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14977940 No.14977940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Femanon here, I am always very confused at why men are so obsessed with sex. Are there any good books on this topic?

Men take up the vast majority of traffic on porn sites, both paid (things like onlyfans are nearly exclusively bought by men) and free.
Sites like /soc/ where people post there own nudes have nothing but men whoring themselves out.
The vast majority of rape and sexual assult is commited by men.
The vast majority of sexual perversion (pedophilia, furry, etc.) is seen within men.
Men outnumber women on dating apps by almost double in some areas.

People always want to criticize women for being sluts, but it is men which give them the platform to do it and encourage them all the while. The average man versus the average woman is almost a monkey compared. to the woman.

Why are men such brute creatures? Is there any book that accurately describes this?

>> No.14977947

The Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.14977966

Simple biological reasons. Men can potentially have thousands of children with almost zero cost to themselves. Women can have maybe 30 kids over their lifetime max and each of those have a significant resource cost to be born. Quantity over quality is the name of the game for men while the opposite is true for women

>> No.14977967

>books that describe this
Are you looking into learning or reading random fiction by some random pseudo?
Men can and should impregnate many women, once it has an orgasm though, it can die, but after some time he will be able to go look for the next female to impregnate
Females can have multiple orgasms however, meant to last longer than man precisely so men can finish impregnating. Women however are not as horny, they ought to get laid only once a year if they are to have babies

>> No.14977986


She looks turned on by those filipino lads

>> No.14978005

Ah shit nigga another bait

>> No.14978022

>People always want to criticize women for being sluts, but it is men which give them the platform to do it
Complete BS. Stats shows for dating apps that women only dates the best looking men

>> No.14978028
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This might do it for you

>> No.14978035

>obviously uncomfortable
>turned on
and you wonder why you don't have a gf.

>> No.14978048


>> No.14978055

Being selective is the opposite of being a slut.

>> No.14978061

You don't even need a book to explain this. Women have wombs, men want to rent realestate in them. Women want their wombs used but since they own them and are wanted they can negotiate for a good price. Every difference between man and woman follows from this distinction

>> No.14978065

Women shall be replaced by autonomous anime pillows in two decades...heed my words...my virgin brothers...

>> No.14978071

>implying all women want kids
I sterilized myself and I'm happy I did. If I had children I would burn them. Death to my offspring.

>> No.14978072


Men have penises, women want men's semen. Men want their penises used, but since they own them and are wanted they can negotiate for a good price.

>> No.14978094

That picture is basically just "ad hom sucks" with more words. I did not ad hom, I pointed out that the anon was obviously wrong and just said one consequence of their wrongness. Think for yourself.

>> No.14978103

wrong. Semen is worth far less because it can be produced constantly and comes in effectively limitless supply. Women have the bottleneck with finite womb space and womb time. Renting out another person's organ is totally different than using someone as a fluid dispenser.

>> No.14978110

>womb space and womb time
Useless shit. Abort, kill, destroy.

>> No.14978127

When women commonly sleep with 5-10+ people at least if not way more that's not being selective, that's being a slut

>> No.14978142

that's great sweetie

>> No.14978147

5-10+ people out of millions thirsty is selective.

And having sex is not having children. That one time I was pregnant I didn't want it and I aborted it.

>> No.14978149
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>posting unsolicited antinatalist sentiments

>> No.14978156

Nothing about what OP said. Men still commit the majority of rapes, sexual crimes, pedophilia, pay for the most porn etc. Men think with their dick. I am right now arguing against a phallus, not a person. Come back when you have a better argument than an incel bait image.

>> No.14978158

OP, like most women who use the Internet, is deeply mentally ill. Sage and move on, folks

>> No.14978166

Antinatalism is the way. Children are nothing but a burden on women.

>> No.14978173

Are they supposed to date the worst-looking men? I don't understand your point.

>> No.14978185

This site it unironically shit. Modern men are trash and so are modern women. If you can't see the flaws of your own sex and only that of the other's, you're a dumb bitch

>> No.14978220

Until you hit 80 and suddenly no one is around to take care of you any more. You think this way because you're young and capable, but one day time is going to make fools of us all OP.

>> No.14978226

sharpie in pooper

>> No.14978227

Only dumbfucks think with their dick, you putting a label on every guy saying that he thinks with his dick and will 100% commit a sexual crime. And according to those statistics you're so fond of, female teachers take advantage of male students more than male, and when such crime is found out it isn't treated as pedophilia and/or rape

I would say come back when you yourself have a better argument on the topic, but I'd rather not have you come back to this board ever again, misandrist cunt.

>> No.14978238

unironically read Atomised by Houellebecq

>> No.14978250

Not him and idc about your argument, but I think male teachers are better at not getting caught / boys brag more than girls

>> No.14978257

>Men take up the vast majority of traffic on porn sites, both paid (things like onlyfans are nearly exclusively bought by men) and free.
The last ten years I have heard it over and over again that women watch as much porn and think of sex as much as men.
>The vast majority of sexual perversion (pedophilia, furry, etc.) is seen within men.
Prove it. Females pedophiles are getting away with a slap on the wrist or the victims aren't believed. Same with female sexual assualt and rape.
>Men take up the vast majority of traffic on porn sites, both paid (things like onlyfans are nearly exclusively bought by men) and free.
>Sites like /soc/ where people post there own nudes have nothing but men whoring themselves out.
What. Nice contradiction.
>Why are men such brute creatures?
Women don't want gentle men.

Bait thread though

>> No.14978259

In some key areas of life that can be quantitatively measured with normal distributions, men have taller tails than women despite both sexes sharing the same average. So while men and women are on average equally intelligent and capable men have more absolute retards and more geniuses. Men have more prisoners wasting their lives in jail and more CEOs and Leaders. Men have more incels who die for ever alone and more Chads with 10 side girls. Men are simply more statistically extreme. (Empirically observed). This can be attributed to testosterone, which is produced more in males (comes mostly from testicles) than females, and which contrary to popular belief it does not necessarily translate into more violent behavior, but into stronger expression of whatever behavior tendency the person already has. (Sapolsky).
That makes evolutionary sense: Since it is energetically cheaper for men to produce sperm than it is for women to produce eggs, evolution generated a male-competition based selection, where men have to choose their strategy and women have to select a winner (Dawkins).
That type of competitive lifestyle among men generates niches in specialization, with multidimensiomal hierarchies. Some men dedicate their lives to business because that is their chosen hierarchy, some others dedicate their lifes to crime as chosen hierarchy, because that is the niche that is available to their class or economic situation and they feel empowered (and reproduce) by succeeding in that hierarchy, some men dedicate to research and science as their chosen hierarchy, etc. Men live this competition by escalating in their hierarchy of choice.
Women as selectors have a different evolutionary strategy: A woman has more probability of passing her genes by staying in the average, because the majority of them always reproduce. It is not energetically efficient to go to extremes, they do not require to prove that they are in the higher tail of any hierarchy to signal value to mate. It's evolutionary advantageous to be average.

So most men you will see on/soc/, or those who send you dick pics, or those who are sexually perverse, are the lower tail losers who make too much noise compared to the average woman or the successful man. Their ugliness of attitude stands out in society as the worst type of human being because we have no reason to complain about decent men (who do exist but we never point out) and women, who naturally play it safe. The brute creatures you mention are existentially screaming to the universe that they do not like being lower tails and that is expressed by their insecurity, by their frustration and/or by open degeneracy.

tl;dr some men are just trash

>> No.14978262

And this reduces to the bio-logic of the gonads. Men produce sperm en mass, and are reproductively mobile, they can "pump and dump" to use a technical term. Women have a fixed number of eggs, only a fraction of which are viable, and they are also saddled with pregnancy. Because of the larger investment women must make they instinctively are choosier about who they fuck and incentivized to be more monogamous. Meanwhile men are more designed to play the field. Mind you that these are biological dictates engrained through millions of years of genetic encoding and do not factor in modern contraceptives. But if you had to gendered sexual behavior to its most basic causes, it comes down to the disparate opportunity costs of the sperm versus the ovum.

>> No.14978263

As if, anon. The idea of forcing people to wipe my ass because I'm too old to do it myself is disgusting. When I can't take care of myself anymore that's when I know my time has come, and I hold no grudges to that.

>> No.14978267

That's what whores would say
Women want to play the victim by saying men make them do it but actual data shows they're just as vain as men are

>> No.14978270

You're saying two different things
>men are better at not getting caught
>men don't keep their mouth shut
Apparently, they're simultaneously masterminds at not getting caught, and yet are too stupid not to constantly be bragging about it.

>> No.14978273

Whores would get paid.

>> No.14978274

What if I told you your time has already come?

>> No.14978275

You posted an image putting a label on all women as nothing but holes lmao dude get out of here. If you are going to play that game, so can I. The point still stands that men commit vastly more rapes, especially violent ones. Your guesswork doesn't change that.

One in five women compared to one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives.
From National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)

If you try to claim men are some innocent little creatures, you are not fighting a winning battle buddy.

>> No.14978276

>But if you had to *reduce gendered sexual behavior

>> No.14978279

My organs haven't started failing me yet, so nah.

>> No.14978285

There's not contradiction there. Can you read? Doesn't look like it lol. OP said that men make up most porn sites. Porn boards like /soc/ are dominated by men posting their own nudes. Lmao you are illiterate.

>> No.14978294

It probably has to do this with this prevalent myth of biological determinism that no matter what factors of success you have, as a male of a species and a sexual being, you must procreate.
The obsession translates into talk about alpha males and sexual conquests and resentments against 'chads' and 'brads' who 'fuck' 'stacys' and hinges all of the subjects insecurities on the lack of sexual fulfillment.
Sex is also nice to look at, not in the sense of the act but as an aesthetic thing, and then it becomes all too easy to chase the image for some momentary pleasure that is never as satisfactory as doing it with somebody you love.

