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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 600x600, Weezer_-_Pinkerton_-_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1496683 No.1496683 [Reply] [Original]

I've never been much of a reader. I've been spoiled by things like movies, TV, and Video Games my whole life.

I'm wondering if I should start or just leave it alone.
Does it get better, will I become more intelligent, are books as enjoyable as movies?

I did enjoy the Novella Fahrenheit 451 and I started reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, but I believe it was too above my level for me to finish.

Will reading give me more insight on life, or just confuse me more?
Will it help my crippling loneliness?

I'm also hoping reading will help me become a better lyricist.

>> No.1496691

Zen isn't that bad, just stick with it, and then reread with a commentary. It just means that you're learning something you didn't know before.

>> No.1496689

Post Script: I think I set the bar a little low, as I find most movies to be shit these days.

>> No.1496706

Books are awesome. I don't think they will help your crippling loneliness because, you know, books. But they're so enjoyable, they absolutely can teach you about the world and make you think about shit, and they will make you a better lyricist. In terms of recommendations, I've never read him, but from what I've heard of him & what I can see of you, I would encourage you to think about reading John Green.

Also, Pinkerton is such a fucking good album, good Lord. Even if it is kind of creepy at times.

>> No.1497628

OP, here.
Pinkerton is my all time favorite album.
I'm in college now and hoping to find an Asian who can shred the cello.

>> No.1497634
File: 386 KB, 667x670, disappointment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pinkerton is my all time favourite album
>all time favourite album

>all time favourite album

>> No.1497637 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 399x600, 2005_sept_kroqshow_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh chill out brownbear, it's not like you have great musical tastes either.

>> No.1497668

Brownbear has no musical taste, and probably just found out about Weezer, let alone Pinkerton.

>> No.1498766

So I just got two books from the biglots bin. The Triumph of Caesar, and Final Salute. Sometimes they'll have a good movie or two in the pile of shit products that is biglots, so it may be the same for books.

>> No.1498781

Also, on the topic of bands I like, Coheed And Cambria released a book along with their latest album, Year of The Black Rainbow.
I used to be a big fan from middle school to mid high school but have withdrawn since and I've realized Claudio isn't that great of a story teller when I read his Graphic Novels, but the book was co-written with Peter David.
I have no Idea who he is but it makes me think the novel may be better than the comics.
Has anyone read Year of the Black Rainbow, and what did you think of it?

>> No.1499592
File: 105 KB, 270x260, holding head in hands guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no musical taste
>probably just found out about Weezer

>> No.1499599
File: 36 KB, 487x427, Kanye_West_Heartless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)00:27
>Brownbear !5EJ71eKlNQ!!6SnjW+BUlLP 01/28/11(Fri)04:39

>> No.1499664


fell asleep, had the tab open

>> No.1501100
File: 62 KB, 798x604, yoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do threads last in /lit/?
Anyways, OP, here. I'm using this thread instead of starting a new one.

What's the book that's about the apocalypse that was made into a move a couple of years ago?
I think it was a dad and his son and they moved a shopping cart wherever they went in the preview.

>> No.1501103

the road?

>> No.1501104


The Road

>> No.1501107

The Book of Eli

>> No.1501228

That's it! I love Apocalypse related things.

>> No.1501241

>the book
That movie isn't based on a book, Ronjon.

>> No.1501245


Was the latest Coheed album any good? I loved Second Stage and Silent Earth but was disappointed with Good Apollo and never really listened to No World. I felt the latter two albums had a few really good songs and a lot of so-so ones, so I figured Rainbow would be the same. On a related note, my roommate's boyfriend read the book and said it was fantastic.

>> No.1501252

jesus christ.

>> No.1501271

>The Road is a 2006 novel by American writer Cormac McCarthy. It is a post-apocalyptic tale of a journey taken by a father and his young son over a period of several months, across a landscape blasted by an unnamed cataclysm that destroyed all civilization and, apparently, almost all life on earth.

>imdb The Road 2009
A post-apocalyptic tale of a man and his son trying to survive by any means possible.


>> No.1501283
File: 448 KB, 160x120, seinfeld.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure since I kind of went the same route you did.
I loved their first three, but was dissapointed with No World For Tomorrow, so I haven't listened to YOTBR.

They replaced a hip hop drummer(A very crucial part in coheed's sound) with a a technical Math Metal drummer. It just doesn't fit.
>my reaction

You should give Good Apollo another listen.
I've been re listening to it a lot and I think I may like it more then IKS, which I thought was impossible.
I'm really noticing, and liking the use of orchestration and string instruments on the album. I guess I didn't care about that kind of stuff when it came out.

>> No.1501310

>How long do threads last in /lit/?


Also, Coheed and Cambria fucking blow, prog raus

>> No.1501323


I enjoyed Welcome Home, Good Apollo, and the Willing Wells, but most of the other tracks struck me as filler. I can see why people would like Ten Speed, Wake Up, and maybe The Suffering, but even those never really did it for me. I enjoy classical instruments (although I don't remember much aside from the intro track), but for me that album couldn't stand up to Silent Earth with epics like the self-titled, The Crowing and The Light and the Glass.

And I agree, I miss their old drummer.

>> No.1501364

Depending on your age you might like Looking For Alaska by John Green (he's not that good of a writer, but he's very easy to read).

Then maybe The Great Gatsby unless you read it in school and hated it. I don't know what American kids read in school, but I can imagine it being on the curriculum somewhere. Women by Charles Bukowski is also very straightfoward, but also entertaining.

Also some J.D Salinger other than Catcher - Franny and Zooey is very good, although you may not like the religious aspect. I'm like you in that I've always been more into music, so I prefer stuff like the above to War and Peace etc.

>> No.1501373

>Depending on your age you might like Looking For Alaska by John Green (he's not that good of a writer, but he's very easy to read).

Man, I just want to take this opportunity to ask: what the fuck is up with John Green? It seems like all his books are basically YA-ish romance novels for nerds, in a very literal way. But it seems like he's more popular than that would indicate. And also what's with his whole following and all that shit? I'm only tangentially familiar with all this Nerdfighter bullshit, but it seems like a fucking creepy John Green cult sometimes, I don't fucking know, man.

Someone explain this shit to me.

>> No.1501380

I loves me some Modest Mouse so I'm looking forward to reading some Bukowski. I'm not trying to become an asshole, though, I'm just looking for more insight on life.

>> No.1501411

It seems like people take him a lot more seriously than he should be taken. I remember hearing about LFA loads before I read it and I must have seen people quote that part 'if people were rain, I'd be drizzle and she'd be a hurricane' about a hundred times, so I thought it would be a lot better than it was. It is, like you say, just a YA romance story. I haven't read anything else of his, though.

Having said that, I suppose the target audience is the average 16 year old, or something like that.

>> No.1501442

He appeals to the forever-alone-ronery-/r9k/ crowd. That's a large group of very sad people.