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14979175 No.14979175 [Reply] [Original]

Am I missing anything?
>8 hours of sleep every night
>get out of bed immediately
>wim hof breathing exercises
>cold showers
>waking up 5am
>journaling everyday
>duo lingo everyday
>Fluent in Ancient Greek and Latin
>PPL 4 day a week routine
>run a mile everyday
>omega 3 pills
>zinc pills
>raw onion a day
>kiwi everyday
>no onions
>reading 2 hours a day
>meditating 30 minutes when you wake up and 30 minutes before bed
>Joe Rogan podcasts
>Jordan Peterson lectures
>Marcus Aurelius' Meditations
>The Bible
>Homer’s Iliad and Oddyssey
>Read the Greeks
>Read the Vedic texts
>read the Poetic and Prose Eddas
>Read texts for Taoism and Confucianism
>Miyamoto Musashi
>Oswald Spengler
>Julius Evola
>Yukio Mishima
>Rene Guenon
>playing unmodded vanilla Skyrim
>nature walks
>Fly fishing
>Writes a page everyday for his book
>plays an instrument and practices everyday
>no sex until marriage, and no marriage until 21 as was the way of the Suebi
>experienced pure teenaged romance with a 10/10 trad virgin tomboy tsundere childhood friend
>genuinely enjoys existence and wants to have as many babies and bring as much life into existence as possible once he marries his childhood friend
>doesn’t take his meds

>> No.14979182


>> No.14979222

You forgot anal bleaching.

>> No.14979231

That's the final redpill

>> No.14979233

neck exercises

>> No.14979236
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>4 days a week

>> No.14979237

>Doesn’t consume white flour
>coconut oil
>Survive the Jive
>Classical music

>> No.14979257

fish oil is literally poison

>> No.14979269


>> No.14979276

It’s not possible every week, but if you workout every other day you could do it every other week

week 1

Week 2

>> No.14979283

You should be careful about it but there are good quality brands. I just no I feel way better when I’m taking them.

>> No.14979291

you just posted cringe

>> No.14979304


>> No.14979309

mewing is a meme, but everything else seems pretty good
Immerse yourself in your own culture's mythology and culture is all that's left desu

>> No.14979328

also to add, various survival and leadership skills

>> No.14979334

just be yourself

>> No.14979342
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nigga, the point of a split is that you let the muscle groups used on one day rest while you are training another muscle group. You don't need a rest between each training day, only between training days of the same muscle group. If you want to do 4 days a week, why not do an upper–lower split?

>> No.14979353
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You cannot. You can help prepare a lasting world for such übermensch though.


>> No.14979393

Should I change to 6 day a week ppl then?

>> No.14979437


just alternate bruh, upper-lower

anal bleaching is a good idea too

>> No.14979457

6 days a week is the typical PPL, yes. Depending on how flexible your schedule is, you can cycle:
Or, if you want the same workouts on the same day of the week, you can skip the last rest and simply go back to your first push day.

>> No.14979514

you sound like you're just starting out, consider stronglifts 5X5

>> No.14981172
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>playing unmodded vanilla Skyrim

you almost got me. better luck next time.

>> No.14981487

You and many like you don't know what ubermensch means, all this training and nonsense, unless they are the ends of your own sincere will, and not just things to do because 4chan/church/others say so.

Read Nietzsche.

>> No.14981503

No, have sex instead.

Doesn't work unless you are a child. Also, vanity is a sin.

>8 hours of sleep every night
>get out of bed immediately

>wim hof breathing exercises
>cold showers
>waking up 5am
>run a mile everyday
Why not.

>journaling everyday
>duo lingo everyday
>Fluent in Ancient Greek and Latin

>PPL 4 day a week routine
Don't know what that is.

>omega 3 pills
>zinc pills
Pointless, just have a good diet.

Btw you won't be able to do all those exercises and studies everyday.

>> No.14981509

Ok but when will you have time to work? Or are you supposed to do all of this while being a NEET?

>shut up mom, don't tell me to move out, I'm about to become an ubermensch!

>> No.14981556


>Napkins in the table, honey

>> No.14981587

pretty much this, people need to analyze what's most important, prioritize it and the rest put off when they have free time/or not every day

>> No.14981654

Mewimg works op. Do both hard mewing a few timed at day and soft mewing 24/7

>> No.14981681

How to hard mew

>> No.14981685

Run a mile a day. Lol. Maybe if you are 90-100 years old. Run 10 miles a day you pussy.
>"Yeah bro I'm an endurance athlete, I can run for 10 minutes without stopping, don't do any more because I'll lose my gains bro."


>> No.14981744

>8 hours of sleep every night
>waking up 5am

>> No.14981747

Fluent in Ancient Greek and Latin.
Pres X to doubt

>> No.14981766

Yeah, pretty much this. Learning Latin, let alone Greek is an absolutely Herculean task. Judging by how basic and common his other interests are, I highly doubt he has the self-discipline and motivation required to do something like that. He seems like the stereotypical subscriber of some manosphere ideology. His reading list is equally laughable. Most of the books by themselves are acceptable, but it's obvious he got memed into a reading list. Not something I would brag about on the internet.

>> No.14981964
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>> No.14982090

This is just silly.
You not seem to understand what an ubermensh is. It is about dying. Killing your past self to become something more. I do not understand what are you trying to become; what direction are you going to; what path are you following.
This is just a list of cliches of alt-rights, which is ok, but has nothing to do with Niche

>> No.14982138

You can tell that this poster is just as dumb, if not more dumb than the OP.

>> No.14982164

>>kiwi everyday
>tfw allergic to kiwi and can thus never become übermensch

>> No.14982193

You forgot to convert to Christianity.

>> No.14982636

You cannot. You may only lay the fertile soil by becoming a free spirit.

>> No.14982688

Nice bait
>Duolingo every day
Pleb detected

>> No.14982703

No, instead do them because Neechee said so.

>> No.14983056

Gay endurance runners have shit bodies, you should train to be the chad sprinter.