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14964535 No.14964535 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell does the book of Job in the Bible mean? God just can do whatever he wants just because he was there in the beginning? It gets even more complicated when you factor in Leviathan

>> No.14964555

Same old shit goes all the way back to Plato's Euthrypho, is something moral because God says to do it or does God say to do something because it is moral? Bible thumpers never have an answer for it and when pressed ultimately resort to might makes right God is all powerful. Then you point out God does not exist and they really freak out

>> No.14964557


>> No.14964658

The point is that everyone thinks they can discern what God's plan is and therefore try to tell you what the meaning of certain events are. This is nothing but hubris as mortals cannot imagine what the purpose of God's will is, therefore all a truly pious man can do is maintain faith

>> No.14964665

I would say this is correct. :3

Veritably so.

>> No.14964667



> “The Book of Job,” said Ana. She had the voice of a singer, lowercase-s, though as far as I knew she’d never had any vocal training. When she spoke, people listened. “Totally unique among Biblical manuscripts. It’s not set in Israel, but in Uz – maybe somewhere in Arabia. It probably predates Israel as a settled state. It’s written in a much older form of Hebrew than any other Biblical book. It gets quoted in Isaiah, which means it’s older than the prophets. It gets quoted in Psalms, which means it’s older than King David. The lexicon is totally different, so many foreign words that scholars suspect it was written in something else and translated later on, so maybe older than the Hebrew language itself. This thing is old. And there’s one other difference between Job and the rest of the Bible. Job is…it’s self-aware. It takes these questions that we all want to ask, reading the rest of the Bible – if God is good and all-powerful, how come there’s so much evil in the world? – and instead of ignoring them it runs into them head on. Like, haven’t you ever read the Bible, and had questions, and wish you could just ask them to God directly? Job is the book where someone actually does that.”


The book of Job actually makes a hell of a lot of sense if you suppose God is a doctor,” Erica agreed.

“And!” Zoe Farr added, “it would explain why doctors think they’re God!”

“Seriously!” said Ana. “Who does that? Other than doctors, I mean. Job is asking this very reasonable question – how come I, a righteous man, have been made to suffer immensely? God actually knows the answer – it’s because He wanted to win a bet with Satan – but instead of telling Job that, He spends like three entire chapters rubbing in the fact that He’s omnipotent and Job isn’t. Why would you do that?”

“The part with the Satan is weird,” said Ally Hu. “If really this is God’s reason, then the reason for Job’s suffering is different from the reason for everyone else’s suffering. Right? Bad things happen to most people, but maybe it is not because of bet between God and Satan at all times?”

“Girl’s got a point,” said Bill Dodd.

“I remembered,” Ally Hu continued “when we left of the Harmonious Jade Dragon Empire. I keep asking my parents, ‘What is happening? Where do we go?’ because I was young. They say ‘We are going to a vacation’ and I say ‘But why are we going to a vacation during school time?’ Then they got very angry with me and told me I should mind my own beehive.”

“Beeswax,” Bill Dodd corrected.

“But they were trying to protect me. They knew if I hear the real answer, I would start crying, become upset, maybe run away. Maybe the real reason God allows evil is something terrible. Maybe He is trying to protect us from knowing something.”

Everyone was quiet for a second.

>> No.14964675

>This is nothing but hubris as mortals cannot imagine what the purpose of God's will
The very idea that mortal man could somehow be in contact with some supernatural deity is the ultimate hubris.

>> No.14964704

I will pray for you

>> No.14964743

Imagine being this arrogant.

>> No.14964814

Where are your, dear anon, senses coming from? We have life because of life given to us by our creator God, BLESSED be him!

>> No.14964836

>We have life because of life given to us by our creator God, BLESSED be him!
The idea that a mortal man could have such cosmologically significant knowledge is the very height of arrogance.

>> No.14964846

Goth grill gib milkies pleamse

>> No.14964884

Read Babylonian wisdom literature.

>> No.14964906

It means the jews stole a bunch of myths and passed it off as their own

>> No.14964929

When did this board get infected with so many fedora wearing, edgy , neck bearded, reddit dwelling atheists

>> No.14965038
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*tips for Jesus*

>> No.14965055

Why should theism be the default?