Ironically, because we have become so obsessed with the myth, we lost the opportunity to truly look at each other with love in our eyes. An orgasm is meaningless, but this socio-biological myth has deluded itself into letting us think that sexual conquests is the end all of our lives.

But maybe I'm speaking too absolutely

>> No.14978297

>bringing out the age old debunked 1 in 5 statistic
OP, I...

>> No.14978316

Why does the statistic matter? Are you going to argue that women don't get raped significantly more often than men?

>> No.14978322

(a) Black, M. C., Basile, K. C., Breiding, M. J., Smith, S .G., Walters, M. L., Merrick, M. T., Stevens, M. R. (2011). The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 summary report. Retrieved from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control: http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/NISVS_Report2010-a.pdf

(b) Cullen, F., Fisher, B., & Turner, M., The sexual victimization of college women (NCJ 182369). (2000). Retrieved from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/182369.pdf

(c) Duhart, D. (2001). Violence in the Workplace, 1993-99. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Available at https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/vw99.pdf

(d) Finkelhor, D., Hotaling, G., Lewis, I. A., & Smith, C. (1990). Sexual abuse in a national survey of adult men and women: Prevalence, characteristics and risk factors. Child Abuse & Neglect 14, 19-28. doi:10.1016/0145-2134(90)90077-7

(e) Gross, A. M., Winslett, A., Roberts, M., & Gohm, C. L. (2006). An Examination of Sexual Violence Against College Women. Violence Against Women, 12, 288-300. doi: 10.1177/1077801205277358

(f) Hanson, R. F., Resnick, H. S., Saunders, B. E., Kilpatrick, D. G., & Best, C. (1999). Factors related to the reporting of childhood rape. Child Abuse and Neglect, 23(6), 559–569.

(g) Heenan, M., & Murray, S. (2006). Study of reported rapes in Victoria 2000-2003: Summary research report. Retrieved from the State of Victoria (Australia), Department of Human Services: http://mams.rmit.edu.au/igzd08ddxtpwz.pdf

(h) Lisak, D., Gardinier, L., Nicksa, S. C., & Cote, A. M. (2010). False allegations of sexual assault: An analysis of ten years of reported cases. Violence Against Women, 16, 1318-1334. doi:10.1177/1077801210387747

(i) Lonsway, K. A., Archambault, J., & Lisak, D. (2009). False reports: Moving beyond the issue to successfully investigate and prosecute non-stranger sexual assault. Retrieved from: https://www.nsvrc.org/publications/articles/false-reports-moving-beyond-issue-successfully-investigate-and-prosecute-non-s

(j) Miller, T. R., Cohen, M. A., & Wiersema, B. (1996). Victim costs and consequences: A new look (NCJ 155282). Retrieved from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/victcost.pdf

(k) National Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation. (2012). National Plan to Prevent the Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children. Retrieved from http://www.preventtogether.org/Resources/Documents/NationalPlan2012FINAL.pdf

(l) National Sexual Violence Resource Center. (2011). Child sexual abuse prevention: Overview. Retrieved from https://www.nsvrc.org/publications/child-sexual-abuse-prevention-overview


>> No.14978323
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kys you absolute redditor gargle cum nigger faggot piece of shit, kys and dont come back.

>> No.14978324

Men are disgusting and desperate, so even when they perform 100000000000000 sexual things that lead nowhere and they see a woman performing 2-3 sexual things that are successful, they immediately get jealous and act like women do 100000000000 sexual things too.

This is why men deserve no sympathy. When a little boy acts up, tell him you hate him, never show him any love. Teach him a lesson. Treat males with hate, drive them to suicide. That's all they deserve.

>> No.14978334

Define rape. Anyway, it doesn't matter, women love being raped and they try to change society so they can get raped more often.

>> No.14978342

Lmao, ask me how I know you're an incel.

>> No.14978344


That doesn't mean rape is good

>> No.14978345

>An orgasm is meaningless
Women who orgasm report less stress, many masturbate simply as an efficient way to de-stress. Of course a vibrator does the job great.

>> No.14978347

For fucks sake I wasn't the guy that posted the image, maybe I should've clarified it at the start

Seeing how condescending you're getting suggests that you're a massive r3dditfag. But instead of arguing a bullshit statistic suggesting one fifth of women are raped is simply not true, anywhere except a civilised 1st world country.

None of us humans are innocent, we are scum who should be wiped out faster than the dinosaurs. But instead of arguing with some baiter on an imageboard I'd rather leave you in a ditch.

>> No.14978348

Yeah that's definitely why rapists are universally hated in society, get off my board you incel. Your mind is corrupted by the porn you pay for.

>> No.14978350
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>this is what progressive dykes actually believe

>> No.14978352

Triggered, conservacuck?

>> No.14978357
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kys redditor and dont come back to make 4chan worse than it is right now.

>> No.14978358

Notice how you aren't arguing my point but shifting to ad hominem le evil reddit man :((
Men are practically monkeys compared to how much they let their sexual urges control them.

>> No.14978367

Jews have finally destroyed gender relations. I'm off to my bunker. RIP West, gg

>> No.14978368
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Only men hate rapists and women are the biggest consumers of violent porn.

>> No.14978375

Men living in the heads of dykes rent free

>> No.14978385
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Lmao, I'm not a cuckservative, they pretty much agree with you dykes.

>> No.14978388

Notice at how angry this thread makes the incels. They spend all day fapping to degenerate pornography, yet still have some imaginary ideal of "purity" guiding them. They want a "pure" girlfriend, yet are the most lecherous of all. you cannot argue with this, MEN ARE OBSESSED WITH SEX.

They cannot stand to see this pointed out to them. Their sexuality is a walking contradiction. It is just a projection of their desire for a return to sexual innocence. Hopefully they can get help.

>> No.14978398

Romance novels are anything but violent, cretin. The alleged "rape" never leaves any harm as the """rapist""" takes care not to hurt the woman, and he always ends up her docile devoted servant. This never happens in porn.

>> No.14978408

Bringing out the old "ad hom" card when you have nothing left to argue eh? Your only argument left is that all men are monkeys and will always be controlled by their urges. You realise women have as much sex as men? Consoom just about as much porn as men?

>> No.14978414

Incels want purity because they cannot control themselves. It is an ideal, a form of polarity that they seek.

>> No.14978420

>Is there any book that accurately describes this?
take your blog post else where, you're not looking for a book

>> No.14978424

That's well and good, I'm not advocating for no orgasms or no-fap, or whatever. I am criticizing the society that allows a movement such as no-fap to even appear. A movement that hinges itself on ideas such as preserving life-force, becoming more confident, outgoing, dating and hooking up, or even just for the sake of turning away from porn.
Its intents are varied and maybe, confused, but its honest, genuine response is that people find themselves addicted to porn/sex, and they feel the need to release themselves from that state

Even prior to all that, this is a society that allowed porn to occur and then allowed it to become a massive media force as well. We should not try to find a chicken or the egg here, but there is an avaricious consumer to this industry that has more or less contributed to the state men are today.

>> No.14978426
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That's a good point, they want to be violated when it comes to literature too, but I was talking about literal pornography featuring violence towards women being most popular among women.

>> No.14978436

No, they don't, that's the point. What happens in romance novels is merely a pretend, not a violation. See how violation scenes are described differently and do not lead to happy endings.

>I was talking about literal pornography featuring violence towards women
is popular among men, not women.

>> No.14978440

>all this projection from whores
Men are dumb to expect women to not be whores, but this is just pure coping with the fact that you want to be pissed on and raped.

>> No.14978443

You wish women wanted that, incel.

>> No.14978453

Incels want purity because they're virgins and out of touch with real world sexuality, they want someone as sexually inadequate as them and the traditional part kicks in as a means to cope with not being needed: they're not losers, they're just waiting for the right one who has the right mindset and is a virgin because she too thinks the world is too dirty!

>> No.14978456

The psychic state of this board is something else. You niggas are living in hell and want others to join you

>> No.14978459 [DELETED] 

Does the fact that women have complete control and choice over who gets to fuck her and when come into play at all?

>> No.14978461

Nope, all my arguments stand. Try reading the OP. Men dominate amount of porn consumed, commit the most sexual assaults by far, are more obsessed with things like dating apps / hook ups, etc. You live in some sort of incel bubble. That isn't reality. Please go outside.

>> No.14978464
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>is popular among men, not women.
I'm not going to go into my bookmarks to get the statistics I've read on that just to prove you wrong, but this is fake news. Women love that shit, not men. Men are stupid and think women want softbois when they want rapeboys.
>What happens in romance novels is merely a pretend, not a violation.
Yeah, nah, they want to get raped by dark triad lads.

>> No.14978467

no I am not an incel but I would rather a women has had sex with as few men as possible. It may make you feel better to suppose that men who want either virgins or women that have not slept around to be men who are unable to have sex but that misattribution is only based on your own desires and will hurt you in the long run with your relationships.

also this isn't a book

>> No.14978469

Does the fact that women have all the power over who gets to fuck her and when come into play at all?

>> No.14978472

> I'm not going to go into my bookmarks to get the statistics
Ok incel. Good to see you finally gave up

>> No.14978477

You can't even comprehend what happens in a fucking Harlequin novel and you pretend you have any right to speak? Fuck off, retard.

>> No.14978479

What reality? That's just as shitty as saying all black people are felons and commit crimes. Your statistics are filled with bias, your arguments - with bullshit. What happens if I go outside? What you hoping me to see? Dozens of women getting raped in plain sight? You're the one who seems to be living in some sort of misandrist bubble mate, you calling me or any others on this board an incel wouldn't validate any of your points considering you're no better.

