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File: 43 KB, 270x388, Recognitions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14984714 No.14984714 [Reply] [Original]

Not even halway through this and it has already fucked me up like no book before.(also maybe due to the quarantine).How the fuck am I supposed to define myself (traits of character,social status,material acquisitions?) in this age and how do I know if I am just a counterfeit? Also does it even matter being an original? Maybe I'm missing the point here. If someone could help me here it would be much appreciated.

>> No.14985385


The secret to those questions is in his next book, JR

>> No.14985403

Is it an "ok" reading for non-english speakers?

>> No.14985522

Gaddis was retroactively refuted by Guenon.

>> No.14985645
File: 196 KB, 1538x865, 0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not only identifying with anselm and wyatt

ahahahahaha hello npc

>> No.14985651

Why is this book so damn expensive

>> No.14985681

damn so i dont have to read the recognitions if i want the answers to these questions? i can just read JR?

>> No.14985688

$20 shouldn't be expensive.

No, they're not connected beyond Bast = Wyatt

>> No.14985745

you have to read the recognitions to KNOW the questions, the answers mean nothing without the questions..

>> No.14985762

It’s going to depend on your English skills. It’s pretty challenging in places.

>> No.14985763

there's a reprint coming out soon
I really enjoyed it as well. The bit where a retarded woman has sex with a male cow took me by surprise though. You'd think /lit/ would advertise that as a selling point

>> No.14986464

Where do you get this information about reprints? I just finished The Recognitions (2012 Dalkey Archives) and want to get JR but don’t want to spend over $100. I came here to make a thread on this please deliver anon

>> No.14986481

>You'd think /lit/ would advertise that as a selling point

none of us has actually read it desu

>> No.14986494


>> No.14986530

Don't read The Sot-Weed Factor by John Barth, or The Eye by Vladimir Nabokov.

>> No.14986551

I swear to God if I get either of these as the book of the month from their book club I'm gonna be pissed. I already own the Dalkey editions. I don't need a second copy with new introductions by literal whos.

>> No.14986565

Pretty ugly. Guess I’ll wait til 2030 for the Dalkey reprint

>> No.14986626

>How the fuck am I supposed to define myself (traits of character,social status,material acquisitions?)

If you're still concerned about trying to "define" yourself, you may have missed the point of the book.

>> No.14986677
File: 47 KB, 621x502, 1510417959141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over $100
wtf when did this get so expensive? I got mine new on ebay for like $10. I wouldn't have beat the shit out of it if I knew it was gonna be so expensive all of a sudden.

>> No.14986832

out of print books is a fucking racket

>> No.14986855

Just wanted to add that, the scene between the counterfeiter and the guy who thought he was meeting his father, was one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever read

>> No.14986995

explain how you fucking sheep loser

>> No.14987265

Sounds like you followed my advice

>> No.14988209

thanks I'll check the eye.
I cannot find any decent pdf of the sot-weed factor and it seems like I won't find any physical copy anywhere as is the case with many postmodernist texts like coover,mcelroy etc (I don't live in an english speaking country so second hand shops or libraries won't have them)

>> No.14988249

>a male cow

fucks sake, anon

>> No.14988650

I bought the Sot-Weed Factor because it sounds so much like Mason & Dixon. Is it half as good?

>> No.14988710

maybe anon didn't say bull because of the connotations

>> No.14988716

It's half as good, but that means it's great.

>> No.14988742

non-english speaker here. I had much more trouble reading lolita and cormac mccarthy in terms of the percentage of obscure words I knew/understood.As with other maximalist texts the difficulties rise with the narrative,the subject material and the countless references to religion,art,history etc

>> No.14988808

non-english speaker here too and im struggling with fucking mccarthy, should i give up reading english literature all together?

>> No.14988831

> quarantine).How the fuck am I supposed to define myself (traits of character,social status,material acquisitions?) in this age and how do I know if I am just a counterfeit?

Why the fuck do you even care, stop thinking like a high schooler.

>> No.14989010

so you are telling me that you don't care at all if for example everything you are is in a way a manufactured product ? Isn't the pursuit of originality -not originality for the sake of originality but that of a transcendental quality- the ultimate aspiration of every artist and artistic movement? In analogy, what I am and what I create is the only thing I'll ever produce and project in this world.(a mundade tautology nonetheless) .I can deal with existentialist nihilism but how can I be content with knowing that what I am cannot be original in any way? Anyways I think at this point I'm missing the point of the book as some anon has pointed out.