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File: 13 KB, 400x221, images - 2020-03-26T171407.094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14960950 No.14960950[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Given the right's utter unability to create new ideas and their tendencies to hierarchical thinking. It wouldn't be best to simply enslave them?

Think about this, the Right has absolutely no correct idea and haven't produced any noteworthy artist. It wouldn't be merciful to simply get rid of them?

>> No.14960965
File: 25 KB, 300x400, 300px-Slavoj_Zizek_Fot_M_Kubik_May15_2009_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the "right"? If you mean far-right liberals like Zizek and Bernie then I agree.

>> No.14960966

Every person with a reactionary bent. Every single one. Me included

>> No.14960981

>no noteworthy artist
Salvador Dalí

>> No.14960986

Absolutely. The Right loves following orders and they would take orders from us, their slave owners, as might is right.

>> No.14960988

He will be eliminated from 'noteworthy' category because he is from the Right.

>> No.14960999

Exactly! I knew someone would understand my logic

>> No.14961015
File: 71 KB, 528x712, d53945925d82471f2157cdae656ad1add815c57525508dd84e8d1ff5828357d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, I'm a hyperprogressive neo-satanist and don't have a single reactionary bone in my body. At the age of ten I was a certifiable genius and have always had the creative libido of a gay meeting a five year old drag queen. I've progressed so far into futuro-prognat that even people ahead of the curve like Land are aeons back in terms of progress. Every single word I speak is an eternal masterpiece of art that will only be understood in five million years when the sinobugslime resurrect the archival databanks of the fifth transstellar anarchoimperium who in turn got them from the hands of afromutants after the collapse of the neolyptical carogrerrium cult.

>> No.14961061
File: 34 KB, 615x410, Kim-Jong-Un-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which right-wing extremists do we start with, the neo-marxists, the liberals or the reactionary LGBT movement?

>> No.14961077


>> No.14961081

>Non-euclidean inversion of the ghetto onto the gentile
You being is a cope.

>> No.14961088
File: 25 KB, 458x418, 9f650d3bf7e96d4c4d8290c52153063c94c3fe0a824ff654163dee58d55a5925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, now, that kind of reactionary and far-right rhetoric won't be allowed. Off to the labour camps you go.

>> No.14961123
File: 727 KB, 2937x2203, 1575609670583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Given the right's utter unability to create new ideas and their tendencies to hierarchical thinking. It wouldn't be best to simply enslave them?

>> No.14961240

Oy vey

>> No.14961312

Right and left don't exist, my dude... I mean, was Palestrina right or left--wing?

>> No.14962976

Right wing, Israel is also right wing

>> No.14963013

where did this image come from?

>> No.14963262

>Given the right's
The who? Try to speak in a way that non-Americans can understand.

>> No.14963300

the whole point of the right is that new ideas are a spook, retard

>> No.14963308

Exactly. That is why they should be enslaved so those with new ideas can create a era of prosperity

>> No.14963355

The function of reactionaries is to separate bad ideas from good ideas.

>"but reactionaries hate all ideas"
Yes, but not everyone is a reactionary. The reasonable centre listens to the progressive arguments and the reactionary critiques and picks the winners.

>> No.14963377
File: 144 KB, 1085x936, 1562612030100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Given the right's utter unability to create new ideas
M'kay sweetie, don't you have to go back on twitter to post memes about Guillotines by now?

>> No.14963387

Is this the cringe larp thread

>> No.14963398

> The function of reactionaries is to separate bad ideas from good ideas.
>> Fascism
>> Theocracy
>>>Good ideas
I doubt it.
> The reasonable centre listens to the progressive arguments and the reactionary critiques and picks the winners.
So, they choose watered down progressive arguments that make Reactionaries rage.
You better just get rid of reacionaries to fasten the process and made it less painful.

>> No.14963416

Not all progressive ideas are good ideas, and we have reactionaries to thank for stopping their implementation.

>> No.14963444

Reactionaries have also created many awful ideas that resulted in even worst results. The fuckers simply don't deserve to exist. Progressives are dumb idealists, Reactionaries are sociopathic savages that only exist to made the world a worse place

>> No.14963460
File: 117 KB, 768x768, TrapChapHouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahahah try it

>> No.14963468

Shitty bait thread. Try harder.