>> No.14978486
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>sexually inadequate
Loose women are this, a good key opens many locks and a bad lock opens to all keys and all of that. High status men don't want to marry the local urinal.

This entire thread is just basically the female variants of incels trying to cope with high status men not wanting to settle down with their blown out ass and virgins not fucking them.

>> No.14978490

My statistics are from the national sexual violence resource center, a government supported agency. You haven't even posted any statistics, nor has anyone else. You are in the wrong and your coping is just funny at this point.

>> No.14978491

The reason women have the power is that they are in demand and men are not because of those biological reasons. Dick is cheap and worthless vagina is not

>> No.14978496
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>REEEEEE, why aren't men having sex with me? How dare you?

>> No.14978499

OK coomer.

>> No.14978508

It is undeniably better for the society's mental health for everyone to only have normal, stable relationships based on mutual love. However, my point was that people who have not had sex, and cannot have sex, at some point inevitably start making things up and get extreme views based on a perverted image of the world. They're not true traditionalists because they can't see what the tradition of genuinely loving someone and having a wonderful traditional family is about, they have no such experience and they're not wholesome in any way

>> No.14978509

Pan by Knut Hamsun (only real answer in this thread)

>> No.14978512

Women can literally go out their door and yell "WHO WANTS TO HAVE SEX RIGHT NOW?" and find a passable 6/10 guy, even if she is a hamgalaxy

>> No.14978517

It's just a fact, you're free to look it up for yourself. Get married, whore.
Women want to get raped, simple as that. You can easily tell, because they not only vote along those lines, read books about it, watch pornography about it and coom hard to the thought of it but can't really think about much else besides it.

>> No.14978523

Wow is this 2014? They are based on a voluntary survey with leading questions, post the methodology if that's not true

>> No.14978524

> uuhhh trust me.. dudee... please... trust me!!!!
>Women want to get raped, simple as that.... blah blah blah.... blah...
Once again no references to reality, just your own incel porn lol

>> No.14978526

>confused at why men are so obsessed with sex
Its because to produce the most offspring it makes sense for men to be obsessed, and women to be choosy and careful. Because a woman getting pregnant is very impactful, in the wild, a man impregnating some random chick doesn't have to matter at all to him. He could impregnate ten women a day if they were there.

>> No.14978527

But they don't do that because they don't care about sex like you desperate incels do.


>> No.14978532
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Yet they are absolutely assblasted at the mere thought of a man not simping for them. Think about it. And sure, women can have sex, but their part of the mating dance is to make sure a man stays and breeds them. The promiscuous society has created a caste of men who don't fuck women and a huge amount of women who are just whores that nobody wants to stay with.

>> No.14978533

>blah blah evolutionary biology
((((((((((they)))))))))) won

>> No.14978538

Darwin's Sexual Selection.
Y'all niggas lost the game.

>> No.14978542

>they don't care about sex
Women only care about one thing and it's disgusting, they want to get violated hard. You keep bouncing between ridiculing some strawman for thinking women are/should be pure and in the next post you argue exactly that.

>> No.14978550
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I'm married and I don't watch (((porn))), please stop projecting your femoid cooming and fetishes onto me.

>> No.14978551

>I want to rape women but I'm not allowed to do that
>What can I do? Accept my thoughts are disgusting?
>No! I'll pretend women wanted to be raped and justify myself, yeah!

>> No.14978558

She's a cartoon
she's not real

>> No.14978566

no shit shes only here to vent her anger

>I am always very confused at why men are so obsessed with sex.
no you're not, you understand the biological implications. Some guy just used your vagina then left you for another girl and you're mad about it

>> No.14978567

Not sure if you're being a caricature proving >>14978028 right or what

>> No.14978570
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If I was into rape I wouldn't hold this against women, you dummy. I'd rather they'd be less nasty desu, but I'm pretty sure they're biologically wired to be into rape and humiliation.

>> No.14978572

any book written by a dude (gay or straight). we literally cant go a couple hours without thinking about banging. no matter how prudish the author is, some passage will come up where you can definitely sense him getting a chub.

perfect example is walt whitman. his whole style is "ohhhh the light is flowing through me. the wind rustles my hair and i am one with everything" but you get the vague sense that he's always spitting game at some twink

>> No.14978582

You're calling consensual sex "rape", you retard, you're the one projecting rape where there isn't any. What's wrong with you?

>> No.14978600
File: 28 KB, 353x352, aab915f183d20961c93600e0fd8113eb3731e0612ca99fc11d77ca32a7532204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she's real alright, and just like any other women she wants to be dominated. I didn't marry a stupid whore who had sucked a thousand dicks though.

Face it, the only reason you are angry at men is because the high status ones would never settle down with your ugly high milage ass and the low status ones won't even fuck you. So you're stuck as this eternal cat lady cumdump forever, either coping with your lack of children or ending up as a single mom while better women get to stay with their husbands in loving and strong relationships you could only dream of, or read about.

>> No.14978605

She's a cartoon
she's not real

>> No.14978607

Oh, so now you admit they want to get raped, because you can't rape the willing, right? Good, good.

>> No.14978616

Cope, you old hag. Enjoy being forever alone.

>> No.14978617

>he keeps pretending to be retarded
Women don't write about rape, retard. When they do write about rape, it's as horrifying as you expect. They don't want to be raped, you however, you wish they did. You are incapable of having loving consensual sex with a woman.

>> No.14978626

>Women don't write about rape
They do though, maybe you should actually read what they write sometime.

>> No.14978632

>maybe you should actually read what they write sometime
Retarded is the one who tried to give to others the advice he actually needs himself.

>> No.14978637
File: 79 KB, 356x512, Queen Medb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don't want it less, they are just sexually inhibited for cultural reasons. Women actually have more sex than men, and have broader sexual interests. There have been cultures in the past where alpha women were praised for their sexual exploits. For instance among the pagan Celts, women having a lot of sex with multiple partners actually increased their honour and social status. Queen Medb (pronounced Maeve, pic related), a pagan Irish queen was apparently so insatiable that it took 20 men to satisfy her, and this was seen as a positive thing that goes along with and cements her high social status as a ruler. Being good enough in bed to be a lover to such a woman was also a mark of a real man, just as much as battlefield victories and poetry.

So before you judge men for being extra randy, think for a moment that it's probably just social conditioning. In our culture, the "worth" of men is judged according to how many women want him. On the other hand, the more a woman "holds out" the more she is "worth" on the sexual market. Moreover, the more a man can get a woman to do with him, the higher his status.

Literally your question boils down to; "why do men see getting women into bed as a judged sport like Olympic figure skating or gymnastics, even though women have assigned themselves the role of judges of the sport of getting them naked?" The hypocrisy is self-evident, you women create the dynamic and then complain that men find the game you've made entertaining. It's a great game, and there's a fun reward for winning, but there are losers, and when you loose a very important game, the game that has been made out of your desire for personal affirmation, believe me those people will find ways to cheat, by rape, sexual assault, and perversion. I'm afraid them's just the breaks kid.

>> No.14978639

Good job btfo'ing yourself, m8.

>> No.14978642

cringe larper

>> No.14978649
File: 32 KB, 684x940, 1460073805457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew they were cucks, Christians did nothing wrong.

>> No.14978652

I know you're never going to listen to reason, but fucking bother knowing what you're talking about before speaking, anon. You have clearly never actually read anything sexual written by a woman.

>> No.14978656

Put your trip back on

>> No.14978664

Again, you should follow your own advice, actually read their stupid rape fantasies and stop acting like such a cringelord simp.

>> No.14978671

I want her to granulate my pelvis

>> No.14978683

Their stupid """rape""" fantasies that are always invariably "Oh I love it and I want it, but I can't!" Their """rape""" fantasies where the dude always unfailingly does exactly what she likes and only what she likes? Are you stupid?

>> No.14978699

>Femanon here, I am always very confused at why men are so obsessed with sex.
it's 1000% advertising.

When you hit mid 20's or early 30's the sex drive relaxes from the braindead hormonal surge it is in the teens, partly anyway from maturity partly from becoming bored of it. That's not to say we don't have cycles where we want to fuck, but that the brain is more settled and so able to be controlled by the self... buuuuuuut all of this (mostly old world teaching and modern science with the same finding) is ignored by mainstream shows and films and media, and the adult is cast as just a larger version of a child, for the sake of mass appeal.

So when the adult comes to figure this out they're stuck in an infantilized culture which, no matter what they do, won't let them shake off the advertising tropes. I think this is very bad in men but probably worse in women, who seem to pay far more attention to themselves and looks and 'social norms' and then conform themselves to that. And since ditzy men will generally follow a womans orders and conform to what she wants, then her perceptions become a self-fulfilling prophecy on the people around her.

Conversely, women have the psychology for near insatiable sex, whilst the man has about 10 minutes of enjoyment, so even that's kind of backwards.

Even more conversely, if you look at BDSM or any porn in general really you notice... what... men pleasing a woman. I mean, c'mon now, if they were stroking a giant ant hive queen with honey the socio-nomics couldn't be more in your face with what's really going on.

>> No.14978706

I'm actually a Christian, I'm just saying that the shoe could easily be on the other foot if we were in a different time and place. It's not like women are inherently Godly and pure even in our culture where apparently the whammins are super oppressed by patriarchal gender norms.

>> No.14978747

>They don't want to be raped, you however, you wish they did.

Yeah the anonoboy is right here, look up the psychological release of taboo sexuality and why people will always want to do what they can't. Psychology as understood this for over a century; so the more repressed and henpecked a man or woman is, the more they want to splurge out in weird sex.

See: Psychologist William Reich, whose work was also suppressed by the stale constervotard crowd who also blame Psychology for all of this rather than their own culture of repression and henpecking.

I mean, hell look up Dee Williams or Wenona.

