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14954449 No.14954449 [Reply] [Original]

What will fill in the gap of Christianity's inevitable decline?

>> No.14954453


>> No.14954455

Localized forms of religion/spirituality. Centralized forms of religion are doomed to fail

>> No.14954482
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The original Dionysus-Osiris truth.

>> No.14954496

this is not literature. And the answer is obviously PC culture

>> No.14954513

ethots and celebrity worship

>> No.14954528
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>> No.14954532

islam, confucianism and

>> No.14954544
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religion of tolerance is already here. what it will mean in the long run I cannot tell

>> No.14954631


>> No.14954730

People have been predicting the doom of Christianity for centuries. Yet it hasn't happened.

>> No.14954735

homosex deemons as you see in america

>> No.14954870


>> No.14954877

already happened in saudi arabia, iran and china

>> No.14954996

Read lasch. Tolerance = loss of standards, we will keep falling into the trap of moral relativism and relying on an ever expanding nanny state that ultimately will never live up to the former standards of religion

>> No.14955014


>> No.14955373

The less religious have fewer children. Leads to lower numbers both through inborn and educational inheritance.
The thing is that brits now have to compete with muslims on that front.

>> No.14955409

wait a minute, if i'm a christian does that mean i'm no different than a CONSOOMER??

>> No.14955655

Christianity without an organized church.

>> No.14955670

No religion like it says in your picture?

>> No.14955767

SJWs, like they already have in the US.

>> No.14955792
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>> No.14955805 [DELETED] 
File: 761 KB, 1280x2096, leftists don't breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religious people also have the fertility rates. Christianity's short term decline will likely not be a long term trend.


>> No.14955830

imagine if the Amish were brown people. the NYT would write opeds about the charming rural community they have, the diverse alternative to the sick white urban lifestyle

>> No.14955836
File: 6 KB, 200x340, fertility rate religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religious people also have the highest fertility rates. Christianity's short term decline will likely not be a long term trend. Atheists don't breed.


>> No.14955841
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>religion on the rise as national destitution increases

>> No.14955847

Liberal progressivism seems like the obvious answer, with how the culture is going.

>> No.14955849

except you don't necessarily buy any material goods.

>> No.14955855

I'd like to see this broken down into races. For example, what is the white Christian birth rate? I have a feeling it's still below 2, and the Christian birth rate is being brought up by all the non-white Christians (who are the vast majority of Christians).

>> No.14956068

What do you mean by atheist? Because, according to Christians, pagans are "atheists" too. Most so-called atheists aren't non-religious either, they just reject the Abrahamic faith while still perpetuating its derived morality.

>> No.14956090

>Atheists don't breed.

Atheism isn’t reproduced by merely breeding. You’ll find that a good portion of atheists were formally religious themselves. How many times does this need to be explained to you /pol/theist pseudo darwinistic freaks

>> No.14956101

>they just reject the Abrahamic faith while still perpetuating its derived morality.

And Christians reject Zoroaster, while still subscribing to his worldview. I guess some things never change

>> No.14956148

Most people are utilitarians under it all. They focus on what services them best and then shed off everything else. Sometimes it works, but when they forget what the underlying foundation was that created the useful stuff for them, future generations suffer for it.

>> No.14956423

it is hard to kick against the pricks

>> No.14956568

The second coming

>> No.14956570


>> No.14956588

Then how did the atheist population grow so fast?

>> No.14956636
File: 96 KB, 1080x601, EF37CBB9-2164-47D5-90C4-81183006771C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam is a preferred alternative to modern liberalism

>> No.14956658

Atheism and agnosticism will fill the gap unfortunately

>> No.14956696
File: 513 KB, 1072x554, F699B4F9-1918-406D-A6B2-C94D9CA7A7AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GoT quote

of course, fucking redditors

Non white Christians are preferable to white liberals/leftists

>Because, according to Christians, pagans are "atheists" too

You’re a fucking idiot.

>people can BECOME atheists, QED le pol boogey man

No shit retard, but people who BECOME le atheists are less likely to have children and more likely to collect heckin borkin pupperinos and funko pops. God, as an atheist, people like you make me hate other atheists. I almost want to convert out of spite.

>> No.14956981


>> No.14956989

Islam, probably. Shitskins are like cockroaches; they survive everything.

>> No.14957013

How can we realistically envision what the population will be like in 2040, much less 2120? Could anyone in 1920 have accurately predicted what things would be like now?

>> No.14957022
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What a silly picture, liberals love Islam.

>> No.14957051

You are just projecting internet meme personas onto reality.
Gros up faggot

>> No.14957945

Trumpist and Singmanist Gnostic Luciferianism

>> No.14957963

New age shit currently

>> No.14959297


>> No.14959386

Probably a weird mix of Islam and Christianity

>> No.14959412 [DELETED] 

>How can we realistically envision what the population will be like in 2040

>> No.14959644

>Non white Christians are preferable to white liberals/leftists
Extreme cringe, this is a demonstration of how Christian morality and subsequently (as a descendant of Christian morals) humanism has doomed the west.

>> No.14960299

why would I read about something I already know.
what I'm looking for is solutions to nihilism, other than ignorance, denial or suicide

>> No.14960304

>tfw when no midwestern amish theocracy

>> No.14960311

Right wing circles are finding more and more common ground with Muslims online.

The alliance is forming

>> No.14960586
File: 27 KB, 760x507, CardinalSarahMass9282019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone forgets the one advantage Christianity has over every other religion, especially Islam: proselytism. More than Islam, more than Buddhism, more than Hinduism, Christianity spreads through conversion. It's actively encouraged by every major branch of Christianity. So if Islam has a higher native birth rate, that has to be balanced by the consideration: what happens if Christians can convert some of those Muslims? Because Muslims don't convert anyone these days. They kill more apostates than they sway converts.

>> No.14961217

You're ignoring the OP outright while skewing the discussion towards Islam in a very awkward and embarrassing manner, and you barely even seem aware of the possibility of plain apostasy.
Go back.