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14956569 No.14956569 [Reply] [Original]

Trojans > Greeks

Prove me wrong.

>> No.14956578

>Prove me wrong.
They lost.

>> No.14956582

>academia thought the Trojan war was a myth for decades until they discovered the ruins
Atlantis is real

>> No.14956597


>> No.14956624

Would Plato lie?

>> No.14956629

There was probably a war that happened at Troy, but it wasn't the Trojan war as recalled in the Iliad.


>> No.14957110

Hector was based.

Achilles was a whining Mary Sue cuck.

>> No.14957116

Suuure. And Homer was 1000 different persons. Just like Troy's pure fiction.

>> No.14957143

Are you incapable of conceiving of things being neither absolutely true or false?

>> No.14957168

Name a single such thing

>> No.14957169

hector was a pussy who should have been killed a million times but got saved by gods every time

>> No.14957180

Odysseus gang rise up

>> No.14957181

Bro achilles cried to mommy about literally everything

>> No.14957201

and fuck the bitch godess who plotted against hector.

>> No.14957226


There's probably no greater person than Hector, except maybe Aeneas.

Also, fuck Achilles, I'm glad he was killed by Paris.

>> No.14957244

One thing I like about the Iliad is that there are heroes in both sides. Neither side is "good" or "evil". We apparently can't have that in modern culture, possibly to Jewish influence and WWII mythos, one side always needs to be the absolute evil that must be exterminated. Even Star Wars pays lip service to the notion that there needs to be a "balance" of the force, but that is not true in practice. In practice the light side must win and the dark annihilated.

>> No.14957252

Homer does kind of portray Hector, his family and Priam as really cool dudes while Greeks are almost universally shown to be selfish, greedy, cheaters and petty
Your source literally makes the connection between Troy VIIa and the Trojan war which is only further strengthened as more archaeological excavations are made. Obviously most of the mythical shit and the Trojan horse were false but judging by archaeology and the immediate aftermaths of the war, it was most likely a war between Some kind of Greek confederation and Troy
Just because the real Gilgamesh didn't have the powers of the mythical version doesn't mean the connection is wrong

>> No.14957287

Why /ourgay/ Heraclitus hated Homer so much? Was Iliad truly unbased and bluepilled?

>> No.14957359
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Doggerland, Eye of Sahara, Scandinavia, etc. – which one are you thinking?

>> No.14957403

This thread
dif anon

>> No.14957704

nigga im not defending achilles. aias and diomedes are my niggas