>> No.14978754
File: 21 KB, 441x401, sheev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or something? Men who are into rape do the same thing, of course it is idealised in fiction. But women genuinely want to get raped and abused. Pretty sure more of them orgasm during rape than fully consensual sex. You may want to put them in the box of being pure and shit but it won't work, they're not, they're pure filth.

The mental trauma girls get from rape comes from the fact that they love it and want to deny doing so, causing a mental breakdown.

>> No.14978757

original cringe larper then lol

>> No.14978759

>For instance among the pagan Celts, women having a lot of sex with multiple partners actually increased their honour and social status. Queen Medb (pronounced Maeve, pic related), a pagan Irish queen was apparently so insatiable that it took 20 men to satisfy her, and this was seen as a positive thing that goes along with and cements her high social status as a ruler. Being good enough in bed to be a lover to such a woman was also a mark of a real man, just as much as battlefield victories and poetry.
I going to need to see a source for this. And no, your erotica folder doesn't count

>In the Trencheng Breth Féne (The Triad of Irish Verdicts, a collection of writings dating from the 14th to the 18th centuries) the three female virtues were listed as virginity before marriage, willingness to suffer, and industriousness in caring for her husband and children

>> No.14978763

coping larpagan.

>> No.14978766
File: 122 KB, 820x596, cryingfren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be the male concubine of an alpha Celtic lady
Why even live bros?

>> No.14978770

This, there is no rape fantasy, women just want to have everything they want done to them and face no social guilt for it. This also happens with men who grew up in households with overbearing and conservative parents. Rape fantasies are literally female version of domination fetish.

>> No.14978776
File: 209 KB, 500x370, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is the only religion which isn't a larp.

>> No.14978778

ok woman

>> No.14978783

Yeah whatever heathen

>> No.14978787

>why men are so obsessed with sex
Because the majority of men don't have easy access to it (or any access whatsoever in some cases). Women on the other hand (no matter how repulsive they are) receive near constant validation from men; they can satiate their desire for sexual and romantic intimacy on command. Meanwhile, half of the people in this thread probably never even felt a titty because it is not within their power to do so. Starving people crave food, etc. It's a very straightforward phenomena.

>> No.14978788

>Men who are into rape do the same thing
Rapists care that their victims enjoy it? What? Are you legitimately crazy?

>> No.14978792

Oh we got a human sexuality expert over here

>> No.14978794
File: 229 KB, 422x335, 2c7fd576b74a1583cb1af838f32750f9525d56c927c0e72ef16dc2c4aff3a09b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job removing your defective genes from the genepool.

>> No.14978795

oh ok, I'm the one who wanders around in a frock and talks to my imaginary friend God.

>> No.14978799

Oh look, a female coomer.

>> No.14978802

>a pagan Irish queen was apparently so insatiable that it took 20 men to satisfy her, and this was seen as a positive thing
>cumbrains actually believe this

>> No.14978807

>14th to 18th centuries
That was after Ireland was Christianized, dumbass. Medb is a mythological figure, but myths do provide insight into a culture's values

>> No.14978808

Weird sex != rape
I'm fucking worried you people can't see the difference

>> No.14978826

>Weird sex != rape
>I'm fucking worried you people can't see the difference
uh no I'm saying a rape reenactment or rape fetish falls into the box of weird sex: like kidnap then bondage then sensory deprivation, and weird sex even without putting a vibrator to the woman for sexual release; this is peak edging.

Nobody is talking about actual rape I don't think.

Anyway I just got here.

>> No.14978848

39 posters, 145 posts.
Some people are seriously triggered. It's kind of funny that TERFs come here now that they're being barred from leftist spaces.

>> No.14978849

Men write about rape, they write about using and hurting a woman, not caring at all for her feelings and enjoyment, and dumping her in the trash the moment the deed is over.

Women don't write about rape. They write about a man overcome with desire for her and a self-insert that pretends not to want it but secretly wants it, and even in the haze of desire the man is always careful and attentive not to hurt and to make sure she enjoys it too. Once the deed is done, he desires no other and they end up married and happy ever after.

You wish women were like men.

>> No.14978851

Books on evolutionary psychology and basically the origin of species and other books by Darwin, not joking.
The one mistake you make is thinking women are less sexual or horny animals or less driven by their sex. The ways in which men show their sexual thirst are more obvious and public (think of those memes like open bob), but when given the opportunity women also act like some kind of ancestral mammal in heat (bachelorette parties, etc etc).
Both things have similar parallels in nature.

The main reason is men suffered a great selective pressure to try and mate as much as possible, and women suffered a selective pressure to be as selective as possible due to the energetic cost of pregnancy. But in some species (many great apes, likely humans too), females had to evolve cuckoldry and other such manipulations in order to stop infanticide by males without partners trying to coerce them into sex.

So the desperate thirsty men are following their instincts, and the manipulative women are following theirs as well. It's a sad cycle, but it's extremely obvious in nature. We refuse to see it in us because it seems too harsh to believe.

>> No.14978856
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 33bfe9b7a4a3875abcdb8ee14175732135f76c0c63633af97b962b1d272277a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rapists care that their victims enjoy it?
This is the idealised fantasy of it, rape starts out non-consensual and then the woman falls in love with her rapist or whatever, starts to enjoy it. Same shit most women masturbate to desu. You could differentiate between simulated rape and real one, but there's no real psychological difference, women want rape. That's why they want no borders and huge numbers of savage rapists in their countires and vote for policies that will grant them that.

You think that mass rape of underage British girls in the UK was just a random thing that came out of nowhere? It was the desired outcome. Same thing all over the place, women want to be property, to be raped over and over again. When that kind of thing stops they get very angry and mad at men for not doing so. If they're not in sexual slavery they will burn down society until they are so once again. This has been a historical constant.

>> No.14978858

I'm pretty sure this anon >>14978754 is talking about actual rape.

>> No.14978863

hug a tree and go back to your mud hut

>> No.14978864

Did you know that only 13% of the male population has green eyes, yet 52% of rape suspects are men with green eyes? Knowing that now, will you ever feel comfortable around a green eyed man?

>> No.14978873


>> No.14978874

You're talking about niggers, aren't you?

>> No.14978877

>there's no real psychological difference
>one is wanted and the other isn't
>no real psychological difference
You're beyond saving.

>Same shit most women masturbate to
Men definitely do not masturbate to the same things women masturbate to. Men masturbate to sick, disgusting, horrible violent shit.

>> No.14978886

>I'm fucking worried you people can't see the difference


How do you explain the fact that so so so so so so many comics - things like deviantart - are all about the thrill of kidnap and rape? And that women are the most into this? Especially the weird animal-characters; the cat-ear fashion for instance.

In fact it's been Women I've known who are the most into outright death videos and public beatings and shemale rape cartoons etc etc, whilst most Men I've known just want to larp the married life.

It's obviously repression: if media says one thing then people do the opposite to escape from the henpecking; so women today being encouraged to be careerists, or actual careerist women, get off with rape-in-the-stairwell fantasies. The powerful person wants to be abused; this is why politicians famously were into being abused in fetish scenarios - back when a man coming on their face was seen as the hot kink. We don't not understand the mechanisms behind this, it's psychology 101.

>> No.14978888

>In the Trencheng Breth Féne (The Triad of Irish Verdicts, a collection of writings dating from the 14th to the 18th centuries) the three female virtues were listed as virginity before marriage, willingness to suffer, and industriousness in caring for her husband and children
Absolute Catholic whitewashing. The pagan Celts were good at three things; adultery, savage ritual murder, and headhunting. Read Roman sources about the Celts, they literally spell out that adultery was Celtic custom. From Cassius Dio:
>a very witty remark is reported to have been made by the wife of Argentocoxus, a Caledonian, to Julia Augusta. When the empress was jesting with her, after the treaty, about the free intercourse of her sex with men in Britain, she replied: "We fulfill the demands of nature in a much better way than do you Roman women; for we consort openly with the best men, whereas you let yourselves be debauched in secret by the vilest." Such was the retort of the British woman.
Literally Julia Augusta laughs at this high-status woman from Britain for being a total whore, and the British woman literally owns it.

>> No.14978890

>Men masturbate to sick, disgusting, horrible violent shit.
No, you're thinking of modern women. Most men masturbate to wholesome content, which makes them extremely unattractive to women.

>> No.14978894

>Medb is a mythological figure, but myths do provide insight into a culture's values
Can you link or name the myth, I have found three but none of them make any mention of the claims.

I found this
> Medb demanded her husband satisfy her three criteria—that he be without fear, meanness, or jealousy.
and she definitely had more than one marriage but I can't find the rest

>> No.14978895

> Most men masturbate to wholesome content
lmao this is top bait

>> No.14978899

>hug a tree and go back to your mud hut
are you referring to the Roman Republic?
*orders crucifixion*

>> No.14978900

Every time I go on deviant I see inflation or pony fanart or a combination of the two. I'm pretty sure those aren't being drawn by people with a vagina.

>> No.14978905

>Imagine a male chimpanzee.
>He is bigger and stronger on average than female chimpanzees.
>Female chimpanzees will only have sex with the strongest chimpanzee.
>He could fight the biggest chimpanzee in his group to show how strong he is.
>Or he could directly attack and coerce the much weaker female chimpanzees, without risking himself as much in the process.

Repeat this over and over on multiple species over millennia and I think you have a pretty plausible origin for those behaviors you listed. Meanwhile females of those species have to figure out ways to manipulate those males into not using their force against them.

>> No.14978906
File: 48 KB, 499x540, 7f2098183fdc50443a0cc2a8bfab996e3da65affba10e64150579f46b871976b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was bait.
>In fact it's been Women I've known who are the most into outright death videos and public beatings and shemale rape cartoons etc etc, whilst most Men I've known just want to larp the married life.
Yeah, I don't see why people even try to deny this.

