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/lit/ - Literature

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14974545 No.14974545 [Reply] [Original]

#4 Spanish General Thread - Chad Rulfo edition
Last thread: >>14958342

Welcome to the official thread for Spanish /lit/erature (español).

Feel free to contribute with reviews on your favourite authors, books, fragments, own works (so we can criticize them :), new editions or publications, and the like...
Websites with Spanish e-books:
http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page (pocos)
Ideas for creating a chart:
-Best books of the whole Hispanoamèrica
-Mysticism and Religious /lit/ in the Counter-Reformation period
-Medieval Canon for Spanish language
NOTE: In attention to the rest of the members of the 4chan community, all posts need to be written in the English language.

>> No.14974570
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What do you guys think of Nicolás Gómez Dávila? Have you read his escolios or his longer prose works (Textos, De iure, El reaccionario auténtico)?

>> No.14974813

Voy a escribir en español. Por qué? Porque quiero.
El otro día decidí zambullirme en el vasto mundo literario que Latinoamérica nos presenta; si tuviera la mínima vergüenza no admitiría el hecho de que la única razón por la que lo hice es porque después de tantos años en el exterior me doy cuenta que me cuesta hablar cristiano..
a lo dicho, leí Cortazar por primera vez, ya que conocía la vida personal del autor y la mia ha sido muy parecida en muchos aspectos. Razón tonta para elegir que leer..
Leí “Bestiario”... sin palabras. Entiendo que extranjeros no comprendan la magia de este libro, ya que muchas veces me pregunté como alguien ajeno al lunfardismo rioplatense, o a la situación sociopolítica en que se ubican los cuentos, podría entender y apreciar. Me pregunto cuántos autores extranjeros me es imposible apreciar como es debido por las mismas razones que exprese recién.
Alguien quiere opinar sobre Julio?

>> No.14974869

>Voy a escribir en español. Por qué? Porque quiero.
You must feel like such a badass for that, but try to hide your coolness and keep it in English, lest the thread is deleted or sent to /int/ again. Have some common sense, all the hispanohablantes here can read and write in English too.

>> No.14974904

Cortázar is very good, especially in the short stories from his early and mid periods. What I don't get is why many Argentines here genuinely hate him and always quote that ridiculous quote by Aira: "The best Cortázar is a bad Borges." I don't think they're alike at all. It's a very ignorant thing to day. Cortázar has a more organic, almost jazz-like prose and his themes are more playful than Borges' (who has a more polished and concise prose style and more formal themes as well). Cortázar seems at times almost like a late surrealist of sorts, no wonder he was buddies with Buñuel. In any case Borges himself thought highly of Cortázar's stories.

>> No.14974977

>more playful than Borges' (who has a more polished and concise prose style and more formal themes

That’s what I’ve read. Can’t comment on it though.
I’m oblivious to Borges’ opinion on him but given Neruda famous quote about Cortazar I reckon he wasn’t looked upon by his contemporaries; which surprises me since his surrealism broke many moulds of what literature was supposed to be.
I’m torn between continuing with him or picking up Lorca up next, as soon as I’m done with this heavy volume of Pascal for some unknown reason I punish myself with.
in any case, any recommendation on what next? (Cortazar or Lorca and which novel/work).

>> No.14974998

Have you read Fernanda Melchor's Temporada de Huracanes? She's the best Mexican writer right now imo.

>> No.14975007

You mentioned that you read Bestiario, so continue with his following collections, that is, Final del juego, Las armas secretas, and/or Todos los fuegos el fuego. There's good stories in each of those and they're considered his best collections (along Bestiario). Btw what did Neruda say of him?

>> No.14975013

I think the best is Enrigue.

>> No.14975024

>Cualquiera que no lea a Cortázar está condenado. No leerlo es una seria enfermedad invisible que, con el tiempo, puede traer consecuencias terribles. Semejante en cierto modo al que nunca ha saboreado un durazno, el hombre se volverá calladamente más triste, notablemente más pálido y es probable que, poco a poco, acabe perdiendo todo el pelo.

I also recommend Todos los Fuegos el Fuego btw. Cronopios y Famas is also a lot of fun if you want to see his more surrealist side.

>> No.14975058

Nah, and his ex (Luiselli) might be better actually.

>> No.14975088

Didn't intend to discuss or challenge your opinion. For me is Enrigue. Period. His ex doesn't even feel like she writes Mexican books nor would she be able to write the books Enrigue writes. She's just another uninteresting rich liberal who happens to write books. She even writes in English sometimes. Barely Mexican.

>> No.14975152

Que se jodan los jannies.
Alguno de ustedes ha leído naturalismo o realismo hispanoamericano? He leído ya varias novelas como La Charca de Zandía y Sin Rumbo de Cambárceres y creo que son ambas mejores que cualquier obra del naturalismo español que haya leído hasta ahora. Esto exceptuando a La Regenta, de la que acabo de terminar el primer tomo y que creo es la mejor novela española que he leído de ese periodo (aunque no estoy tan de acuerdo con llamarla naturalista). Les recomiendo especialmente La Charca.

He escuchado cosas bastante buenas de ella, mi novia iba a prestarmelo pero luego comenzó la peste. No podría decir entonces si es la mejor escritora mexicana pero Luiselli sí es bastante buena (aún si su estatus como escritora mexicana se pone en duda) y lo poco que he leído de Bellatín estuvo interesante.
Han leído a Rivera Garza? Estoy a punto de comenzar Nadie me verá llorar y ya había leído El mal de la taiga de ella, la que espero volver a leer pues la leí durante una fiebre muy fuerte, lo que hizo la lectura muy diferente a una normal, un tanto surreal.

>> No.14975165

>Han leído a Rivera Garza? Estoy a punto de comenzar Nadie me verá llorar y ya había leído El mal de la taiga de ella, la que espero volver a leer pues la leí durante una fiebre muy fuerte, lo que hizo la lectura muy diferente a una normal, un tanto surreal.
Qué título tan gays. Parecen de novelitas de amor genéricas y cringe. Ojalá no sea asi.