>> No.14963474
File: 22 KB, 882x534, 1568831713408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The function of reactionaries is to separate bad ideas from good ideas.
No it is not, it's to reset societal "progress" once the "progressives" start driving it off a cliff.
Each idea implemented is a potential catastrophe waiting to happen, each step on the road one more step towards complete destruction.
Why do you think the Far-Right is increasingly turning to Accelerationism, rather than Reaction? Because they see society as having passed the point of no return, we can't pull ourselves up, let ourselves drop so we won't make that mistake again IF we survive.

>The reasonable centre listens to the progressive arguments and the reactionary critiques and picks the winners.
The "reasonable center" just blindly goes along with whatever's in vogue, you may as well listen to a senile old man, or even vote in a senile old man as your leader.

>The function of progressives is to push only good ideas, reaction bad and never useful
>>Complete destruction of gender
>>>Good ideas
I doubt it.

>So, they choose watered down progressive arguments that make Reactionaries rage.
Oh fuck off, you're still getting your agenda through, except maybe people will turn away before you faggots completely immolate everything while instituting your 'good ideas'.

>You better just get rid of reacionaries to fasten the process and made it less painful.
>Uncehcked "progress"
>less painful
Fucking delusional, take a look at the USSR for what happens when your shit goes 'unchecked'
>ussr gud tho

>> No.14963491

See the thing is you are actually correct, most rightwing reactionaries ARE looking for a leader to enslave themselves to.
The problem is that most leftwing personalities are so weak and/or pathetic that they cannot fill in that hole in the reactionary mind.
But if a more "strongman" type leftwing person were to gain prominence, say a modern Stalin, many rightwingers would absolutely follow him.

>> No.14963494

>Reactionaries have also created many awful ideas that resulted in even worst results.
I'm impressed at your ability to count all the people that didn't die from the bad things that never happened.

Look around you. Nothing about society is natural. All of this shit, from the power lines to the petrol stations to the food in the supermarkets - none of it just exists. It is created and has to be maintained by constant, unceasing human effort that is only enabled by a massively complex web of interactions occurring in a context so vast and unknowable that even the people who spend their whole lives studying can't manage a better-than-random-chance guess about the most basic shit. You can be glib about it if you want, but I don't think we should be so confident that everything will still be here tomorrow.

>> No.14963503

The URSS was shit but the Whites frankly deserved it. There is a reason why Stalin's victims are said to be the workers because nobody cares if the monarchists or proto fascist died at best.
Tell me any time a Right Winger has done any good to the world


Progressives fucking hate Neoliberalism, Neoliberalism was a compromise between cons and progressives to get progressives of the 90 to stop complaining

>> No.14963543

I'm not a Stalinist. I don't want the subhuman right wingers with me, I want to exterminate them. The world can't be free of sin as long sinners.exist

>> No.14963552
File: 125 KB, 675x768, 1581243557117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See the thing is you are actually correct
I see lefties still cannot correctly identify their opposition's beliefs, as was empirically demonstrated in several studies.

>The URSS was shit but the Whites frankly deserved it.
Oh, so you're either an seething minority, the pic-related from the last post, or just shitposting.

>Progressives fucking hate Neoliberalism, Neoliberalism was a compromise between cons and progressives to get progressives of the 90 to stop complaining
No shit, guess how much fucking worse off we'd be in if your 'good ideas' were fully implemented.
But ohnono, you're not to blame, your 'good ideas' just got tainted, instead of being implemented as practically as possible so you retards would stop screeching for 'change'.
Well you got change.
How does it feel?

>> No.14963578

I meant the Russian White Army, not whites.as race. Soviet race relationships didn't work like that even on the White Side.

> Well you got change. How does it feel?
Neoliberalism isn't change.

I am not a progressive neither, I think they're idiots

But reactionaries manage to be somehow even.worse because I at least can feel sympathy and pity for progressives.


Progressives deserve a slap on the face

Reactionaries deserve extreme beatings until they accept progress, at least

>> No.14963623
File: 65 KB, 474x635, 1562167129741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I meant the Russian White Army
That's only slightly less retarded, since they were trying to prevent the fucking catastrophe what was the 'revolution'.

>Neoliberalism isn't change.
It was a complete ideological change.
It doesn't not become change when it turns out your change was fucking shit.

>Progressives deserve a slap on the face
>Reactionaries deserve extreme beatings until they accept progress, at least
Wrong, progressives need to be kept in the kiddie pen where they belong, while their reactionary carers make sure they don't hurt themselves, because they think jamming a fork into the wall socket will bring about a post-scarcity society.