>> No.14978919
File: 481 KB, 1700x1700, Dangerous-Beach-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Triad
I love Triad porn films. Those amateur rough hooker videos out of the fringes of the Orient, mm mmm. The best porn nowadays comes from these people. My hat goes off to them.

>> No.14978922

>weird animal character
Bronies are male.
>cat ear
Catgirls appeal to males.
>death videos and public beatings
Those appeal to males.
>shemale rape
Trap porn consumers all have dicks.
>most Men I've known just want to larp the married life
And masturbate to sick shit. Males are extremists; it's either the most depraved disgusting shit or the most boring retarded "nothing happens" shit for them. They can never get it just right like women do.

>> No.14978923
File: 3 KB, 182x277, 1552522376837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.14978934

People deny it because the male porn you consume and base your bias on is consumed by people with dicks, like you, not by women. You keep projecting, wishing women were into the same sick shit as you.

>> No.14978935

>They can never get it just right like women do.
Extremely violent rape or homosexual rape?

>> No.14978944

we can use the profiles on those sites to actually gauge this, like with imagefap : usually the stuff we're talking about is frequented by women, or ... you know.. "tgirl" "women".

>Yeah, I don't see why people even try to deny this.
I think it's way more commonplace than men with their princess imagery of women would ever like to admit.

>> No.14978945

nope I'm referring to your ancestors and your hippie nature fetishism lel

>> No.14978946

Extremely violent rape is a male fetish. Gay comics made by gay men are the ones who feature extremely violent homosexual rape.

>> No.14978959

Transwomen are men and have male fetishes, you're trying to say cis women like male porn because trannies do?

>> No.14978966

Women don't understand how male lust actually operates. Women think that men experience women as "the Beautiful," as something pleasant and trifling that can be enjoyed at a distance and then allowed to pass on. They think that a picture of themselves wearing clothing that shows off all their fat and all their soft skin and warm nice holes is like a postcard with a picture of a beach on it. But to men, female beauty is not the Beautiful, it's the Sublime, it's not trifling but great and terrible, and it stirs something great and terrible and daemonic in man's subterranean depths that impels him forward to fuck things from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

When a man sees a picture of a beautiful sexy woman he feels half a million years of race knowledge thrumming in his veins, an infinity of sexy women reaching around behind themselves to spread their asscheeks and pussy apart with one hand and say "fuck me." He hears the drums from the movie Jumanji, his soul tangibly but invisibly leans forward outside of him grasping desperately for the pussy and gnashing its teeth. He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

It's not fair to post these hot sluts constantly. The jezebels guy is right and this post is not an homage. I'm going to kill myself if I can't escape from this feeling soon. Women don't understand what they're doing. I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.

>> No.14978973


>> No.14978976
File: 847 KB, 480x336, 13ce475c64d817bef18fdf8af95d5190a705131b19ad0f0a473fc6655e9f2f6f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not watching it, women are. Stop projecting your sick filth onto me. Why do you women do this? You watch some kikeflix series about women being used as breeding sows, masturbate to violent sex on pornhub, write some fanfiction about characters being raped or being gay and then you come here asking why men are obsessed with sex?

>> No.14978981

>I'm not watching it, women are
[citation needed]

>> No.14978987

>People deny it because the male porn you consume and base your bias on is consumed by people with dicks, like you, not by women. You keep projecting, wishing women were into the same sick shit as you.
I don't know why you'd think this. What's the biggest turn off for a straight man? Seeing another mans cock or anus. In rape or gangbang or cum-on-face videos you can't help but be looking at dicks in the first place.

Bondage and stories are at least cerebral.

Also this: >>14978944
Also this: which has zero replies and actually answers OPs question >>14978699

>> No.14978997
File: 26 KB, 334x500, wrangham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average man versus the average woman is almost a monkey compared. to the woman.

Read this. Both are monkeys. Both are doing exactly what monkeys do. It's a direct consequence of how much energy is invested into pregnancy in each sex, and gamete production/availability.

Have you ever seen a female cat in heat or something? Have you ever wondered why female humans don't have such visible signs of ovulation? Things like this don't happen for no reason in nature. Think about it a bit and you'll see this is just the sad consequence of natural selection.

>> No.14979006

>Transwomen are men and have male fetishes, you're trying to say cis women like male porn because trannies do?
I'm factually stating that I've personally known many young women online and offline who have admitted and even publically don't mind sharing the grossest kind of porn and mutilation. And with older women, careerists, they're usually into rape fantasy for the same power dynamics I explained earlier: >>14978886
>people do the opposite to escape from the henpecking; so women today being encouraged to be careerists, or actual careerist women, get off with rape-in-the-stairwell fantasies. The powerful person wants to be abused; this is why politicians famously were into being abused in fetish scenarios - back when a man coming on their face was seen as the hot kink. We don't not understand the mechanisms behind this, it's psychology 101.

>> No.14979009

>the adult is cast as just a larger version of a child, for the sake of mass appeal.

>the adult is cast as just a larger version of a child, for the sake of mass brainwashing

Fixed that for you.

>> No.14979011
File: 46 KB, 567x425, 1494804706516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why you'd think this. What's the biggest turn off for a straight man? Seeing another mans cock or anus. In rape or gangbang or cum-on-face videos you can't help but be looking at dicks in the first place.
Yeah, pretty much all men I know fap to lesbians.

>> No.14979016


>> No.14979027

Clearly it's not like you say, because men masturbate to seeing another man's cock rape a woman all the time.

They can't be women when they had a dick, anon.

>> No.14979031

Also, what's wrong with liking BDSM and kidnap/rape/deprivation porn 'as' a Woman? Clearly the actresses are having the time of their lives and doing it because they enjoy it, and you think that despite this, that other women wouldn't watch and vicariously put themselves in the position of the actress in their desk chair with a vibrator?


>> No.14979032

Lesbians that act like men and nothing like real lesbians?

>> No.14979035

>because men masturbate to seeing another man's cock rape a woman all the time.
Not straight ones, women and fags are into that though.

>> No.14979041

>Hurr hurr porn is not the same as real life?
No way. Really?

>> No.14979043

I ain't judging on your fetishes, anon, I'm saying you're not a woman.

>> No.14979051

Feminine and hot lesbians, so yes, nothing like real dykes, but certainly not mannish ones.

>> No.14979054

Yeah, straight ones. No, women and fags aren't into that.

>hurr hurr porn is not the same as real life but I think women want to be raped because I don't understand their porn

>> No.14979072

he didn't imply anything you stupid cunt

>> No.14979088

>Clearly it's not like you say, because men masturbate to seeing another man's cock rape a woman all the time.
Not all men, stereotypist!

I mean, consider even what porn is - where it comes from; people are just filming themselves having sex for the most part, and copying what they think they're supposed to do when they have sex, forming a cycle. In my view, psych 101, I think all porn falls into the box of plain old exhibitionism and 99% is trash and unintentionally funny.

Self-humiliation porn even goes one up on that, with the cross-dresser or cum-face knowing and requesting the most vicious abusive comments, because they're getting off on that.

It's not as simple as the archetypal man just fapping over a set monograph of state produced pornography, it's almost 100% fan-made content if you think about just how much porn is out there and where it comes from, and that 99% of it is free with no money changing hands (except maybe the videomaker paying the actress and actor, to make the video from their own pocket)

>> No.14979092

>no u
Yes, women are into it 100%.

>> No.14979102

I know you have a fetish for trannies but women don't, please don't project your tranny fantasies onto real women.

>> No.14979106
File: 140 KB, 870x502, modern woman 2020 editioon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

changing the subject entirely from denying women watch BDSM then calling me a tranny lol ok you

>> No.14979107

>people are just filming themselves having sex for the most part
Most of it are filmed by jews actually.

>> No.14979108

I'm not the same person you were quoting on your previous posts, but just to give you my perspective, I think you might have a slightly distorted view of what most men want.

If you take literally all men in the world, the vast majority of them live in extremely miserable conditions in isolated places in Africa/Asia etc and their last worry in this universe is porn. Then you move onto the first world, where everyone has internet access and time to watch porn. From this subset of men you will have a large number who don't watch porn that much, or if they do, it's just the most vanilla porn you could imagine. (After all this is still the main driving force behind porn). After this you'll have a smaller subset of men who are into more specific porn, probably the largest categories in those porn sites like pornhub (depending on the country it will be "lesbians", "cuckolding", "interracial", whatever).

Then you will get to the smaller subset of kinky men, with weirder fetishes. The guys fapping to women peeing, wearing latex clothes and whatnot. At this point you'll see some men into BDSM or more violent stuff.

A smaller subset of those will be into what you say. So it really feels like it's not a representative majority, and that other anon sort of has a point. You know?

>> No.14979110

No, they are not. They are into consensual sex.

>> No.14979122

What have men's fetishes have to do with the fact women like consensual sex that isn't the boring, fetishized idealization of "purity" men are into?

>> No.14979130

You're the one who claimed women are into all sorts of weird shit because trannies are into that.

>> No.14979135

see: >>14979106

You're not really paying attention to this discussion huh, anon? Why don't you go away and fap to trannies, repressed cath-trad. Nobody is interested in your bullshit.

>> No.14979143
File: 51 KB, 540x660, buddhahurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does men wanting pure women have to do with women getting off to rape and abuse?

>> No.14979146

>keeps bringing up trannies
>claims I'm the one not paying attention
Am I being trolled? You're trolling, right?

>> No.14979148

I'm not sure what you're talking about. It's like in one post you're claiming men are into rape porn and on the next one you're claiming they idealize purity? What's your actual point.

>> No.14979150

>You're the one who claimed women are into all sorts of weird shit because trannies are into that.
No you just made that up, and/or didn't read what I said because you didn't want to admit that women were actresses in BDSM and rape fetish porn.