>> No.14965061
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There is no dilemma. What’s moral is what’s good for you. God simply tells us what is moral based on the world he has created. He would not lie, and we would not tell us that we should do something if it is not good for us. He would first have to change some condition about existence to change morality.

>> No.14965067

Not trying to argue if God is real or not. Can't we talk about the Bible like we do with the Iliad or whatever

>> No.14965069

Just to be contrarian. If society swung back to Jesus everyone here would worship Dawkins

>> No.14965070

oh my god she looks like my fucking mum in this picture

>> No.14965084

Can you not see the same exact problem with your description. Is what is good for you what God says to do or does God say to do something because it is good for you? This is an ancient problem covered in every intro class and there has never been a decent answer.

>> No.14965092

God had one plan and one plan only for the universe that He created and if something fucks it up and you're caught in the way of Him fixing it then oh fucking well. That's the essential lesson of Job: We were given a perfect universe and fucked up God's plan, we should be so lucky to be breathing at all, until, of course, God sends His only begotten Son into the world so that whosever believeth in Him shall not perish.

>> No.14965100

Yeah we definitely could but the christcucks won't let us. Same reason they teach Greek mythology in school but they can't teach Christian mythology even though it's more culturally important.

>> No.14965106

What did I say above it always devolves to might makes right with Bible thumpers.

>> No.14965107

>does God say to do something because it is good for you?
this. What is the problem?

>> No.14965109

>Same reason they teach Greek mythology in school
They don't in most states because it conflicts with Christian views

>> No.14965119

When the board was created, newfag.

>> No.14965122

Because then the good is separate from God and when God says to do something obviously wrong like sacrificing your kid you would be wrong to obey him

>> No.14965145

>Because then the good is separate from God
sure. The good is what’s good for you. But God is not a liar, and if God gives you a specific command, then disobeying God would likely result in bad consequences. So in all cases, God will always command you to do something that is good for you, and you should do as God commands.

>> No.14965147
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>> No.14965160

I only loosely know the story of Job but I do understand suffering. Suffering is the path to growth, it pushes you to question yourself, life and god to a level that's not possible when joyful. This ultimately leads to a much more fulfilling and satisfied life so suffering is a blessing and God brings it into your life when you need it.

>> No.14965167
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>It gets even more complicated when you factor in Leviathan

Unfortunately Leviathan is necessary to understand Job though, you can't just skip the parts you find too hard. As Aquinas said "The Bible is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. The bible is an insurrection, an act of God"

>> No.14965176

You don't sacrifice your kid if you don't understand the reason. If I tell you to kill yourself now for your own good but you will never be able to understand the reason why and oh yeah I never lie are you going to do it?

>> No.14965190

Are you saying you’re God? Please, PLEASE, go back to R*ddit! If not for our sake, for your own!

>> No.14965198


>> No.14965217

Why do I need to say that I'm God. Just that I know a good reason for you killing yourself that you will never understand. Would you be wrong not to do it?

>> No.14965220

when did God ever do anything like this, though? We should have faith that whatever God tells us to do is good for us. His commands have no weight otherwise. Parents’ commands work the same way, but parents are flawed. God’s commands are always good. To do what he says is the path to righteousness.

>> No.14965230


>> No.14965231

you’re not omniscient and you’re not totally honest and I don’t fear the consequences of disobeying you

>> No.14965248

God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Something clearly wrong with no explanation

>> No.14965255

>I don’t fear the consequences of disobeying you
Again bible thumpers devolve to might makes right at the end of the day. God doesn't exist you have nothing to fear

>> No.14965271

You’re projecting your own human moralities and ethics on God, you halfwit.

>> No.14965281

Abraham did what God commanded, and he benefited from it. God never intended Abraham to kill Isaac, he wouldn’t allow it. Abraham’s faith counted to him as righteousness, and this strengthened his relationship with God, and led to his blessing. Abraham made the right decision.

>> No.14965287

is that supposed to be an argument?

>> No.14965292

So if I sacrifice a kid am I doing something wrong? The whole point of this is to argue that God is the necessary basis for human morality, if you deny human morality I've already won the argument

>> No.14965297

If God doesn't exist then you have literally everything to fear

>> No.14965303

Might makes right is generally sneered at in moral discussions. If you think it's a valid basis for morals you don't really believe in morality

>> No.14965306
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>if god good, what happen if god say do bad?

