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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.07 MB, 2662x3967, qljsgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14965034 No.14965034 [Reply] [Original]

post em

r8, h8, appreci8

>> No.14965068

I like your miniatures, anon!
Would get into them, alas, it is time and money i do not have

>> No.14965079

It is a sink of both those things, to be sure. They're helping to keep me sane at present though, along with the books and my guitar.

>> No.14965131
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I also got those few Scott Pilgrim books in 2010. Shortly after I borrowed three fifths of it to a colleague. Never got them back.

>> No.14965136

>Aubrey-Maturin series
Absolutely based OP!

>> No.14965164
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Why’d you guys shill Infinite Jest so hard? It’s such a slog

>> No.14965193

scott pilgrim is very much a relic of its time desu. I probably wouldn't replace them if they disappeared on me but they serve as a nostalgic milestone of sorts for me and mine.

viewed as a single work, probably my favorite novel of all time.

>> No.14965209

I felt the same way about Gravity's Rainbow. Seemed like there was an interesting story but totally buried under masturbatory by-english-major-for-english-major prose

>> No.14965239
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>> No.14965278


Reasonably good collection of books, but that shitty fiberboard bookcase isn't going to last long.

>> No.14965781
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>Scott Pilgrim

>> No.14965788
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shameless self-bump with my (mostly) nonfiction case.

The medievalist stuff is my wife's

>> No.14965839

post case

>> No.14965915
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mine got thrown out by me ;-(

>> No.14965940

>Megg, Mogg and Owl
excellent taste

>> No.14965964
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This is my current case. I left most of my books at my parent's house.

>> No.14965974

a stack is fine too. We share an affinity for goth/pulp genre.

>> No.14965988

I really want that edition of Jurassic Park.

>> No.14965989
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>> No.14966011

I got it at B&N. Some of their hardcover editions are absurdly nice. The copy of Dune is from the same line.

>> No.14966012


>> No.14966023

ty lol i was a comic snob in high school

>> No.14966029
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Unemployed NEET pls no bully.
Too poor to get that many good things unless I find them at thrift.

>> No.14966056
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unemployed NEET pls bully, I get off on that

>> No.14966064

Pretty based selection here

>> No.14966095
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>> No.14966210
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, CF90CD34-F473-4DF0-A9FA-85FFEC2A2445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My (growing) nautical fiction shelves.

>> No.14966231

What's this Ramage series? I've never heard of it.

>> No.14966256

>nautical fiction
extremely based, what's your favorites?

>> No.14966261

It’s a Napoleonic nautical fiction series in the same tune as Hornblower. Hornblower author CS Forester actually named Ramage author Dudley Pope as his successor.

>> No.14966284

Melville, Conrad, and O’Brien are all among my favorite writers.

>> No.14966552

Welp, I have another series to read for my dose of wooden ships and iron men

>> No.14966622
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>> No.14966714

Hack your 3DS, it's really easy.

>> No.14966831

Already done good shit, too bad theres no more 3ds games

>> No.14966848

At that point you should just chuck them on the ground and be done with it, at least that won't collapse on top of you when you want to read some lermontov

>> No.14966861

Not fiction but have you read Sailing Alone Around the World?

>> No.14966870

Also, Richard Henry Dana's Two Years Before The Mast

>> No.14966872

>too poor to buy literature
>enough money to buy manga and video games

I am not bullying, I am just disappointed

>> No.14966911

I have that same Poe edition. Nice.

>> No.14966922

so many books that I want from this shelf kek first shelf I'm jelous about

>> No.14966934

like what? I have to judge your interests

>> No.14966968

Oh I fucked up I meant the shelf below yours (>>14965915). From yours I'd love to own Graves' The Greek Myths, is it good?

>> No.14966985

It's a little dry, being written in the 40s or 50s, but it does some interesting stuff. Graves tries to tie the myths to concrete historical influences, a la centaurs being derived from steppe archers, that sort of thing.
People still seem to respect it but I'm not sure how citeable it would be if you care about that. It's a good source of uncensored greek myths in all their brutality though.

>> No.14967006

This ones looks nonhuman...does anybody else get that feeling?

Cold, grey, silver: no person can have such tastes to only have two types of editions on his collection.

>> No.14967017

choo choo

>> No.14967072

What if he was the owner of the publisher and only uses it to satisfy his own tastes?

>> No.14967088

The orange and green ones are penguins, their owner can probably afford nicer editions

>> No.14967144

>What if he was the owner of the publisher and only uses it to satisfy his own tastes?
Only reasonable explication, thanks anon. Weird, none the less.

>> No.14967173
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An old bookstore I frequented for 4 years closed down recently. My last trip there was sentimental.

>> No.14967373

>generic /lit/recs, weebshit and mein kampf
says it all really

>> No.14967402

is your wife single?