Idk what you're trying to argue about anymore,
see: >>14979135
>You're not really paying attention to this discussion huh, anon? Why don't you go away and fap to trannies, repressed cath-trad. Nobody is interested in your bullshit.

>> No.14979156

Women don't get off to rape and abuse, that's what you wish. As you are incapable of thinking on a scale and can only see extremes, you think women either want abuse or they want the boring sex ever, when all they want is normal consensual sex that's a little spicier than your bullshit "pure" ideas.

>> No.14979157

>Most of it are filmed by jews actually.
omg go kill yourself man.

>>keeps bringing up trannies
>>claims I'm the one not paying attention
>Am I being trolled? You're trolling, right?
are you the same guy? You must be.

fuck off already. /lit/ is not for you.

>> No.14979165
File: 41 KB, 512x564, sweetie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact women like consensual sex that isn't the boring, fetishized idealization of "purity"
So women are sex-crazed perverted whores that are always on the brink of wanting to get raped in real life and not people who care little for sex or whatever?

>> No.14979170

>As you are incapable of thinking on a scale and can only see extremes
This is projection, you think this.

>Women don't get off to rape and abuse
Because nobody here, concrete brain with rigid black and white myopia, is talking about 'rape' or 'real abuse', we're talking about the thousands and hundreds of thousands of women who enjoy watching and making rape and abuse fetish videos and photoshoots. You can't deny they exist.

>> No.14979171

Men do both. They can only imagine either a whore who takes 100 dicks all together or a virgin who's never seen a male person in her life. A normal woman who's not a virgin and enjoys some degree of kinky sex but still has her limits on what she likes/what she doesn't like is unfathomable for these men.

>> No.14979177

So basically you are admitting women are the target audience for gangbang pornos and so on? Good, we're almost on the same page now. All you have to do now is to take into account how women behave politically and you will be right here with me in the truth zone.

>> No.14979192

>This is projection
Nah it's truth. See men and the porn they produce, or anons like >>14979165 who immediately think a woman wants to be raped if she likes any kind of consensual sex that's isn't his own idea of such sex.

And no, people in this thread are definitely saying women enjoy being raped.

>> No.14979194

>A normal woman who's not a virgin and enjoys some degree of kinky sex but still has her limits on what she likes/what she doesn't like is unfathomable for these men.
Sounds like a whore desu, and has probably slept with over a hundred men. This is why women can't settle down anymore, no self-respecting man would marry a woman who has licked toilets.

>> No.14979197

also, I actually said,
>with the cross-dresser or cum-face knowing and requesting the most vicious abusive comments, because they're getting off on that.

This is seen in men and women because both desire to be at least verbally abused, it's humiliation fetish. A lot of the cross-dressing comes from that, and I'm not somehow advocating cross-dressing to mention this, dumb fuck.

>> No.14979201

I never spoke of gangbang at all, see what I say men can only think in extremes?

>> No.14979211

Nowhere in my post do I mention over a hundred men or licking toilets, that's what you thought. Thanks for confirming my point.

>> No.14979227

>This is seen in men and women
Nah, it's not. In women-made porn there's no humiliation, only the men saying he loves her and that she's beautiful, the opposite of humiliation.

>> No.14979226

>And no, people in this thread are definitely saying women enjoy being raped.
You're not reading it properly; ...ok maybe some are saying this but we're all obviously talking about the fetishism 'of' that in the first place, on part of women and men.

If it was just men, as you want to say, then the videos would consist of two guys sat at a table wondering where to get a woman, because no woman would be there. Since women are active participants 50/50 in all of these things, and it's obviously not rape but consensual, then you have to address the psychology in fact why women themselves have a fetish for all of this.

>> No.14979235

You know porn actresses get paid, right? And often accept shit they don't like just because they need money?

>> No.14979239

>Nah, it's not. In women-made porn there's no humiliation,
Oh come on, are you a child? You think this way? That every woman in 10 million hardcore videos is there against her will? This is intensely naive.

>> No.14979244

You're the one who mentions here
>>14978944 "tgirls" enjoy that shit, that's trannies you retard

>> No.14979247

>You know porn actresses get paid, right? And often accept shit they don't like just because they need money?
And the amateur videos and photoshoots which make up the vast majority of all pornography?

>> No.14979248

>sad consequence of natural selection.
Paternal investment hypothesis or Reduced infanticide hypothesis? why is it sad?

>> No.14979250


>> No.14979255

>And no, people in this thread are definitely saying women enjoy being raped.
If they didn't they wouldn't cum so much during rape or act towards the end goal of getting raped. The West was very stable until women got power and they used it to make the streets less safe. Actions speak louder than words and if they didn't want rape they would have produced safer societies with less rape in them, not more.

That they masturbate to simulated rape, write about idealised rape fantasies and so on just strengthens the argument, women want rape and it doesn't matter if they say they don't, they always say the opposite of what they mean.

>> No.14979265
File: 58 KB, 283x475, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, especially considering how porn actresses are pushed into taking drugs they are there against their will.

And that's not women-made porn. This is.

>> No.14979266

Dude, you're fucking nuts. You're a white knight who thinks women are princesses, that only horrible men and trannies are watching and orchestrating all pornography that doesn't consist of a husband and wife.

This is laughably stupid and you don't understand people at all.

>> No.14979272

Amateur videos are all violent porn? When they have the reputation of being loving and tender? You must be watching gay porn.

>> No.14979273

It's similar to how women don't have much nuance when it comes to male attractiveness. Either a guy has to have everything and be some kind of ultimate Byronic hero, or he has to be the sad failed "not a real man" virgin.

Now if your first instinct is to claim "of course not, I have plenty of friends/partners/ex-partners who are not Byronic heroes and I don't find them
to be failed virgins", I could reply by saying I have female friends/partners/ex-partners who are not "100 dick whores" and who are not "idealized pure saints".

Again I fail to see your point. You just seem like the inverse of an incel. Someone hopelessly angry at the other gender, while being completely ignorant of their nuanced inner workings.

>> No.14979285

Women don't write about rape fantasies, dude. I have no idea why you can't accept that. No sane person would call the sex in this >>14979265 rape.

>> No.14979288

Tell me something. Who is forcing Belle Delphine to sell nudes and bath water? What is keeping her from deciding "you know what, I'm not gonna do this today, even if it's an easy way to make money. I'll just take the money I already made and study Engineering. I have enough money to move out if my parents or boyfriend don't like this idea anyway".

Explain to me in fine detail why she still sells porn when literally no man could force her to do this on the first world.

>> No.14979296

You fail to see the point that women don't want to be raped and largely don't get off to rape?

>> No.14979298

It really doesn't matter what you consider 'spicy', it's all the same. Maybe you want to suck cum out someone's asshole, maybe you want to be spanked and have your hair pulled, doesn't change anything, you dumb whore. Islam is fucking right about women.

>> No.14979307

That's not the hardcore stuff, so of course it's not too rapey.

>> No.14979308

So you have accepted women's romance novels aren't rape, and are trying to move the goalpost desperately?

>> No.14979310

>In women-made porn there's no humiliation
I could probably find you a ton of porn studios, and could list you a dozen BDSM studios, operated by women, and so could you in a googlesearch.

Most porn actresses, by the way, double as producers and set out the script. Madison Young, self-proclaimed Feminist, off the top of my head, is there for you to go and learn about

But assuming you have a point here,
>And that's not women-made porn. This is.

Men are also capable of writing softcore romance novels, most films, for instance, with a love story " only the men saying he loves her and that she's beautiful, the opposite of humiliation," are films written by men and they appear regularly in the cinema.

i mean, duh(!)

you haven't thought about this very deeply. No offence, but you just haven't.

>> No.14979321

That's what the vast majority of women masturbates to, that's the stuff that is created specifically for women and what I'm talking about here >>14978398, and >>14978426 thinks that's the same as rape.

A tiny minority of women doing hardcore shit for money does not mean women want to be raped. The actual stuff they produce for themselves, >>14979265, is not rape at all.

>> No.14979329

>Men are also capable of writing softcore romance novels
No, they aren't. Not for a female audience, at least. The shit men write is always boring and void of any sexuality, see again how men can only think in extremes.

>> No.14979331


You're in an anonymous imageboard probably talking to 12 people at once. I only replied to like 2 or 3 of your posts. I'm not whoever you think you're quoting and it's pretty annoying you keep assuming you're just talking to one person. Did you come from tumblr or something?

I believe women do not want to be raped. I believe women don't get off on the idea of being raped. I believe even if there is anecdotal or scientific evidence of women orgasming during rape, this still doesn't mean they would actively enjoy it or actively seek it out of their own volition. I believe rape fantasy or being into rough sex is not the same thing as being raped. I believe even if you could find some women who have mixed feelings and sometimes wonder if they would enjoy it, it still wouldn't speak to women at large, and still doesn't mean they would want just a ton of random guys forcing themselves onto them.

Now can you please answer to my fucking points?

>> No.14979340

Women aren't into rape fantasy. They're into a consensual game of pretend. Sigh.

>> No.14979345

1 - That's rape fantasy.
2 - Re-read what I wrote.
3 - Answer the Belle Delphine question.

>> No.14979349

No he's right, with that "girl" as an example: it's easy money for her basically doing nothing, this is bad for her and against her will, you think? ok.

This reminds me of the men and women who think a lapdancer taking home $30,000 a night is somehow being exploited. No, she's the one the charge over a sea of horny businessmen, that's all it is.

>> No.14979358
File: 65 KB, 409x612, 172473684-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you so effortlessly switching between 'women are so pure and would never watch or produce porn' and 'women just don't want lame vanilla shit, they want to spicy hardcore fuckings and shit, don't kinkshame them brah'? Women aren't just as bad as men, they're a hundred times worse.