>> No.14965308

generally killing a kid is wrong. But when God tells you to do something, you do it, because God tells you what’s good for you. Or would you preach to us that we should disobey our God?

>> No.14965311

If the God I just made up exists all he wants to do is punish Christians. So you have everything to fear too

>> No.14965314

>It gets even more complicated when you factor in Leviathan
Leviathan is a simple death analogy.

>> No.14965317

Nobody is afraid of a made up "god"

>> No.14965318

Except the guy I'm replying to agreed that God says to do things because they are good not that things are good because God says to do them

>> No.14965326
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>If the God I just made up exists all he wants to do is punish Christians. >So you have everything to fear too

>> No.14965329

Rofl the lack of self-awareness is amazing. The Bible is a fairy tale

>> No.14965332

it’s not about “might makes right.” It’s about consequences. You should do what’s good for you. God knows what’s good for you and tells you what’s good for you, and God wouldn’t allow you to do something that’s not good for you through his command. Otherwise, there’s no reason to obey God.

>> No.14965344

it’s probably the most complex “fairytale” of all time. Atheists have no idea how it was all supposedly faked. They never think about that because they know there is no good answer.

>> No.14965347
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>Rofl the lack of self-awareness is amazing. The Bible is a fairy tale

>> No.14965355

He just gave a type of Pascal's Wager. Even Pascal said it was not reasonable and could only serve as an aid to faith

>> No.14965364

Pascal also spent half of Pensées elaborating on why exactly Christianity is the perfect religion.

>> No.14965371

imagine if only human beings possessed intellect huh?? this is such a hubirs huh???

>> No.14965373

It straight up isn't the most complex. Hinduism has reams of crap going back long before Judaism. And I know perfectly well how it was faked someone just made something up and wrote it down or passed it along orally

>> No.14965382

So what, Pascal's Wager is shit and that's what is being talked about

>> No.14965387

the prophecies and parallels between the OT and NT as well as the emphasis on faith rather than good works (since no one is perfect) separates Christianity from the rest.

>> No.14965395

>simple death analogy.
Where did you get that from? Look more into the Gnostic interpretation

>> No.14965402

Pascal’s Wager essentially says that you can’t know God by reason, so you should seek belief through means of faith in the Christian manner. This isn’t a bad argument because our reason cannot do everything. We rely on faith all the time for our own benefit. But you don’t care about the context of Pensées or the other details. All the big internet atheists badmouthed Pascal and so you are forever doomed to repeat their words. How sad.

>> No.14965406

Man's intellect is limited. He can learn about and manipulate his immediate physical surroundings, but the comprehension of lofty transcendental subjects like "the purpose of God's plan" is way above his pay grade.

>> No.14965427

I care that it was put forth as a rational argument when it's not. I perfectly agree with the faith part, belief in God is fundamentally irrational and relies on faith

>> No.14965430

yeah but intellect is not the end itself, the logos is the medium; no intellect can grasp the purpose of God's plan, but can establish connection with God Himself.

>> No.14965445

>I care that it was put forth as a rational argument
what are you talking about? It’s only a rational argument in the sense that it’s rational to use faith.

>> No.14965463

The post at the start was using it as a type of rational argument>>14965297
And it's never rational to use faith. Faith is the absence of rational reasons or complete trust or confidence in someone or something regardless of everything else

>> No.14965473

Hm, so you’re confident that a seemingly infinite universe somehow arose from eternal nothingness? I’m sure you’re capable of materializing an apple in your hand from nothing then, right?

>> No.14965479

Where did God come from?

>> No.14965491

God was always there

>> No.14965492

>Faith is the absence of rational reasons or complete trust or confidence in someone or something regardless of everything else
Do you really think Christians have faith without ANY evidence? If people had faith without any evidence or reason, then there would be just as many Greek mythology followers and Flying Spaghetti Monster followers as Christians. Without reason, faith would essentially be random. All beliefs are a mixture of reason and faith. With reason alone, you can’t do anything, because reason alone can’t determine the truth. Reason alone only leads to skepticism. You must have faith to eat or work as a team. You are an irrational creature at the heart. You aren’t a robot. Both reason and faith are tools.
>the last step of reason is to realize that there are infinite things beyond it

Go without faith, and you die.