Bla bla bla English words USA Obama Jews burgers Elvis (so they dont remove our thread).

>> No.14975313
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Anyone wants to do a group read and discuss Lazarillo de Tormes in the thread? We can read one Tratado per day and then discuss here.

>> No.14975608
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Good morning.

>> No.14976041

Eduardo Antonio Parra is laughing at you.
Élmer Mendoza is high right now.

>> No.14976074
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Read “No oyes ladrar a los perros” and “El desafío de la creación” last night. Both were pretty good. Rulfo truly is a chad.

That being said, has anybody here read Valle-Inclán? I have his Sonatas and I tried reading one of them years ago, but found it a bit hard to follow. I would love to get into him though, he seems more interesting than someone like Unamuno

>> No.14976088

My friends, read Unamuno's poetry. I have read a small anthology and loved it very much. His books are rare in my country, unfortunately.

Borges was a beautiful man.

>> No.14976331

I'm reading Plain in Flames and it ain't that good tbqh. Just rural, bleak stories about the poor killing each other. Pedro Paramo wasn't that good either. Not that Chad imo

>> No.14976361
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is it shit? a friend's btw haha

>> No.14976402

que se jodan los conserjillos
su expresion desprende puro autismo (y eso es bueno

>> No.14976442

Very much so, yes.

>> No.14976469

>Best books of the whole Spanish world (#1)
Any ideas?
-Don Quixote
-Cien años de soledad (García Márquez)
-Quevedo's Poetry
-Ficciones, El Aleph (Borges)
-Pedro Páramo (Rulfo)
-Residencia en la tierra, Canto general (Neruda)
-La guerra del fin del mundo (Vargas Llosa)
-Terra Nostra (Fuentes)
-Zalacaín el aventurero (Baroja)
-Fortunata y Jacinta (Pérez Galdós) -Ficciones
-Cien años
-Antologia de Rubén Darío
-Don Juan Tenorio
-Concierto Barroco (never Heard of it)
-National Episodes by Galdós
-¿Alguna recopilación de cuentos de Julio Cortázar?
-Martín Fierro
-Marco Bruto by Quevedo
The Motorcycle Diaries by Che
El Laberinto de la Soledad by Paz
Oráculo by Gracián
Castillo Interior by Santa Teresa
La Araucana by Ercilla
Yo, El Supremo
Facundo by Sarmiento
Confabulario by Arreola
And some selected poems by the likes of Miguel Hernández, Góngora, Bécquer, Garcilaso, et al. La fiesta del Chivo: Vargas llosa

>Mysticism and Religious /lit/ in the Counter-Reformation period (#2)
Any ideas?
-Fray Luis de León: Cantar de los Cantares
-San Juan de la Cruz: his poems
-San Ignacio de Loyola: Spiritual Exercises
-Santa Teresa de Jesús: Camino de perfección, Moradas del castillo interior,
-San Juan de Ávila: "Audi filia, et vide", Epistolario espiritual para todos los estados

>Medieval Canon for Spanish language (#3)
Any ideas?
-Cantar de Mio Cid -Francisco de Osuna's "The Third Spiritual Alphabet"
-Romancero Viejo
-La Celestina
-El Amadís
-Cárcel de Amor
-El libro del buen amor
-El conde Lucanor
Cántigas de Santa María (Alfonso X)
-Sth by Berceo
-Sth by Marqués de Santillana
Laberinto de Fortuna
-Las coplas de Jorge Manrique
El libro de Aleixandre Any more ideas?

>Siglo de Oro chart (#4) (What Sor Juana?)
-Cervantes: Don Quixote
-Quevedo: Sueños y discursos; Marco Bruto
-Lope de Vega: some anthology
-Calderón: La vida es sueño
-Bocángel: selected poems
-Sor Juana: selected poems
-Garcilaso de la Vega: sonetos, églogas
-Santa Teresa: castillo interior
-Fray Luis de León
San Juan de la Cruz: noche oscura del alma
-Lazarillo de Tormes (Anonymous)
Lope de Vega: Fuenteovejuna moreto: El desdén con el desdén Gracián: el criticón
Fray Luis: Selected poems
El Lazarillo (Anonymous)
Tirso de Molina: el burlador de Sevilla

>> No.14976487

>Entry level novels for Spanish learners (#5)
-"Finis Mundi" by Laura Gallego
-"Memorias de Idún" by ídem.

>Introduction to [insert author's name]
-Borges: >>14970223 and >>14970278
-Bolaño: suggestions
-Magic Realism: suggestions?

So basically, we got so many works in the #1 we might need to do a poll and include just the Top 15.

For #2: Francisco de Osuna's "The Third Spiritual Alphabet".

Looks like the titles for #2 and the Intro for Borges are ready. Soon to be made.

>> No.14976556

With Neruda let's star with Canto General, since he thought of it like his most important work.
Drop Concierto Barroco.
We have Galdós one time (thankfully not Marianela), drop National Episodes.
From Cortázar, Bestiario.

Let's include Onetti "Astillero" and Garro "Los recuerdos del porvenir".

For number #5 I would reccomend Pacheco "Las batallas en el desierto" (based and milfpilled).

Good morning from México, OuPi, coronavirus is doing a cagadero in your country.

>> No.14976651

I agree that maybe Concierto Barroco is too obscure; however Carpentier himself considered it his best work. And it truly is a masterpiece of the neobaroque style he pioneered; if it must be dropped, I'd vote for El Reino de Este Mundo which is the much more famous novel of his. But, on a solely technical and æsthetic scale: Concierto Barroco is better
Galdós' Episodios Nacionales far outshine Fortunata and Jacinta, although we both agree Marianela isn't stellar.
If we must continue separating the wheat from the chaff: La Guerra al Final del Mundo is easily Vargas Llosa's best prose, it was also written much near his prime instead of the pseudo maturity of La Fiesta del Chivo. Plus Conselheiro's is simply a more profound character study than Trujillo's.

>> No.14976680

Chartanon here, I can help with any of these charts you want to make.

