go broke and the broke get rich. Examples: Oprah, Elon Musk. The elite partake in a conspiracy? Again different elites have differing goals, there is no unilateral conspiracy to achieve a single malevolent end, and there isn't any solid proof prove malevolence as a motivation, it is also conjecture. theres the lie with your identity politic, cultural marxist, bullshit.

>> No.14987569

wtf you don't even believe in persuasion, and yet here you are telling us how you changed your mind about your political opinions. you're not even making arguments anymore, you're just pretending I'm naiive so you don't have to grapple with the fact that you became a racist and a bigot because it was easy and because you're shitty

>> No.14987576

also the difference is that I have proof commies are unrealistic... people have tried a hundred million people died for it. Where's your proof that I'm wrong?

>> No.14987577

>Whiteness is a social construct
Wrong, a categorical error caused by the disgustingly modern and liberal top-down, power-oriented view of history and society. White'ness' has not, ever, changed in its meaning. It is distinct from character and other value judgements, which is reflected in the American Constitution. Just because, in the past, some have been wrongly categorized, as with 'swarthy' peoples (and only then by the pale-faced elites who might consider the tanned worker as swarthy), does not invalidate or change the category of White. Does including the Aboriginal as fauna invalidate and make the 'fauna' category a social construct? No - although you may say yes, considering you believe race (the science of, phenotypically speaking) is a social construct, rendering all your opinions meaningless. You can only invalidate a category by proving it is itself meaningless or redundant in some way, which White is not, and neither is race in your mind, so I won't bother trying to explain things further.

>> No.14987591

I'm half-Jewish what do you have to say about me? I've never met somebody who hated Jews, aside from this one kid who said the Jewish religion is about making money and I just laughed.

I called this one Jewish kid a kike and he got extremely offended, then I said he was larping as a Jew because he wasn't full Jewish. Another time, I made a Jewish joke in front of normies and this goyim got offended and then larped as a Jew.

>> No.14987594

It's really ironic how this fetish for nuance actually prevents you from having any because you see everything in terms of atomised individuals. This comes through in every single sentence you post.

>your identity politic, cultural marxist, bullshit.
Your script broke, try to get it updated to the latest patch lmao

I don't believe in persuading an entire ethnic group to put my own interests above theirs, no (then again, this is what the Jews do to whites, so maybe you have something there?).

>you became a racist and a bigot because it was easy and because you're shitty
But somehow I'm the SJW hahaha
See ya in 4 years when you'll be defending child hormonization since all you *nglo liberals do is chase after the progressive left, only not as quickly

>> No.14987599

My proof is that you guys are trying to break that record by repeating those stale talking points and boring people to death with them. I'll go to bed, bye.

>> No.14987606

>I'm half-Jewish what do you have to say about me?
Depends on which half you are loyal to obviously.

>> No.14987611

>see everything in terms of atomised individuals
> prevents you from having any nuance

retard this is the definition of nuance

> somehow I'm the SJW
SJW's are racists and bigots, just like you

>see ya in 4 years when youl..

you have predicted the future multiple times in this thread. Is this a sign of a person with critical thinking, or the sign of an ideologue who thinks their ideology explains everything for all time?

>> No.14987619


Imagine being Jewish and have a bunch of goblin kekistani's tell you you're genetically evil. Nobody chooses to be Jewish, but I guess you can be guilty by blood according to stormfags. There's no point trying to please people like you if you're not "white", your entire judgement about people is based on their skin color and dna, their actions, ideas, and personhood is meaningless because of the genes they inherited.

>> No.14987638

>Imagine being Jewish and have a bunch of goblin kekistani's tell you you're genetically evil.
Jews aren't really an ethnicity, more like a culture and religion. And the keklads were liberals. I make collective judgements on collectives and individuals judgements on individuals. If someone is half-'jewish', whatever that means, and thinks of Europeans as his in-group then that is so.

The entire trouble with jews as a group is that they have no loyality to their host people.

>> No.14987662

>Depends on which half you are loyal to obviously.
Neither really I don't care, I want to retire in Switzerland, Monaco, or Japan though and think America is an economic zone and a third-world sinking ship, so I want out soon. I may try and take advantage of obtaining Israeli citizenship just to get a job there, but I probably will hate it much more than America.

>> No.14987678

Then you belong to a group of people even worse than the jews, the neoliberal bohemians. I hope you get bullied hard by the orthodox jews and purer jews.

>> No.14987689

fuck dude, I'm not with these antisemtic guys but have some loyalty to your state yea? its not all about your maximum comfort

>> No.14987692

sorry i meant that for >>14987662

>> No.14987693

>the neoliberal bohemians
Why I hate neo-liberalism and globalism? I want to live in a nice community where people actually care for each other. Japan is a bit of a stretch because I'm not Japanese, but I'm into Asian girls so that's why I said it. I don't like the current system, but mine as well take advantage of it.

>> No.14987700

pls go back

>> No.14987701

What loyalty do you want me to have? Die in senseless wars for Jews in government? Sit back while policies make the country a third world shit-hole then rebel against the inevitable? Furthermore, if anyone could be American there's nothing to be loyal to, it's a business at that point.

>> No.14987713

you've grown up in the wealthiest nation in the history of humanity, and instead of having the faintest bit of gratitude, you prove these antisemetic guys right by fleeing every country that could present you with the slightest inconvenience rather than making any effort to preserve it or improve it, at least at a communal level.

>> No.14987728

Thanks I'll live my life according to random anon on a literature board. ffs, it's an inconveince because of shit that 'anti-semitic' guys blame Jews for, so I'd be agreeing with them. Being a big stiff and dying a worthless death for some fictional notion you believe in is hardly heroic.

>> No.14987739

bro don't you have any balls.
>OH no the policies are bad! I guess i better leave the country
> doesn't care about family he leaves behind
> doesn't care about community he leaves behind
> loyalty is only to himself, and his comfort

how can you call yourself a man, and simultaneously be such a cuck. Fuckin fight for shit in your life. I'm not saying go to war, but I am saying don't fucking flee an entire nation that raised you because you're inconvenienced

>> No.14987750

If I literally cannot find a decent job, then it makes no sense to stay when I could get a decent job overseas. Grow up.

>> No.14987766

>>OH no the policies are bad! I guess i better leave the country
Lots of people do this, but the real reason is to get a job or change something up jeez.
>> doesn't care about family he leaves behind
My family hates me
>> doesn't care about community he leaves behind
I'm not part of a community.
>> loyalty is only to himself, and his comfort
At the moment, sure.

>> No.14987790

Eh, at least he's being honest about it, probably due to his non-jew half but whatever. Honesty I can respect even if I don't agree with it.

t. Extreme racialist