>> No.14967407

When you guys look at books on shelves, do you turn your head to the side? Or when you look at them in these pictures, do you rotate the image, or your head or (god forbid) your phone? Just want to see if I am retarded, I will not reveal what I do.

>> No.14967413
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>Not buying books on amazon for cheaper

>> No.14967420


>> No.14967434
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>not building your own printing press to make the books yourself

>> No.14967436

>giving money to b*zos and not supporting your local jazz-enthusiast old man in a used bookshop


is your mother?

>> No.14967458

The books were no more than $5 and I like supporting the local shops.

>> No.14967466

>tfw fr*gposters are ruining the used book industry

>> No.14967688

you're doing the lords work anon

>> No.14968242
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what's fkn wrong with scott pilgrim ya cunt

>> No.14969272
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>> No.14969273
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When times are stressful, I can always count on some nice books to take my mind off things.

>> No.14969300

I like

>> No.14969304

I like it a LOT!

>> No.14969306

>Robin McKinley

>> No.14969414
File: 249 KB, 658x152, spotted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute is that fucking hentai on your bookshelf?

>> No.14969439

anon, I'm not sure how to tell you this...but your shelf is laying on its side!

>> No.14969459

>but that shitty fiberboard bookcase isn't going to last long.

I bought a shitty fiberboard bookcase from Ikea for like $12. It's ugly and flimsy. The back is a weird foldup piece of plastic that I first thought was part of the box and was about to throw away. Lol it's part of the furniture.

Fell in love
Got married
Put the bookcase in the gues bedroom
We make babby
Guest bedroom becomes baby room
We move three times
Get divorced
I get the bookcase
Child grows up
I move to the other side of the country
Child gets college degree
Bookcase still with me.
Looks as good as the day I bought it
Still ugly and cheap

Take it from an old man: buy good furniture because the cheap shit will last and haunt you forever.

>> No.14969463

>Why’d you guys shill Infinite Jest so hard?
because its a giant and "difficult" book

>> No.14969477

none of them look very read.

>> No.14969493
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>> No.14969495

shut up you faggot jesus

>> No.14969513
File: 1.57 MB, 756x1008, ikeabookcase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the bookcase

>> No.14969541

i'm just sayin

>> No.14969556

people don't read every book multiple times. i only have like 4 books on my shelf ive read repeatedly

>> No.14969578


>> No.14969583

I live in a country that has no established standard for the book spine and every publisher does what they want, so it gets quite annoying if you're trying to browse a bookshelf.

>> No.14969619
File: 53 KB, 576x1024, $_86 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be getting an Ikea Hemnes bookcase(s). It's not the most expensive stuff but I think it looks nice.

>> No.14969623


>> No.14969629

>doesn't even centre it

Never go half autism

>> No.14969631

Based autist

>> No.14969638

Sadly a lot of B&N editions have a ton of typos

>> No.14969667
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Hemnes are good. I used them for my plebeian den library: .

>> No.14969718


>> No.14969740

> Citizen by Claudia Rankine
Was this required reading or did you read out of self interest ?

>> No.14969951

why do you have 2 copies of catcher in the rye?

>> No.14970052
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Rate my shit bros

>> No.14970210

Please move Joyce to a safe place away from the rest of that trash.

>> No.14970220
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>3rd year phil student

>> No.14970312

it started kinda ok on the top shelf but you should be shot for the bottom two

>> No.14970383
File: 23 KB, 205x357, Screenshot (43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, any recs on bookcases for max storage?
I have small bookcases, but it's not enough for what I have, definitely not what I've left at my dad's house.
Getting bookcases is my next project, and I was thinking about pic related from IKEA

>> No.14970428


>> No.14970467
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Billy is decent if you don't want to load it down too much, or don't need the extra height. Hemnes and Lommarp are good for thin cases. I used Liatorps upstairs, and they're monsters: really big, very solid.

>> No.14970474

Based on the telomere book you may be interested in the episode of Eric Weinstein's podcast where he and his brother talk about how issues with the telomeres of lab mice may be having a disastrous effect on the effectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs. His brother apparently made some pretty crazy discoveries which ended up being buried, and Blackburn was supposed to have played a role in it.

>> No.14970536

Thanks! I'll start calculating cost.

And kek at the Nancy Drew

>> No.14970571

I have not. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.14970678

Give away books at your own peril. Always understand that you might not get them back. But, give them out regardless, because sharing is caring and a good book likes to travel.


>> No.14970723 [SPOILER] 
File: 553 KB, 1256x2063, 1585420969060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read Naomi Novik's Temeraire series? It's Napoleonic-Era naval stuff from the POV of an English captain.

With, um, dragons. It's basically Master & Commander with dragons. It's actually kind of cool how they explain the logistics of the aerial battles that take place directly overhead of the naval battles.

>> No.14970750

just a small journal
I don't have a bookshelf.