>> No.14979362

This is not your blog, fuck off.

>> No.14979365

>That's rape fantasy
It's not. Rape can't be consensual, and the author of the bodice ripper wants the sex to happen, with the initial denial and all. It's all part of the game of pretense for her, it doesn't mean she wants it in real life where she doesn't control like she does in her fantasy.

>> No.14979367

>No, they aren't. Not for a female audience, at least. The shit men write is always boring and void of any sexuality, see again how men can only think in extremes.
no that's just not true I proved that in the post you replied to: you want to argue that Romance Films written and produced by men are "always boring and void of any sexuality" when these are virtually every Romance Film you've ever seen, for decades and decades since cinema began...?

>, see again how men can only think in extremes.
You must be a man in that case lol

>> No.14979391
File: 61 KB, 438x656, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women do watch and produce porn, porn that suits to their tastes that is neither lame vanilla shit nor disgusting violent pump and dump male shit.

>> No.14979395

To my understanding that's what rape fantasy always meant. This consensual game of pretend.
Much like in BDSM "torture". It's not like being actually tortured, there are safe words and the guy is actively getting pleasure out of being butt whipped by a dominatrix. This is all a consensual endeavor, even when he is screaming "AAA NO NO NO". He knows if it ever goes too far there will be a safeword he can use. If he said the safeword and the dominatrix didn't stop, it becomes real torture, non consensual, and horrendous. Consent is everything in these fantasies. I never disagreed with this.

Now I know you dislike the Belle Delphine question cause you don't have an answer for it. But try at least?

>> No.14979397
File: 67 KB, 683x512, Eustace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't mean she wants it in real life where she doesn't control like she does in her fantasy
Actually it probably does.

>> No.14979403

>Romance Films written and produced by men are "always boring and void of any sexuality"
Pretty much. It's no wonder those films are always brought up by incels while women talk about Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey.

>> No.14979406

>Now can you please answer to my fucking points?
I don't think they're going to answer our points. Since I got here they've retreated behind bunkers and are taking nervous pot shots like,
>The shit men write is always boring and void of any sexuality
>women don't make BDSM porn, only men do.

My manly earthly superior firepower. Fuck yes.

>The shit men write is always boring and void of any sexuality,

>> No.14979411

That's literally more disgusting than the things normal men masturbate to. As I said, women are a hundred times worse than men. Absolute filth.

>> No.14979414

hahaha well ok maybe I'll agree with this, but you said / someone said that men can't write soppy romance novelas whereas that's what women just love to do all the time (they don't) .. I just mentioned cinema to prove the point.

Federico Fellini or Baz Luhrman are better examples I think.

>> No.14979426
File: 78 KB, 781x957, Jeremy_Meeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha those silly boys never write anything good amirite gals?

>Oh god isn't Mr. Darcy such a hunk why can't boys write a Disney Prince type character like this fuck this gets me going OOO GOD I NEED TO WRITE A LETTER TO A SEXY INMATE OOOOO GODDESS I'M SO HARD TO GRASP

>> No.14979429

Great literature thread. Dumb fucking mods.

>> No.14979430

>that's what rape fantasy always meant
No, it's not.

There's men's rape fantasy, where a man fantasizes about raping a woman. He hurts her, he knows he's hurting her, he doesn't care. It's all his gratification with no care or thought for the woman. When he's done he leaves her in a pool of blood crying and never bothers to see her again.

Then there's women's "rape" fantasy, where the man overcome with desire for the woman and her self-insert pretends not to want it but secretly she does, and even in the haze of desire the man is always careful and attentive not to hurt her and to make sure she enjoys it too. Once the deed is done, he desires no other woman and they end up married and happy ever after.

Are you pretending these are the same?

>> No.14979431

>Pretty much. It's no wonder those films are always brought up by incels while women talk about Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey.
waaaiaiiiiit a minute

women don't like BDSM

which is it, white knight? hahaha

>> No.14979436

holy shit yall niggas still goin

>> No.14979441

>They can only imagine either a whore who takes 100 dicks all together or a virgin who's never seen a male person in her life.
> A normal woman
This is important in understanding the way women think and why they like what they like. The instinctively view themselves on a spectrum of available mates in their community. They instinctively do not want to be perceived as sleeping around above average as this would make them a low value mate and a bad investment of male attention/resources. Therefore, the women always sees herself as the normal women on these spectrums.

You will notice most girl groups keep one very fat girl or one very slutty girl in them. This is to constantly have the comparison to make themselves feel they are the normal girl. "I am not slutty/fat that girl right there is". In absence of someone they know they will find a public figure. in the mid-2010's the comedian Amy schumer filled that role for many american women however each nation seemed to have their own as well. It is the elation of making themselves feel better in comparison, not the humor that has women watcher her type.

>100 dicks
what is the difference in 100 dicks vs 20 dicks other than making you feel like you're not the slutty one?

>> No.14979442

>consensual sex between lovers is disgusting!

>> No.14979448
File: 54 KB, 305x309, Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's men's rape fantasy, where a man fantasizes about raping a woman. He hurts her, he knows he's hurting her, he doesn't care. It's all his gratification with no care or thought for the woman. When he's done he leaves her in a pool of blood crying and never bothers to see her again.
Holy shit, female inceldom is real. You can't have ever even legit spoken to a man in your entire life lol.

>> No.14979452

Show bobs and vagene

>> No.14979453

Most BDSM porn is nothing like 50 shades of grey, bdsm porn is just a dude hurting a woman, in 50 shades he stops every 2 words to make sure she is okay.

>> No.14979454

>There's men's rape fantasy, where a man fantasizes about raping a woman. He hurts her, he knows he's hurting her, he doesn't care. It's all his gratification with no care or thought for the woman. When he's done he leaves her in a pool of blood crying and never bothers to see her again.
I have legitimately never met a man that would be into this kind of shit.
Do you have a single example of this stuff besides actual rapists?
I can't imagine a consensual relationship ending with a girl bleeding and crying after sex, even in the kinkiest of couples. I really don't think that's a male fantasy. I think what you're describing is criminal behavior of mentally ill people. No?

>> No.14979459

lol also this, try to follow this guys train of thought..

Men are only into violent porn! (men bad!!)
Men who like romance are incels haw haw (fags)
Women only like romance novels! (they find BDSM gross)
Women really love BDSM novels!

>> No.14979461

I don't talk about sex with other men. It's one of my principles. I think I became less predatory because of that.

I know how it looks like when a girl shows me her affection when she sees me for the first time and some of it melts my fucking heart. It's all I ever follow when it comes to sex.

>> No.14979464

100 dicks is a number you have deliberately made up to exaggerate, anon. Most women don't go beyond 2-3 dicks which is completely normal.

>> No.14979466

Worthless cunt detected

>> No.14979470

>Most BDSM porn is nothing like 50 shades of grey, bdsm porn is just a dude hurting a woman, in 50 shades he stops every 2 words to make sure she is okay.

>> No.14979489

>Most BDSM porn is nothing like 50 shades of grey, bdsm porn is just a dude hurting a woman, in 50 shades he stops every 2 words to make sure she is okay.
shaking my damn head
and not the one on the end of my cock

This is literally what 'every' BDSM and porn shoot in fact does.

What are you even trying to argue? This is becoming babble, you've said this:
>Men are only into violent porn! (men bad!!)
>Men who like romance are incels haw haw (fags)
>Women only like romance novels! (they find BDSM gross)
>Women really love BDSM novels!

I'm sure you'll say you didn't personally make these contradictory statements, but this seems to be a good example of the position of someone trying to rationalize that women aren't into BDSM or rape fetish, it doesn't match up with any kind of reality.

The point you're relying on,
>man bad, women always innocent princess
is really outdated as well. It shows you're probably quite young and a man, because no woman even thinks this.

>> No.14979490

Women love BSDM pornography though.

>> No.14979495


>> No.14979502

>100 dicks is a number you have deliberately made up to exaggerate,
I didn't, I was quoting? >>14979171

>> No.14979513

>This is literally what 'every' BDSM and porn shoot in fact does
No, they don't. In the final product that is presented to the audiences there's never any scenes where the man stops to check that the woman is okay with it and there's no scenes where he calls genuinely beautiful or he declares his eternal love for her. Those scenes are in 50 Shades of Grey.

No they don't.

>> No.14979517

I don't see why you guys have to be this autistic about things, I have a noncon fetish and I'm a femanon. What's the big deal?

>> No.14979521

Anon thinks it means you want to be raped.

>> No.14979532

tits or GTFO

>> No.14979534


>> No.14979537

Uh, yes, that's what noncon means? I mean you could always take your fetish too far, but that goes for everything.

>> No.14979540


>> No.14979541

>In the final product that is presented to the audiences
so all about the 4th wall for you then, not realizing we all know it's acting and not real.. mkay

> there's never any scenes where the man stops to check that the woman is okay with it
watch more live streams.

also prime reason there isn't is because it's the same as rolling a hollywood movie and keeping in the bits where the makeup artists go and fix jude laws hair in the middle of an action sequence.

>and there's no scenes where he calls genuinely beautiful or he declares his eternal love for her. Those scenes are in 50 Shades of Grey.
I suppose it didn't dawn on you that the popularity of that book is because it's showcasing what's really going on with BDSM that BDSM people know implicitly.

again, I don't know what you're trying to argue here.

>> No.14979558

Amazing analysis
You’d probably be called a woman-hatef for pointing this out though, even with the research backing it up

>> No.14979559

Prime reason there isn't is because men hate seeing their violent fantasy destroyed.

The book is popular because it's a female fantasy, it doesn't showcase anything about bdsm. The author never did any bdsm.