>> No.14965500

There you go then the universe didn't arise out of nothingness it was always there. No need for God

>> No.14965506

Did you seriously just ask that question? Jesus Christ...

>> No.14965507

See but now you are literally just making shit up like a typical armchair atheist

>> No.14965508

God is Truth, and Truth necessarily exists. The laws of nature do not.

>> No.14965520

God Is

>> No.14965538

We can't argue faith into each other. I know that faith is just a combination of the culture you were born into and appealing to aspects of your personality. I can't rationally persuade you because it's not a rational belief. And if christcucks just kept their faith to themselves it would be in bad taste to run around saying God doesn't exist. But when bible thumpers insist on things that are fundamentally irrational that can effect me I have every right to call them out

>> No.14965544

you’re fundamentally irrational

>> No.14965545

What is difference between me saying the universe was always there and you saying God was always there?

>> No.14965555

God has actually always been there

>> No.14965562

It means god will be the nigger loving shit out of you if you disobey him and don't you even THINK about coming to your own conclusions. You'll burn in fucking hell cunt. This is not a discussion. You're going to FUCKING BURN FOREVER AND I WILL BE LAUGHING MY ASS OFF ABOUT IT

>> No.14965563

> I know that faith is just a combination of the culture you were born into and appealing to aspects of your personality

jesus christ can we have a religion board or whatever? it is so tiresome to read these fucking subhuman-tier shit everyday in this shithole

>> No.14965573

>mortals cannot imagine what the purpose of God's will is
>except for a few specific things we tell you, which you have no reason to believe because god is inscrutable, just have faith in the things you can understand, which are decided by the thing you don't understand

>> No.14965585

If you can just assume God is always there I can just assume the universe is always there and problem solved

>> No.14965598

I agree with this lets push all the christcuck shit off this board. It's the same tiresome arguments that have been criticized hundreds of year ago recycled over and over

>> No.14965619
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>> No.14965626

You don't think the religion threads clutter up this board?

>> No.14965642


>> No.14965644

Well he does>>14965563

>> No.14965661

you cant even understand a single line from the bible you idiot, you atheists are always reading it like a literalist, like the most low iq protestant

>> No.14965663

They tend to actually be about literature, unlike all of the "WHAT BOOKS ARE GOOD IF I LIKE ANIME???" threads

>> No.14965692

Meh without the threat of literal hell the Bible is the same as any other philosophical fiction book just more popular

>> No.14965733

Funny, because Hell was literally added to motivate dummies (AKA Protestants) to stay faithful rather than sinful retards

>> No.14965743

But if you admit the Bible isn't literally true the question remains why should I care about it? Besides from a cultural or historical standpoint

>> No.14965750

there is a literal hell. It just doesn’t have literal fire and red demons with pitchforks

>> No.14965753

Basically God allowed Satan to punish Job because he raises his second accusation against humanity. This time it's against anyone serving God. Satan is saying they're only doing it for the rewards, God allows him to punish him and Satan doesn't succeed so Satan loses. But Satan still raises that same accusation against any of his followers like anyone that follows Christ for example. Job also humbles himself at the end which is also an important lesson. The bible teaches people to be humble because if you're humble then you're willing to listen to advice and admit that god will always know better than you

>> No.14965766

Rofl you slam a literal interpretation as low IQ then turn around and claim a literal hell. This is your brain on religion

>> No.14965793

I'll pray for you

>> No.14965796

This is about the Bible, a book

>> No.14965804


Was just responding to him. The fact that you skipped him and went to me says something about where you are coming from

>> No.14965814

I don’t know why you brought up hell in the first place. That anon was referring to atheists interpreting everything literally. But he didn’t mean to say that nothing in the Bible is literal or real. He means God isn’t a bearded old man in the clouds, etc

>> No.14965825

Why did he even bring that up then? No one was criticizing a bearded old man in the clouds

>> No.14965831

Ask me how I know you’re reddit

>> No.14965844

because atheists read the Bible with the wrong mindset and attitude. Many of them are actively trying to disagree with it and find errors.

>> No.14965851

It's incredible how little athiests seem to know about theology. I wonder if the universities are to blame. These people say the most embarrassingly ignorant shit as if they're holding 4 aces.