>> No.14970951

>Defending Scott niggergrim

>> No.14971062

I just finished Station Eleven, it was pretty fun as post-apoc books go but it annoyed me how connected the protagonists ended up.

Nice King collection. Is his son worth reading at all?

how's that chord bible? I have the basic open chords down and don't really know where to go from there

>HG Wells
>the Oxford Annotated Bible
I like you. I've been wanting that bible too

nobody cares about your opinion specifically

>> No.14971596

have sex.

>> No.14971952
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>have sex

>> No.14972180

i don't get it sorry i don't browse /pol/ and /r9k/, i read books

>> No.14972279

I haven't actually read Station Eleven yet, but my wife enjoyed it.
Joe Hill is decent, though I like his Locke & Key comic series better than his books generally.
The Oxford Annotated and The Other Bible are goldmines, definitely.

>> No.14972403
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>i don't get it sorry i don't browse /pol/ and /r9k/, i read books

>> No.14972443
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>> No.14972451

this was pretty great

>> No.14972466
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Here is a great book.

>> No.14972471

Tfw this is what I imagine a German having

>> No.14972476


>> No.14972512
File: 848 KB, 719x960, 1232323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey why don't you go fuck yourself pleb

>> No.14972573
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I think I hit a nerve.

>> No.14972612

nah just hadn't had my coffee yet. got any actual book recs? x

>> No.14972625

get rid of the disgusting unpainted miniatures, or at least paint them

>> No.14972656

It depends, what sort of books you like?

>> No.14972718
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that pristine spine on IJ though

>> No.14972753

And the Virgin. Based book case. Don't change, Anon. Keep it messy.

>> No.14973131
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idk man you tell me I've read a lot. I like anything good.

>> No.14973266

>Strait is the gate
>The Moon Over the Mountain
>Dogra Magra
>No Longer Human
>The Stranger
>The Society of Spectacle
>The Monk
>The conspiracy against the human race
>The Crawling chaos
You probably have already read some of these ones, but whatever.

>> No.14973287
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>thinks spine damage is actually a thing
look at all the spines you pleb, it's called knowing how to hold a book.

ty for
>Strait is the gate
>The Moon Over the Mountain
>The Crawling chaos

>> No.14973305

Any recommendations?

>> No.14973351

>Strait is the gate

a very tragic book

>> No.14973446


>> No.14973466
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Will have to get rid of some of these soon. :(

>> No.14973499
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x2940, E685311C-FD03-48F3-9111-1086441D1358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the top of my bookcase

>> No.14973503

Realized a couple of the cooler poetry collections don't have spines, oh well. Worth mentioning that Sharon Olds book is dogshit.

>> No.14973577

>Dead Souls
>Beware of Pity
>The Reivers
>Sabbath's Theatre

>> No.14973623

potato quality. try harder.

>> No.14974953


>> No.14974959

>rotating the image so the titles are easily readable

Great stuff

>> No.14974965

Spending time in bookshops has taught me to just read titles sideways instead of turning my head

>> No.14975001

Yuck. Please leave this board for a year.

>> No.14975014

This is the prime example of a shelf created by /lit/ charts. Disgusting.

>> No.14975106
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I've been reading Kerouac.

>> No.14975739

Very based, very similar to my tastes. Try out Flashman, Cicero, Dumas, Hitchens (Peter) and Seneca.

>> No.14976280

Jack Kerouac

>> No.14976313
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Just one picture.

>> No.14976571


>> No.14976694

glad someone else finds this as appalling as i.

>> No.14976722


>> No.14976728

Got fuckall else to do while I'm home

That'd be my wife's. As is Name of the Rose.

>> No.14976747

>really just boards and boxes
based educated proletarian

>> No.14976753

boomer detected

>> No.14976771

what's his best? only read OTR

>> No.14976888

To me Dharma Bums. And the initial part of Desolation Angels.

>> No.14978160
File: 2.10 MB, 3863x2326, 3AEC7C64-8EE3-4063-A941-0599B2E7F68B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my library’s too fucked to show off atm but here’s my ‘up next’ shelf

>> No.14978306


>> No.14978360
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>> No.14978593

With all that Gibson I am surprised you haven't got a copy of Fanged Noumena!

>> No.14978643
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its weird how many books we have in common, like looking at my own books shelf, i even have the same editions of lotr

>> No.14978743

Amazon is more expensive than local stores at this point. Bezos ass fucks everyone on shipping.

>> No.14978831

>edith hamilton edition of mythology

ok bro we get it

>> No.14979545


>> No.14979547


>> No.14980201
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 2B341044-1E9E-4F39-AD4D-CE8251D5F819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my bookcases set up on the new house

>> No.14980282

You have some nice hard cover editions, did you buy them used or new?

>> No.14980364

All used. New Folio and Eastons are over-priced.

>> No.14980410

ok, based