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File: 14 KB, 342x456, asimov2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1497770 No.1497770 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about Asimov?

>> No.1497780
File: 103 KB, 313x313, DavidMitche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Caves of Steel last year. It was my first Asimov.
I rather enjoyed it.

>> No.1497779

I find his books boring,

>> No.1497790

He has many great books and I enjoyed the Foundation books and many of his short stories.
But many of his works just plods along with a tacked on ending.
If you haven't checked him out do so. Don't let me calling him boring scare you off. The man has some interesting ideas and you can find yourself lost in the environments he creates.

>> No.1497791

He had great ideas but couldn't write for shit.

>> No.1497795

Asimov was an amazing writer.
To Mr Boring: Sure, he padded a few stories, but compared to todays 'standards' he was amazing.

>> No.1497838

He looks very sexy. I find him sexually attractive. I wish to have sex with him.

>> No.1497871

Padded doesn't come close to describing what he did to some of his stories. The man could turn a 200 page book into a 500 page epic. He forced novels out of stories that should have been short stories. The result was languorous books with an unsatisfying ending.
It's the muttonchops. Bitches love muttonchops.

>> No.1497997

Enjoy your AIDS.

>> No.1498001

Fun fact: Asimov was a much better writer when he tackled non-fiction.

>> No.1498015

I read The Complete Robot, Robot Dreams, The Caves of Steel, The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, The Robots of Dawn, and Robots and Empire, all within a month, but when I got to The Stars, Like Dust, I quit; it was boring.
I want to finish this series http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Foundation_Series#List_of_books_within_the_Foundation_Universe

>> No.1498022

Thank you sir, this made me smile. And should that be the cost I shall gladly take it.

>> No.1498025

Asimov's Guide to the Bible is the only one I've read, and it was awesome. His cool, rational, detached intellectual analysis of historical events is what convinced me ultimately that the Bible was the true Word of God.

Imagine that, an atheist of Jewish descent converting millions of agnostics into Christians by proving the Bible is almost fully true. Amazing man, who is almost certainly in Heaven now due to his works.

>> No.1498083

I hope you're trolling.
Believing the bible to be the word of god because writers used events of their days to tell a story is like me using the Red Badge of Courage as a holy text because I can prove the Civil War happened.

>> No.1498092

Well played.

I, Robot is all I've read by Asimov. It was pretty good.

>> No.1498119

Poor simile. Have you read either of the works in question?

>> No.1498127

I, Claudius>I, Robot

>> No.1498133

Google Sparknotes.

Then Google Google.

It's not necessary to read something to judge it anymore.

>> No.1498148
File: 90 KB, 406x594, Jemaine_Clement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asimov found out how to travel into the future in order to write ridiculous songs and be on TV

>> No.1498157
File: 34 KB, 300x320, henrik_ibsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic muttonchops.

I'd suggest he and Ibsen have a chop-off, but we all already know Henrik would vanquish his less bushy foe.

>> No.1498163

Please delete your God damned blasphemy.

>> No.1498175

>Imagine that, an atheist of Jewish descent converting millions of agnostics into Christians by proving the Bible is almost fully true.
>Millions of agnostics into Christians
Way to pull something out of your ass.
>proving the Bible is almost fully true
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he proved all the miracles and the Genesis and stuff.

Your impressions about the book were already made even before you read the book, that's how gullible sheep like you are.

>> No.1498207
File: 139 KB, 480x366, you_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498301

he has a very respectable appearance

even those hipster glasses can't hide his strong jawline

if he got some contacts, i would give em a reach around

>> No.1498310


Asimov is a bro.