>> No.14976681

I still get a rise out of the opening sentence for Concierto Barroco:

«De plata los delgados cuchillos, los finos tenedores; de plata los platos donde un árbol de plata labrada en la concavidad de sus platas recogía el jugo de los asados; de plata los platos fruteros, de tres bandejas redondas, coronadas por una granada de plata; de plata los jarros de vino amartillados por los trabajadores de la plata; de plata los platos pescaderos con su pargo de plata hinchado sobre un entrelazamiento de algas; de plata los saleros, de plata los cascanueces, de plata los cubiletes, de plata las cucharillas con adorno de iniciales...»

The entire text is a marvelous condensation of the entire Spanish tongue, Carpentier leads us through a Tour de Force comparable in width to Fuentes' Terra Nostra or Neruda's Canto General but through an entirely different, somewhat quixotic alley.
I implore every last one of you to become acquainted with it.

>> No.14976798

>Best Books
Should include poema by Jose Martí, Cesar Vallejo, Juan Ramón Jiménez, and the novel La guaracha de macho camacho by Luis Rafael Sanchez

>> No.14977039

>Best books of the whole Spanish world (#1)
>The Motorcycle Diaries by Che
Why would that even be there? Take it out and add Obras completas y otros cuentos by Augusto Monterroso. Concierto Barroco should stay, too.

>Siglo de Oro chart (#4)
Any anthology of Sor Juana's poetry is good. I recommend the FCE edition edited by Antonio Alatorre, or the Cátedra edition.
Góngora's sonnets should be included, and also his Polifemo y Galatea and his Soledades, although they are very difficult poems. Fray Luis de León's poetry and translations should be included. By Gracián, Oráculo manual y Arte de ingenio

>Mysticism and Religious /lit/ in the Counter-Reformation period (#2)
Any ideas?
-Fray Luis de León: Cantar de los Cantares
Also "De los nombres de Cristo"

>> No.14977043

Agree with this nice nigger.

Dude, are you done with t"he three authors for country" chart?

>> No.14977210

You all have terrible taste and grammar. Jeez.
t. lit student at UNAM

>> No.14977226

Teach us, master. What are the best Spanish-language books?

>> No.14977242
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>> No.14977253
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Stop your Siglo de Oro bullshit, the king of Latin American existencialism has arrived.

>> No.14977286

Jesus Christ, is this the power of UNAM lit students?

>> No.14977291

Name a better Literature program in Latin America. You can't. Good luck with your useless humanities degree from any other university.

>> No.14977299

>being smug about a latin american education

>> No.14977307

I'm currently at an Ivy League for an exchange, maybe staying for a postgraduate and my thesis is on him, so yes.

>> No.14977311

I'm better than you
t. lic en Letras Inglesas por la UNAM
fite me irl m8 i'll rek u

>> No.14977333

they're a bunch of tranny enabling commies, pay no mind to them

>> No.14977337

You're wasting your exchange and thesis on fucking Onetti... Holy mother of Christ. What a waste of resources.
Now this is a based student. Letras inglesas is based.

>> No.14977347

I quit that first year because it was shit. How is work going for you, soiboi? Lots of Netflix documentaries to subtitle?

>> No.14977387
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Humanities is for faggots.

>> No.14977393

sure faggot

>> No.14977403

Not at all, in fact I'm doing quite well financially and academically, but I bet you're not selling many tacos de canasta because of the quarantine. Sucks for you, but I hope the business flourishes once this is all over.

>> No.14977412
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Cope. Enjoy your useless degree.

>> No.14977419

best Onetti short stories?

>> No.14977422

Oh don't worry about me, I live in New England. Hope the Jewish kids you teach at some school in Polanco are nice to you anon. Good luck.

>> No.14977507

Mexicans being salty over some college shit is the funniest shit I've read all day.

Just come to our UniversidadComplutense de Madrid, suckers.

>> No.14977518

whose this nibba?

>> No.14977578

Some pseud that makes midwits wet their panties. He never wrote anything of value.

>> No.14977588

What is the best university in the hispanosphere?
Complutense, Salamanca, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Buenos Aires, UNAM?

>> No.14977611

1. Complutense
2. Salamanca
4. Tecnológico de Monterrey
5. Universidad de Buenos Aires

>> No.14977690

Follow-up question: what is the most prestigious university in the hispanosphere?

>> No.14977691

they're all commie infested shitholes lol

>> No.14977696

>Tecnológico de Monterrey
Anon, I...

>> No.14977722
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Por Dios, dejen de estar lloriqueando. Todo el mundo sabe que la UPR es la universidad para patricios

>> No.14978114
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I am thinking about making a poll for the #1 chart. So I'll just add whatever you feel like, and leave Episodios Nacionales on it.
>coronavirus is doing a cagadero in your country
We hope the curve is flattening soon. Since tomorrow Monday, we go into medium-hardcore quarantine. Until now, they were too loose with people working in certain places. But it won't be too strict (yet).

Thanks anón, appreciate it. i think that #2 is ready to go. I'd make it in English, though, so we can distribute it more easily on /lit/. What do you think?

More candidates, great.

>The whole of UCM is infested by commies
wew. Ever been there, negro?
>Salamanca is infested by commies
Well, I've heard the Pontificia is full of heterodoxical theologians and LGBT-loving retards that shouldn't work in a Pontifitial Uni, so you got a point.

>> No.14978402

You wouldn't get it anglo

>> No.14978458


>new england

>> No.14978463

shit taste

>> No.14978487
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Here's what I have so far for the Latinamerican literature chart. I searched for Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil so it could be modified. I'll tweak it tomorrow and make it definitive.

>Thanks anón, appreciate it. i think that #2 is ready to go. I'd make it in English, though, so we can distribute it more easily on /lit/. What do you think?
Sure, I can make that. I'll take a look at it tomorrow.

>> No.14978543

It's an excellent chart, however from Agusto Roa Bastos there is no greater work than Yo El Supremo; it is an absolute masterpiece.
Mexico has a very good row, and I agree with it. However it is a damned shame that Fuentes is left out by it.