>> No.14965855

I've never understood why people want to have sex with Billie Eilish. She looks dirty. Like, literally dirty, like she smells.

>> No.14965861

What does it matter if you actively disagree with it? If it was true and you were rational you would still have to agree with it at the end. No one does though because belief in God is not rational and rationally reading the Bible shows that it is just an old story with some morals tossed in

>> No.14965868

Theology is embarrassing. I don't know if you've been to university but almost all professors of religion are atheists

>> No.14965875


>> No.14965882


>> No.14965887

That makes sense considering university has become a complete scam for anyone not learning a trade

>> No.14965888

I took a very interesting course on religion that was taught by an irreligious Jewish professor. That was really a worthwhile course; a lot of what we covered has stuck with me.

>> No.14965904

As opposed to the intellectual paragons that are pedo priests and alt-right NEETs

>> No.14965906

pride prevents you from being with God. Sin prevents you from righteousness, not a lack of intelligence. Rationality can’t do anything because humans are flawed. As I said earlier, reason alone only leads to skepticism, since our reason cannot know truth for certain

>> No.14965918

And like I said earlier I'm in full agreement that reason leads to skepticism. Belief in God is not rational that is the extent of my atheism. You are an atheist in the same way I am.

>> No.14965950

Not that anon but we have had a bunch of rational proofs of God, none refuted. Present to me a self-convertive body. Present to me the one that conditions everything as one/unity yet is not this one. Present to me a self-moving body.

>> No.14965959
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I disagree.

>> No.14965965

I mean absolute skepticism. You should be skeptical about everything. You only know that you exist. So why do you continue to act as if you do know things? That’s faith. You believe things so that you can benefit by them. I see reason to believe in God, and you don’t. It’s not simply a lack of belief, but a belief that you are better off not believing, while I’m the opposite.

>> No.14965967

They have been refuted or rather criticized since they are not rational arguments to begin with. To alter an argument I presented above the universe is a self-moving mover so no need for God to give it a push. Everything you can assume for God you can assume for the universe and Occam's Razor tells you to pick the solution with the least entities.

>> No.14965977

So to defend your belief in God you throw all rationality under the bus. Again belief in God is irrational because from your viewpoint nothing is rational

>> No.14965980

>I haven't read them so they don't count
Wow lol, welcome to /lit/ kiddo. Enjoy your stay

>> No.14965996

>the universe is a self-moving mover
yes the universe has a soul and it is precisely what self-moving mover means: INCORPOREALITY;
present to me a self-moving body

>> No.14965999
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>> No.14966013

Yeah yeah let's all repeat arguments for or against the existence of a god at one another; I'm sure that'll be really interesting.

Can you explain what you find attractive about her? I mean, she's young, thin and free of deformity; I'll give you that. Don't you make any negative associations to the green hair?

>> No.14966015

by the way a self-moving mover implies an unmoved mover because a self-moving mover moves and is moved; then we have what moves but is not moved, what moves and is moved and what doesn't move but is moved

>> No.14966018

the basis of all action is irrational. Why do we exist? Why do we desire things? Why do anything at all? There is no underlying reason for it all but to simply do what’s good for us. And absolute skepticism is not good for us. Faith is a virtue for this reason. With reason alone, there’s no reason to do anything.

>> No.14966034

this is natural theology you're refuting which is a heresy and not how Christianity should begins its apologetic, one must start with the presupposition of God and show how any position without Him is contradictory

>> No.14966035

>but can establish connection with God Himself
Imagine being this hubristic.

>> No.14966071

>is something moral because God says to do it or does God say to do something because it is moral?
If God tells you to do something and you don't listen, you are dead. Simple as that. You need to understand that "morality" is just another word for a system of thought, in all it's uses (or, a specific system of thought, see Christian morality). Under such a definition, both options are right, since God and you have your own system of thought = morality. But God's morality is, of course, superior to your own, unless you are God, in which case it is equal.

>> No.14966114

The same pretension at "rationality" here as everyone else, but these words have been thrown in the gutter for over 300 years, yet you continue to use them.
>self-moving body
I can interpret everything as a self-moving body that just happens to move itself in such a way as that it produces the appearance of a world where self-moving bodies seem impossible to you. There is no way to refute this, only to ignore it.

