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/lit/ - Literature

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14978466 No.14978466 [Reply] [Original]

I was recently gifted this book. I have read none Nietzsche and I'm wondering if this a good place to start. Thanks in advance.

>> No.14978482

It is in the sense that it is written like a novel, so it's barrier to entry is lower than his other work which references many of the philosophers before him. It is a bad place to start because it is a dense metaphorical representation of many of his key thoughts put into parable. It is very easy to misinterpret what he is saying. Some may thing that it's bad to read it because you may get the wrong idea about it and his writing is so strong that you will forever think you are interpreting it correctly. But others may say that you should read the primary text and decide for yourself and reading anything is better than reading nothing. It's up to you on how easily you are swayed by the content you digest and how much a midwit you think you are.

>> No.14978531

That was a well put answer, pretty much exactly what I was looking for. I've decided that I will read it, but accept I will likely misunderstand at least some of it. Maybe I'll use some kind of online companion as I get through it.

>> No.14978655

It's not. Read Twilight of the Idols first.

>> No.14978663

Read The End of Faith by Sam Harris nd you don't really need to read any philosophy after that..

>> No.14978674

bad take, obvious shitpost, here is your (you)

>> No.14978700

wrong. just because you can't deal with the fact that the ubermensch of neuroscience solved all the problems of philosophy doesn't make it not true.

>> No.14978714

Oh god shut up

>> No.14978729

accept it, it's easier once you accept it

>> No.14978988

Thus Spoke Zarathustra should be the last thing you read of Nietzsche, to get accustomed with his writing style you should read in this order :

The Gay Science

Beyond Good and Evil

On the Genealogy of Morals

Twilight of the Idols

The Birth of Tragedy

Unfashionable Observations (What we usually call Untimely Meditations

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Ecce Homo

The rest

You can mix and match the order a bit if you want, but I recommend sticking to it.

>> No.14979129

read byge or genealogy of morality instead. tsz has lots of interesting observations but the style/concept is very cringe

>> No.14979153

I read the inferior translation (the "thus spake" one) as a complete philosophical illiterate at 16. Needless to say I gained nothing from it save a couple more obscure words in my active vocabulary.

>> No.14980205
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What about "Dawn" or "Daybreak".
I feel like I'm gonna like it.

>> No.14980263

>that pic
Surely it's just a coincidence that /his/ has the most reddit and /leftypol/ migrants infesting it.

>> No.14980390

definitely. It is unironically worse than /pol/ often. Just due to regular migrants rather than a particular political leaning. It has the most retarded takes.