>> No.14978752

I've read a bit of his escolios. I really liked most of it, but I'm bias because I can't stand progres. Unfortunately, it's not easy to come across his work.

>> No.14979119

>That being said, has anybody here read Valle-Inclán? I have his Sonatas and I tried reading one of them years ago, but found it a bit hard to follow. I would love to get into him though, he seems more interesting than someone like Unamuno

I have read him. He's indeed hard to follow and uses some strange vocabulary, but I think he's really underrated as a novelist. I feel that he's more of a pure aesthete than Unamuno, which tends more to philosophy in his novels

>> No.14979549

Looking good, anon. You should add some lit from Puerto Rico.
>La guaracha de macho camacho by Luis Rafael Sánchez
>En la ciudad or La víspera del hombre by René Marqués
>Póstumo: el transmigrado y Póstumo: el envirginiado by Alejandro Tapia y Rivera

>> No.14979561

>La guaracha de macho camacho
They expect to be taken seriously with stupid titles like this one? lol

>> No.14979618

How is it stupid? In real life, Macho Camacho (whose real name was Héctor Camacho) was a famous boxer who recorded a song released on the day the novel takes place. Thus the title.

>> No.14980672

Destroyed by Julio César Chávez.

Thanks Chartanon, you are a good nigger.
Also, Yo El Supremo by Roa Bastos is his best job.
A message to all the humanities students in this board: Siéntate mientras combato en una epidemia, mijo.

I'm going to write a novel like "All quiet in the western front" from this shit, niggers. Stay safe.

>> No.14980703

best work*

>> No.14980709

>A message to all the humanities students in this board: Siéntate mientras combato en una epidemia, mijo.
based mexibro. Mexico City must be a hellhole these days.

>> No.14980723

>Mexico City must be a hellhole these days.
It really isn't but it will become one in the next few weeks
t. chilango

>> No.14980865

Best for what?

>> No.14980890

Did somebody mention Huerta's poetry for the chart already?

>> No.14980898

Efraín Huerta? I mentioned him in the last thread, I think, but no one knew him.

>> No.14980924

>Siéntate mientras combato en una epidemia, mijo.
>Combato en una epidemia
Echándose medio mundo al hombro, el mamón este

>> No.14980934

Yes, him. Sorry, I've been "busy" these days

>> No.14981249

Is Cuba included in the chart?

>> No.14981254


>> No.14981281

I've only read "Ropa interior" (poems) by Wendy Guerra, I don't know if it fits in a chart

>> No.14981571

>Siéntate mientras combato en una epidemia, mijo.
Wow, vos no serás un héroe?

>> No.14981638

Thanks, I'll modify it then!
Great, I'll add those!

>> No.14981644

This with Juan Ramón Jiménez

>> No.14981675

>Jose Martí

>Siéntate mientras combato en una epidemia, mijo.
Te veo falto de atención o de cariño, hoy a las 20h salgo al balcón a aplaudirte solo a ti.

>> No.14982474

>Siéntate mientras combato en una epidemia, mijo.
El héroe que no nos merecemos

>> No.14982992

That's grand, anón. Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to work a lot on any charts this week. (School finally found a way to reach me during the quarantine). Just letting you know, so you don't do all the work. let me or some other volunteer do some

>> No.14982999

Also, what book could we read together. Lazarillo sounds good to me.

>> No.14983040

Episodios Nacionales is some of the most important lit produced in Spain, and that is saying a lot. I would put it over Fortunata y Jacinta but I admit there could be some discussion to it.

>> No.14983059

Spanish unis are wayyy higher quality than the ones in latin america. Anyone telling you otherwise is either lying or stupid.

>> No.14983175
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I’m a guppy trying to better my Spanish. Where do I start with Spanish literature

>> No.14983272

I started with things like Zorrilla's don Juan Tenorio and the plain (but profound) prose od Unamuno. The former helped me massively since I read it in the Roman fashion - aloud. It helped my pronunciation and absorption of more literary, rhetoric Spanish.
Unamuno helped wonders because his technique is crystalline, his lexicon is straight but far from infantile. You'll learn about the nuances of the language.
Some simpler, or more classical poetry might also help you. Maybe some of Quevedo's.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.14983330

I am not sure about that, anón. Ever heard of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos? Their titles are worth shit since the master course scandals.

>> No.14983339

>Spanish unis are wayyy higher quality than the ones in latin america. Anyone telling you otherwise is either lying or stupid.
>Bologna process put to a halt due to spanish universities selling degrees

>> No.14983350 [DELETED] 

Most of them got shit against UNAM.

>> No.14983357

Spaniards BTFO

>> No.14983370

I suggest something like a collection of short stories. Perhaps Bestiario by Cortázar, since some people have been mentioning him in the last two threads.
Also, nice trips

There are some twitter accounts that post his escolios almost every day, and there are pdfs of his work floating around the internet. Gómez Dávila is one of my favorite writers. I'm currently reading his "Textos I" and it's a very illuminating though rigorous reading. I'm actually working on a review of the Atalanta edition published in 2010, and hopefully I'll be able to publish it in an online magazine this year.

>> No.14983388

Most of them got shit on UNAM.

>> No.14983389

>a collection of short stories
>Bestiario by Cortázar
Sounds better. reading Lazarillo is compulsvie here in hs, so I already read it. I was ok if more people felt like it, but trying a new book can be better.

>> No.14983456

What about a non-fiction essentials chart

>> No.14983467

what could go in there?

>> No.14983490

María Zambrano, José Ortega y Gasset, Unamuno, Baltazar Gracián, Jorge Santayana, Eugenio Maria de Hostos.

>> No.14983525

yeah, why not

>> No.14983967
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x3380, 1561406339249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to start it tomorrow.

I'm down to read whatever, just pick a book.

Here's the latest update btw. It's quite comprehensive and interesting, I will pick up some of these books myself.

>> No.14983988

These threads are so based. Thank you for keeping these going OuPi and clan.

>> No.14984129
File: 9 KB, 320x240, images - 2020-03-30T141137.504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FCE anthology of Efraín is good. Poemínimos are so fucking smooth.
And his son, David, made a curious experiment between prose and poetry called Incurable.