>> No.14963643

Looool exactly what the OP must look like

>> No.14963727

Leftist ideas like "the black vagina is god", "we iz biz n wuz oppresshionned n shieet", "science is oppression" and so forth aren't worth anything.

>> No.14963788

The Whites would have turned Russia into a fascist dictatorship that would have remained a shithole. The Russian Civil War was assholes vs assholes, with a group of assholes being slighty less disgusting.
> It was a complete ideological change.
Leftists always have hated neoliberalism
>Wrong, progressives need to be kept in the kiddie pen where they belong, while their reactionary carers make sure they don't hurt themselves, because they think jamming a fork into the wall socket will bring about a post-scarcity society.
Reactionaries will drown the children when he dares to wonder why a problem exist. Reactionaries are fucking scum

>> No.14963802

Silence chud

>> No.14963843

> with a group of assholes being slighty less disgusting.
Yes, the Whites.

>Leftists always have hated neoliberalism
And yet it is born of their agitation for change, and is thus their mistake in conjunction with their corporatist overlords.

>Reactionaries will drown the children when he dares to wonder why a problem exist.
As opposed to Progressives guillotining their opposition because segments of the opposition think they're gone too far?

>Progressives are fucking scum*

>> No.14963847


>> No.14963864

> Leftists
> Corportative overlords
...You don't read any theory, you don't?

> As opposed to Progressives guillotining their opposition because segments of the opposition think they're gone too far?
Progressive: "Hey, maybe the peasant didn't deserve to die of hunger while the rich eats top dishes?".
Reactionary: Shut up, you've gone too far!!!!!

>> No.14963907

>Hurr the current left isn't just horrific fusion of Corporate whores with a bunch of retarded younger 'SocDems' and minorities, infused with innumerable 'special interests' that have been barely held together the past few election cycles
I don't need to cite theory to see the absolute state of 'The Left'.

>hurr french rev comp
It's funny you should want to continue that line of thought, since the entirety of criticism of that time is focused on a 'Progressive' going too fucking far, leading to a reaction that 'regressed' its 'perfect' ideas.
But I'm sorry, you were saying?

>> No.14963913
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, ops.DSoA_.wikimedia-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really want to try me, chud?

>> No.14963915

I wouldn't be opposed to enslavement at the hands (or dare I say: feet) of the goddess at the back on the left.

>> No.14963931

Then we should purge the most corportate elements of the Left. That is all
> It's funny you should want to continue that line of thought, since the entirety of criticism of that time is focused on a 'Progressive' going too fucking far, leading to a reaction that 'regressed' its 'perfect' ideas.
Of course, they didn't kill enough reactionaries, leading to the regression.

>> No.14963937
File: 407 KB, 2000x1334, freight2-John-Mueller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo is this a train thread now?

>> No.14963948

>Then we should purge the most corportate elements of the Left. That is all
Please do, hopefully that will kill the Democratic party and lead to a revival of it's prior incarnation.

>Of course, they didn't kill enough reactionaries, leading to the regression.
You don't think it's more plausible their wanton terror kept giving birth to them, making it semi inevitable that they'd receive the treatment they doled out so easily?

>> No.14963955

>Democrats defending slavery again

>> No.14963992

Look, I know a lot of people on the far right, from nationalists, reactionaries, to conservatives and even some neonazis and I can say two things about them.

1. These people are highly independent and individualistic. This is the main reason the right fails, it cant bring a hundred people together, make them belief the same thing. have them work together and get results. The right usually splits in a hundred different groups, most of them individuals.

2. Most of what you call art of culture, if its worth something, its produced by people that are either apolitical, or plain anarchistic. If a leftist gets famous, he is most likely more anarchistic and at odds with the mainstream left.

What is left and right?

Left: Marxists, Natsocs, Muslims, Most Christians, Corporatists of every kind.

Right: Anarchists, Nationalists, Libertarians, the non-political.

You are part of the left, you project your own ideas on the right, because you stil ashamed of your thoughts. You want to enslave the right, because they are free.

>> No.14964065

>Natsocs, Muslims, Most Christians, Corporatists
All of them literally get purged on communist revolutions
> Right
> Anarchist
Ha ha ha ha
The issue is that allowing reactionaries to exist STILL creates issues like Trump or Bolsonaro

>> No.14964072

>All of them literally get purged on communist revolutions
Why does that matter, so one group of leftists purges another, doesnt make them somehow not leftwing.