>I don't know what you're trying to argue here
I'm saying women are into rape and their fantasies are not rape fantasies, that's what I'm arguing. Didn't you read this part?

>Then there's women's "rape" fantasy, where the man overcome with desire for the woman and her self-insert pretends not to want it but secretly she does, and even in the haze of desire the man is always careful and attentive not to hurt her and to make sure she enjoys it too. Once the deed is done, he desires no other woman and they end up married and happy ever after.

You think this is rape, cretin?

>> No.14979571

Women only have choice because of civilization. Prior to that it was law of the jungle. Big stick diplomacy, bitch.

>> No.14979596

Me personally, I am repulsed by the thought of a romantic relationship with woman or man. I actually want nothing to do with either, and wish to just live as a work drone until I die within 10 more years of a heart attack or some sort of lung disease since I work with pesticides. While I am attracted to woman, It doesn't have enough power over me to sideline my life to cater to someone else. I already feel like I'm always running out of time, the last thing I need is to split my time with a wife or a child.

>> No.14979601

nice post anon

>> No.14979611

wooooah...so women created civilization...to gain sexual rights...I see it all now...

>> No.14979645

*women are not into rape fantasies

>> No.14979649
File: 44 KB, 387x276, the good news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....come now brother, remember blessed Concord.

>I'm saying women are into rape and their fantasies are not rape fantasies, that's what I'm arguing. Didn't you read this part?
I've read that you have no real case to make about anything I've put forward for you, that you've denied any women watch or into violent fetish or that men and women mutually enjoy simulating these things for fun, which is flatly wrong and easily proven.

So no wonder you're insulting me now to change the subject from you to me. Which only proves you're aware that you're wrong.

>Prime reason there isn't
>the bits where the makeup artists go and fix jude laws hair in the middle of an action sequence
>there's never any scenes where the man stops to check that the woman is okay with it
>is because men hate seeing their violent fantasy destroyed.

You've yet to prove it's 'men' exclusively and not the audience itself. C'mon you know how Hitchens Razor works, surely? If you're not able to prove your case then you don't have a case.

You want to deny that women .. as i say, both like and take part in violent fetish ..that this is 1000% about men and that all the women both masturbating at home and being masturbated in the videos, in bondage, have been tricked against their will. This is just flatly dumb.

Also textbook misandry.

>50 shades ..... doesn't showcase anything about bdsm.
are you crazy?

Dogmatists, sheeesh. Start out from a wrong assessment, can't admit they made a mistake, must continue deeper into hostility and unreality.

>> No.14979668

Your whole post is gibberish, anon. Why can't you accept women don't enjoy being abused, don't have rape fantasies, and aren't the filthy monsters you try to paint them as? They are normal humans who like sex.

>> No.14979700

not the anon, and I agree that his post is gibberish, but I have no idea what you guys are talking about, the thread chain is an hour long,

>> No.14979707

oh ok you are a child, then

I tell you a moment ago you're babbling, you reply with:
>Your whole post is gibberish, anon.

that explains your idealistic fairy-queen view of the nature of women and your denial, to quote ... oh some girl band.. that,
"sex is violent," in the first place.

case dismissed.
fine in favor of Epicurus, complainant in case of anon vs. men and women, must pay 50 drachma by the next kalendstide.
*gavel bangs*
*murmurs of punishment not being harsh enough*

>> No.14979713
File: 145 KB, 500x375, utena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that things would be better off if the male sex drive were not so strong. What you are saying makes sense. I also agree that women become the way they are because of the male sex drive.
It is important to distinguish, however, the difference between the impacts of the male sex drive between a man and a woman.
Men are capable of mental clarity and self actualization despite the sex part of their biology. Women however, are incapable of either of these things despite the lack of a biological hindrance. Only women raised in very unique circumstances are capable of meaningful introspection. The female brain is not hard wired to sex like the male brain, yet the behavioral implications of the male sex drive still infects their whole psychology arguably worse than the men (I do not mean in severity, as you said men commit more sex crimes. I mean only in breadth, in that every women focuses on her appearance as a partner in some sense, whereas men more often do not).
Only when the male sex drive is tamed can the two sexes normalize and become closer mentally. The two sexes can never truly love and understand each other as self aware, conscious partners unless the effects of the male biological sex drive is absent within their relationship on both sides (men hormonal, women behavioral).

Also, I don't know if this whole thread is bait or not, but it doesn't sound like you're exactly interested in learning about inter-sex psychology. If you gave that shpeel in the OP to me irl, I would for instance ask you whether you were trying to discover things or affirm conclusions you seem to have already made. What are your intentions in reading a book? What hypothetical answers are you looking for?

>> No.14979714

Anon thinks women want to be raped, enjoy being humiliated and abused, and romance novels = violent rape porn.

>> No.14979716

take your meds and stop with the reddit spacing faggot

>> No.14979720

>I agree that his post is gibberish,
fuck you, how did you not udnerstand wat I was saying?

He thinks no women ever are into BDSM or violent sex, he thinks BDSM actresses are tricked or abducted against their will.

I explained this is wrong.

Are you mentally retarded?Or are you a man sniffing at what you think is a woman andjust trying tone -up your socialnd itnellectual better?

where's my sword
*is restrained*

>> No.14979727

it's all over the place and the greentext fucked you

>> No.14979732

>take your meds
you little sick little fucking shit

I've been talking reasonably to youfor about an hour, you've been proven wrong by everyone who's spoken to you, then you start calling me a cretin, not making sense and telling me to "take my meds" and "REDDIT SPRACEING HUR HUR HUR"

Fuck. You. Incel.

>> No.14979739

see: >>14979732
>He thinks no women ever are into BDSM or violent sex, he thinks BDSM actresses are tricked or abducted against their will.
>I explained this is wrong.

how do you say this?
>it's all over the place and the greentext fucked you

Just admit you were wrong in the first place. Why are you lying? Weak little sub human you, you're dumb and wrong and obviously a virgin who's never even had sex.

>> No.14979741

Are you guys misunderstanding each other?

I mean, there are women who are into BDSM, but I don't think a women likes to be really raped. Like, enjoying being raped for real.

>> No.14979744

>some men are just trash
High level white knighting.
Implying men who don't get laid are the bottom tail of the bell curve is kind of dumb. The bottom tail of the bell curve are people who suffered massive accidents, born with sizable deformities, massive debilities and whatnot, or other such exceedingly rare traits (remember, you're talking about a bell curve).

Not getting laid is less rare than you're making it seem. Implying all men on average have a healthy sex life and just complete quasimodos can't get laid is a cope and is not back by any current statistics. It seems that in the first world average men, with no overwhelming physical debilities, no overwhelming social debilities and etc are having less sex.

>> No.14979750

interesting and informational
therefore based

>> No.14979753

The argument started here: >>14978334
>Define rape. Anyway, it doesn't matter, women love being raped and they try to change society so they can get raped more often.

>> No.14979766

ah, I didn't scroll that far, that's why I didn't understand your conversation

>> No.14979772

w*man post guys its a hole writing this do not reply

>> No.14979783


Sterilisation does not magically emancipate you from your biological needs, sorry to break it to ya.

>> No.14979789

I was trrying to explain that this guy who thinks BDSM actresses and Belle (whatever her name is on whatever social net site) are not being "forced against their will", the guy insists that they are. And that all pornography is all about men, denying proofs to the contrary, which is fucking irritating.

>women love being raped and they try to change society so they can get raped more often.
I didn't say that and you know 'I' didn't say that, so don't act as if I did.

But whatever whatever, I'll await my 50 drachmas soon, anon, if not you'll know what it's like to feature in real life non-consensual gangbang.

>> No.14979803

anon, you need to be broken and made catamite.

That's intensely bad form and makes us all look bad.

>> No.14979827

>first reaction after being called out is invoking pederasty
color me surprised

>> No.14979839

Yeah, instead of denying that you took offense at the idea women don't fantasize about being abused and raped. Fuck off, anon.

>> No.14979864

Pretty spot on. Having an overbearing mother and emotional father is very common but it can definitely hinder you as a man. It was torture having to actually teach myself through articles how to respond to ballbusting from men, little verbal jabs from women, passive agressive behavior, etc.

>> No.14979882

The problem with your pants-on-head retarded assertion is that “goodness” can be quantified. By your self-professed Utilitarian logic, if I designed a machine that provided infinite pleasure to those trapped within it (a Lotus-Eating device of sorts) it would be your MORAL IMPERATIVE to mass-produce my machine and to hook up all of humanity to it
Does that sound like any way to live? Watching mankind dying off in a virtual pleasure-world while all of our progress dissipates into nothing?
Get a grip

>> No.14979887

Almost every woman that does this has a massive amount of regret later in life, usually resulting in depression and a reliance on medication. Biology is a bitch. It doesn't care about your political agenda.

>> No.14979888


The Elementary Particles by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.14979908

>Yeah, instead of denying that you took offense at the idea women don't fantasize about being abused and raped. Fuck off, anon.
No I didn't, my first post on this was... here:
oh and this, >>14978699

I think you began here: >>14978808
and the next 2 hours spent trying to convince you that consensual rape fetish pornography is not the same as rape.

>the idea women don't fantasize about being abused and raped.
I mean, it's understood psychology that repression is what drives weirder and weirder fetishes; the mechanism I explained whereby the powerful get off on being abused is not even hard to understand; think of christian pastors who get found with crack cocaine in sex dens, we all understand this in psychology and have done for over a hundred years.

I found your replies particularly annoying because you're not even aware of this and are coming from n almost puritan victorian delusional kind of thinking where men/bad women/totallyinnocentofevensexualthoughts, which is just awful and so silly.

And it's verbatim Misandry, like I told you earlier.

>> No.14980026

the poster before you argued that women like to be raped for real, you just continued in his footsteps and the other guy mistook you for him