They are both cucks, but good poets. Meet David Huerta months ago.

You useless scum.

Pic related.

You are doing great, young man.

>> No.14984180

Borges' essays, Paz's essays, etc.

>> No.14984195

>They are both cucks
in what sense?

>> No.14984274

Probably because both are/were leftists. A very idiotic reason to call someone a cuck, but what can you expect from these people?

>> No.14984886
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>> No.14985216

Se hablo algo de Javier Marias en uno de los hilos anteriores. Si alguien lo ha leido, ¿por donde deberia comenzar?

>> No.14985239

Corazón tan blanco

>> No.14985742

>Obras completas y otros cuentos, Augusto Monterroso
>Hombres de maíz, Miguel Ángel Asturias
>Carazamba, Virgilio Rodríguez Macal

>> No.14985896

>Not "El señor presidente"

Get out, pls.

>> No.14985980

Half spanish half english. Live in england so ive never actually read a book in spanish (but can read). Keeping in mind i probably have the ability to read of a 14 year old spanish kid, What are the spanish classics that i must read?

>> No.14986025

Obviously Cervantes, Quevedo and Gongora.

>> No.14987060

my diary desu

>> No.14987424

Gustavo Bueno y su pandilla

>> No.14987765

wut? Never heard of it. Sounds like fiction, anón
Instead of trying Renaissance classics that normal people don't read, how about you improve your Spanish first. Go for one of the books in the #5 list: >>14976487 . On the other hand, I think it's great you are interested in your roots, anón.
In attention to our /lit/ comrades, let's use English.
My pleasure

>> No.14987772

>What could we read then?
Bestiario by Borges looks like the best option. Anymore suggestions? Gonna add it to the first post when I create thread #5

>> No.14987849

I've read a Borges book called "El aprendizaje del escritor", it's some conferences in NY about his short stories, poetry and his opinion about translations. The short story discused was "El otro duelo" from "El informe de Brodie". It's just a sugestion, is a simple but interesting tale and I think we can work with it but, again: it's a sugestion.

>> No.14987856
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1563707485118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bestiario by Borges
OuPi pls. Anyways, I'm down for Bestiario, I'll look for a pdf for everyone (and an english version for the others).

>> No.14987892

Sth in .epub for me, pls. Take a look at the links in the first post of this thread
that sounds more atractive if you are a big fan of Borges, and you enjoy reading everything about his life, thoughts, private life, travels... U know? By the way this General Thread looks, it might be appealing, but reading a "normal" book by Borges looks even more appealing.

>> No.14987903

>wut? Never heard of it. Sounds like fiction, anón
He was a Spanish philosopher and founder of the philosophical movement/system called Materialismo Filosófico. It has a foundation called Fundación Gustavo Bueno or fgbueno that is getting being in the hispanosphere dutue Internet (they have a youtube channel and webpage full of articles and stuff). It kinda grow big in Spain dutue the natural affinity of the system with the Spanish idientity, it's politics and its nationalistic characteristics, but also kinda grow in Latinamerica duetue a literature profesor called Jesus G. Maestro which proposed a Liteture Theory System (more or lees but heterodoxically) based on the Materialismo Filosófico (he wrote a 3 volume book called Critica de la Razón Literaria).

>> No.14987915

oh. I thought "Gustavo Bueno y su pandilla" was a fucking title. lol
Can you elaborate a bit more on this 'Materialismo Filosófico'? Any more ppl he has influenced so far around the world?

>> No.14987920


I have noticed this recent effort and wish to contribute/read/write in some sense. Without spending too much time on my scant high school spanish (which is yet availble to activate) I have some texts in mind:

Cros, "Theory and Practice of Sociocriticism". A French Hispanist takes a crack at various things, including the original "Scarface" film (not the later remake),

Robert Motherwell, american abstract artist generally ,esp. his interests in Hispanic culture and poetry generally.

I've also read works by Sergio Gonzalez Rodriguez and Sayek Valencia which specifically relate to the Mexican Drug War in humane ways, and then there's the usual Picasso/Dali stuff. Basically no se Español pero quiero hablar.

In the course of writing this I realize that I might like to engage here usefully. Someone give me baby-tier advice about Lorca? Paz? Etc? Motherwell spent his life obsessed with Hispanic culture as his loved Other.

>> No.14987927
File: 634 KB, 2501x4107, _20200331_021828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borges is one of my favorites but his stories are kinda complex. However, you can try this, it was his firts book (from what I know) and these stories aren't as hard as the stories in "Ficciones", for example. Also, all of his poems are great and you can read "20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada" by Neruda if you're into poetry.

>> No.14988039

these seem interesting, yet they are very specific. I'd say we choose a work that everybody can enjoy, like a recopilation of tales like Bestiario.
these are nice. I am thinking of making a poll on Strawpoll. 24 hours.
Options would be (at least):
-20 poemas de amor by Neruda
-Historia Universal de la infamia by Borges
Anything else to add?

>> No.14988122

>-20 poemas de amor by Neruda
/lit/ apenas lee poesía. Además yo onions diabético así que esa obra la tengo prohibida por prescripción médica. Si vamos a leer a Neruda preferiría Canto General o Residencia en la Tierra.

Si van a leer bestiario yo me apuntaría a releerlo, es cortito y a un o dos cuentos por thread se lee rápido.

>> No.14988137

Then, vote in the poll when I launch it. Stay tuned.
Do you want me to add "Canto general" and "residencia en la Tierra" to the candidatures of the poll?

>> No.14988186

I think it is better that we stick to narrative.

We could also read El Túnel or some other short novella, but I know some people here habe strong opinions about Sabato.

>> No.14988387

Do you want us to vote for it? We are deciding our first read, so you can always propose it later.

>> No.14988577

You should bear in mind that Aira is an edgelord, anon.

>> No.14988631
File: 818 KB, 1349x1049, 1571491636148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick! you have 5 seconds to post your favorite spanish writing prose author!

