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14977352 No.14977352 [Reply] [Original]

We all know leftists are not human, do not have souls or free will, and are the weapon used by the jew to destroy our race.
The solution is obvious.

What books discuss strategies to use them against their jewish masters then slaughter them all?

>> No.14977356

Thinking anyone has free will

>> No.14977366


>> No.14977367

>projecting your ignorance and lack of humanity onto everyone

>> No.14977380

the braindead husk incants a meme to ward off the object of its fear

>> No.14977428

My diary desu.

>> No.14977443
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>> No.14977484

ITT: /pol/ incel blames the left for the fact he can’t get laid


>> No.14977499

>killing people of a different political view than you
>not converting them to your own outlook
You’re probably a civic nationalist too pussy to accept real nationalism as the solution

>> No.14977505

Virgin hands wrote this.

>> No.14977525
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It's rather easy desu, you just have to turn all the bullshit that's been fed to them around onto the jew, who didn't expect to be forced to actually not be a hypocrite.

>jews are the most ethnocentric people around
>Israel is literally stolen land and a rogue terror state oppressing the Palestinians
>opposition of the rich and aristocracy
>jews make up a huge percentage of law, bankers, corporate top brass and so on, encourage marxists to kill elites rather than castrating themselves or beating up workers
>'diversity' aka no white people is a good thing
>as kikes do the fellow white people routine you can easily target jewish neighbourhoods and industries with this, make their schools 'diverse' and teach negro supremacy rather than garbage about the holohoax, say there's too many 'white' film directors and script writers
>revolt against the system
>again, use them against the jewish establishment, encourage radical action against the pillars of society under their control

Infiltrating and using marxists movements against the jews is no work at all. The hard part is to get them to actually do stuff than just larping commies while acting 100% like neoliberal NPCs for all intents and purposes.

>> No.14977550
File: 41 KB, 640x528, 21433591-480447188992002-1644694263566434304-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist projection
Imagine opposing capitalism not because it's hurting your people or some actual damage it does but because you can't get laid.

>> No.14977561

can't wait to use your mouth as my personal cock holster

>> No.14977570
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Achieving artificial reproduction and phasing out all women would be more beneficial than killing leftists. Leftists can technically be converted, women cannot be saved.

>> No.14977594
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Says the twink having his asshole expanded daily by capital lol. You fucking wish you could use your dicklet for anything.

>> No.14978290

That would seriously be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Once artificial reproduction is a thing the (((elites))) will just grow slavedrones in vats and give them fake memories that will make them fight and work for them. At that point all struggle will be over.