>> No.14966118
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>I can interpret everything as a self-moving body that just happens to move itself in such a way as that it produces the appearance of a world where self-moving bodies seem impossible to you. There is no way to refute this, only to ignore it.

>> No.14966128

it is not the body that moves itself, bodies are not self-convertive

>> No.14966136
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>> No.14966269

>9 hours long.
Can you just give the gestalt?

>> No.14966393

How do you know that you're not projecting your own human moralities and ethics onto god? What's the proof that the bible is the indisputable and only divine revelations from god?

>> No.14966443

It's not might makes right, and it's not moral because He's all-powerful. God is by definition good, therefore His attributes and His actions are good. Evil is by definition the quality of straying from the qualities God intends for us.

>> No.14966445

Why don’t you ask reddit, since that’s where you’ve borrowed all your arguments from

>> No.14966449

It's not hubris, it's documented throughout history.
Imagine being so hubristic to think that humankind can sail across the globe, ha! Preposterous.

>> No.14966458

I chuckled.

>> No.14966460

>Bible thumpers never have an answer for it
Perhaps you shouldn't be asking your Protestant parents theological questions
The answer for this has been around for at least a millennia. Why didn't you earnestly search for it?

Because God is the ultimate good, He can't command something which isn't moral, because it violates His very being and nature.

>> No.14966466

But every pagan who did what he believed the gods wanted him to do was wrong, despite the fact that he could never have even known his gods weren't real or whatever?

>> No.14966468

The same reason why flat-earthers aren't the default. It doesn't make sense.
Theism is the only logical way forward for the thinking man.

>> No.14966471

How what was faked?

>> No.14966473

I don't believe you are religious. Post a picture you took while in church

>> No.14966474

>God knows what’s good for you and tells you what’s good for you
According to what? The Bible? Why is the bible the indisputable guide to god and life? According to what? Faith?

>> No.14966475

Religion, miracles, etc.

>> No.14966479

>performing vanity in church
Not him and not a churchgoer but what?

>> No.14966482

Which parts of the Bible are literally truth and which are just metaphors? How do you decide one from the other?

>> No.14966494

they are both true, the providence reflects its metaphysics

>> No.14966519

That's fine. You don't need to believe it
Ultimately the only faith that matters is that which is placed in the Lord

>> No.14966744

The religion is obviously real. There really is a belief system called Christianity. That's obvious. I don't understand what you mean by miracles being faked? Like is Harry Potter faked too? Like are you saying that for example if there is an account of a miracle in the Bible, it's either true or somehow was carried out by deception or sleight of hand or something? Is it not possible that the alleged event simply did not happen?

>> No.14966775

All of the bible is literally true?

>> No.14966784

not only literally as i have said

>> No.14966791

Elaborate on that, I don't understand what you mean. For example, did the story of Jonah being swallowed by a large ocean-faring animal and then spit up later literally happen at a particular point in time? It is a literal historical event? Yes or no.

>> No.14966820

He's not going to able to give you an answer. Christcucks dodge the obvious ridiculousness of some parts of the Bible by saying it's not literally true but when you ask why you should care about their metaphorical interpretation they return to literal fire and brimstone

>> No.14966828

yes and no, in the end both represent one and the same thing

>> No.14966836

That's not an argument or an explanation of anything. You're clearly pulling my leg.

>> No.14966869

You just got to believe bro. Turn off your mind and accept Jesus right is wrong truth is falsehood everything is permitted

>> No.14966916

you want me to explain all the mythopoesis and metaphysical implications of a certain passage of the bible that is in intimate connection with other passages of the bible here, now to you, an atheist?

>> No.14966917

The pagans knew statues did not have divinity in them. Think of it this way. You offer your child to an idol in return for a bountiful harvest. What you are doing is offering an extra mouth to feed so that you can keep your resources for yourself. This is the same as people aborting their children because they believe they can't afford them. It was all a means to an end-- selfishness.

>> No.14966933

No he's not asking you about any of that crap he's asking if Jonah and the whale is a literal account of real events yes or no

>> No.14966949

1. Was Jonah a real, historical figure? A true flesh and blood man?
2. If so, was he literally swallowed by a large ocean-dwelling creature at a specific moment in time, such that if you had been there at the alleged time and place with a camera, you could have taken a photograph of the event as it occurred?
3. If so, was he later regurgitated alive in a literal, historical sense?

