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14981886 No.14981886 [Reply] [Original]

If someone starts to use his inner voice and simple math all the time his IQ would most likely increase a lot, won't it? Even if he is really dumb, after a few days his inner voice will help him become self aware and properly analyze and solve problems. Those IQ tests are just that, they are not difficult and there is nothing novel to them, the patterns are obvious to anyone that actually thinks. Its more about enabling your brain and not being on an autopilot. Don't get me wrong, there can be brutal tresholds between people but we are very far from this being a reality. The brain and the thinking abilities really are like a muscle.

>> No.14981889

Guys how can I be autistic?

>> No.14981897

Stop posting this thread

>> No.14981907


>> No.14982048
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So i participated in a neurological experiment somewhat recently (it turned out to be about mindfulness, which disappointed me greatly) and during the test the chick running it started checking the electrode cap during one of the breaks saying they seemed to be getting interference in a few electrodes at the temporal lobe (T7 and TP9 (?) it could be TP7 and T9 (?), something like that). anyway, after checking it and seeing that everything was okay, they continued the test, and mentioned that whenever the guided meditation part of the test occurred the activity in these electrodes would cease and then start up again when that period was over. The woman conducting the experiment noted that it was very strange and that she hadn't seen it before, and whether i would mind if she emailed a recording of the EEG to some of her colleagues. i said sure, why not? So here i am freaking out a bit thinking i have some sort of brain cancer or something (my father died of it, so i'm worried it may be genetic), but i come in for the next session and the researcher tells me that the cap was fine, but the electrodes were picking up my internal speech! (as it turns out, internal speech activates the same area of the brain as external hearing and speaking). This was relieving as it meant i didn't have a tumor or something like that, and the lapses of activity during the meditation—so called—was due to the insistence of 'clearing your mind and focusing on the sensations around you'. But then it dawned on me that none of the other participants, nor any other test subject the experimenter had ever had, recorded a constant enough internal speech to pick up on the EEG. Now, i may just have a classic case of the 'tism or some other mental illness causing an overactive internal monologue, or it may be that my 'style' of thinking is excessively verbal, but it really struck me that most people apparently don't have a very present internal voice. I guess it's just one of those things that you are so familiar with that you take it for granted that everyone experiences the world the same way as you. weird, huh?

>> No.14982324
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The state of affirmative action and modern brainletists. Are these people even sentient?

>> No.14982389

The bait
The explorer eaten by the academic whale fishing story.
Coda, with rim-shot.

>> No.14982402

Why are you so desperate to shit up the thread? I'm starting to notice something...

>> No.14983606


>> No.14984282

If you're here, then you already are autistic.

>> No.14984683

Why don't people care about our most important feauture. Whats the point of everything else if you have not maximized your intelligence to better understand the world around you?

>> No.14984852

Why do you think intelligence is our most important feature?