>> No.14988845


lo sé, muy originall

>> No.14989008

*****LET'S READ POLL*****
VOTE TO DECIDE WHAT THE GENERAL THREAD READS : >>> https://www.strawpoll.me/19661478 <<<

>> No.14989013


>> No.14989018

OuPi... Bestiario is from Cortázar...

>> No.14989028

Bruh El Túnel de Sabato is based

>> No.14989034
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, stupid goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joder. Well, nobody corrected me, and I've neve read it. lmao

>> No.14989047

Llevamos 4 threads hablando de Cortázar y sus mejores antologías, vos sos un tarado.

>> No.14989200

"El túnel" is going first, with 4 votes (31%)

>> No.14989235
File: 634 KB, 1024x689, Arrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now I'm feeling blue...

>> No.14989240

Based Onetti working the marks.

>> No.14989250

Onetti is big dick literature. You wouldn't get it, ya seething incel.

>> No.14989257

¿Qué métrica usó tu amigo? ¿O es verso libre?

>> No.14989261
File: 139 KB, 998x889, 1568312500094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the taco business going in jew england?

>> No.14989272

Sorry, not interested in learning siesta.

>> No.14989293

He writes about bitter people and his excistencial problems.
Also invented a city, classis latino writer, where wrestling is real.
Plebs don't get him because most readers need being led by hand in order to understand why the characters are bitter.
Pseuds don't get him because they read for the narrative.
If you going to indulge your mind on his literary work first you need a gun in order to kill yourself if the oportunity arises.

>> No.14989295

Keep seething, mark.

>> No.14989308

What a pleb.

>> No.14989334

Imma write "Otros decamerones" Plagiarizing greentexts from here.
If I make enough cash money I promise y'all to give away my Onetti Collection.

>> No.14989348

Stop peddling your siesta curriculum, spic.
Whatever you people wrote stopped being relevant centuries ago.

>> No.14989349

Brother, what are some good Onetti books? You convinced me with your snake tongue

>> No.14989359


>> No.14989370

Please be safe out there saving the world, nibba.
I don't know how could we continue without your pseud opinion.
You make me feel better knowing I'm least I'm not you.

>> No.14989380

*****LET'S READ POLL*****
>VOTE TO DECIDE WHAT THE GENERAL THREAD READS : >>> https://www.strawpoll.me/19661478 <<<

>> No.14989381
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Based "El señor presidente" posting.

>> No.14989416

"El pozo" This is his 'made up city' compilation where wrestling is real.

>> No.14989474
File: 31 KB, 315x475, EF2BD86C-49DB-421C-937E-C921458B399F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alguien ha leído pic related en inglés? me intimida un poco

>> No.14989570

Mejor lee primero Dubliners que es mucho más fácil

>> No.14989584

Claro y actualmente estoy leyendo Ulises. Empieza con Dubliners como bien dijo >>14989570

>> No.14989593

I'm in, nigga

>> No.14989596

Yo lo leí en inglés, pero porque estudie en una escuela internacional y era parte del currículum - aún así me encanto a los diecisiete, lo considero uno de mis textos preferidos. Pero si requiere una dominación del lenguaje considerable, no para la comprensión per se sino una apreciación profunda.

>> No.14989601

is basic boring stuff, i would guess your friend doesnt really reads poetry and just writes it because he thinks is easy.

>> No.14989671

In attention to the rest of the /lit/ community, let's refrain from using other language than English. (Jannies already moved a thread to /int/ bc of this)

>> No.14989709

Me la trae floja

>> No.14989773


>> No.14989819
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, B335DC5B-7C74-438B-A36B-A093ADC2B81D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refraineame este, OuPi

>> No.14989864

She would be so cute if she wasn't a Tumblr poser that only reads YA.

>> No.14989888

Los janitors pueden ponerse en fila y mamarme la verga bien hasta el fondo de uno en uno

>> No.14989911

cerrá el orto

>> No.14989964

That girl is so cute but so dumb and pretentious... I want to hatefuck her... Very hard

>> No.14990075

Chek'd and janniepilled

>> No.14990095

Onetti is peak incel.

>> No.14990198

Le EPIC buzzword xD

>> No.14990458
File: 42 KB, 954x485, fin votac 1630 hora española.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that bad so far. Poll ends in 19 hours and a half

>> No.14990560
File: 140 KB, 760x1024, 1566322558785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onetti writes peak incelism ironically. You pseud wouldn't get it.

>> No.14990709
File: 441 KB, 820x1412, C872A5B2-4F13-4CB5-B898-D9AFB18531C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

todavía tengo que comprarlo, y con esto del covid no sé si estarán haciendo envíos

>> No.14990720

Name? I want to facefuck her.

>> No.14990731


>> No.14990882

I was going to suggest reading Juan José Arreola's "Bestiario" instead of Cortázar's, but this late in the game it seems it doesn't matter since Lazarillo de Tormes is going to win. I'll be sitting this one out then.

>> No.14991355

Just vote
*****LET'S READ POLL*****
>VOTE TO DECIDE WHAT THE GENERAL THREAD READS : >>> https://www.strawpoll.me/19661478 <<<

>> No.14991387

I won't. I have either already read those books or am not interested in them. I wish you success with the book club, I'll just be sitting this one out.

>> No.14991409

Cool. Stay tuned for the next ocassion

>> No.14991496

Bitch, please! You're in 4chan, just download it illegally for now, you can buy it for your collection after all this ends.
Physical copy > pdf/epub at least for me, but we need to adapt

>> No.14991508

Cat something ("paperback dreams" in YT), she looks like a triggered lesbian now

>> No.14992037

¿Que paso con estos hilos que de repente todos hablan Ingles?

>es para atraer mas gente

Mis pelotas. Estos Chicanos que se jodan.

>> No.14992116


>> No.14992226

No, u fuckin retardo
It's bc jannies will archive any thread they can't read, and will send it to an irrelevant board. Ppl here have told us a thousand times, idiot

>> No.14992238

It's because of the jannies, read the fucking thread(s), OP repeats it all the time. Also, chicanos don't know how to read

>> No.14992312

Es mucho mas facil que Ulises. Pero no lo termine, llegue a la parte donde discute con una familia Protestante.