>Ha ha ha ha
Explain, why in anarchism leftwing, when its antiauthoritarian.

>> No.14964079

> The american right winger continues to prove why they deserve to die when they try to justify their existance

>> No.14964090

You just want to kill the smart and the free, because you are stupid and a slave.

>> No.14964092

>The issue is that allowing reactionaries to exist STILL creates issues like Trump or Bolsonaro
I'll repeat my point, except much simpler this time
>Push too hard
>Get reaction
You pushed too hard, you got Trump.
Killing everyone that you don't like just leads to dictatorship, and is an impossibility in the current system.
All this dialogue does is serve as propaganda for those that oppose you.

Because left and right is vague terminology and doesn't accurately define the actual positioning of political ideology, it's just short hand for people who align with your political party at this point.

>> No.14964099

>Because left and right is vague terminology and doesn't accurately define the actual positioning of political ideology, it's just short hand for people who align with your political party at this point.
No, left is authoritarian, while right is centered around tribes and indivual.

Everything that tries to be universal, is authoritarian and leftwing.

>> No.14964135
File: 115 KB, 960x540, 7912a8f127af1cf7092d142bc454b05c_w960_h540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait until you fags try something

>> No.14964138

> Right wing is freedom
Ha ha ha ha ha. You guys are literally the Aristocracy supporter

>> No.14964152

wow I didn't know there was a 2nd official incel meet up!

>> No.14964161

>Ha ha ha ha ha. You guys are literally the Aristocracy supporter
Thats freedom right, I mean aristocracy, you think that having no land, no rights, not right to assemble is somehow freedom?

Left: Universal
Right: particular

The moment you think your ideas are universal, you are a leftist.

>> No.14964178
File: 160 KB, 566x677, 1459883053053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a super woke gf to have lots of passionate arguments with

>> No.14964187

My bf is a socialist, it's fun to yell at each other before I plow him desu

>> No.14964220

>create new ideas
>create ideas

>> No.14964350

But you would be the shitty peasant,not the aristocrat. Your whole life would be exploitation

American Democrats just asked for basic generic progressivism. Right Wingers choose a rapist that openly bragged about being a dick.
If we killed all right wingers, democracy would be improved a lot

>> No.14964360

>Right Wingers choose a rapist
>If we killed all right wingers, democracy would be improved a lot
Okay, you have to just be pulling my leg at this point.

>> No.14964362

all good art is today reactionary -- capital devalues / flattens aesthetics

>> No.14964368

Are there any foot fetish JOI videos with girl on the far right? Asking for my nephew

>> No.14964396

new idea good
old idea bad

>> No.14964442

The right has been entirely ineffective in halting the advance of liberal progressivism for the passed century. At best, they've slowed it down, only just barely. The right has no future within the liberal paradigm, they can't conserve anything and they can't create anything new.

>> No.14964461

I am being genuine, if Right Wingers just...died, then Every thing would improve.
I don't hate individual right wingers, but in general, them voting is just harmful to democracy

Yeah, they are a annoyance at best

>> No.14964472


>> No.14964480

holy fucking shit you're killing them

>> No.14964491


honestly, I wasn't expecting this board to still have it

>> No.14964497

>I am being genuine, if Right Wingers just...died, then Every thing would improve.
If you're actually being genuine, you are the precisely the kind of person that both causes and necessitates the existence of Reactionaries.
You are a child, who thinks any idea he agrees with should be implemented immediately, who instead should get a spanking.

>> No.14964521

>The right has been entirely ineffective in halting the advance of liberal progressivism for the passed century.
And now America is beginning to feel the consequences, with Europe soon to follow.

>> No.14964590

You're all so incredibly dumb it pains me. Stick to reading books about useless philosophers leave politics to people who are capable of coming up with their own ideas though.

>> No.14964720

But the Reactionaries ALWAYS make things worse if not outright causing the issue on first place.
We could eliminate bigotry and greed if we killed the bigoted and the greedy. Or at least we could send them to deradicalization camps

>> No.14964773

>Reactionaries ALWAYS make things worse
Nope, they just revert 'progress', which I'm sure to you seems like a negative.

