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14951655 No.14951655 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry English is not my first language.

I am not American so I do not have dog in the fight but I was convinced to read some feminist writers recently by a friend and it seems to me that it is mostly coping with not being attractive or interesting. I notice most of the women writers of feminist books are not attractive or interesting or funny or very smart either and it seems like the whole reason they think this way in the first place.

What are your thoughts?

>> No.14951694

is that your mum?

>> No.14951701

goddamn those milkers....
anyway, back on topic, yeah most feminists aren't 10/10s who get everything paid for by Chads so they are resentful.

>> No.14951706

It is Andrea Dworkin who is a leading feminist writer

>> No.14951716

I can see why

>> No.14951721

she has massive tits. she should be a milk-cow, not a writer.

>> No.14951802

Dworkin called all sex rape because sex is an expression of the natural dominance men have over women... I mean holy what a cope.

>> No.14951812

I wouldn't call Dworkin stupid. She's just crazy

>> No.14951856

Yes. This is what I am talking about! The whole time I readed her this is my thinking!

>> No.14951950

cope is the most effective motivation for greatness because instead of conforming by adapting you think of a way to change society so you can fit in. 99% of philosophy is cope

>> No.14952042

Aside from correcting the obvious inconsistency of having liberal democracy but excluding women, feminism is all over the place and makes no sense. Pseudointellectual seething of femcels adopted wholesale by women and a society in general in which its trendy to be misandrists. This comes to light whenever there's an equalising correction that from their perspective benefits men. It's clearly gender war nonsense promoted by mentally ill and ugly women.

>> No.14952052

She’s smart enough to recognise the dominance but too narcissistic and neurotic to accept it

>> No.14952087

I thought women liked to be raped? Can you keep up with your own anti-mother bullshit?

>> No.14952313


>> No.14952464
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>> No.14952468

Dworkin grew up in the '60s at the height of sexual liberation, went to a university infamous for instructors fucking students, was a prostitute at one point, and was married twice. It was less "coping" at not being attractive and more seeing vastly expanded sexual freedoms as being a sham that cheapened human relationships and psychologically damaged people who found their only worth in being sexually desirable.

>> No.14952772

>seeing vastly expanded sexual freedoms as being a sham that cheapened human relationships and psychologically damaged people who found their only worth in being sexually desirable.
That actually sounds pretty reasonable to me

>> No.14952815
File: 254 KB, 1600x2575, dworkin_mugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was pretty at when she was younger

Are any of her books worth reading?

>> No.14953027

She looks like an autistic jewish boy, and, believe me, I've seen plenty since I grew up in West Bloomfield, MIchigan

>> No.14953596

So, do you think she's the other side of the coin, the female equivalent for a guy like Houellebecq?

>> No.14953601

She's the female Elliot Rodgers. the female wheelbeck is just some random feminist complaining about commodification of women's sexuality

>> No.14953605

She unironically looks like a 4/10.

>> No.14953630


Apparently modern feminists have taken it further. If you are male, and you fantasize about having sex with a woman, you are raping her.

>> No.14953637


If that's pretty then men may as well go gay.

>> No.14953741


>> No.14953769

Christ you need to jerk off and then look at that picture again.

>> No.14953798 [SPOILER] 
File: 768 KB, 364x339, 1585205991457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism the product of turn of the century moneyed American urbanite *banker women and in New England, and their golems being increasingly idle in the reduction of household labor as introduced by domestic tools/machines. Idle hands are the tools of the devil, and the -- still great -- effort involved in child rearing invoked bad conscience: take the early instant cake mix, complete failure until the marketing coup of "Just Add One Egg!" -- Assuages guilt, and gives the nominal appearance/gesture (and plausible deniability of 'made from scratch') to Walmartha Stewarts the world over. Combine this with a neurotic rabbinic supremacy governing female bodily functions and coitus to equal the infant genital mutilation of their men, all within a stridently matriarchal culture, and you get an Andrea Dworkin whom generalizes the experience of an insuluar, cultish, misogynist rabbis patriarchal structure of the yeshiva education - and the need to expel and reject it for a modicum of self-respect and ego integrity - and project it into society and gentiles at large. The Anglo Catholic girls/diddler priests memes on crack.

Under normal conditions, homely to hideous women cannot compete -- open the playing field, removing 'bourgeois' morals, and it is enough being loose and easy. Before the contemporary modern era as such, the prospect of either settling with a thoroughly and equally ugly man (just to leave the family home) or becoming a spinster (living under the father's thumb indefinitely, unmarriageable or living enviously in sight of well adjusted living as a live-in domestic servant at best) were existential terrors. Unattractive feminists are an echo of this atavistic fear (before entering right-left, religious-athiest attractiveness correlation studies, or mutagenic load expression's correspondence with inner ugliness, or in this case, neuroatypicalness approximating personality/character defects).

In short: Yes it's a cope for many reasons, some not reflecting the evolutionary/societal conditions of the present in anything approaching reasonable or sane and as probable OCD personality types are ill-suited to modern leisurely labor of crying foul of the patriarchy for peer review, where in the past this was suppressed or adaptive to a more intensive daily routine in a homemaking/pre-industrial agriculture setting.

>> No.14954640
File: 693 KB, 2048x1845, solanas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's the female Elliot Rodgers
That's more like Valerie Solanas.

>> No.14954726
File: 19 KB, 307x387, 0aa9895de159eea6952d05a1f2bb24cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germaine greer wasn't traditionally pretty but she was kind of hot when she was younger
also she wasn't averse to getting her kit off now and again, which is nice

>> No.14954933

>books worth reading
Honestly none: it is entirely man-hating, sex-as-dialectics, pseudo-intellectual trash that we only have heard of because it made some people angry at one time.

>> No.14954950

dworkin wrote a book where she railed against pornography which would probably be right up the proverbial street of some of the squeamish prudes on here

>> No.14954991

Does she pose it in the light of anninsititution that targets and abuses women? Cause if so how is what I said wrong?

>> No.14954999


>> No.14955018
File: 28 KB, 269x473, 51666KGY9DL._SX267_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read it for yourself you unnecessarily antagonistic little turd

>> No.14955029

>deflecting this hard
Fuck you faggot, if you don’t want your sacred cows getting shit on don’t worship them, not my fault this shit is all so predictable

>> No.14955030

what on earth

>> No.14955035

>subtitle literally “men possessing women”
why did you even speak up? what do you get out of having your foot so clearly in your own mouth?

>> No.14955038
File: 109 KB, 521x553, 1568800586278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her husband here...

>> No.14955047

are you american? how do you get to be so stupid, to have so little comprehension?

>> No.14955078

hahaahahaa nigger what are you even talking about? you posted the book title, you dumb fucking ass haha
keep posting, you’re retarded and this is hilarious. keep acting like you don’t know what’s going on and you just showed up here

>> No.14955085

>how is what I said wrong
how is what he said wrong???
you can’t just say ‘clearly you need to read X’
desu it sounds like you haven’t even read it if you can’t just bring up a point that answers the question?