Por cierto ¿A que hora sera la lectura? esta entre el Tunel y el Lazarillo.

>> No.14992835
File: 16 KB, 220x284, Jose_Ortega_y_Gasset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg of you, anyone of you that has read Ortega y Gasset's philosophy to please explain to me what this lunatic was trying to communicate with the concept of Raciovitalism. What is vital reason? What relation does it have to his meditation about don Quixote? Why is he so fucking weird?

>> No.14992970

Read "Ni vitalismo ni racionalismo"

>> No.14993164

Any Christianity/theology enthusiast on here? Which Spanish version of the bible should I use?

I'm Mexican, btw.

>> No.14993364

Fuck you, I'm Mexican too.

Reina-Valera Bible.

But, it's better if you become an atheist. Being religious is for retards virgencita and san juditas loving niggers.

*Tip's Fedora*

>> No.14993370

Try with "La casa en la arena", "Un sueño realizado" and finally "El Infierno tan temido"

"Los amigos" is very good, but underrated.

>> No.14993500

Lee los pensamientos de Pascal. Es mi libro favorito de teologia Cristiana pero es mucho mas que eso.

>> No.14993574
File: 446 KB, 231x210, 1460253568985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I was watching one of those shows about the bible in History channel or H2 or whatever. That episode was about sexual references and it turns out "feet" (like "washing Jesus' feet with her hair and teardrops" or stuff like that) is an euphemism for genitals.

>> No.14993598

I don't get the consensus built around this guy. I'd really like to read a negative critique, but it's impossible to find any.

>> No.14993613


>> No.14993673

What about the Nacar-Colunga Bible?

>> No.14993690

reina-valera is just much more beautiful, you can read either if that is not your concern but personally I like reina-valera a lot more

>> No.14993698

Here, compare genesis for either and you decide:



if you want it for bible studies, get a study guide and do research learning from direct theologists instead; learning the bible through a translation seems like a really bad idea desu

>> No.14993700

Now I want to talk about La rosa de Guadalupe writing

>> No.14993756

Te recomiendo que te acerques a una iglesia Catolica u Ortodoxa y preguntes que Biblia te convendría mas leer. Hay muchas traducciones y todas tienen propósitos diferentes. Hay algunas de estudio, otras adaptadas a idioma moderno, otras más fieles al idioma original, etc etc.
Lo que si te voy a decir es que por el momento no leas la versión Reina Valera. Le faltan partes. También hay que tener en cuenta que es la Biblia de los protestantes y los protestantes son todos unos herejes. Incluso si no sos Cristiano, no es muy difícil ver que el protestantismo es una versión débil y adulterada de las verdaderas tradiciones cristianas. Por algo termino deviniendo en este progresismo materialista berreta anglosajón, incapaz de comprender la importancia de la tradición y el aspecto esotérico bíblico.
Me estoy yendo por las ramas, pero se entiende. Si estuviese en tu lugar, me acercaría a aquellos que dedican su vida a estudiar teología. Incluso te van a poder guiar con respecto al material secundario. Si no tenes la posibilidad de hacer eso, la Biblia de Jerusalén es de las mejores opciones que se me ocurren. Ojalá encuentres lo que buscas, anon.

>> No.14993779

you've read many version of the bible
just for the sake of aesthetics and prose, ignoring faithfulness to scripture or any obligation to christianity, which bible would you say is the most beautifully written one?

>> No.14993807

La edición de Cantera - Iglesias, o la Bover Cantera si aún la puedes encontrar.

>> No.14993816

En mi opinión es mucho más importante el comentario dentro de la Biblia a la prosa que tenga. Pero si te interesa más lo segundo, vas a tener que elegir 3 o 4 traducciones y fijarte cuál te gusta más. Por suerte casi todas las versiones están disponibles en internet.
Te recomiendo que leas un poco del Génesis y un poco de algún evangelio para decidirte.
Si no sabes bien por donde empezar a comparar, podes tomar como punto de partida la Jerusalén (de estudio), la Latinoamericana (hecha para el lector laico), la Nacar Colunga (recomendado por un anon de acá) y alguna otra que tengas en mente.
Tampoco es que vas a tener que leerte todo el Pentateuco para decidir. Con que leas un par de versículos ya vas a saber si es para vos o no. A fin de cuentas, te recomiendo que termines eligiendo mas por instinto, la que sientas “correcta”.

>> No.14993861

I really don't want to look like someone that's busting your balls but I really am only concerned with the translation's style and not its content as I honestly believe that our greatest effort must be given to what concerns our spirituality, in the sense that if I were interested in learning the bible truthfully, I would go through the painstaking task of researching line after line and looking up theologians to complement my understanding trying to get the most honest and complete story of what's being taught as the essence of the message from God.

>> No.14993872

All that being said, I'll take your advice and read genesis for each version I come accross and decide for myself then.

>> No.14994097

>Catholic countries
Mexico, Brazil and Philippines
>Protestant countries
Finland, Denmark and Norway

Truly a satan's abomination.

>> No.14994111

Yeah, I would like to talk to some theologians. Or some well versed priest. (Do people like the one in Les Misérables even exist?). Even tho I'm not very fond of Catholics since I consider them invaders and genocides.

>> No.14994133

>History Channel
That was your mistake

>> No.14994147

I'm >>14993164
I just realized that this made me feel some primitive tribalism between Catholicism or Protestantism, which is not what I want. Thanks for your help bros, and remember to love Jesus.

Also I would like to start a Bible reading group here on /lit/ is anyone interested?

>> No.14994270

You sound like you don't care about the religious content and just want to read well written fantasy, go get a LOTR book instead

>> No.14994307

I know, it was that shit or the shittier Nacapulco shore and other shittier shits

>> No.14994340

LOL, never thought I see that one on 4chan
You should just get rid of paid TV and get Netflix or something. TV nowadays is full of shit. Although I'll admit sometimes I watch telenovelas just because the actresses are so fucking hot.