>We could eliminate bigotry and greed if we killed the bigoted and the greedy.
Unless you want to eliminate survival mechanisms (protection of the group in face of outgroups and motivators for the accrual of more resources) through both 'reeducation' and eugenicist programs for whatever reason, then no, that's a terrible fucking idea.

>> No.14964899

Sigh progress isn't always good.

>> No.14964931

>Think about this, the Right has absolutely no correct idea and haven't produced any noteworthy artist
Between Hamsun, Pound, Yeats, and Stein, the probably contributed more to the development of literary modernism than anyone else, but you are correct about the post-WWII right. That being said, I don't think the left made much of anything worthwhile since then either.

>> No.14964948

>muh own ideas

>> No.14964974

But Conservativism and reactionaries are always bad

>> No.14965075

As we speak, conservatives are risking lives for the sake of money.

Why that scum is allowed to live is beyond me

>> No.14965437

>being a member of the lifecult
Nearly everything outside of human lives is worth saving before them.

>> No.14965458

Of course, that is why conservatives need to be controlled harshly

>> No.14965490

Leftist materialists are are nothing more than self-gratifying automatons capable of no higher thought. One could justifiably instrumentalize them like they do any other machine without even the slightest ethical qualm. Those capable of considering things outside of their body (like the market, even if that is the lowest form of such consideration) is a sign of higher thought that makes it wrong to control them.

>> No.14965816

>capable of no higher thought
But that is the right
> Those capable of considering things outside of their body (like the market, even if that is the lowest form of such consideration) is a sign of higher thought that makes it wrong to control them.
The Market matters but is not enought to sacrifice human lives

>> No.14965892

>But that is the right
No, the right is capable of a type of abstract thought and motivation that leftists just simply aren't. Bubba might not be better at thinking that Einstein or Picasso, but he is capable of the kind of thought which is the basis of full personhood that those two weren't.
>The Market matters but is not enought to sacrifice human lives
Literally all human created systems are superior entities to humans. Even the worst of them is enough to sacrifice the entirety of our species to save. Our extinction is preferable to theirs.

>> No.14965932
File: 19 KB, 360x277, 3A193A77-1789-444A-9A00-552F56DB4401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hierarchical thinking

Based, all society can only fuction as a hierarchy.

Also daily reminder that 99% of the Western Canon was written by people who would be considered right wing extremists today.

I think given the lefts history of anti intellectualism and current assaults on free speech and arts, tolerating their existence is no longer a sane or logical policy. Indeed we should massacre the political left, for our sake and the sake of our children.

>> No.14965942

As a right winger I’d take orders from Stalin if it meant I could kill faggots, trannies, Zinoists, degenerate “artists” and anarcho retards.

>> No.14965956

I would beat the shit out of everyone there and kick their teeth in starting with the women.

I’m 6’ 2 and Arab, none of them could stop me.

>> No.14965957

>and their tendencies to hierarchical thinking
>simply enslave them?
Nice bait. One day they will be enslaved, yes. But it will be exactly because of tendencies to hierarchical thinking, insofar as all thinking is hierarchical.

>> No.14966002

People still believe in the silly distinction between "right" and "left", but such a distinction became meaningless long ago. Now the only meaning of each of the words is to demonstrate what side you are on in America's phony play-acting of democratic politics, which are nothing more than just another layer to the slaves reality-tv land bullshit, of which all people who consider themselves on the "right" and "left" already are. So the right is already enslaved, but so is the left. Enslaved to their "team", their preconstructed ready-made watered down ideology that is so shallow and transparent it can be construed as anything for maximum political range-of-action in lying. You guys can keep being slaves or whatever, I'll be over here laughing at your idea of what "politics" even is.

>> No.14966994

Leftists always have being for art and intellectualism, what the fuck are you saying?

>> No.14967930

Artists and intellectuals were routinely persecuted in the Soviet Union, China, and the Eastern Bloc.

>> No.14968023

>2 shitskins
>two white girls, probably UMC types who use politics as a fashion accessory
>2 söyböys
>a la goblina
>in a minority neighborhood judging from the background

Like pottery.

>> No.14968031

*2 goblinas and a white girl, I mean

>> No.14968292

The thing about a truly great meme is that it both expresses quite a hard to describe concept or feeling, and that it's able to be "exploitable"-- that is easily modified to express other concepts and feelings, even quite subtle variations of the original.

>> No.14968305

So the soviet union and its clones you say?