Simple one word answers of either "yes" or "no" to each question, if you can.

>> No.14966960

>The pagans knew statues did not have divinity in them
What is your basis for this belief?

How were Abraham and his descendants not selfishly obeying god in order to reap rewards?

>> No.14966988

Mythopoeia is a narrative genre in modern literature and film where a fictional or artificial mythology is created by the writer of prose or other fiction.

>> No.14967369

yes wikipedia, its modern specific sense is different from that one of ancient peoples

i'm saying that what he is asking implies all that

yes, all that is recorded, the word stems from the Word, exactly in the relation of logoi and Logos.

>> No.14967385

Worshiping a god! What outdated ideas. I worship Moogloo, and only that.

>> No.14968603

kek, being called a dummy by Sylvester Stallone

>> No.14968616

You are inside God you big dummy, God is all there is, was and will be.

>> No.14969202

The Book of Job is the only instance in the Bible where God is sarcastic. It's basically God telling Job "forget it, you won't understand it anyway". This Anon >>14964658 got it.

That's where Jesus comes in.

>> No.14969244

God is saying trust me, I'm playing Infinite-D chess.

>> No.14969293

>muh cosmicism
You realize where that train of thought came from, right?

>> No.14969604

Is every story in the bible literally true?

>> No.14970355

>but DUDE, then that would be G-God's SUBJECTIVE opinion!
>that means I don't have to follow it!

>burns in Hell for eternity

>> No.14970497
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>I know the will of God
>I am God's Pope, you must submit or burn in Hell

It's all so tiresome

>> No.14970523

Pure cuckoldry.

>> No.14970711
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SSC comment section please leave, you're not wanted here. It's not like you let us post whatever we want in your neighborhood. Also Scott is a terrible writer.

>> No.14970952
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I like to think about the two beasts in Job and their relation to aesthetics. God has a personality in Job and the rest of the Bible, that's for certain. When describing the beasts, God does so with pride which forces you to ask: why would God enjoy the creation of such dangerous beasts? In my opinion, the character of God values beauty in the destructive and malicious. From our lower perspective, we see these things as 'evil'; but God argues against Job's misinterpretation of this 'evil' by reminding him of his place in the universe.

My takeaway from Job is that as low of a species as we are, the wise among us may still be able to comprehend purpose and beauty in ugly things. Art does this all the time. We're going to suffer, so we should suffer correctly. Of course - if you go down certain lines of thought, then you will hit some roadblocks that can lead to dangerous depressions. That's sort of the paradox of aphoristic wisdom - it contradicts itself, so you have to embrace both the thought and the non-thought. That naturally leads to a discussion about 'faith'. Brainlets interpret it as blindly following some make-believe fairytale, but the truth is that no matter which philosophy you ascribe to, there's going to be a leap of "I believe this because it feels right". Jewish wisdom (and other cultural sources of wisdom) likes to give no straight answer because the the wise man knows that there isn't an answer. You can't logic yourself into a higher purpose - that's the pain of Job. The pain we will all feel many times in our lives. And it is one of the most difficult struggles of the human experience, as the story clearly depicts.

>> No.14971145
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The eternal redpill is that Gods listing of all of the different aspects of creation is not a power move-- its saying, essentially "look around you-- why find reasons to be unhappy when love smiles through all things? When existence itself is sacred and beautiful?"

It took suffering for him to see this.

For more information watch malick's "tree of life"

>> No.14971212

to give faith a chance is to abandon all hope, in the darkest of times.
there will be death, as there will be life.
each person gets to choose.

>> No.14971235

None of that makes any sense, what are you trying to say

>> No.14971497

Looking to finally read the Bible front to back. Is there a /lit/ consensus on what's the best edition to read? I know there's a lot of shit one out there.

>> No.14971767

enlighten me, O noble Sage of the Chan?

>> No.14971768

KJV is probably the "best" because it's the most relevant to the English-speaking world and the most influential. Every translation is imperfect. Might as well pick the one everybody knows.

>> No.14971775
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>> No.14971926
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>> No.14972005