>> No.14994387 [DELETED] 

he had delusions

>> No.14994396

I read this as a response to the concept of the banality of evil. In that Camus heroes are all good in a very banal sense as well.

>> No.14994397

>Do people like the one in Les Misérables even exist?
If you mean the bishop/high cleric that saves Valjean from being imprisoned again and feeds him, yes. They don't get the attention they ought to, though.

In attention to the rest of the /lit/ community, refrain from using any other language different of English

>> No.14994403

t. OuPi

*****LET'S READ POLL*****
>VOTE TO DECIDE WHAT THE GENERAL THREAD READS : >>> https://www.strawpoll.me/19661478 <<<

>> No.14994463

>primitive tribalism between Catholicism or Protestantism
anón, the differences are more than just "muh faith group" or "muh cngregation betta", as you can read on the thread
t. OuPi

>> No.14994901

>El Chadzarillo is winning
Knew it. Also, it's a seemingly short read that we can tackle in a week or less and see how the reading club format works for us. I think it's a good testing ground before trying to tackle something bigger.

>> No.14994989
File: 1.58 MB, 1080x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just greening up this uninfected thread

>> No.14995465
File: 43 KB, 999x485, votacion acaba a las 1630 hora española.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good insight, anón.
But "don't sell the bear's fur before you kill it". 3:30 hours still left.

>> No.14995471

I have built immunity to all diseases through pure contemplation on the works of Rene Guenon (pbuh), which has granted me a deep understanding of the non-dual nature of all creation.

>> No.14995472

do you have any idea why we can't use Names now?

>> No.14996211

I know, I have Netflix but I'm in my parents' house in these "vacations" and I like zapping from time to time when I'm tired of reading

>> No.14996433

Vote for pedro.

>> No.14996439

Post-Ironically based aestethics.
Que haces besando a la lisiada posting.

>> No.14996450
File: 27 KB, 933x700, DUI NCHICK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reading the psalms.
De verdad espero que ustedes no hagan esto en casa.

>> No.14996487

I've been searching for that pic for years, there's a cool story behind that photo which I don't remember well.
Do you have the original pic and/or the background story??

>> No.14996804
File: 8 KB, 303x256, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final results are in: we are reading Lazarillo (blue in the chart).

nope. But some anón that browses this thread does have the original, and might remember the background story.


>> No.14996810
File: 313 KB, 1600x1066, anon, I....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>33 votes in 24 hours

>> No.14996825

10 votes
>BESTIARIO (de Borges)
8 votes
>EL TÚNEL (de Ernesto Sabato)
7 votes
4 votes
>20 POEMAS DE AMOR (de Neruda)
3 votes

>> No.14996932 [DELETED] 

hmm sounds biblical

>> No.14996937

>In attention to the rest of the /lit/ community, refrain from using any other language different of English
No, gracias

Que los hay, los hay. Vas a tener que buscarlos. Si vas por el lado catolico, busca sacerdotes tradicionalistas, esos son los que en general están más cercanos a la esencia católica.

>muh escandinavia
Países sin religión, sin alma, sin cultura, con su nación diluyéndose, totalmente dominada por musulmanes y feministas. Pero que puto bastión de la civilización. Ah pero hay gibs, todo solucionado.

>> No.14996973 [DELETED] 


>> No.14996974

Probably devs have setted names as a programmatically assigned variable.

Also why would you like to do so, namefag?

>> No.14997125

because >>14992226

>> No.14997423
File: 45 KB, 500x493, 1583671611027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have the original pic and/or the background story??
iirc it's Borges at a birthday party just being full Borges.

>> No.14997434 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 220x350, giono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Horseman on the roof by Jean Giono is one of my personal favortie books, it's about a lone Italian cavalryman wandering in southern France during the cholera outbreak of the 1830's. There's also a movie, it's praised but I haven't seen it.

>> No.14997436

No seas puto, como vas a hacerle caso a los jannies? Si archivan el thread haces otro y listo que tanto problema

>> No.14997502

the madlad

>> No.14998148


>> No.14998247

It's in the public domain. It's not illegal.

>> No.14998266

Being an atheist is gay and boring.

>> No.14998274

Ireland and Italy are also Catholic, which in a way boosted their literature.

>> No.14998279

>BESTIARIO (de Borges)

>> No.14998291

OuPi being OuPi.

>> No.14998331

Based Borges bringing the party.

>> No.14998344

Saludos mexiamigo, venezolano aquí. No te dejes guiar por quienes hacen alarde de su ignorancia recomendando la Reina-Valera como texto filológicamente aceptable. Yo te recomiendo la versión Nácar-Colunga publicada en varios tomos por la Biblioteca de autores cristianos, pues es la primera y todavía no superada traducción bíblica llevada desde las lenguas originales al español, acompañada además de un comentario explicativo muy necesario desde toda perspectiva (teológica, filológica, histórica, filosófica, hagiográfica, entre otras). También son válidas la Biblia de Salamanca, la Biblia del Peregrino y la traducción de la Biblia de Salvatore Garofalo (al italiano, mas vertida al español en edición de la editorial Labor). Además, si quieres estudiar teología verdadera, revisa la totalidad de la Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos (B.A.C.) haciendo énfasis en Tomás de Aquino y Francisco Suárez.

>> No.14998390

Has anyone ever read Jose Lopez Portillo y Pacheco? He's a former Mexican president that was really into philosophy and the occult, his books are super based.

>> No.14998395

Posdata: La Nácar-Colunga es estéticamente superior a la Esclava-Invaledera.

>> No.14998932

*coughs on you*
lo siento mi amigo

>> No.14999651

Ya me contagiaste, pendejo.
Como si no viajara en metro diario, sáquese a la verga.

>> No.14999652
File: 1.90 MB, 1240x1754, catalan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahah look at me i am infected.

>> No.14999658

>Posting on 4chan

Well that's funny.

>> No.14999672

>lee traducciones
jajaja buena broma

>> No.15000405

I seriously hope you guys don't think this

>> No.15000975


>> No.15000990

Is anyone from Ecuador here?
Let's talk about your national literature and the COVID-19.

>> No.15001703

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